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The most beautiful, in-depth Disney film ever.
2 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I just want to say this movie is extremely underrated. It didn't get all that much hype when it came out. I think a lot of people didn't like this movie for the reason they didn't like Pocahontas- it doesn't have your typical, falling in love, boy gets girl Disney ending. Actually, having the Disney label on it makes people upset when they see it because they expect a Disney plot. Peel the Disney label off, however, and you will find a wonderful, beautiful, heartfelt movie with probably the best music Disney has ever made. The music is actually on par with Broadway music, such as phantom of the opera. I could easily see is being in a top notch play. It also has the most beautiful animation a Disney movie has ever had. In fact, there were some points that I actually thought a scene was a photographs. However-this movie is not for young kids. It is not scary, but the themes are much to complex for them to understand. The humor is also to complex for young children and some older ones. Its very subtle and you probably wont catch it the first time seeing it. Their is one scene where you can see Belle walking with a book, the magic carpet being shaken, and Puumba about to be roasted all together in the background. The villain in this movie, Judge Claude Frollo, is probably the most evil Disney villain ever created. He is complex and so twisted that he thinks the evilness he is doing is right. On top of that, he is an archdeacon, a worshipper of God. The song, "Hellfire" is the most compelling, greatest song in the whole movie. It just shows how purely evil and lustful Judge claude frollo is and how he struggles with himself on what is right and wrong. 1 scene that shows his evilness is when he uses some ants living under a block to demonstrate the gypies(whom he wants to illiminate,) hiding in their underground lair, the court of miracles. First he squishes three ants that are on top of the block and says that he has destroyed the gypsies one by one. He then picks up the block and shows the rest of the ants to Pheobus (who later becomes esmereldas love) and tells him that despite his efforts, the gypsies have thrived in their secret lair, like the ants thriving under the block. When Phoebus asks him what he is giong to do about it, Judge Claude Frollo's face twists into a grin and he slams the block back down on top of the ants, to demonstrate him destroying the gypsies within their secret lair. but what is most sickening is after he slams the block down he twists it, as if merely killing the ants weren't enough, he has to twist the block to cruelly kill them. Another significant scene is when he sets a house on fire and locks people inside them. Phoebus manages to rescue this one family. However, the next scene is a shot of the city all around Notre dame, every single house on fire, and a gigantic cloud of smoke rising from the entire city. If you haven't figured it out, this scene shows all the people who are locked in their houses burning alive because of Claude frollo. It shows his immense evilness and power. But fret not- kids probably will not catch on to this, they will just think the city is on fire, but they will not make the connection that people are still in the house. However, the older kin , teenagers and older, will catch onto this. This scene is what struck me so hard as to name Judge Claude frollo as the most evil Disney villain in my opinion. This movie is dark (for Disney), clever, complex, and has an excellent plot and moral.
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The worst Disney sequel I have ever seen in my life.
2 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes me want to throw up every time I see it. If you take the first movie, and reverse the plot (ariel wants to leave the sea, her daughter wants to go to the sea), take the same characters and give them new animals and new names, and then throw in crappy animation and the biggest suck factor, possible, you get the little mermaid 2. Its basically a copy of the first movie with a reversed plot. I'll take you through the horror of it step by step. These are the people from the 1st movie: First of all, Prince Eric is still prince eric, with about 3 lines in the whole movie. Ariel is uptight, annoying, and is not the carefree, headstrong spirit we saw in the 1st. In fact, she is the exact opposite. Sebastian is still sebastian only less cute, less convincing as being stressed out, and the jokes just aren't funny anymore. Flounder has about 2 lines. He now has kids and he talks with a dumb nasal voice. Scuttle is still dumb scuttle only not funny. King Triton's character is probably the best, he still retains the intimidation and love for his daughter, Melody. Ariel and Prince Eric appear not to give a hoot about their daughter.

Like i said, all they did was use the characters from the first movie and copy them. This is what they did: Ursula- The new evil villain is Morgana, Ursula's sister who feels like she always lived in Ursula's shadow. I wouldn't be scared of her if she showed up at my doorway with a knife. She can't do anything right and she's a failure as a villain. She has the same voice ursula did. Sebastian & Flounder - Have been replaced by probably the most stupid sidekicks, Tip & Dash, a walrus and a penguin. They try to be hero's but always fail when trying. the plot is so predictable. They become heroes at the end. Yawn. Flatson& Jetsom- Now replaced by a shark who was turned about 10x smaller by triton. Hes really bad too. Morgana and the shark (sharkbait, I think was his name) have no chemistry, good or bad. Ariel-Ah, Ariel. Our lovely mermaid was replaced by her un-lovely daughter, melody. Melody cannot sing, her voice is about 2 octaves higher than it should be, and you want to punch her in the face because shes so fake sugary sweet. She wants to go to the sea, she is clumsy and the kids make fun of her, she has to go find herself. yawn.

Not only is the movie boring and unoriginal its so simplistic when you watch this movie you will gasp at how bad it is. Certain parts of the movie make you want to call Disney up and demand why such a horrible movie was made as a sequel to such a wonderful original.

Basically, comparing the little mermaid 2 to the little mermaid is like comparing and Ed Wood movie to Casablanca. Don't ever watch this, not even when your bored.
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One of the best Disney sequels (although thats still not saying much)
2 April 2008
The lion king 2 is probably my favorite Disney sequel. Its one of the movies where the first time around its okay, and then if you see it again, you're like..wow, this is great! Same goes for the songs. I actually love this movie. Compared to the first movie, it isn't all that bad. They didn't ruin anything from the first movie, like the characters personalities, as they do in so many other sequels (like little mermaid 2. puke.) I'd say more of the problem is they kind of down play a lot of characters that had bigger roles. Zazu and Nala are barely in this. Timoon and Puumba are still cute and funny. Kiara, their daughter, is a little flat, But the evil villains are very, very good. Zira is excellent, and Kovu is very complex and interesting. The ending is a little flat as well, but its still a touching movie. Its on par with Aladdin and the king of thieves, which is the only other excellent Disney sequel. (for the record, toy story 2 is Disney and pixar-but is not Disney made. pixar makes it, Disney distributes. thanks.) This sequel actually has depth and every (major) character in this movie has their own personal struggle. Its not simple and happy go lucky like most Disney sequels. I would highly recommend it.
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It wasn't all that bad
2 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME WAS AMAZING however, the sequel? ehh. It actually wasn't all that bad, I'm surprised at the ratings that basically compare it to horse poop. I'd say its about the same level as the sequel to aladdin. It certainly wasn't as abysmal as the little mermaid 2. That was awful. Anyways, the sequel is cute, the songs are okay leaning more towards bad, but the plot is actually original, seeing as that most Disney sequel plots a 5year old could create. Its more like a long TV episode, i agree. It isn't bad, it should keep your kids entertained. It has some nice moments. Madelaine is fine. Esmerelda kind of pisses you off. You don't gain any sympathies towards Zephyr, their child. ITs not a dramatic or dark movie like the first. its very happy and light. It actually has more jokes then the first one and the gargoyles actually fit in to this movie, whereas in the first one they were the one thing that brought the movie down in scenes they were in. The only thing that is absolutely horrible is the animation. The first movies animation was probably the most beautiful I have seen, it was so great there were some scenes where I thought it was a photograph and not a drawing. This movie had such horrible animation. I'd say if you have spare time, go ahead and rent it. Its not a waste, but more like a time filler, I guess.
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