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Pure psychedelic awesomesauce
27 March 2022
This was really good, worth watching. There's a side to any artistic community that one doesn't see or get exposed to unless they're a part of it. The ups, downs, frustrations and struggle to put everything you are into something artistic. I've been following his art on social media for a while now and it's fantastic. But to see this side of the story and what drives an artist to do what they do was great. Especially when it's very down to Earth, honest and grassroots.
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Both good and evil this movie is.
11 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this a 7 out of 10 not because of the movie but because of the performances. This is honestly one of those shows where everyone involved made an exceptional film but when you boil the film down, it's awful. The religious overtones are horrible, this film is chock full of them. It's basically nothing more than a lesson in Christianity hidden in a post-apocalyptic film. The performances are amazing however, especially Gary Oldman. The way the shootout in the house is filmed clearly shows that the people who filmed it and did the special effects pulled off some the most underrated action shots that deserve recognition.

Can Eli see? He does things a blind person would do and it's evident he is blind at the end of the show. Eli does say however that his "voice" told him he'd be protected and it's obvious he has super-human abilities. He literally survives a hail of bullets and a direct shot to the back of the head with a shooter who seems dumbfounded as to how the shot ricocheted off him. Yeah, that's when the movie pretty much lost me. Eli's "fate" takes a turn for the worse when he gives the book to Carnegie who proceeds to shoot Eli in the gut. After he gives up the book, he's as human as everyone else. If he wasn't blind, how'd he see Alcatraz Island let alone row a boat to it? If he wasn't blind, how'd he navigate his MP3 player?

The movie is worth a watch but take it with a grain of salt. Frankly I'm surprised no one noticed the pretty obvious nod towards the movie A Boy and His Dog, it's the movie poster hanging on the wall in Eli's room when he's a guest of Carnegie.
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Spawn (1997)
Spawn of a horrible movie
28 May 2009
I loved the comic when it came out. Spawn had a great story, great characters, great foundation and the art work was pure art. Even today, the first 12 Spawn comics are nothing less than classic works of art.

When I found out that Spawn was going to be a movie I was thrilled. The previews were great and this looked like it was going to set the standard for comic book movies. What a let-down. This movie has only two redeeming qualities. The soundtrack and John Leguizamo's performance. Everything else in this movie was a complete letdown. My roommate and I went to this movie with total anticipation. His standards for movies was lower than mine and he's a graphic designer. We both walked out of that movie and wanted our money back it was so bad. I have heard people say that it was good for it's time as far as make-up and special effects, no way. Titanic came out this same year. Different movie, budgets, etc, however look at the standard of movies that year and even before this. Add to this the fact that people like Tim Burton, Richard Harris, Ed Norton, Wesley Snipes were supposed to work on this movie, the end result looks like a half-ass effort that they had to produce. This movie could have been good if the people who made it had the guts to make it as extreme as the comic.

At least the cartoon that came out later had more redeeming qualities. In the end, I would only recommend watching this so you can appreciate other movies that came from comic books.
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One of the best movies ever made
2 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I always love when I turn a person onto this movie. Too many people think this movie is just about drugs and the logic of a half crazy narcissist. It has a deep underlying tone that taps into the core of American culture. The evolution of a culture has to be violent, crass & revolutionary. This movie is that. This story takes place at the end of the civil rights movement where a blind and far too conservative America changes into something else. The narration where HS Thompson is talking about that "wave" sums it up. What was going on in America when this story happened? The end of Vietnam, The Civil Rights Movement, Watergate, etc. Those who went along for the ride at that time wanted to change America. Maybe it didn't turn out the way they really wanted but what do we have now that we didn't have before? It's not only socially acceptable to question authority, to not do so is Un-American. Thompson was the fulcrum in this. Before him journalism was too conservative. Thompson blew this away. He was everything that needed to push America into a new era. The best thing is that he makes no apologies for anything he did. He had to open that inner-eye. That is what this movie captures and it makes no apologies. Terry Gilliam, Johnny Depp were "Gonzo" enough to make this movie and they did this in the most excellent form. Johnny Depp portrayal of Thompson conveyed the message of this story perfectly. The best part about the story was the fact that it never set out to be one, it just happened. Thompson was the underlying kick in the ass that America needed to look inward and see itself for what it really was. A movie that can be a literal time capsule of the reality of a specific culture is a beautiful thing. It is even better when it isn't America trying to speak for another culture. This movie is the reality of America as dissected by an American. It looks at itself for what it is, like a naked person in a mirror. This movie will always be a favorite for me. Whenever I can expose someone else to this it's more precious than a bought education. Watch the movie without a joint and go beyond the chaos. Watch this movie for what it is. If you have never read the book, get off your butt and do now! Gonzo forever!
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Compelling film
23 July 2008
I caught this film on IFC one night. I felt compelled to watch this because of the performances. I don't know anything of the book nor the play. I found the movie very enjoyable and the performances rather good. Miss Amelia's part was amazing to me. Vanessa Redgrave did a great job in this movie even if it doesn't fit the book or the play. She was the main reason I was drawn to watching this movie. I found that the part where Rod Steiger told the story of the "lover and the beloved" was the fulcrum of this film. I had the feeling that cousin Lymon was just like Marvin Macy. The character was a user who just latched onto people who he could take advantage of, that is why they get together in the end. They both met the same goal even if they both used Miss Amelia in different ways. I did find that the director could have done a better job with all the coordination between the characters, they could have meshed better. It's OK not to reveal why people act the way they do with each other (Miss Amelia kicking Marvin Macy out on the night of the wedding). Rod Steiger already stated that Marvin Macy was not a great person prior to this. I think that Miss Amelia just wouldn't let Marvin Macy take any advantage of her in any manner and it started on the wedding night. It boiled down to a boxing match between the two. The fact they both hit each other at the first punch and the look on Marvin's face hit this fact home.

That's my view.
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