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One of the most brilliant display of the human mind in film.
22 June 2023
This film can be funny, scary, disturbing, horrible and sad from one split moment to the next. The stream of conciousness style, and deliberately chaotic visuals and sound are crafted to create the unease of a mind losing control. The movie breaks meta boundaries and if youre paying attention even the art style is explained. We are in the mind of the protagonist, and for the short hour long length we cannot escape. Personally I've not seen a movie that captures the humanity of us so well.

If you want movie about human nature and life, give this a shot. Even if you have a slight philosophical or intoverted view on do give this a try. But be warned it can be triggering for those suffering from mental illness.

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The Shivering Truth (2018–2020)
A truly unpredictable piece of work
18 August 2022
Love the writing on this. Completely off the wall and unpredictable. It's quite refreshing considering how generic everything has become. As you watch episode to episode you end up wondering how the crayon came up with some of the scenarios, and one really doesn't know what's going to happen next.

It's not for everyone as the humour is very dark, and there's a lot of gross out violence. But if you can deal with that, and love interesting writing you'll really love this. Plus the short episodes really make the entire thing binge worthy.
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Taika and pretty much everyone else didn't really care
19 July 2022
Totally completely irritating, the cadence of conversation making it obvious direction was pretty much the same for every jokey conversation. Thor is hard to like, heck all the good guys are hard to like. Bale's gorr is the best part, but totally underused. This is a movie that proves that the MCU has lost perspective. The decline on cohesion and meaningful stories is obvious. Maybe Feigi is burning out, but unless MCU does some serious reflection, it may be killing itself.
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To the point, no nonsense, and taut.
2 November 2020
I'm glad that Indian media is churning out more serious stuff handling complex topics without adding the needless irritating masala. The show sticks to the facts and main story events. The show is not confused about what it wants to be. Its not a biopic, its not a action movie and its not a love story. Its simply a telling of a Scam that happened in 1992, and it does that very well. I can see influences by Aaron Sorkin's work in the style of dialogue, and for me thats a great thing.
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Session 9 (2001)
A SLOW BUILD tension inducing classic
31 July 2020
This is not your typical horror movie so if you want monsters and gore and such you will be disappointed. This approaches horror in a very different way: slowly amping up the tension until it's almost unbearable. This is a psychological mood piece.

You have to pay attention and you can't be waiting for the next jump scare. It's for people who are willing to engage with the characters and the setting and let the narrative take them.

If you watch it alone in the dark the movie will be much easier to appreciate. I think it's excellent because all horror these days is cookie cutter. To try for a different type of fear and make it work so well is commendable.
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Spider-Man (2017–2020)
It's a pretty good Spider-man show
12 November 2019
I'm suprsed at the low ratings on this one, and the genral hate people are giving it. As if being a life long fan of spider-man gives them the right to basically expect everything to be the same as it was when they were 6 years old. The writing is pretty decent, and the reimagining of certain characters and their roles is refreshing. Personally to me it strikes a good balance between familiar and new, and it's still more on the familiar side than not. The animation is anime inspired, and I think its good for the purpose. Give it a shot to have fun, and you won't be disappointed.
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Mirzapur (2018– )
Tightly scripted and well acted
5 December 2018
This is a well made show. The acting is great except for some minor characters. The story is populated by interesting characters and the script moves at a lightening pace. A series made for binge watching. And that last episode. Was not what I was expecting. This is a series that just keeps getting darker and darker as the episodes progress. Highly recommended.
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Crimson Peak (2015)
By the numbers
17 October 2015
Extremely predictable movie. Literally knew what would happen in the first 15 minutes. But thought that was so obvious I'm sure it's something else. But alas no, this movie is by the book. And all the supernatural elements added absolutely nothing to the story except the running time. Every single supernatural element could have been cut from the film and the story would be unaffected. That's just bad writing in my opinion.

Mia is so one note. Very boring actress to watch, but I guess Guillermo was going for the Alice character again because really it's a copy paste job here too. One minute the character is portrayed as a feminist and a thinking woman, and the next moment she's a total idiot. 'I pretend to be an independent woman because no one asked me to the ball'. Really? Chastaine is always good. Although she's showing up everywhere these days, she owns her roles so well it's not a problem. She was fun to watch, given what she had to work with.

