
17 Reviews
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Drawn in by first few episodes, but ultimately this series was disappointing
29 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The acting and cinematography in this series were outstanding, and I was drawn in by the first few episodes. From episodes 1 - 5, I couldn't stop watching. By the time episodes 6, 7 and 8 rolled around, it seemed that many of the characters actions and reactions didn't make sense, and some situations were so unlikely as to strain credibility. For instance, a corpse is found of a woman who is the exact look-alike of the main female cop, AND this dead woman had ID identifying her as having the same name as a make believe friend the cop had as a child. And as if that wasn't enough - the cop goes undercover to live with the dead womans roommates, pretending to be the woman who was killed - as if none of these room mates were going to be able to tell the difference, and as if none of the other people in the town who knew the cop were going to give things away. All these things kept getting more and more unbelievable, but I kept watching because I thought everything would be tied together at the end - especially that we'd find out what happened to the kids who disappeared in 1985 - but the end was a big dud. We were left with no idea what happened to the kids who went missing in 1985, and we discover that since the main male cop happened to be a friend of those missing kids when he was little, and had been with them with they disappeared, that for some reason that made him ineligible to be a cop, so he was getting terminated and disciplined at the end of the series - because he'd been the victim of a crime as a child. The end made no sense and ultimately left me feeling that all the time I'd spent watching this series had been wasted.
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Better Than Us (2018–2019)
Interesting Concept with Good Actors
12 November 2019
I like movies about robots (Westworld, Morgan, Ex-Machina), but did not expect to like this one. I planned to give it 10 minutes before deciding whether or not to continue, but it hooked me within that time. The acting is good and the storyline is compelling. I liked the robot more than any of the people. One thing I noticed is that in scenes where you can see a lot of background - such as scenes shot from balconies overlooking a wide area - the air pollution is horrific.
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A Huge Waste of Time
6 November 2019
This movie was a complete and utter waste of time. It was absurd and it went nowhere.
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Cyrus (I) (2010)
The Lack of Communication between Characters is Irritating
22 August 2019
This is one of those movies where nobody has the ability to express their feelings or describe to other people what's going on, so there are predictible calamities all based on someone not understanding the situation. The complete ineptitude of the main characters and their inability to express themselves or to see how they are being manipulated make the movie more irritating than entertaining.
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Us (II) (2019)
Makes no Sense
21 July 2019
Suspension of disbelief is an essential component of any good movie. It is when the audience temporarily accepts a particular reality or situation, in order to enjoy the movie and be entertained. But there are limits to what people can accept, and this movie exceeds that threshhold. I'm not saying the movie isn't entertaining - the cinematography and acting were good, and making fun of the absurdity of the plot was entertaining in and of itself, which is why I gave it three stars instead of one. People just need to be prepared for an absolutely ridiculous plot before going into it, otherwise they will be disappointed.
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The OA (2016–2019)
6 May 2019
This show is stupid. A woman shows up after being missing for years, and the police ask her if she remembers what happened the day she disappeared. She says "yes", but they don't ask her what happened. Then they ask her if she remembers what happened while she was gone. Again she replies "yes", but instead of asking her to elucidate, they decide to shift gears and ask what she was doing immediately before she showed up again. These shows where people don't ask reasonable questions just drive me crazy. I couldn't even get throught the first episode.
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How It Ends (2018)
Most Unrealistic and Ridiculous Movie I've ever seen
22 July 2018
This movie is unrealistic and drags on forever. I feel like I just wasted a large portion of my life watching this nonsense.
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Mimic: Sentinel (2003 Video)
11 April 2018
I was a fan of the original Mimic movie, but this one was poorly made, with horrible acting by the three main young actors, a stupid plot, lame dialog and bad special effects. Other than that, it was Ok.
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Our Cartoon President (2018–2020)
2 March 2018
The first couple of episodes have been very funny. My only reservation is that I think this actually humanizes Trump a bit, which I'm sure was not intended. And as for the animation, so many of the characters are spot on - especially people like Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi, Melania, Jared Kushner, but I can't look at Trumps mouth without seeing Jim Nabors. It's too bad they couldn't have captured Trump the way they did so many of the others. I highly recommend this
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Interstellar (2014)
11 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I'm a big fan of both Matthew McConaughey and Matt Damon, and this movie had some good acting and good special effects. Some of the story was even believable and interesting, but when it came to that whole book shelf in the worm hole thing - well that just ruined it for me. So let me try to get this straight - did McConaughey go into a black hole or was it a worm hole? And once inside the whatever kind of hole it was, he ended up being outside his spaceship and behind his daughters bookshelf. And then he just suddenly woke up inside a hospital?!?! So who went in the hole to rescue him? I'm sorry, but once the bookshelves came into play, I couldn't figure out what was going on and it didn't make any sense! Plus, McConaughey left Earth when his daughter was a little girl, and when he finally sees her again at the end of the movie, she is very old and near the end of her life. You'd think they'd want to spend some time catching up, but they spend about 2 minutes together and that's it.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Not Like Any Other Movie I've Ever Seen
11 February 2018
This movie was different and not at all predictable. Loved it.
