
3 Reviews
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2Fur1 (2011– )
nothing happens
29 July 2013
The original synopsis said this was a comedy mocumentary with a talking dog... the dog doesn't talk, just a woman talking to the camera while she goes shopping with her dog. Lots of shopping, shoe store, craft store, online purchase arrives in the mail and is opened.... nothing ever happens. Kept waiting for the dog to talk... nope. The dog makes a few little yipping sounds occasionally... it's a cute dog, but not unusually cute, doesn't really do anything interesting. It's hard to write ten lines about this, because nothing ever happens. Let's see... hard to spoiler it either, because there's nothing to spoil. Feel a little bit sorry for the girl, but not too sorry, she seems to be fairly happy. She's not ugly at all, just not interesting enough to actually get an acting job herself.
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Casino Royale (1967)
Seven James Bonds At Casino Royale
6 November 2003
"Six of them went to a heavenly spot, The seventh one is going to a place where it's terribly... hot."

Truly the best of the James Bond movies, watching it again at a time when the most recent one was a great disappointment, it is even crazier and more fun than I remembered. Has a lot of the Woody Allen - Peter Sellers flavor of What's New Pussycat, with an ending fight scene better than Blazing Saddles. Certainly a better spoof than Austin Powers, 30 years earlier, with a great cast including many of the sexiest women ever to grace a movie screen, like Ursula Andress in a reprise of her Dr. No role.
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media shock
4 November 2002
When I got off the plane from DC last week, a Channel 4 TV news reporter came up to me, asking if I was coming from DC. I said yes. He then asked me if I was from Washington, and I said no, I was from Detroit, there for work. He followed up asking if I was relieved about the sniper, and I said, "no, I was just going about my own business, I don't think anyone was that worried", and he walked away from me. I asked his cameraman if he would do a story about the news media causing violence, he said "not likely", and also walked away.

I called my friend Sharon the other day because I needed directions to a party... she didn't know them, but invited us to join her and Darby for a movie at the Main Art, Bowling for Columbine. He piped up in the background with the time etc, and we agreed to meet. I really didn't have any idea what it was about, although I've read Rivethead, which talks about Roger & Me, I'd never seen any of Michael Moore's movies. I thought it might be about nuns, but that'd be "Bowling for Benedictine", another thing entirely.

Bowling for Columbine is about some of the 11,000 americans that are killed with guns every year. It starts with bowling footage, accompanied by the great Camper Van Beethoven song, "Take the Skinheads Bowling", which Rennie had just introduced me to a few weeks ago, so we were singing along. The reason for the title is that the last thing the crazy teenagers at Columbine High School did before starting to kill their classmates was to go to their 7am bowling PE class. Moore goes into excruciating detail about the huge numbers that are killed here as compared to Canada, England, France, or even Germany, which he reminds us is not a nice place, considering the violence and genocide they perpetrated on the world in the 1940's. He doesn't provide us numbers per capita, just raw numbers, so it sounds worse than it is, but he's like any other politician, out to make a point, so he doesn't mention that our population is way bigger than any of the countries he compares us to.
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