I just feel this film wasted Del Toro's talents. The movie is long, and only a few small times does it feel like it's dragging. Even realizing the weaknesses in the plot, the viewer is not in pain for putting up with it. That is credit to del Toro, who has always been a visual master. And here too he keeps us visually entertained.

But that is not enough. This movie is a 6 at best. Just above average. Nothing more.
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Bhutto (2010)
No insights what so ever. Good as a rubber necking experience for those unfamiliar.
22 October 2012
I was pretty excited when I heard that a movie called Bhutto had been made. But this film is extremely disappointing. I'm sure people who know nothing of Bhutto will learn something, and perhaps the movie will appear novel to them. But this movie is a cursory examination of Bhutto. Go read the Wikipedia article on her and you will probably learn more.

The film does take you through her life, but I found nothing of real interest there. There is no character analysis, so investigation of any controversy, no nothing. It's like its a high school students history essay on Bhutto.
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The Silence (1963)
Fantastic piece of cinema that shows you the potential of film
10 April 2011
This is an excellent film which in my mind handles the dual nature of man: the sensual and the rational. The story is told through the eyes of a small boy, who is innocent and his perspective is yet untainted by either of his sides. He is still curious about the world around him, and holds no preconceived notions. There are two women with him, sisters, one is his mother and the other is the mother's sister. One woman represents the sensual side of man, and the other the rational, and the movie is a journey of the mind to find peace within it self torn between these contrasting sides. absolutely fantastic film, the kind they don't make any more.
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Mongrels (2010–2011)
Amazingly fun!
11 August 2010
I just stumbled across this little gem on the BBC iplayer, and boy was I glad I did. I've been a huge fan of things like The mighty boosh, IT crowd, Dark place, and of course, monty python. This show is a definitely part of the same legacy.

The puppets are excellent and full of personality. They are so well controlled, you'd think they really were alive. The writing on this show is really exceptional. Its rare for me these days to look at something and say 'i cant believe they really did (or said) that!', but this show manages to get me every episode. There are some scenes in there which are so well scripted and timed, its simply genius.

The show certainly pushes the limits of good taste, but it does so in a good way. It wont be for everyone (prudes), but if you like humor, and are looking for something fresh, then you HAVE to see mongrels.
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V (2009–2011)
Its not the original, so don't look for that.
29 April 2010
This is a remake of the original series V where aliens invade earth. However this is not the original series, so don't compare it to it. It reflects the new changed world political scenario. Unlike the original, in this the resistance is labeled 'terrorist', and there are many shades of gray. The show has a lot of potential, and so far in (9 episodes) it is headed in the right direction. The show does tackle some interesting issues, and handles then reasonably well. To say it is simply an action series is untrue. In fact it does make one realize that if a real alien invasion took place what it may be like. Of course a lot of hypotheses have to be made to come up with such a scenario, but you cant hold the assumptions the show makes against it. The most interesting aspect is how the humans react to the V, as initially they come as saviors. This leads to certain social implications, and even religious implications, and show does not shy away from delving into them. This is show is politically savvy, and that makes it really interesting to watch, because despite the obviously science fiction set- up, there are underlying truths in it about are social make-up.
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A story about survivor's guilt
6 August 2009
I am surprised at the hatefully negative reviews this movie has gotten. But then I suppose anything that handles a truly dark subject matter, and doesn't spoon feed the audience doesn't get much praise.

This movie is excellent with excellent performances. I didn't mind the accent because it doesn't matter. The meaning of the movie, and the metaphors of film employed are brilliant.

The movie details the struggle of a former circus performer and celebrity with his guilt over surviving his family in the holocaust. Goldblum portrays a man who finds insanity more comfortable then sanity, because sanity brings with it sad truths.
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Watchmen (2009)
Go watch the watchmen!
6 March 2009
I'm a huge fan of the watchmen book, and was anxiously anticipating the movie. The fact that snyder was attached unnerved me a bit, and then the slo-mo in the trailers unnerved me a bit more. But despite all this, i was totally psyched to the film, even as my expectation weren't that high.

Review is in two parts, for the ones who have read the novel, and the ones who haven't.

