
22 Reviews
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An Amazing Directorial Debut for Elijah Bynum
10 August 2018
When I first saw this film, I had low expectations. Based on what little I knew about the film, I figured it was your typical teen rom com period piece, set in the 80's or something. This film is anything but that, and I was definitely pleasantly surprised. Carried by strong up and coming actors Timothée Chalamet and Maika Monroe, this film takes you on a rollercoaster ride through the summer of 1991 in Cape Cod. Powered by a dominating soundtrack of late 80's early 90's top radio play tracks, it definitely sets the tone for the entire film and plants your mind firmly that time. Without giving away too much, this film definitely takes a turn you weren't expecting and ends in such a way that is both equally satisfying and frustrating. Even if you weren't a teenager in the early 90's, you feel a sense of nostalgia just watching this movie. As others have stated, director Elijah Bynum's cinematic style is similar to that of Martin Scorsese, and this is especially present in the opening of the film. While this film is unlikely to win any awards or get a lot of attention, it's definitely worth the watch at least once.
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Scream: The TV Series (2015–2019)
A Pleasant Surprise
14 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Scream is something I hold dear and close to my heart as one of my all time favorite sagas. Memories of my youth when I would beg my older sister to let me watch it, who reluctantly let me see it with of course the words following "Don't tell mom or dad I let you watch this okay?". It wasn't until I got older when my enthusiasm for the world of cinema grew that I learned to truly appreciate the masterpiece that is Scream. From the early days of production when the film was written as a spoof and later matured into a more serious slasher film per the advisement of the Weinstein Brothers, when it was brought to Dimension Films. Even famed horror writer Stephen King lent a helping hand to Mr. Craven who was struggling with how to properly open the film. So the opening we see in Scream 1 with Casey Becker and how the scene plays out was actually King's direction, who told Craven "You have to capture the audience's attention in the first 5 minutes, do that and you'll have them sitting on the edge of their seat the rest of the film". Anyway, I'm rambling on here... Scream: The TV Series, captures all of what was great about the films and turns it into a captivating series with a much better background story. If you ask me, this story is A LOT better than Scream 4. Come on,...Sidney's cousin going crazy and turning out to be a serial killer all to get the attention she felt she deserved because she was tired of living in Sid's shadow. Give me a break... While the show is not without it's "Yeah,..okay" moments, it still had me questioning who the killer was until the second to last episode of Season 1. We've seen SO many great films turned into TV Series, it's a nice change to see it done right for a change.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
A Fluent Transition into the Past
20 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Breaking Bad was Vince Gilligan's triumph, and how do you appease fans that are wanting more? Well, you do just that, you give them more. It's seldom that we see spin off shows that are as successful as their predecessor, but Better Call Saul is just as good as Breaking Bad in every way. This show does not succeed without Vince Gilligan, and I think AMC only entertained the idea of Better Call Saul because of not only the popularity of Breaking Bad, but that Vince Gilligan was staying on board for this series. It's not just a situation of AMC milking the Breaking Bad "brand" for more profits, this show is written exceptionally well, and has the strength of last for several seasons with quality material. Everything we loved about Breaking Bad is present and accounted for in Better Call Saul, and it keeps you wanting to watch episode after episode and keeps you on the edge of your seat dying to find out what happens next. The integration of characters from Breaking Bad is done with purpose and not just for the sake of adding the character because he/she is a "fan favorite". I would say that Vince should take the same approach to Breaking Bad and give this show a 5 year run. Even though Better Call Saul starts in 2002, we can fill the time gap and still take us right up to 2008 when the events of Breaking Bad start, and officially complete the saga. We're obviously going to see Gus introduced to the series in Season 3 per the "teaser" trailer of a Los Pollos Hermanos commercial, and I think it's only a matter of time before we see Jesse as well. I doubt we'll see Walt apart from a quick cameo, because he didn't get involved with Saul until well into the Breaking Bad series. However, Jesse gives the implication that he already knew of Saul before he suggests that Walt and him meet him. So we could very well see Jesse, and possibly Hank at some point in either Season 4 or 5, which I think would be stupid not to do. It's important that the viewers see everything come full circle, and I don't think Vince will disappoint. Again, one of the seldom occasions I'll ever recommend a spin off show, but if you love Breaking Bad, you'll DEFINITELY love Better Call Saul!
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Cameron Should Be the Only Person With Rights to the Terminator Series
