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Coulda Been
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I t could have been much better, but it wasn't bad. The problem is that when watching this one, the viewer cannot help but recollect the great moments in Justified. The colour, style, the flair of the characters, deeply ingrained in the culture of redneck, drug addicted gangsterism. The bad guy on this one was a citified, knock off of Boyd Crowder who died in the eighth episode, but should have died in the third and no one would have had a nose out of joint. The only thing that makes anyone want to tune in for season two is that Boyd escaped with a beautiful guard who smooth-hands a gun without a qualm. If you haven't seen this one, don't worry; you don't need to and you can get caught up in the opening scenes of Season 2 if they dare make it.
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Utopia (2020)
Watch the UK Version FIRST
24 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I highly recommend that everyone watch this series, but that they also watch the UK version first. It has lower production value but better story telling and character development, as well as reaching farther into the story for socio-political reasons. The tale weaves its way to revealing a global conspiracy that revolves around a pandemic and a globally mandated vaccine. You can understand why, as season one wrapped and the COVID bug hit, it was shuttered for good. It really does explain some of the thoughts behind the ACTUAL pandemic and maybe some of the end goals. The British version is not exactly the same, and watching the US version I found to be highly likeable and entertaining, and John Cusack is always a joy to watch. But . . . The American version was quit at the end of season 1 because the COVID pandemic broke out and it all looked too much like current events. Remember, the difference between a Conspiracy Theory and Conspiratorial History is 2 months to 10 years.
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Utopia (I) (2013–2014)
Brilliant and Real
24 July 2023
I recommend that everyone watches BOTH versions, but the British version first. The production value is lower, but the quality of the story telling is better. If people watch this THEN watch Faucci at the White House, the reality will hit home. From the launch of the program, no one knows what is going on and the pieces are laid neatly in place, in a plausible way, for the watcher to discern. The quirks of the characters, and their conclusions, are reasonable and respectable. Even the craziness of the lead-female-protagonist, and her process of eliminating conflict, as well as reducing it while urinating is original. The American version was quit at the end of season 1 because the COVID pandemic broke out and it all looked like current events. Remember, the difference between a Conspiracy Theory and Conspiratorial History is 2 months to 10 years.
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Knight Rider 2010 (1994 TV Movie)
Misleading Title
31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It would doubtless have better ratings if the title were something a bit more honest. People - I mean me - keep expecting that as he goes through the process of creating the ultimate ride to take to victory, that the protagonist will discover the husk of KITT and reinvigorate him. This is not the case. The greatest claim to fame is that it stars Heidi Hudson Leick. The Trivia for this movie notes that it was her "debut" appearance, but if that were true, this project would have had to spend a couple of years on the shelf because she had two credits listed in the IMDb before this one. She is stunning as always and the real heart of the show, as well as the heart of the car in the end - but that IS telling. Besides her, Brion James turns in a B- performance, but just watching him work is a treasure. I give this one 4 stars for those reasons.
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Disappointments Galore
13 August 2022
The previews looked good, and the cast is solid . . . Ish, but the final product is mournful in its shortcomings.

In it all, Tommy Flanagan turns in a six of ten performance, but he is the highlight of the show. King and Banderas showed up, and maybe they did exactly what the director told them, but it is not what we call acting. Arnold has no competition in either Action or Acting in this one - sad.

The fight scenes driven by Jaime King are woefully lacking in talents of combat. She is terribly underweight, and slow, with ungraceful kicks and weak punches, so much so that all sequences of direct impact, blocking, evasion, et al are completely unbelievable.

The relationship between Banshee and Caleb is cold and distant in a way that says, these people are working together but don't know each other, and they don't show any attachment beyond a paycheck.
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Romeo & Juliet (II) (2013)
Paul Giamatti was STELLAR
23 June 2022
Too bad he was not on screen enough to carry the show. Hailee Steinfeld was stunning as always, but the world's most beloved Tragic Romance deserves but doesn't receive better than amazing eye candy. Please understand that if it were just Juliet then Hailee would have been enough, but people, this is Shakespeare - and in this case, a heavily rewritten Shakespeare at that. In reading along with the script (from MIT) I find that there was considerable editing. I understand that the play is far longer - when properly metered - than the usual cinematic venture, but this one had lines omitted, expanded, and moved around for a preferred order, as well as having many of the words replaced with conjunctions and anachronistic language, while still presenting it as a period piece.

Paul Giamatti was the only really excellent performance in the whole thing, but second by quite a bit was Damian Lewis as Lord Capulet and Lesley Manville as Juliet's nurse. Between the three of them, they were half the excellence of the whole.

