
5 Reviews
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Silo Killer (2002 Video)
Not your ordinary Run-of-the-mill Horror Flick.
7 October 2003
Silo Killer is not scary. In-fact, I'd go out on a limb to say that it wasn't supposed to be scary. It is quite funny though. In fact, there are moments of true brilliance if you ask me. The guy with the shirts and his pal with the guitar are perhaps the two funniest horror characters I've ever seen (the scene with them sitting on-top of the truck telling stories was hilarious). The guy in the suit was interesting too and if you ever bothered to listen to what he was talking about you'd realize that he was quite funny as well. I thought the end was original for the genre and the acting was better than most low-budget though not spectacular. I would say that for a first effort for first time do-it-yourself filmmakers this was a damn fine movie and I hope to see more from them in the future... I can see how people could find it 'not funny' and/or 'horrible' though, because the fact is people are stupid. Really, really stupid.
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Back Woods (2001 Video)
Beyond Words...
28 September 2002
Luther... The greatest character in movie history? Yes folks. Yes he is. David Hayes has the performance of a lifetime playing the *ONLY* 300 pound, retarded-redneck transvestite serial killer I've ever seen played with this much talent and charisma (move over Eric Roberts!). BRAVO! Tears flow when watching his POWERFUL birth.. only rivaled (BUT NOT SURPASSED!) by the first appearance/birth of the Alien in Ridley Scott's "Alien". The heartbreaking moment when his mother is killed is easily as powerful as Bambi's own mother getting shot down by evil hunters. Oh.. so much to talk about. I love this movie. David Hayes has burrowed his way into my really, really large and unhealthy heart.
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Hell's Highway (2002 Video)
You really will feel like you're in hell...
30 August 2002
This movie started out OK. When the preacher takes a shovel to the head causing a HUGE explosion of blood I thought: "Hey, that looked incredibly bad, this might be fun to watch!" Oh, how I was wrong.. so very, very wrong. From horrible acting to special affects that were done by 5th graders with a 10 dollar budget (they got a pizza) this movie was a nightmare. Just wait till you get to the scene consisting of matchbox cars crashing into a plastic gas station. What the hell was that anyway? Bad news folks. Bad news.
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The house that made me hate life...
28 August 2002
I saw this movie about 5 or 6 months ago. I still can't get it out of my head how bad this flick was. Jon McBride and John Polonia should be shot. This 'movie' made me weep and convulse in pain. The girl with the HUGE clown-breasts was the scariest thing going here! Don't watch even if you're being paid to! Avoid like the plague! Oh the humanity!
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Knight Chills (2001 Video)
28 August 2002
I am a HUGE fan of 'Knight Chills.' I actually own a copy of it. Katherine Hicks is a mad genius and I *hope* to see more work from her in the near future! The actor that really pulls this movie and makes it utterly BRILLIANT is the child playing 'Jack Jr.' who is without a doubt the funniest actor in the history of film. His close rival (Jack is a hard one to beat folks) is 'Laura Nixon' who had to be re-dubbed all throughout the movie causing unparalleled laughs out of me and any friend I can trick into watching this wonderfully bad movie. I'm not 100% sure how to describe this flick. When it's teetering on absolute monotony suddenly Jack Jr. or Laura Nixon will appear and make it once again HYSTERICALLY funny.

I'm eagerly awaiting "Figure in the Forest" in hopes of seeing little Jackson Kennedy shine again.
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