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Jungle (I) (2017)
Hard to Empathize with the Characters
8 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very exciting movie with beautiful scenery, but it was hard to empathize with three of the main characters. First, the Daniel Radcliffe character is approached on the street by a guy who sounds like a snake oil salesman, with stories of lost jungle tribes and panning for gold, and a hard-sell offer of his services as a guide in a trek through the jungle. It was like watching someone fall for a phone scam, and was hard to imagine anyone being so naive and gullible. Radcliffe has some initial difficulty selling his two friends, a Swiss school teacher and a photographer, on the whole jungle adventure idea, but eventually they agree to go along as well. The guide and his three novice adventurers take a plane into the remote jungle, then head off on foot. The guide has a gun and a machete. Nobody else has a weapon for protection or a machete to help hack their way through the jungle. This was an immediate red flag - who would go into the jungle without a gun or a machete!!! After days of walking with wet footwear, one of the friends, the Swiss school teacher, develops a horrific foot infection. His two friends are not only unsympathetic, but they become openly hostile and stop talking to him when he has difficulty walking and slows them down. At one point the teacher sits outside his tent crying after everyone goes to bed because he is in pain, he's scared, and his so-called friends are being downright cruel to him. It is at this point that the guide suggests turning around and going back to civilization, but the two guys without painful foot infections refuse and develop an attitude. They all build a boat out of logs, thinking it will be quicker and easier to go down the river, but the guide seems terrified of the water, and when they have to go back to shore, the guide gets angry and says he's going back on foot with or without anyone else. The group separates when the teacher with the painful foot infection goes back to town with the guide. The other two go down the river again, but smash their boat in the rapids and then they also get separated. We get to follow the travails of Daniel Radcliffe who, over the next couple of weeks, falls into quicksand, gets eaten by ants, hallucinates, starves, and gets the same painful foot infection that the teacher had. I couldn't help deriving a certain satisfaction from all this. Eventually the photographer who had been on the boat with Radcliffe gets rescued, and he in turn goes back to the jungle and rescues Radcliffe, who appears minutes away from starving to death. We find out shortly thereafter that the guide and the Swiss school teacher were never seen again. This was a true story and I found this ending quite sad, since the only one who seemed to be a nice person probably had a miserable death. Generally I have to like the characters in order to enjoy a movie, but I still enjoyed this movie and would highly recommend it.
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Brimstone (2016)
Relentless Brutality
8 February 2018
A well made movie that was nonetheless, difficult to watch due to relentless brutality. During one scene a pig is first shot in the head, and then it's throat is cut. It lies on the ground with it's legs moving for a long time in the background. I try to avoid movies where animals were actually killed in real life for the film. The violence against women in the movie was non-stop and maddening. Overall it was not a pleasant experience and I was left asking what was the point?
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Great Acting, Great Special Effects, Best Movie I've Seen in at Least a Year
31 January 2018
This was the best movie I've seen for a very long time. It has great special effects, a haunting soundtrack, an interesting moral dilemma, a wonderful love story, and great acting.
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Great Civil War Story
31 January 2018
Great story and great acting. This movie shows the civil war from an angle that I have not seen in any other movie.
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You Will Never Get Back The Time You Waste Watching This Movie
31 January 2018
Everything about this movie is awful. A woman and her teenage son move into a house and don't pay attention to every red flag imaginable that someone is hiding inside their house. When their things disappear and end up in other parts of the house, one blames the other, and the other never bothers to deny it - they just slam doors and storm into different rooms instead of trying to figure out what's going on. There are so many possible scenarios in which an intruder could mess with people, but do the people always have to be brain dead stupid and oblivious? Also, the mom kept getting in the shower and the water would suddenly get cold. She would run down into the basement wrapped in a towel to light the water heater and the water would immediately be warm when she got back upstairs. Do these writers not know how water heaters work? And even though they have to keep running down into the basement, they never bother to change a lightbulb - they always have to take a flashlight because it's pitch dark down there. Oh, and would anyone in a horror movie ever consider closing and locking their bedroom door at night, so intruders couldn't just sneak in and grab them in their sleep? This was such a stupid and irritating movie. Don't waste your precious time watching it.
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Pandorum (2009)
Stupid Waste of Time
11 May 2010
This movie was irritatingly stupid. It made me mad that I wasted the time watching it. It starts out with some good acting when a couple of crew members wake up after "hypersleep" on board a space ship. It starts to get scary when they find no trace of the other crew members or passengers. Ben Foster has some claustrophobic travels through a duct system to get out of the room with a door that will not open. After emerging from the ducts he finds monsters that look like regurgitated zombies or vampires or something. The monsters look like they just stepped out of QT's From Dusk Till Dawn. He also finds a group of cretins who have survived the zombies but seem determined to kill all the other people instead of banding together to fight them. The people are passengers who look like they just stepped off the set of Mad Max. There are some scary moments with ideas reminiscent of Aliens, The Abyss and Event Horizon, but the plot makes no sense whatsoever. I just kept hoping the whole ship would shut down and everything on board would die, including all the stupid, crazy, unreasonable people.
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