Sadly, the best character in the play is Mercutio, which in the 1968 version was absolute joy - but in this presentation was dull and unfinished. Shakespeare wrote him as a brilliant poet/humorist, but he comes across here as someone reciting someone else's lines.

The entire enterprise lacked all of the flow and meter of the play, whose rhythm stands in memory to all who have beheld it done properly, and in this one is flat and lifeless. How sad.
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Change the Names - Develop Characters
19 June 2022
Remember when you saw that slightly overstuffed looking Jeep thing on the road and it said HUMMER on the rear? Remember, it didn't have any of that case-hardened military look to it at all? Well, that what this is as a "Star Wars" venture.

McGregor is phoning it in, Darth Vader is not menacing; he's an evil tantrum with no control. Even Leia's father is overacted by one of the best actors around.

A while back someone put together a movie about the life of the wives of Yaakov (Jacob) from the Bible. It was so departed from the original script that it was an abuse to the history and character of the people. It could have been done with ALL different names, just any Bedouin family 3500 years ago and it could have earned a 7 or 8, but instead, because it claimed to be legit Bible stuff, it earned a 3 or 4.

Here are some suggestions - change out McGregor; he's done his part in the SW world. Replace Darth Vader with someone more like Captain Phasma from Episodes 7 and 8. Change everyone else's name and make it NOT a Star Wars venture, because it wasn't up to the challenge. It could have gotten a 7 and the right protagonist (instead of Obi-Wan) it could have done better. IF they could have gotten Gina Carano to be the rescuer, it could have earned a 9 - but she would have had to carry almost all of it.
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Some complain about Shakespeare innaccuracies . . .
1 June 2022
David is at least a decade too old when the film begins. Saul is not "head and shoulders above" the men around him, as the Bible says. And Goliath is WAYY TOO SMALL. I understand that the producers are treating the Bible as a typical action tale, but to get the facts of the matters wrong is to miss the point of the telling. Further, the liberties taken with even the first episode are so extreme that they reveal that the producers and or directors have no real knowledge of the Scriptures and no reverence for them. They treat the entire history as if it is a compilation of scraps from a high school year book. For example; when Samuel (BTW the only Israeli in the main cast) calls Saul out for not killing the King of the Amalekites, he doesn't even mention the fact that the livestock of the Amalekites was kept alive too. Further, he doesn't mention that the entire people and property - stock, dogs and all - were to be an Oblation to the Lord. It may end up being good cinema, but change the names to protect the guilty - by which I obviously mean the men who get the money from this bilge.
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The Batman (2022)
Could have been great, but . . .
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First let's start out by saying that Robert Pattinson was not the problem. His scenes as Bruce were dull and forced, partly because his hair was so off-putting, but also because he had none of the smoothness or friendliness that is present in every page of Bruce Wayne in comics, novels, and film. His Batman performance was better than most; though none have done as great a job as Michael Keaton as yet. Still, Robert Pattinson did a fine job - better than Val and George combined.

. The first problem was with the story. It kept reaching farther and farther . . . More and more villains. The only two things that can be said of the story that were great are the stated facts that the Joker is coming in the next one, and they left room for Harvey Dent. The greatest tabu of it is the ruination of the reputation of Thomas Wayne. It was wholly unnecessary and strayed far from all Batman fundamentals. The failure is in making the political statement that all people in power are corrupt, but what it managed to do well is to portray a fact that the media denies daily, which is that boys raised without fathers tend to be far worse off, often become less valuable citizens. The Riddler makes the point that Bruce had his father's millions, but what made the difference for Bruce (according to all Batman-isms) is not the wealth, but the steadfast hand of Alfred - Bruce's father-figure.