If you've read the novel, you'll be surprised at how much snyder has managed to cram into the movie! Practically the entire book is in here, or at least referenced in some way. Every major scene from the novel is here. The cast is excellent in their respective roles, and the trailers don't do them justice. I thought the acting would be atrocious based on some pre-released sequences. But everyone was spot on, and captured the essence of their characters well. Even the much panned performance of malin akerman wasn't bad, and suited the character in the book.

People have been saying that the cinematography is insane etc., and to be honest, its not THAT insane, and thats a good thing. I was afraid the movie would lose the visual texture of the novel, but the fact is, the film captured that texture quite well. I think the editing has a lot to with that (ignoring the few bits of slo-mo, which i don't like, but weren't as distracting as one would expect).

What struck me was that the first hour and a half of the movie is an exact copy of the graphic novel! anything missed in those sequences is hard to tell because there is so much in there! The ending is different from the novel, and i was afraid it wouldn't work. But again, it works better than expected because there is some exposition through dialogue that makes sense of it. Why snyder changed the ending when he's insanely true in every other aspect is strange. But the meaning of the ending is preserved, and so the fans should be pleased. From my experience, even as i was miffed about the changed ending, by the time to get to the end of the film, you are so overwhelmed by all that has gone before, that you can only smile, and forgive snyder the lack of squid.

People who haven't read the book should be in for a surprise. This isn't superman, or avengers. It isn't the black and white world of the dark knight. This world has real people, with real issues. Issues that the movie isn't afraid to deal with, and in a way, is actually about. The issues with people in general as represented by society, and people in particular as represented by the characters.

As for the action, its refreshing. Every punch and kick looks (and sounds) like it really hurts...the use of slightly faster frame rates accentuates the impact of blows in a bone crunching fashion.

If you haven't read the book, you'll also be surprised by how heavy the subject matter is, skirting through various themes flawlessly, and demanding your attention at every moment. This is a movie which will give you something to think about.
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Batman: Gotham Knight (2008 Video)
Something to whet our appetites...
29 June 2008
the animation is pretty good, however the art styles, particularly the backgrounds, are starkly different. Kevin Conroy is good as batman, in the animated series kind of way. His voice sounds too 'square chin' for this batman. I would have preferred Bale in the role.

The stories in themselves are interesting, with some good set pieces. Some sight into batman's past is given (as is customary), and is one of the stronger stories. The opening story of how different people see batman is also good fun.

It was also interesting to see the different looks of batman all in one movie.

Overall, 8/10.
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Meet Alan Moore. More than just a comic writer...
30 January 2008
First I must confess that I am a huge fan of the works of Alan Moore, with which if you are not familiar include works such as Watchmen, V for Vendetta, From Hell, and Promethea. If you are familiar with his works only through the Hollywoodization of them, then I'm afraid you don't know Alan Moore very well. Every single adaptation of his works to film so far has stripped the 'Moore' out of the stories to make them palpable to, i don't know, commercial audiences. I recommend that you seek out the original comic formats for the stories to see the added depth that Moore put in the originals.

However this movie isn't recommended for only those people interested in comic books. In fact people who don't know who Moore is, but are interested in Philosophy, Art, Aesthetics, Literature, Magic, and Religion should also watch this movie. For it is about the mind of a man who has in a manner chosen to live slightly to the left of convention, and observe convention, and then write about convention.

His ideas are in my opinion, those of a modern day philosopher. A philosopher not in the relegated academic sense of the word, but a philosopher who found himself to be one through the life that he had lived. Moore prefers the term magician. But the distinction is arbitrary, and i think Moore would agree with me.
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Dexter (2006–2013)
13 October 2007
Dexter is a great show for anyone looking for a show with some real substance. The basic premise of the show is that Dexter is a sociopath, and as one, doesn't feel any real human emotions, including regret and remorse. He was diagnosed in his early childhood by his policeman father, who then proceeded to teach dexter certain behavioral rules and patterns so that he may be able to function in normal society without getting caught. The father also picked up on the fact that dexter will have uncontrollable urges to kill, so he teaches him a moral code whereby he can only kill other 'bad' people. Thats basically it. The genius of the show is that its from the first person narrative, with dexter describing his thoughts and feelings as he moves along. He is constantly going back to his fathers code in situations that need him to make a decision simply because it is convenient to do so, and he does believe that doing so will allow him to survive longer. His questioning of his own motives, and his commentary on the pretend life he is living are well observed, and on simpler level allow the audience to empathize with him. Certainly we do not have urges to kill, but we can understand when dexter smiles or behaves in a friendly manner when he doesn't quite feel it. Dexter's questioning of his motivations isn't quite presented in a black and white way, and so we can see the times when we question ourselves in him. Being in first person, its interesting how the show manages to give insights into dexter's character that even dexter is unaware of to the audience. This really pushes the audience in a God like point of reference to Dexter, for at times we deduce as to his real motivations, or at least think we do, when dexter himself has no idea. but then there is always the chance that dexter has us, the audience fooled too. If you are looking for a smart character driven show, with some good acting, brilliant writing, with a morbid flavor, then you really cant go wrong with dexter. In fact if you want to start watching a new show, then you cant go wrong with dexter.