26 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only 25, but I've been a fan of the Terminator series for years. I first saw Terminator 2 as a youngster, and went to theaters to see that horrendous sequel Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. If you are die hard Terminator fan, you know that the official ending of Terminator 2 has Sarah Conner watching John and her granddaughter playing on a playground as she is now in her early 60's. She's seen talking into a recorder as she recounts how Judgement Day never came to pass and John is now a member of the U.S. Senate and does his fighting in Washington. THIS is how the Terminator series should have ended, as this whole idea of the Terminator series was thought up by Jim Cameron. All subsequent films that followed are just living off the franchise name. While Terminator 3, Terminator Salvation, and Terminator Genisys were all entertaining, they scrambled the story, and of the three films to follow T2, Genysis was by far the worst. With Terminator 3 we were told that Judgement Day was inevitable and the actions of Sarah, John, and the T-800 in T2 just set back Skynet by 6 years. As Judgement Day changed from 1997 to 2003. Then Terminator Salvation picks up where T3 left off showing the world post Judgement Day where John Conner and the Resistance are fighting to take Skynet Down. Then comes Terminator Genysis,...where we just decide to throw all of the films in one pot, stir it round, and call it something different. In Genysis we see the resistance take down Skynet, then send Kyle back to 1984, but an alternate 1984, not the one we saw in Terminator (1984). There are SO many unanswered questions and plot holes its ridiculous. On spots that should have lengthy details on how certain things transpire we're left with a sentence or two of explanations that still doesn't give us a straight answer. By the time the film was over my head was spinning. It's a great action film, and its neat to see Arnie as the Terminator, but this is a film that never should have been made. At least T3 and Salvation made more sense than this piece of garbage. It's pure nostalgia, nothing more. When the visionary of a saga is no longer involved, the story gets lost, and turned around because they no longer are the ones in charge. People fall in love with saga's because of the original vision, not what comes after when it falls into someone else's hands. Imagine they made a 4th Godfather without Francis Ford Coppola involved. Or a 5th Lethal Weapon 10 years ago without Richard Donner. I hate that Hollywood keeps doing this, but as long is it can make them money, they could give a hoot who's at the helm. Save yourself the time, and just go watch T1 and T2 with some friends and make a night of it :) Even out of pure curiosity, it's still not worth seeing, TRUST ME!
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San Andreas (2015)
A Good Disaster Movie, Nothing More...
26 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In my years I've seen many a disaster film. Twister, Volcano, Dante's Peak, Deep Impact, Armageddon, The Towering Inferno, Poseidon, The Core and many others, even Charlton Heston's disaster classic from 1974 "Earthquake", which for its time was really something. Visually San Andreas is astounding, along the lines of 2012 I'd say it bares a strong resemblance. Dwayne Johnson I think in these past couple years has all but cemented himself in as an A List action star in Hollywood and has gotten as far away from his "Rock" persona as he possibly can. The only thing that turned me off about this movie apart from the cliché Hollywood "yeah,..okay" moments was the story. I think it could have done better following the lives of several groups of people suffering the quake's instead of just one family. I will say it makes a small attempt to connect you with other characters, but it's a pathetic effort to say the least. Everything plays out, well...pretty much how you'd expect it to play out from scene to scene. Even when they had the perfect opportunities to throw in a small twist here and there, they didn't. There is one scene in particular where one of the main characters is injured by a shard of glass that impales his thigh. They quickly make a tourniquet and carry him on the remainder of the film. At one point towards the end of the film one of the main character's, Blake decides to check on his wound. This would have made for the perfect twist to reveal that the shard of glass severed the artery in his leg, resulting in that characters death. Did they do that? Nope,...they turn it into a kissing scene. In all it's a good party movie watch with friends one time, but not one I'd watch every year.
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George Miller's Intended Vision Finally Realized
29 June 2015
Some 36 years ago completely unknown director George Miller released what went on to be one the biggest cult action films in history, Mad Max. Starring the also unknown at the time, Mel Gibson. Who much like Harrison Ford in Star Wars released only 2 years earlier, was the lone star of the film to make it big in Hollywood. Mel would go onto become on the biggest names in Hollywood throughout the 80's and 90's while director George Miller fell into obscurity, maintaining a presence as a working Director, but releasing radically different films like the animated hit children's film Happy Feet. I didn't have the highest hopes for Mad Max: Fury Road when I first got wind of it some 4+ years ago. I grew up as big fan of the original Mad Max trilogy as my dad is a huge fan of Mel Gibson. I knew that Fury Road was going through production hell and always was scrapped entirely with how long the process was taking, some 10+ years with changing stories, actors, etc.