. Another irritation was the visuals. From time to time the imagery was amazing, but then it was just bad camera work being dismissed as art. It a good portion of the film it is as though it was just poorly lit, or that the aperture of the lens was not considered, leaving darkness without contrast, and in some of the "Batman Approaches" shots it takes WAAAAYYY too long for him to come into view, much less clarity. This distracts from the already excessive story, but maybe that is the job.
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Treadstone (2019)
Too Convoluted
14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series had way too many angles - as well as taking place in two different times nearly 50 years apart. All of the stories had plot elements from the Bourne stories, using different spies, but added a more convoluted element of none of the spies knowing they are spies until they are activated. This is not like typical sleeper stories, or spies hidden in plain sight, like The Americans; and it would have been a good bit of business with just one of two of these in a tale, but anyone and everyone seemed to be a loaded gun waiting to be brought to life. The stories could have been better if there were less of them and more depth of character, but all the characters come from someone relating their background to someone or some Agency personnel telling the back story to another in the Agency. The only solid bit of story-telling as done by the originator of the Bourne series was the last minute of the series; at least I hope that was the end of the series cause it could only get worse from here.
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Reacher (2022– )
Much better series than expected
13 February 2022
This presents Jack Reacher in a far more faithful reflection to the author's intent. Unlike the Tom Cruise editions - which were doubtless popular - this Reacher has a much stronger physical resemblance to the character in the books. He is also calculating and decided, while still hearing and sometimes heeding the advice of others on how to proceed. The romantic interest is believable and not in the obvious bikini model sort of way. She has brains and courage, fight in her spirit, and a gun in her hand. She could have her own show. All around an excellent piece of work that removes the taste left by Treadstone, Taken, Hanna, and the recent Perry Mason.
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Eternals (2021)
The most Derivative Marvel movie so far.
31 January 2022
It borrows heavily - and sometimes outright steals - from prior traditions and myths, right down to stealing the opening line from the Bible as "In the beginning . . ." And the story really concluding with - "and the truth shall set them free." Borrow much? Oh, wait . . . Since no asking seems to have been done, isn't that just stealing?

One character is so much like Superman that one of the lesser characters says that he IS Superman, but the greater character rebuffs the child by saying he doesn't do capes. Batman is mentioned as well, and the powers of the Flash are borrowed, even though they are already borrowed from Mercury to the Romans and Hermes of Greek Mythology. But that's not the only one. Most of the main characters are derived from either Greco Roman Mythos or Hindi Mythology, and even more remote fables. One of the most amazing parts is that it steals so much from DC Comics without a single mention. :-(

We have seen all of the super powers before, with different capes. The story is a variation on the Kraken with a touch of Thanos thrown in for the intergalactic measure. Like I said . . . Derivative.
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Kung Fu (2021–2023)
Three stars ONLY because of the action
14 January 2022
Someone said this was a loose remake, but it is not really a remake at all. Caine wandered the Wild West alone in search of his brother. Nicky jets about with boy toy Henry, brother Ryan, sister Althea, her parents, and she talks all the time with her dead shifu. Instead of being a wanted man on the run, Nicky is a woman with an assistant DA ex-boyfriend, and sometimes unsanctioned work to support the police. Instead of addressing stereotypes and racism, like Caine, Nicky is trying to stop some evil woman bent on becoming a super villain, complete with super powers. Along the way she and her never still family deal with every family issue they can except menstrual cramps - but I guess they have to leave something for season 2. Further, adding to the unbelievability, the family is supposedly suffering from a cash flow shortage, thinking about closing the restaurant, but she flies back and forth to China, Vegas, and LA, without a concern. To add to the losses, the super-pro-gay presentation of the brother and his lover is JUST a distraction, and the BLM episode was an hour I will never get back. That one was so full of innuendoes and not-so-subtle lies in support of BLM that I kept wondering if they were going to get back to the story or if it was going to turn into complete political BS. Next thing we know, the family will be attacked by rednecks in MAGA hats and beat back their aggressors with signs that say Joe Really Did Win. But . . .
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Kung Fu: Sanctuary (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Skip this one - not useful to the story
12 January 2022
The extremely assumptive Pro-BLM crap was such an exhausting waste of time. I was hoping that somewhere it would get back to the story, but even the end of the episode glossing back to the original mission was only a minute before it got back to the fraudulent presentation of a Terrorist Organization, dedicated to violence. But like Islam - a religion of peace - the MSM is selling the benevolence that does not exist in BLM. I hope the next episode doesn't disappoint as much as this one did.

. If someone wants to think that this contains spoilers - the only spoiler is that it is what I have said - pass this one by.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
The Creator REALLY hates God and Church.
24 September 2021
Throughout the show there are little snippets of things that happened once or twice in Scripture that the writers have made into polity of modern operation, often pulling moments from 5000 years past and making them the way things would be, or should be, if two things were to happen.

ONE, the Church of God has to become the animal that they portray and TWO, the government must have succumbed to the church as the power brokers.

The fear of a Church takeover, from the writer's perspective is so great that nothing resembling religion should ever be given a foothold of any kind, in any thing, for any reason - and they say so by spending every moment besmirching faith and the faithful. And while there is not value in faith alone, the object of faith - which is God in Christ - gets painted with a dishonest brush from start to finish. Hence the goal is met by encouraging minions to decry God in every way at every opportunity. While engaging, it is not honestly believable to a believer.

