
13 Reviews
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Oh you Mitzi ... go, Babe!!
24 August 2006
I am an entirely biased Mitzi Gaynor fan. The most all around talent of them all. Singer, Dancer, completely natural actress and entertainer extraordinaire.

I think the less said about Scott Brady the better. Someone once said about an early Katherine Hepburn movie "she covered the range of emotions from A to B" ... well she was still two up on Scott. Couple of nice Damon Runyon comedy relief characters that did do nice work, however. The bloodhounds were fun and provided a great ending.

The number "Bout Eighty Miles Outside of Atlanta" knocked my socks off. Straight out of a Lil Abner scene in Dogpatch (only better) The other big number, "Jack of Diamonds" was also a good example of Mitzi comin' on full blast. Throw the rest of the movie away and just give me those two numbers and I am still happy.

Thank you for your attention .. go see the movie.
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Deal or No Deal (2005–2019)
character analysis at it's most interesting level
7 April 2006
Well, I, for one, find this show to be very interesting and entertaining. Walk away when the commercials come on and come back three or four minutes later and you will eliminate most of the irritation. Howie Mandel does a really good-natured hosting bit that should be a lesson to those that take themselves too seriously.

The girls are great and are having a lot of fun. This show will develop into a truly entertaining habit for the American viewing audience.

I found myself muttering at the ridiculous offers of the mysterious banker (the cheap creep ... get real!) I wanted some of the macho type, posturing contestants to refuse an offer and have to settle for a lot less. (goody goody) .. The whole gamut of human emotions that is strung out here is quite consuming... I look forward to the next show to see what sort of contestant we have and how they will handle it.

I should like so much to slap some of the contestants silly. Greed is either funny or pathetic and sometimes both at once. Tune in and feel very superior to these poor creatures and find yourself pulling for some of them and despising others. All the facets of watching a wrestling match without having to ignore the phoniness. These people really do want that money.

I am trying to tell you why you are going to get hooked. A very nice package and I say, "Yay, Howie, keep it on the fun level that it is now. Watch it. Enjoy it. Don't let anyone tell you it is not worth while until you have tried it yourself. Any night it is NOT on, I am very disappointed.

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entertaining bit of fluff
26 October 2005
All of the June Haver musicals were worth watching, to me, mostly because of the time frame of the music involved (the gay nineties thru the twenties ... that is to say, 1890 thru 1930.)

This particular one, I enjoyed Monty Wooley's performance as a bit of a con man and an entrepreneur, as well as a rare appearance of Slapsie Maxie Rosenbloom, a former boxer who didn't have to fake a boxing match. Anthony Quinn had a chance to do comedy and fared quite well. Quinn makes a bet with Wooley that he (Wooley) cannot, as he claims, make a musical star out of the next female who comes out of the ladies room in a restaurant. You have four and a half guesses who comes thru the door.

There is one dreadful number called "Bessie and Her Bustle" which made me cringe. June's other numbers did her no harm but Only "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" was any real help to her. Dick Haymes was a bit of a dead fish as an actor but his singing was really quite splendid.

Some other reviewer called June's performance "butch", which is ridiculous. She was pert and feisty and altogether charming. Gordon MacRae would have done the Haymes part much more satisfactorily but then this is true of many, many leads that required an actor as well as a singer. I would recommend this film if you are a June Haver fan and if you like a lot of good old Irish songs. (Ball biography,roughly) How about "Mother Machree" and "A Little Bit Of Heaven Fell From Out the Sky One Day" and "Let The Rest Of The World Go By."
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made a lifelong impression which was false
24 September 2005
If you have an older brother that tells you that half way through the movie Quasimodo will have the skin peeled from his back and another, half-dead head will rear up and groan and you are only nine years old, I guarantee this movie will leave you cringing in your seat and, even though such an event never does occur, you will remember the movie for the rest of your life.

Please do not pass this on to your little brothers in turn. It probably is one of the reasons that I developed a stammer.

I have nothing to add to the marvelous reviews of this movie. I just wanted to pass along a most frightful experience. Incidentally I got even, by, after seeing THE CAT AND THE CANARY with this same brother, staring at the wall behind him , at home, afterwards, and whispering that the panel in the wall had moved. What goes around comes around.

I will try to stick to more formal reviews in future, but as a frightened nine year old, I did the best I could. Thank you
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Second Chorus (1940)
Vas Good? ... Vas Pair-fect (but not so the film)
25 August 2005
SECOND CHORUS 1940 Vas Good? ... Vas Pair-fect. (but not so the film.)

The Wonderful Fred Astaire and the vibrant, young, healthy and sexy Paulette Goddard struggled valiantly with this picture. Unfortunately there were no Irving Berlin or Cole Porter melodies to hang it on. If you are an Artie Shaw fan, then you will be content. As to the acting ability of Artie Shaw, I found nothing wrong with it. He was quite natural and, as a band leader, seemed quite at home . However, he was right up there, as a dramatic actor, with Xavier Cugat and Harry James. Fred was not at his best with the love song (even Paulette looked rather dubious about it) They looked good as dancing partners but it was obvious Fred taught her what little terpsichorian skills she possessed. (nice legs, though ... but then that is my weakness) I liked the little Russian number that Mister Astaire had some fun with.