When I finally heard that they were in pre-production and had a set cast in Charlize Theron, and Nicholas Hoult, I anxiously waited word on who the new Mad Max was going to be. My original bet and hope was for Terminator Salvation / Avatar actor Sam Worthington, when they announced Tom Hardy, I thought to myself...okay, okay. After seeing the first full length trailer, I was jaw dropped. I knew that George finally achieved in making the film he envisioned making some 36 years ago. Mad Max, the way he saw it in his head. Everyone delivers an amazing performance. Including the unknown Hugh Keays-Byrne, who is only well known for his role as Toecutter in the original Mad Max film.

I think what baffles me the most is how in the world this movie gets made. Honestly? How does a director at the age of 70! Who is only known primarily for a film series with a mere cult following at best, get granted a $150 million dollar budget!? Unlike Star Wars which established a massive following in it's time before releasing it's newest trilogy. George Lucas also maintained a heavy industry presence in writing films (Indiana Jones) before the new Star Wars trilogy was announced. That was also a mere 16 year difference between the release of Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace.

I think what helped this film was the nature of the story, it's even more relative today than 30+ years ago, it follows a central "post apocalyptic" theme that is also very popular now. It appeals to adults young and old, admirers of the original "Mad Max" story, and those looking for a good action film. I'm so excited that this movie was able to get made. I'm still mind boggled by it, but still very happy that this movie got made. I saw it a month ago and I'm still geeking out about it.

To put it simply, this is to the original Mad Max Trilogy, to that of what George Lucas hoped for with the Star Wars prequels.
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Poltergeist (2015)
A Passable Reboot
23 June 2015
For a reboot, this one isn't as bad as others I've seen. I definitely feel that this film lacked a lot of the story substance that the first film relied more heavily on because of it's restrictions involving visual effects. Where this film relies more heavily on stunning CGI for the latter half of the film to keep the viewers attention. Sam Rockwell delivers a pretty solid performance as the father, he brings subtle comedy to his character as well as some deep emotion at select points in the film. Out of of everyone I think he delivered the best performance alongside the new "Carol Anne" aka "Madison" played by Kennedi Clements. Who delivers a very good performance for someone of her age, however I still feel Heather O'Rourke was even more convincing in the original. I'm still not sure why they changed the last name of the family, there was really no need to change the character's names. All in all, not a terrible film. A good watch around Halloween, not one I'd see more than once though.
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Entertaining and Thought Provoking
19 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Much like Chronicle, this film profiles exactly what would happen when you give teenagers certain powers. In Chronicle it was "super powers" in Project Almanac, it's the ability to travel through time. There were elements of this film that made me give it far more credit than I would normally have.

1.) Seeing Yourself - This is the first time travel movie that I've seen where in the instance of someone seeing there physical self in the past can cause a fault in time where both individuals disappear, like they cancel each other out or something.

2.) Time Travel and Power - Unlike most time travel movies where the possibilities seem limitless with the machine, the one in Project Almanac requires mass amounts of power to be able to work. Not unlike the DeLorean in Back to the Future. However in Project Almanac, they can't instantly travel back in time 1,000 years. In fact the furthest they are ever able to go back is 10 years. That's what really made me appreciate this film the most I think. That even time travel has its limits, and even when they work out the algorithms, they can only go back so far, successfully.

3.) Full Circle - I loved how they brought everything full circle at the end of the film. I was quite happy with how they ended it, I had so many questions, but that's what made it so much fun. Not every single thing needs to be answered, some things can be left for the viewer to figure out.

