
15 Reviews
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The Road (I) (2009)
Agonizingly desperate and sad
16 November 2009
While watching this movie I thought to myself that it was good I had already read the book. This was because the movie is agonizingly desperate and sad--often times it was just too much to absorb or handle in such a large dose. You can't put this movie down like you can with the book. Unlike the book being beautifully written, in an almost poetic prose, which distracted the reader from the subject, the movie is not beautifully shot. In your face is desperation, agony, and death.

I can understand why this movie was shelved for a year. Do not go into it looking to be entertained, at best look to be intellectually stimulated. This is no popcorn movie.
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The Girl in the Café (2005 TV Movie)
7 July 2006
This is an amazing movie and I highly recommend it. Admittedly however, there are points in the movie where I felt myself thinking that Gina was just acting absurd and crazy, but that was part of the genius of the script. Anyway, the movie really rounds-out and I am glad that I stuck with it. I give it a 10. I've never given a movie such a high rating after feeling uncertain about it in the beginning. The movie leaves you with a feeling of hope and inspiration.

On the flip-side, I will play the pessimist. Not all politicians have good intentions. Some are in it for the power, unlike the chancellor. I can easily imagine a few of the G8 leaders just getting up and walking out of the meeting if a compromise was not possible. To make real progress, I think we must realize that cruel & selfish people are all around us. This movie was feel-good escapism.
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Chaos (II) (2005)
Statham fans will enjoy, but it fell apart at the end.
7 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie, especially the first half. Unfortunately, in the last 30 minutes or so, everything just fell apart. But it's still worthwhile. If you're a Statham fan, I would definitely recommend it.

Also, Statham has a thick accent in this movie, but he is supposed to be a veteran Seattle cop, which is kind of strange but I found easy to get past. Maybe you won't.

This movie would have been a cult hit if they had filled in the gaps at the end. The heavy editing is very obvious. This is an example where they should have gone back and re-shot some scenes. Instead, they just mashed everything together--scene after scene. It also ended too quickly. What happens with Shane (Phillippe)? And how about Teddy (Waddell) and her feelings about Conners (Statham)? One final note, the chaos theme was just stupid and not needed. It was not central to the movie. It also reminds me of the chess theme in Revolver, which was stupid as well. I guess Statham likes to play the secret genius. On the outside, he is all rough and grizzled, but on the inside he is a mathematical genius. That said, I still think Statham is the best action character in the movies today, hands down.
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Not your average alien invasion film. War of the Worlds is a blood fest.
30 June 2005
This movie was very disappointing. Furthermore, in my opinion it was down-right disturbing is some scenes.

A lot of people are comparing this to Independence Day, which I would say is a better film. Independence Day was a light-hearted movie with a feel-good ending. It had a ton of action and was very well-rounded. Of course it wasn't a masterpiece, but it was entertaining. I don't have so much praise for War of the Worlds. There are just too many scenes with masses of people in desperation, about to be massacred. There was way too much shock and awe in this film and I question the reason for it. Was Spielberg trying to use the same technique as in Schindler's List, in the film? I really had to turn my head in some scenes. In fact, I continually saw parents escorting their children out of the theater.

Still more, there are no great scenes that stand out from the rest. No great protagonist or scenes of the human race coming together to defeat the aliens. What you see is very contrary to what you'd hope for. Its a very pessimistic movie. And the ending? What a let down. It was there only because the movie had to end.

This is basically a horror movie. Its the worst Spielberg movie ever made.
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Alfie (2004)
Could have been so much more.
5 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Shoot the movie in New York or London, but don't pretend to have the movie take place in New York but film in London! This movie was totally void of any New York feeling.

And if you're going to tone down the "mean-factor" from the original film to this remake, at least make the ending satisfying. I wanted everything to work out for Alfie. I was hoping he would get back with Julie (Marisa Tomei), but no he walks off alone.

Anyway, this movie was lousy. The best part was Seinna Miller. I don't know anything about her, but she is very very hot. Damn. What was Alfie looking for anyway? A wife? No, just a warm bed and there is nothing wrong with that! Just don't be a jerk at the same time (and I don't think Alfie was too much of a jerk, anyway).
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If Lucy Fell (1996)
This is one of those movies that is so bad it will make you nauseous.
5 November 2004
I don't know how to classify this movie. It is disgustingly bad. It is not funny, yet its supposed to be a comedy. The only part mildly entertaining is Ben Stiller's character, yet he is not developed at all. Everything else is just so serious. These two losers have it so bad. Oh, poor them. Please! Do jump off the Brooklyn Bridge.