Burgess Meredith and Fred Astaire actually were pretty snappy as a comedy team. Burgess had that same glitter in his eye as Paulette (they were later married in real life)

The video that I saw was a poor copy and suffered accordingly. Perhaps it would fare better with a clear one.

With all its faults and a minimal plot, I still would recommend that you get a good copy and watch some attractive young people show the present day, minimal twits what comedy should be.

Has anyone else noticed a resemblance between Burgess Meredith and Harpo Marx? Maybe it's just the attitude. Thank you for your patience with my ramblings. Comments are welcome. OLD DAD from Babbling Books (
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Terribly depressing hopelessness .. save your money
23 July 2005

I was horribly depressed and disappointed on viewing this shambling, morose depiction of spinelessness. Timothy Spall. as the taxi Driver, Phil, does an exhausting job of non-acting, which does him no credit whatsoever.

If Mr. Leigh carries on in the direction he is going we may expect a minute examination of the hero's feces; and, possibly, arrive at the obvious solution ... somebody, please, flush the handle. (Phil is, indeed, a piece of something unacceptable)

If any son of mine used that kind of language to his mother, then, to quote a present-day, East-Indian comedian ... "Somebody Gonna Get A Hurt!!"

As for the mother ... STOP FEEDING THOSE MONSTERS!!

The foul language, which Mr. Leigh insists upon, is off-putting (my wife left the room). Why must he repeat this street talk, endlessly, to the point of making it a normal thing and acceptable. No, sir.. It is not acceptable. I grimly stayed with the picture in hopes of finding a touch of the greatness of TOPSY TURVY .. but, alas, there was absolutely no improvement. This is the third picture I have tried of Mr. Leigh's since I ran across the admirable TOPSY TURVY and have been to a degree, vastly disappointed in all three. Yes, I know, the plot of SECRETS AND LIES was absorbing, but flawed by a dreadful sound system. Too much mumbling to the point of irritation.

I cannot recommend Mr. Leigh's movies to anyone (with the amazing exception of TOPSY TURVY) and will now wait for someone whose opinion I respect to review them for me. Enough is enough. Someone has to set standards. When did we stop trying?

Fortunately, there are still sensitive, intelligent youths out there. I would like to see their presence recognized on the screen.
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Topsy-Turvy (1999)
in defense of TOPSY TURVY
17 July 2005

To my dismay and, I must confess, repressed rage, I notice that there are a few "reviewers" of TOPSY TURVY that have used the expression "crap" and "trash" in regard to the production and performances of this fascinating movie.

I can only say ..... "Would you and your friends please be so kind as to supply me with a list of ten movies of the past twenty years that, in your estimation, are not "trash" or "crap" and, therefore, presumably more entertaining and more watchable than TOPSY TURVY. I would find such a list fascinating, and, should it prove to be valid, grateful beyond words."

I am well aware that there is such a thing as divergent tastes, but, at the moment, I'm afraid that I feel these scurrilous comments would smack of (to quote mister Temple), "not knowing your arse from your elbow".

I have only read the first nine pages of reviews and, therefore, should someone else have already addressed this situation, I am sorry, but I could not wait to state my protestations. Until I have been shown the error of my ways, I shall continue to watch, at least a few more times, the entire movie with great delight and reverence. Love it. Love it. Love it. I feel much better, now. Thank you for your attention.
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Lucky Jordan (1942)
entertaining spy thriller with a light touch
5 July 2005
This picture was fun to watch. Alan Ladd had a style as a gangster that counterpointed well with the wonderful Sheldon Leonard ("Hey, Buddy, ... C'mere!") Helen Walker presented an unusually perky, sexy look that was never really exploited in the movies. When she distracted the nazi spy he was not alone. I sat through the movie again to be distracted a second time. The picture may become a cult 'classic', if it has not already and I recommend most insistently that you view it. Ladd's involvement with the old 'bag lady' will touch you. Once again, for a light comedy, spy thriller (The Second World War was in full sway) it was away ahead of most of it's ilk. My favourite Alan Ladd movie.
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fluffy, genuinely entertaining musical
2 July 2005
A pleasure to see such a great team as Gordon McRae and June Haver on the big screen together. Debbie Reynolds, as her little sister, added a delightful touch (her first speaking role, I believe). June and Debbie's Irish Dad, Barton McLane, did a great nostalgic song and dance ("My Own True Love And I") that would break any Irish person's heart. Gordon played the part of Tony Pastor in his own bright inimitable way. His singing was particularly terrific. Always liked the man. No one else I can think of sang the gay nineties songs as well as he. June and Gene Nelson's (whom I can usually do without) presentation of the title song "The Daughter Of Rosie O'Grady", was a gem, and added much to the show. You came out of the theater humming this tune.