4.) The Budget - One thing you have to remember going into this movie is that it's not a $75 million film, it's a film with a modest to low budget. Given what they had to work with, I was thoroughly impressed with most of the visuals during the time traveling scenes, not bad at all.
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Night of the Twisters (1996 TV Movie)
Shades of my Childhood
30 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this film when I was just a little kid, watching it on a November night in the mid 90's on what was formally "The Family Channel". It premiered as part of a disaster weekend double feature alongside "Flood: A Rivers Rampage". There are a lot of aspects that really show how much a "TV Movie" this is, but I do have to give the special effects team extra credit here. For a low budget TV movie, the effects used for the tornadoes weren't half bad for 1996. I've read several reviews from people complaining about how horrible the effects were, this was a limited budget TV movie folks, get real. The acting is surprisingly good as well, Devon Sawa and John Schneider have great chemistry together and much of the dialogue and situations feel very real. I rate this film so high because given what they had to work with this film definitely delivered.
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Radio Flyer (1992)
A Richard Donner Masterpiece
19 August 2014
This movie is absolutely amazing. I first saw it when I was in Junior High and still love it to this day. There are so many wonderful elements about this film, that its impossible to pick just one. While there are a few "Yeah,..right" kind of scenes, if you really watch this film. I mean REALLY watch it and look at the point of the film, you'll understand. Elijah Wood and Joseph Mazello really show their talent as young actors, and have amazing chemistry as brothers, even if they look nothing alike, lol. While I don't want to spoil anything, there are scenes that are difficult to watch. What I love is how unapologetic and real Donner was with this film in how he held nothing back. He wanted to shock the audience and be in their face real with certain elements of this film and for that I applaud him. He didn't sugarcoat it, that's for sure. Once you watch this film you'll know what I'm referring to. This is what you'd call a hidden gem of top grade cinema. Oh, and for those of you thinking of seeing this strictly because you saw Tom Hanks is in it, I think it's only fair to tell you that he is only a narrator for about 95% of the film and has only brief screen time.
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Disconnect (I) (2012)
A Serious Outlook on the Dark Side of the Internet
7 March 2014
When I first saw all the positive reviews on this movie I had to look into it. I was a little hesitant after seeing that Jason Bateman was taking on a more serious role in this film, but he doesn't disappoint. While some may argue that the stories portrayed by each set of characters may be too played out, it's not as far a stretch as you'd think. In particular the story involving the family with the teenage boy and his unfortunate incident with a "friend" on Facebook. It's a hard watch in the sense of how certain events play out, but important to see all the same. This film is just a hint at how dark the internet can be. My only gripe is the multiple story concept, it's not a terrible idea when done right, like in the film 11:14. But here, I think they could have cut down to just 2 stories and still have a great film.
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Makes a Better Yahoo News Story Than a Movie
19 January 2014
I first saw this movie a few weeks ago out of pure interest. The high ratings and rave reviews intrigued me enough to give it a look see. I knew nothing about this film apart from it being based on "actual events". Now, like any film based on real life events, there's always two sides of the story being told. What those who experienced it say, and what we see on the big screen. Nevertheless, I went into this film with an open mind. Tom Hanks once again proves his range as an actor, although for this film it wasn't as extended as in other roles he's portrayed. The reason I'm giving this movie a 6 out of 10 has nothing to do with any of the performances in this film. Everyone was excellent, including Barkad Abdi, who does incredibly well for his first time on screen ever. The reason for the low score, the story is bland. I understand that not every film needs to have guns blazing, cars exploding, or CGI in every scene to be a good film, this movie is just bland. There are a remote few times where your heart gets racing about how a scene will play out, then you get dragged on for extended periods of time where nothing happens. I mean no disrespect to anyone in this film, nor those who went through this ordeal, but this is just not the type of story you turn into a major motion picture. This is something you read about in 5 paragraphs on a headline article on Yahoo News.
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Unapologetically Realistic
26 December 2013
I'm 23 and I've seen almost every type of teen coming of age kinda movie that's out there, and this one is definitely one of the best I've seen. It's depressing and underwhelming for most of the film, but that adds the realism, nothing seems fake about it. The acting, dialogue, etc. All is top notch, even 26 year old Miles Teller still does a convincing job posing as a high school student. The story is somewhat predictable, but then it does have its own personal twists that leave you going "hmm, didn't see that coming". Miles Teller reminds me a lot of a young John Cusack, his overall look and mannerisms are slightly similar to John's, if not slightly more turned up. If you are looking for A Walk to Remember or She's All That, look elsewhere, because this movie is anything but. It's a slap you in the face realistic portrayal of the teenager in today's world. Many would argue that this isn't all true, but coming from someone who was a teenager not all that long ago, I can say this movie is pretty darn close. A good watch overall.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Give It a Chance
5 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far one the better remake/prequel films I've seen over the past 7 years or so. When it comes to following the steps of the great John Carpenter, the team that worked on this film did far better than Rob Zombie did with Halloween. Who in my opinion has no business making films. One thing you have to do is clear your mind entering this film. Admire the original, but be open to the remake. Too many people get fixated on the "original" aspect and give remakes no chance whatsoever, even when the remake is solid. In this case it is, a very solid remake/prequel. There are some errors and plot issues, but that's to be expected, and they weren't major flaws. Which is good. One of the few errors I noticed in this film was with the dig site for the alien creature. In the 1982 film when the American team finds it, the entire top of the alien ship is exposed, but embedded deep within the glacial surface. In this film the ship is buried, and a network of man made caves lead to the ship. The 1982 film shows archive footage of the Norwegians blowing up the ice surface to get to the ship. In the 2011 film, the Norwegians never do that. So that just shows you, the little changes like that don't really hinder the story. All in all it's a good film, it follows the original a little too much on how it plays out, but it's not bad. I loved the ending credits. Which played out exactly how I wanted them to be. With one surviving Norwegian, and a rescue pilot arriving, then chasing the infected dog to the American base camp, which in turn is the start of the 1982 version. They combined film footage for the final scene, but it looks flawless. A great movie, and a must watch for any die hard John Carp fan :)
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Kilmer's Finest Hour
26 April 2010
I've watched a number of Val Kilmer movies over the years and this is by far Val's best performance. While Val has always been more of a supporting actor, he really shines as the main character Danny Parker/Tom Van Allen in The Salton Sea. The plot is great and the acting is solid all around. The serious dramatic nature works well with the splash of dark humor throughout the film. It's sad to see The Salton Sea not get the notoriety it deserves. Coming from someone who has seen A LOT of movies, this is in my top 50 for sure. Val really shows he's more than the hunk from Top Gun, the crazed college kid from Real Genius, and even the gambling junkie/pro thief from Heat. Val outdoes even his performance as Jim Morrison in The Doors(1991).

