
3 Reviews
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Batman: Year One (2011 Video)
Batman: Year Zero
11 October 2011
I was waiting for this release like a glass of water in the middle of the desert. I'm very disappointed to say that it did not worth the wait. I gotta say I simply love what WB does to Batman and I hope we will see more and more cartoons - or shall I say animated comics - in the future. I simply adore the '90s series and "The Batman" is awesome too. But this one even though I really liked the animation simply lacks soul. It is absolutely nothing people. The story is a complete copy of the Miller script, the music is like it's not even there - no trace here of the charisma and power of the Shirley Walker score - and the voices are plain and without any presence,-especially Batman's!- and the feature itself is way too short compared to the original story. You cannot put all these events into 60 minutes. No way. The dates of the events almost come up in every scene. It is ridiculous! It's like you are watching a movie fast forward. But the most important question is: Why did this feature get to be made? There is not one single original idea or input here.... ah, it really hurts. Anyway, if you are a Batman fan watch it but rent it instead of buying it, trust me on this one! And let's pray that the next one will be better!
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If any of the makers read this...
8 November 2010
... review please, let me ask you something respectfully!: What do I have to do to get to watch more of these remarkable cartoons?!?! Shall I donate? You need a lucky mug in the studio? Write a permission? Whatever needs to be done consider it done! Because I just love these fantastic stories! The music, the art direction, the characters, the cast, everything was just great! And for a certain level I enjoyed it more than the movies! Don't get me wrong! I love the movies as well! The Burton ones, the Nolan ones are fantastic! (Let's just not talk about the Schumacher ones already!) These titles belong to these directors. It is their vision. This one is very creative as well, but this one is the real BATMAN!

The movie is not flawless though. Of course sometimes they do simple things, and there is no problem, I mean it is a cartoon, so they can get away with it! But one thing is for sure: Warner Bros. has realised that there are two groups of Batman fans out there, and one of these groups is all grown ups now! This cartoon is for them! I definitely wouldn't watch it with my child - there is blood. A lot of blood. - but for us it is like reading a comic book! They both come to life before our eyes.

I was waiting for this one and I was very happy to see it eventually! So if anybody would read this from the fantastic team of creators of this great tale: Please make more! You got one definitive fan! And I'm sure that I'm not alone! :D
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Predators (2010)
That is what I call hunting season!
8 July 2010
I'm a huge fan of the original! It is one of my favourite movies if not the favourite! And I gotta say that this movie was pretty awesome! It is not flawless. Neither is the original. But there the whole Predator thing was new so it was different. In this movie was a whole lot of suspense as well and as the matter of fact I got scared sometimes which I think says everything! I also think that we can forget now the failures called AVP, AVP:R! This movie had balls, gore, good actors, great SFX, and the slightly altered original soundtrack by John Debney! Loved it all! Antal Nimrod is a very talented director even though he should let himself roll more! He has the quality but no trace here of the dynamism we got used to from Mr. Rodriguez! The Predator characters were great! KNB did a great job creating them and this time they were brave enough to redesign them a little bit. There are three things I felt a little bit as a let downs that the screenwriters as they were going along with writing realized that they need more and more since they knew they cannot make the original again to make a full length feature. So they kept packing all this different elements but then they probably noticed they need to finish the movie so they said ka-pow! and it was done! The other thing I was probably the only Predator fan who said: C'mon guys what's the pain? Let Brody to the pot! And I had all my trust in him. But he just hasn't got it! Not bad, but not the real thing. At the same time who would fill Shwarzenegger's shoes?! The third bug is the question: Why they have to quote from the original movie all the time?! Don't be afraid to make your own quotes up!!!

Anyway, it is a great action-sci-fi-horror movie and I did not expect no less from these creative people were making this! If you are a true fan it's a MUST! If you just want to see some good sci-fi-horror then go and see it anyway!
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