Any time the movie appears on TV, I will try very hard not to miss it. It is a 'feel good about the world' musical and one of the great "escape" pieces of it's day. In my opinion, no MGM musical (including "Singing In The Rain") can make it take a back seat. My lord, how I envied that man (Gordon). He could fall off a shelf and come up singing right on the beat. Strangely enough, I cannot remember S.Z. Sakall's part in the movie; although he appears on the credits. When I track down the video (and I will track it down) I'll come back and update this. Of course, he was a street car conductor.
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Esther finally makes it as a pinup girl
27 January 2005
The heck with the other critics on this movie. Esther gets into a Navy Airforce jacket and perches on a table for one of the most sexy pin-up poses of all time. Peter Lawford was adequate in an Esther Williams movie. Jimmy Durante was adequate in an Esther Williams movie. Ricardo Montalban was adequate in an Esther ... well, you get the idea. Cyd Charisse was more than adequate as a dancer and Ricardo fared much better when he danced with Cyd.

The colored tropical Island scenery is terrific. Xaviar Cugat is one creature that I will never understand. Guess I don't like Bongos. I have the video and play it over from time to time which is more than I can say for a great many of the MGM musicals. If Peter was upset because he just came off of "Good News" and resented playing in an Esther Williams movie, I have news for him .... he will be better remembered for "On An Island With You" than in "Good News". That one I have only played once.
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a pleasant tropical Island comedy
26 January 2005
Dick Powell is a completely relaxed Island Scavenger and his sidekick, Eddie Bracken, has a girl friend, Betty Hutton, who is fanatically crazy about him. Betty uses an energetic approach which would wear out three sidekicks. Dick's co-star, Mary Martin, flashes a great pair of legs in the show's stopper, "Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-De-Ay". I was only thirteen when I saw this show and I think she made a leg-man of me. Miss Martin has set out for the sole purpose of catching herself a millionaire, Rudy Vallee. Rudy does the rich shtick very well, through his nose, and is a fore-runner of Mister Howell of Gilligan's Island fame. The site is also somewhat familiar.

Mary Martin and Dick Powell make a healthy, handsome couple who are a pleasure to watch, giving an effortless performance. The movie was aptly named and was a thoroughly satisfactory piece of entertainment. But then, again, she was a fine looking lady in those days and maybe it was just adolescence. By the way, the picture is in really good color.
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Cyd shines as a personality
25 January 2005
Cyd Charisse has always knocked us off balance with one of the greatest pair of legs in show business. In this film she shows us a human side which, from what I have seen, has always been lacking. She gets drunk as a skunk in a hilarious scene and gets up on the stage with the show girls and instantly outclasses them. She and Dan Dailey really work well together. It seems, in the movie, if they hold hands they will have unbeatable luck in Las Vegas. It creates a situation which everyone who has ever gambled (and there are a few of us) would love to be in. I will play the tape just to watch the tipsy scene but the rest of the picture is also very rewarding. I've always liked Dan Dailey as an actor and performer. Sammy Davis Jr.'s voice is used in a great sexy ballet number "Frankie and Johnny", in which Cyd really wows 'em. I can't imagine anyone doing a better vocal rendition of this particular number. It is a classic. Treat yourself to a better Cyd, a nifty Dan and Sammy's terrific, raucous rendition of "Frankie and Johnny." ... get the video. comment welcome ...
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Great Performances: Alice in Wonderland (1983)
Season 12, Episode 2
I watch it again and again
5 February 2003
I recently tracked this TV version down and am now in the process of watching it again and again. I believe it to be the most enjoyable of all the versions of ALICE that I have seen on TV or MOVIES. Of special note is the joyous, rollicking performance of Kate Burton. Her laugh is a joy to hear and the mock-serious way of handling things in an amused way is the epitome of Alice. Her dad, as the White Knight, was especially poignant. I've always been a sucker for Richard Burton performances. (especially Virginia Woolf). Special thanks to Donald O'Connor as the Mock Turtle. Loved it. The trio of Kate Burton, Colleen Dewhurst (Red Queen) and Maureen Stapleton (White Queen) is, in my opinion, unbeatable. I can't stress enough the perfection of their unique performances. Thank gosh for Alice's blonde wig. It lights up Kate's face and brings out the lights in her eyes. No one's voice will do as Alice after hearing hers. The Red Queen, with her red face and startling white teeth is a visual delight. If you have not seen this video, prepare yourself for a marvelous time. I, personally, found the Tea party scene very replaceable. The Mad Hatter, rather than being mad, seemed to be suffering from a severe case of piles. The March Hare was a little better but could not save the tea party scene. I was relieved when it was over. Some highlights are the cheshire cat (brrr) and the TWEEDLE boys (neat dancing and singing). Humpty Dumpty is great and the Caterpillar is .. different. The scenery was sometimes disappointing to me, as were some of the costumes, but overall, a most delightful show. I rate it a 9.
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