Unless you hate blood that is...
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Hurlyburly (1998)
Brilliant, but be warned, you must have a good command of English to understand what they are talking about...
9 January 2007
HurlyBurly is one of those movies for me that i can watch over and over again, and each time see something different, each time connect to it in a different way. The movie captures one man's struggle for meaning and significance in his with a desperation that has rarely been caught on film before. The movie deals in archetypes, with nearly all the characters neatly sitting into one archetype or another. After watching the movie one cant help wonder which of the people he knows is like which of the characters in the movie.

The direction and cinematography are used to serve the characters, and thats what the movie is about, the characters. Nothing much happens in the movie, other than people meeting, and people talking. I always find brutally honest characters interesting to watch, and this entire movie might just be about that. The cast, and the acting is excellent.

Many people are bored by the movie because of its wordiness, and many people disparage it as a drug movie. Although the film is wordy, it is not a drug movie. I would say it is a philosophical movie if anything else. The movie forces you to be introspective, and the movie even acts like somewhat of a Rorschach test on the viewers. Some scenes, like the one where Eddie and Mickey describe the road trip, can be seen in different ways. I like to think that the way people understand this movie has a lot to do with the kind of people they are.

Do watch this movie, but remember that the movie is demanding. The characters talk fast, and talk a lot. The ideas expressed are complicated, and need to be thought about to be properly understood. In fact, watch this movie twice.
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Not really that great...
2 June 2006
M:I 3 is a movie that has a lot to live up to. But in the end, it doesn't live up to any of it. The movie isn't smart, nor stunning, neither are there mind blowing action sequences involved. Its all very by the numbers and predictable, with really nothing special. And Tom Cruise is really looking way too smug throughout the movie (he should stop with the retarded action flicks and do something good, like born on the fourth or magnolia). M:I 1 was the best mission impossible film, and then it went down hill from there. This might be even worse than the second one, because at least the second one had some crazy action sequences going on. Some reviewers have said that the movie has amazing action, but i don't know what they are talking about. if you've been living in a cave for a long time, maybe then yes, this movie has amazing action, if not, then half the scenes seem reminiscent of james bond, and even entrapment! so basically there's nothing new on offer here as far as the plot or action is concerned...and the acting is pretty average too, except for Hoffman, who does a somewhat evil version of Capote, without the voice (of course). So if you decide to what this movie expecting something special, you will walk away with a lingering sense of disappointment. but if you just want to kill some time, i guess you could do worse...
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La Dolce Vita (1960)
Everybody's looking for 'the good life'
17 June 2003
The basic premis of this movie is the continual search for the 'good life' by everyone who has perhaps ever lived. The story is of a journalist name Marcello (played by marcello mastrioni who is thought to be fellini's representation of himself) who covers all these glamorous people around him, and in a sense imagines their life to be the one he desires.

In his mind he resolves to be part of this 'Good Life', though this is done very implicitly by the movie. The tone never gets allegorical, although on a deeper note, this movie is an allegory. As he moves towards what he thinks is his goal, we see events which ominously hint at the error in Marcello's perceptions.

Marcello has a well respected affluent, intelligent, family-man friend, who he really looks up to, and feels like that he knows what he's talking about. Later, we find that he has committed suicide. Here a seed is sown. Perhaps all of life is not as it seems?

The movie takes us from the outside of the avant garde society to inside it. And eventually marcello does, and doesn't achieve what he was trying to. How much he loses or gains along the way, i don't think even marcello knew.
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