
12 Reviews
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Dune (2021)
Soulless and boring
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The visuals and the score are amazing, there's no doubt about it, but the writing and the execution are a big miss.

There's no one to root for. I did not care about any of the characters whatsoever. There's 0 emotion. Things are just happening and then boom, it ends.

I don't think I'm gonna watch the next one, I'm so disappointed.
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I loved it
25 June 2020
The negativ reviews here show exactly what the point is: even women sitting on a toilet or enjoying threesomes blow people's minds, even though there's nothing scandalous about them. We see men do anything and everything on screen, no matter how gross, that's labeled either comedy or art. But when women do something like that, it's disgusting. It's not the series' fault though. Michaela Coel is talented, I liked the writing as well as the directing. It's an important story and it has to be told so people will maybe have more understanding..
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Hannah Gadsby: Douglas (2020 TV Special)
Good sequencing and great jokes
11 June 2020
Straight white men have been making jokes about minorities, the LGBTQ community and women for ages, saying that "oh it's just a joke!" but when a woman dares making (good) jokes about them, apparently all hell breaks loose. Get a grip and take a look at yourselves! She's great at what she does. I liked how this show was built, I found it enjoyable. And no, I don't hate men or Americans. The end of the day: these are just jokes!
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Little America (2020–2022)
Ignore the reviews from the xenophobes..
18 January 2020
Great storytelling without pushing any agenda. These are real people with real life stories. Nothing more. Nothing less. It's entertaining and not full of cliches as other tv shows like this tend to be..
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One Day at a Time (2017–2020)
Waiting for season two...
7 September 2017
I almost didn't start with the show because of the first couple of reviews but my God I'm glad I did!!

It is truly clever, funny, it makes you laugh and cry at the same time which is a pretty hard thing to do and it covers a lot of serious problems in a manner that is just smart and relatable! Veterans, teenage-sex, immigrants, coming out, family issues, abusive relationships, you name it.

The actors are brilliant as well, even the kid who plays Alex (I'll look him up now I promise), every character has to be there, if one would be missing, I would have a weird feeling.

I hope it'll be a season 2, I could definitely watch at least 10 more episodes right away!
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To the Bone (I) (2017)
Scratching the surface of the surface
15 July 2017
I don't really know what this movie wants to be and that is the problem. Romance? Education? Drama? Comedy?

It is trying to go deep but fails miserably. As someone with a long-term eating disorder, I don't think that what they show is real anywhere. And it shouldn't be a fantasy as it is a really serious problem. So anyone with an eating disorder who has not recovered yet may watch this and think: oh well as long as I eat 2 peas at dinner, everything will be peachy. No. It won't. The protagonist doesn't seem to suffer at all, she is making fun of spitting out food or getting laxatives and I don't really see a development in her character at all. Lily Collins lost a lot of weight for nothing. And it is a shame because we would need a great movie about this topic. But this movie is banalizing the problem and it doesn't do any good.
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Gimme Danger (2016)
"Music is life and life is not a business."
19 June 2017
I've seen the movie two times within 3 weeks with two friends of mine who didn't know much about The Stooges but they were like "well OK, whatever". After the movie they had bright eyes and were totally excited and happy that I invited them. That says it all. I enjoyed it the second time even more.

I'll start with a few of the negatives: I really missed some details about Iggy's time with Bowie in Berlin. I think it was a really productive and important part of Iggy's life and had an influence not only on him but on the band. On the other hand there were some scenes which I would have left out: for example the part with John Wayne or some stories about the trailer. They didn't add anything to the story. The music wasn't really in focus here so someone who doesn't know them, won't love their music after this nor will know anything about the process of making music, except a few details.

Now the positive side: I love the fact that this is a documentary about The Stooges and not about Iggy Pop. He is a unique, eccentric figure, but he doesn't steal the show. Every member of the band share their stories and I was really happy to see and hear the Ashtons before they passed away. Jarmusch focuses on the history of the era, the history of The Stooges and the personal stories behind the stage and on stage. I adore him for not asking 200 critics and some distanced relatives to talk about them. He asks only people who were either in the band or in a close relationship with the band.

I love The Stooges and I knew some things about them besides their music but Gimme Danger had some new information to share, it does a great job in organizing 40 years in 2 Hours, which is not a walk in the park, it was genuinely funny and sometimes also touching. The parts in the second half where the band comes together were like that. It was moving to see 50-60 year olds, some of them in a bad condition to be happy as a child because the band is together again. It was heartwarming watching Ashton play the drums for the last time. These guys didn't care much about the big money, they just wanted to play music. It doesn't matter that their lost their way, they always find a path somehow to play again.

Overall Gimme Danger has some weaknesses but I would watch it over and over again, because it does justice in portraying The Stooges. It is also unique, because most of them are not with us and it would have been a huge missed opportunity to not interview them for the last time.
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Skam (2015–2017)
Best teenage drama series. Ever.
6 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I found Skam when I was looking for something new to my exam-free period for binge-watching. Like normal students do. I didn't give it much hope after I read the introduction, but I thought, oh well, just give it a try.

I ended up finishing all 3 seasons in 3 days.

There is a lot of great things about this show, but the best is, that it is realistic. These things happen every day in schools around the world. They portray teenagers as they are: confused, angry, dishonest/honest, rebelling, in love, etc.