All in all, about one seventh as perceivably valid as "Animal Farm," one sixth as predictably expectable as "1984" and one tenth as real as "Misfit Toymakers."
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Could have been better if faithful
20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Story in the 1930's, language and ideas from 21st century.

The trial of the story is brought down to "Feelings" by the Prosecutor and the defense attorney, because in 2020 everything is more about the feelings and the optics that the facts.

The facts of the case, as presented by the prosecution in this story completely failed to do the deed. The deed needed by the DA was to bring evidence of kidnapping and murder upon the accused, but all he managed to do was to cast aspersions on her character, and maybe he could have charged her with being a bad mom, even a cheating wife, but there was no evidence of her being involved in the plot that resulted in the kidnapping and death of her child.

Perry Mason of past - from the first books forward, has always been a much more brooding character, and far less angry and prone to violence, and in the end of the case, he failed to call two witnesses that could have redirected all suspicion to the guilty man - namely the bad cop and his partner. But now we know going into Season 2 that the surviving partner is worse in many measures than the guilty man.

Della Street was a strong, savvy woman, determined and decisive in every way, so the producers or writers decided that this HAD TO MEAN that she was gay. For a century Della has been the essential right hand of Perry Mason, awesome in her womanhood, taking a seat where women didn't get a seat - at the big boy's tables - and she did it without fitting into any stereotype of "gay." But, I understand they are under a lot of pressure to include the "Obligatory Gay Major Role Player." Without fulfilling this requirement, the LBGTQxyz would burn them down. Too bad too because Della, up until now, has been an amazing character to write and see played.
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The Red Tent (2014)
Beautifully Fraudulent
20 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was an amazingly told story, and if the author had changed the names of every character, moved the context to almost any more primitive culture, it would have been wonderful. But I kept realizing that, at every turn, the author betrays the characters of the real history of the family of Jacov, and shreds every measure of decency in everyone's story to aggrandize the one-chapter person of Dinah.

There is nothing wrong with a little story embellishment, so long as it doesn't move into downright lies. But this tale is riddled with lies. The author claims that Rivkah - Rebeccah - is a diviner of some sort, and a rather self-absorbed woman, which is not suggested in the history of these people at all. She tells that the circumcision of Shechem and family and friends was Jacov's idea, instead of the notion of his sons, the brothers of Dinah. And the author assumes the idol worship of the wives of Jacov where there is no cause to make such an assumption. In fact, Jacov's father's wife is chosen from these same people BECAUSE they are not of the idol worshiping kind. He is sent to the same people - the people of his mother - and he is sent by his mother, to find a worthy position in life and a suitable bride. He gets four. On that count the author is correct though making more assumptions on the brides Zilpah and Bilhah.

If this tale had taken place in a galaxy far, far away, and if all the names had been changed - if the author was not trying to re-write scripture to her own ends above God's, it would have been wonderful. BUT I only rate it a three because it plays so fast and loose with the truth. It is almost as if it were written by a Clinton.
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OWS with a beat, but just like OWS - without honesty
18 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The dance sequences were amazing, even though the car tricks were often overdone an impractical for the real events portrayed and the artwork supposedly done on-site in minutes probably took forty hours and lots of light management and flowing supplies.

The primary protagonist is a local dancer who co-leads a crew and whose neighborhood is being bought up for development, a development whose models indicate that it is going to include at least half a dozen office/residence towers that will be at least twenty stories tall and one short one, that is about fifteen stories. This would doubtless provide jobs to several thousand people in the construction but also several hundred operational jobs created, maybe a thousand on going jobs, as well as places for thousands more to work and live. But all of that has to be set aside for the sake of a few hundred homes, most out of condition for sale otherwise, in the barrio.

But don't worry because in the end the one portrayed as the "evil profiteer" - the developer - learns his lesson, sees the error of his ways (trying to create a profit, build businesses, provide jobs) and cancels this step forward in the machine that provides for his legacy and his daughter's well-being and financial future.

After all, what is profit, business and opportunities for the people in the hood, and cash offers on their properties compared to the chance to keep their dilapidated houses?

Still, the dancing is well worth it, the arrival of the Step Up 2 and 3 players is a joy to behold and the scenery ain't bad.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
One of the BEST shows of all time
17 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In this past few weeks I have enjoyed the opportunity of re-watching the entire series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It has been a singular joy which will, sadly, never bear the same impact. Watching the Summers family and the 'Scooby Gang' pass through their various struggles, losses of loved ones and friends, the damage and eventual detonation of the High School, the killings and birthings of myriad nightmares and the inevitable destruction of the city in which they live, has been replete with surprise.