So, give this film a look and let yourself slip into the underground life of the perpetual night party. And get a taste of the life of Danny Parker. A tweaker with nothing to lose and a life he'll never get back.
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Not for everyone, but still genius
24 February 2010
Simply put, this is a great new show that a lot of people can and should enjoy. Granted, the audience for this show is guided more towards teens and those in their 20's, this show is quite funny. Your parents and some of your older friends may not get the jokes or the humor behind it, but depending on how old you are, you probably will. Rob, Glenn, and Charlie are all great writers and don't try to hard to make the show funny, it just is. They do go overboard with jokes sometimes, but the more you watch it the more you get that that's just how the "gang" is. While watching you can tell a majority of the dialogue is improv, but everyone in the show pulls it off extremely well. The chemistry between the characters is great. I give this show two thumbs up, Roger Ebert style.
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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009 Video Game)
Nathan Drake is Indiana Jones
30 January 2010
This game is great to say the least and is a awesome modern day adaption of the infamous Indiana Jones film; for a game of course. Granted some call it a rip off of the Indy series, I call it picking up where Indy left off. Nolan North does a great job voicing the character Nathan Drake and his dialogue is superb; very realistic. I've read reports of a film adaption for the first game. Personally I'd love to see Nolan North play Nathan Drake in the movie. If the fans reviews of the Drake series are any consolation, the film will be a hit. I think a BIG part of the Drake Series success is highly in part do to the fact SCEA is the maker of the games. Sony Computer Entertaimnet America or SCEA, the creators of the Playstion 3 system essentially, know how to make PS3 games better than anyone pretty much. Why's that you ask? They know how to build a game to it's strengths. Working with what they know the system is capable of and making sure the layout of the buttons is easy to get used to. This is grade A gaming in my eyes. Action, Adventure, Great Story Line, and some humor mixed in to boot. This series is great and is only getting better.
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Vigilante 8 (1998 Video Game)
Viglante 8: The Movie?
15 December 2009
I've loved Vigilante 8 ever since I first played it at age 8 back when it first came out. In my opinion it was just as good if not better than Twisted Metal. At least it had somewhat of a "realer" story behind the characters in the game.