There are two themes that made this show my favorite:


1. Vilde's and Noora's eating disorder. They portrayed eating disorders in a way that no TV-Show did in the past as I can remember. They never ever used the terms "anorexia" "bulimia" or "eating disorder". Not once. They focused on habits people do who have a battle with diseases like these. And on the support the two girls silently gave each other. If you take a look at other TV-Shows, they portray anorexic/bulimic girls as something fashionable, skipping through pages of magazines, starving themselves and throwing up to be skinny. But they don't focus on the reasons behind that and don't give a realistic picture. This show does.

2. Isak's coming out: coming out is not simple and they pictured it realistically. He needed a long time to come out and they showed the side-effects that kind of fear and stress produces. They also captured the friendship between the guys brilliantly. As any normal 16-17 year olds, they had no idea how to handle their friend being gay, but they gave their best to support and understand him and that is what true friendships are about.

Honestly I hope that the writers get every prize and credit, because the dialogues in Skam are more than brilliant. They are clever, on point but still teenage-like.

So I would recommend it really to everyone. I'm not a teenager anymore, but I felt for every single character in this show and it reminded me of my school-time, which was a living hell. And if you have teenage kids, let them watch this. It will help them recognize things in the way they understand it.

(and I am really sad, that they'll make an US Version.. I'm sure it won't be as half as good as the original one... )
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It happens somewhere every day...
18 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In the last couple of years rape has been on the front page nearly every day. And just think about how often was justice served... Not that often. And just think about the cases where the "boys" were protected by law enforcement. (Brock Turner!)

This documentary is just an example of that. Two girls drinking too much and getting used and harassed. On of them now dead. It shows how corrupt and ignorant the government and the police are.

The moment where I wanted to punch the screen was the one, where the sheriff said, that it's not even rape and it's always the boys and they just want to leave it behind, go to college and get on with their lives. In that moment I was sick to my stomach. Guess what?? The girls can't move on because they were humiliated and bullied to the point when they couldn't bear it any longer.

This documentary should be mandatory not just in school but in places where men are training to be a part of law enforcement. Everyone should be educated on sexual assault.
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I don't even know...
25 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
... where I should begin... First: I know the book so it was no news for me, what the story is about or how it ends. But. I've seen other movie adaptations from various books before where I was satisfied with the experience. Not this time.

I have the feeling that they just didn't know what to do with this otherwise really great story, so they decided to just simply telling it without adding anything to it.


(They write letters, they marry, lost babies, baby in a boat, happiness, guilt, they took the baby, pain, prison, death, joy. There you go. )


And this in 2 hours I mean... The characters are so badly written that it hurts. If you read the book, you'll have some sympathy for everyone in this story. Not in the movie. You'll hate Tom and Hannah's family and you'd like to feel sorry for Isabel, but Alicia Vikander is trying sooo hard to suffer, that you just can't. Oscar or not, I don't think she has quite the experience for such a role and for me it was painful to watch how she acts. There is of course the question if her character was written this way or was she just that bad.

Fassbender is great as always, but his role doesn't allow much playground for him. The same for Rachel Weisz.

The relationship between Tom and Isabel feels unnatural with zero chemistry the whole time so you are wondering why they are even together... I don't know how can someone cry or have feelings other than hatred watching this.

They are wasting so much time for the beginning of the story that they have to cut the second half short which is a pity. We don't get to know the real mother , her story is really just cut short.

Unfortunately it was a waste of time. I really don't recommend going to the movies for this.
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Needs more views...
13 September 2016
It was definitely hard to watch, for me at least. But it's even harder for people who are or were bullies I guess, because they don't even realize most of the time what they have done. I was bullied through school and have been a victim for a long, long time: school, work, boyfriends, etc. It took me 10 years and therapy to heal to a point where I have somehow control over my decisions. But I'm sure that 80% of my problems have started with others bullying me and make me believe I'm ugly, dumb and worthless.

As you can see in the movie, nobody cares or believes you until something really bad happens and they can't mistake a suicide for typical teenage behavior. The film shows us perfectly how ignorant some people are and how they just move on with their lives , leaving others suffer.

We should educate teachers and students on bullying, talk about it in class. We have never ever done that in school and I think most of the schools don't do it even nowadays. This movie is a great start into a conversation.

The film shows how dysfunctional many families are and how they don't get it what is happening. The bully's family is a bit of a cliché, that was the only thing bothering me, otherwise it was well-acted and showed the problem greatly.

If you have a teenage kid or you are a teenager/teacher, I highly recommend it.
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You're the Worst (2014–2019)
A really refreshing surprise!
6 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you ere getting tired of the ,,everything is so happy and everybody is in love" romantic comedies and want some real-life on TV, then this is for you.

Well written characters who have the right place in the story, situations where you wanna cry and laugh at the same time and two people in the leading roles, who don't want love or a relationship, but after a time they figure it out, that they care about each other more than about themselves. I'm finished with the two seasons and I really enjoyed watching their journey. I also really liked how they pictured Gretchens depression. This is the real deal. You can't fix it overnight or ,,snap out of it". I hope there will be a third season. Television needed a romcom like this.
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