I learned by this review that Sarah Michelle Gellar is, regardless of the fact that she is amazingly beautiful and resoundingly adept at physical action, one of the best actresses alive today. In this series you will get to see her express every human emotion imaginable, and in every case, express it so believably that you can't help believe that you are watching a person't life, even in the most unbelievable circumstances. I hazard to guess that she may someday win an Oscar right out from under the grasp of Meryl Streep or Glenn Close.

Several episodes dig deeply into the common state and situations of the human condition while others are nearly frivolous in nature, but all were enjoyable to an extreme degree. It is easy to see how it could run for so long, and makes one wonder why it did not continue for several more years. Sad.

If you are wise and do acquire the entire series you shall doubtless enjoy thoroughly the musical episode, and most engaging were the last dozen episodes.

Brilliantly conceived, beautifully written, magnificently produced, engagingly performed in every episode. Once begun, past the first few episodes so that you are friends with the players, you will be unable to disengage from the story. It is profound in every respect. I loved it.
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Rent (2005)
Not as impressed as the rest
12 July 2006
I was excited to see that Rent was coming to the Big Screen. For years, I had seen ad-panels on the backs of taxis in movies for the stage show, and I heard that it had garnered rave reviews, great success and applause for many years from packed houses of New York theatre goers. Still, all I had actually heard of the presentation itself (other than that it was WONDERFUL from those who loved it) was the song 525,600 minutes. That sounded good . . . and the previews looked great. Still, I had no knowledge of the story or characters or . . . anything.

Not being in a hurry to see it - still wanting too - I was going to wait until the second or third week to go. I hardly ever go on the first night; or even the first week unless it is a "gotta see" movie for me. When the second week rolled around Rent was nowhere to be found. In San Antonio it didn't even get shown at the dollar theaters after week one. I thought that was strange, but, not having the inside track, I figured I would wait till it showed up in video stores or cable, and so I did. I set the digital video recorder to capture the Pay Per View showing a week or two ago, and learned why the movie left town after a week. I only wish I had not invested the PPV money to see it.

Realize that I have been to and lived in and around DC, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, New York, Houston, Dallas and more. I say this to point out that my views are not those of one being raised in Hooterville with no better "learnin" than the school marm could muster. I went to 17 schools before college, so I have some serious exposure to the world, and still found this one to be a dog.

The story lines were simple, though convoluted, and even when the music was good - maybe even great at moments - the subject matter was, for the most part, so rank. Almost everything was dedicatedly off norm, and much of it was downright perverse. Of the topics and displays of eccentricity, the relationship between Maureen and Joanne was the most palatable, and between Tom and Angel the most unreasonable. The fact that the supreme example and definition of Love was a homosexual, pet-killing, AIDS terminated, Drag Queen says plenty about the motivations of the production, and why it wandered out of town so quickly, and so quietly.

The only socially redeeming quality of the film, and I suppose the original story, was the fact that two of the characters that were HIV positive were intent on not taking on sexual partners unless they were also HIV positive. But that may just mean that the ONLY social guideline of the movie is that one should be unwilling to kill someone else for sexual gratification. Anything else is okay.

So, on grounds of theology, ethics, morals, social message, and true value of human life, it scores a big ZERO, but some of the music is excellent, gaining them 3 points, still the messages of that music are so vile it loses them another 2 points - rending a final score of 1 out of 10.

This kind of fare may pass for valid entertainment in New York, San Francisco and even LA, but most of America living outside the GLAAD universe would still find it to be both tawdry and mundane, yet more than moderately offensive - and not in a good way.

Thanks for reading. Keith
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Satisfaction (1988)
I was pleasantly amazed at Justine Bateman's talents
22 February 2003
Come a long way since Family Ties to this movie where her abilities in winning a crowd with her musical motion that rivals that of almost any in the rock/wiggle world today.

The rest of the cast is excellent, Julia Roberts is a ray of sunshine, and Liam is superior as usual, but the Big Ticket is Justine. I found myself wanting to get her next rock video, and not even knowing if she had one. If you are debating which coming of age girl movie, which music movie, which overcoming love flick to view . . . this is the premier choice. I thoroughly enjoyed this one from start to credits.

The ONLY sad point about this movie is that it is only available on VHS -- not DVD. :-( Enjoy
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