I think if done RIGHT this could make a great movie. Way better than other game to movies done like Silent Hill or Doom. All that needs to be done really is have the game's story established a little more and it'd be great. I'm not gonna get into the cast and such but if produced well and made with a solid budget, it could be epic.

Okay, okay..I can't resist. My cast consist for the following . NOTE: I wrote this cast a few years ago, and some of the actors are to old by now to play the characters they would represent in the movie.


Chassey Blue - Jessica Biel Slick Clyde - Cillian Murphy Sheila - Michelle Rodriguez John Torque - Samuel L. Jackson Dave - Johnny Depp Convoy - Sam Elliott


Loki - Wesley Snipes Houston 3 - Zoe Saldena Boogie - William Lee Scott Beezwax - Phillip Seymour Hoffman Molo - Mark Addy Sid Burn - Ryan Reynolds
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Jack Frost (1997 Video)
Hit or Miss...
15 December 2009
Most of you are probably wondering why someone would even begin to consider giving the Jack Frost (black comedy) a 9 outta 10. Well, I'll tell you why; this movie is just flat out funny. First and foremost this film is very cheesy, and MUST be viewed from the viewpoint of it being a low budget film. This includes the animations of the snowman, gore, etc. Don't watch this movie and expect it to be a legit scary horror movie, it clearly isn't that by any means. This movie isn't dumb unless you make it out to be that. I've seen this movie a number of times and the lines Jack Frost says get me every time. So, I know this movie is a hit or miss with a lot of people, but if you haven't seen it, give it a shot.
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Antz (1998)
Good in it's own right..
15 December 2009
Okay, as almost everyone already knows, Antz is part of the film battle list including films of similar style and story released during the same year. IE Antz/A Bugs Life. I think both films are very good, but most would probably say A Bugs Life takes the cake. Yeah, that's only because Disney, one of the biggest film companies in the world was backing it, along with every other Pixar movie for that matter. I thought A Bugs Life was good, but was too much like a kids movie for me. I think personally Antz appealed to a wider audience. Maybe not for little kids, but a wider audience none the less. I guess it's the mild level of vulgarity in Dreamworks animated movies that I like. They are a little more lenient with swearing and such, and "cruder" humor. Where as Disney has a threshold on making sure all dialogue is pretty much censored. So, in my opinion Antz is the winner. Just as funny as A Bugs Life, and actually it was a little more "real". blue ants.
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Remember, it's a Coen Brothers Movie
10 November 2009
First off, before you go an watch this movie and jump straight to giving this movie a 4/10. Stop and remember, it's a Coen Brothers Movie. So in that being said you have to look at the comedy from the perspective of watching another Coen movie. I knew when I read that the Coen brothers made this movie and picked up on it being a comedy I knew it was gonna be good. Another thing, its nice to see Clooney and Pitt playing characters that are far from their typical styled roles in movies. I mean come on, Brad Pitt as an athletic instructor at a health and fitness gym, and George Clooney as an everyday man pretty much. So overall I give this movie about an 8.5 or 9 outta 10. A high rating I know, but this is grade A Coen Brothers at their comedic best. Give it a chance and watch it. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
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District 9 (2009)
Wilkus is Brundle Fly...
16 October 2009
I thought I might start off with a bit of a joke. For those of you that have seen District 9 already and The Fly with Jeff Goldblum, you got my joke. Or at least I hope you did. Anyway, I was very surprised by District 9. It took a very interesting approach and not one I expected at all. It's nice to see a change of pace with these alien Sci Fi movies. The story is a little unusual and is a little difficult to understand and follow with the semi-documentary style of filming they do. But none the less, a great film. A pretty graphic movie at times so hope you have a strong stomach. But if you can get past that, you're in for a treat with this movie. Not bad for a "first" time actor and director if you ask me.
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