I did not know anything about this movie before watching it. Initially I thought Joe (Eric Schaeffer) was a homosexual. After all, he had very feminine characteristics. Additionally, he wore a dress in parts of the movie. And also, there is his hair (you know what I'm talking about). And the makeup, etc... etc... I'll admit that I couldn't stand watching the last 20 minutes, but I do know how it ends. Anyway, it would have turned out better if Joe came out of the closet.

This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It should get a rating of 1. Don't watch this movie!
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Tiptoes (2002)
A mess. Stay away. (spoilers)
7 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was bad in many ways. I guess the moral of the story is acceptance. However, I completely understand Steven's (Matthew McConaughey) frustration, but the other characters in the movie pass him off as a jerk. The story should have focused more on Steven and his difficulty growing up.

Something quite strange about the plot is that it seems that Carol (Beckinsale) wants to have a dwarf child. Carol obviously wants to have and love her child no matter what, but she seems to have a fascination with little people.

Also, the movie is cut and mashed together. For example, at one moment Carol is a few days past finding out she is pregnant and at the next scene she is fully pregnant. Now what happened during those 9 months?!?! This movie is just a complete mess. Too bad for Oldman, he did a fine job as a little person, but why didn't a real little person play the part? I don't understand it.

I wish I did not watch this movie, it was that bad.
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Entertaining but not a great movie.
27 August 2004
I don't know what is so great about this movie. Mid-way through it was starting to get boring. There was nothing really original about it, either. And I did understand the humor, or rather humour, in the movie, so don't give me that story.

And what is this thing with the 10 lines? blah blah blah blah blah
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Fallen (1998)
All for nothing.spoilers
27 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie until the end. Everything Hobbes (Denzel Washington) fights for is all for nothing. Hobbes will go down as a brutal murderer and Azazel wins. Hobbes was willing to sacrifice his life to stop Azazel, but it doesn't work.

And why did he have to kill himself? He could have just ran or drove off after shooting Jonesy. And what was with the cigarettes? Why didn't he just inject himself with the needle? How did he know that lacing a cigarette with poison would kill him?

I feel cheated after watching this movie. It could have ended better, but was sacrificed in an attempt to be smart.
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Very entertaining, great action movie.
25 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great sequel. Its hard to say which was better, the first or second. I only hope Matt Damon does the third edition of the story. If he doesn't he's crazy. This is a great franchise.

spoilers: As for the movie, I think Bourne should have tried a little harder to revive Marie. The bullet did look like it went into the back of her head, but it wasn't very obvious, and Bourne didn't know that. He just pushes her away after a couple breathes of air he gives her under water. What the heck is that about?

Oh, Julia Stiles was quite hot in this movie.
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I hate Wilbur and I hate this movie. spoilers
25 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
When I first started watching this movie, I wanted to feel sympathy for Wilbur, but he is really just a great big jerk after seeing what he does to his brother. I was also astounded when Wilbur turned away both of those ladies that were after him. Who does Wilbur want? His brothers wife. And why? I have no idea. Alice is such an empty character. I do not see the appeal. She is not very attractive and has practically no personality thats adequately portrayed in the movie. We as the audience know nothing about her and anything that comes out of her mouth is at most a few mumblings. And to make it worse, it is so obvious that the only reason she is with either of these brothers is because she has nowhere else to go.
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The TV show was better.
1 November 2002
This is not a good movie. There are only a few funny areas, such as "Party Boy" in Japan, which of course was ripped off from Tom Green. I'm not kidding, the TV show was much, much better. This is garbage. I don't know why this was rated R, either.
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Waking Life (2001)
Awful pretentious piece of garbage.
24 October 2002
This cartoon-movie is bad. Though, if you have a relatively low I.Q. and have never thought about anything outside of reality, you may enjoy this movie. This movie is just a waste of time. There is a scene that exemplifies this movie. In the scene, Ethan Hawke and his girlfriend, or whatever, are lying in a bed talking about how they have dreams that seem to last forever, but in reality, when they wake up only a short amount of time had passed. This scene lasted like 10 minutes, or an hour and a half (I forget). Basically, it was meant to say that maybe we are all experiencing this so-called waking-life right now! And what a setting to give that message, a bed--where the line between consciousness and unconsciousness is drawn. Oh my god, what an epiphany!
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Wicked (1998)
This movie is disturbing, as is the sexual tension.
23 October 2002
I'm not sure what kind of person would write the screenplay for this movie. It's very disturbing, having to do with love (not paternal) between daughters and fathers, with a twist of mystery. If you ever wanted to marry your father, DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. Also, I would advise, if you are a female, don't watch this movie with your father.
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Evolution (2001)
Light, carefree comedy.
24 September 2002
I liked this film because it was a light, carefree comedy. Of course some of it was stupid, but it was good stupid in my book. This is not an average sci-fi movie. Also, the casting for this movie was excellent. Each of the actors played their parts very well.
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