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Ending kill any chace of this being a good movie
21 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Jack is somewhat interesting. It has a cool train with accordions connecting the cars. It is the 2nd film I've seen ) that features Georges Méliès as a character. The other film is Hugo, a great superior film. Jack the Ripper also makes a guest cameo trying to kill the protagonist. Although somewhat entertaining the film has serious narrative and problematic content. If a movie is recommended and aimed for children it should be void of suggestive content. It has no place in a kids film. Also it is creepy and weird but not in the good way, in say a film like Labyrinth. Also the ending kills any chance of it being a good film.

I hope I can convey this ending adequately so you don't need to sit through this picture. Or perhaps you will want to sit through it to witness it first hand. Jack has a Cuckoo-Clock heart. He goes on a series of adventures to find this girl and finds her, they sort of fall in love and he gives her the literal key to his heart. The key winds his heart so it keeps on ticking. She gets mad at him and his heart breaks. . He goes back home from the place where he was at to have his adoptive mother fix it for him. Only problem is his mum is dead. He goes out into the snow to die.

His true love realizes her mistake and goes to find him. She finds him in the snow and offers to wind his heart for him with the key he gave her. He tosses the key into the snow instead and kisses her. The scene then freezes as if somebody stopped time. He begins to climb to the sky on the snowflakes hanging lifeless in the air.

The End Really. That's where it ends.
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King of Kings (1961)
The Adventurs of Barabbas with special guest star Jesus
2 April 2012
Instead of going to the theater tonight to see 'The Hunger Games' with a mob of tween girls, I stayed home with my wife to watch a religiously based film on our old fashioned non-flat TV screen. Because it is Lent I wanted to stay away from secular films if possible until this season of fasting and sacrifice was over. I choice the narrow way of Jesus films and watched 1961's 'King of Kings' with actor Jeffrey Hunter as the Word made flesh.

The movie is one of those old fashioned spectacles of biblical proportion that you just don't see made any more. It has big huge crowds, grand locations and 50's versions of ancient wardrobes. As the custom of films of the period after hiking through the desert many miles the roman legion has not broken out in a sweat and their uniforms are all neat and tidy. It is similar to a remark my mother made about a 50's film about Lewis and Clark in which even the trees looked clean.

The historical background given by the narrator in the beginning of the film gives the biblical story a interesting historical setting in which to tell this tale of the Christ. When the movie sticks with the extra-biblical happenings with the surrounding players Herod, Pilot, Pilot's wife, Barabbas, and Lucius the roman soldier it is very interesting. The actual scenes portraying Christ and his mission are the weak and disappointing aspects of this film. The reason for this is that the biblical scenes are watered down and rushed through. Scriptural passages are spread out over several scenes having characters say things long after they should have said them. Certain details are skipped that would have given the movie more of an punch and other scenes that are not part of the biblical text are added.

John the Baptist (the most bland portal of JTB put on film, give me Charlton Heston any day) preaches outside Herod's temple, Jesus is appointed a court layer and the people who wanted him arrested and killed are not seen at his trial or on the hill side taunting him. The director put so much $ on scenes such as the Romans killing the uprising of Barabbas's army they didn't even bother with the dramatic impact and possibilities of the crucifixion. In films such as Ben Hur and The Robe Jesus stands out more because he is not filmed doing things he never did in such great detail. King of Kings was more about Barabbas and the political atmosphere then it was about Jesus and his mission of building the kingdom of God. It would be better to have Jesus totally in the back ground then to rush through and rearrange the biblical account in the scenes that He is in. You would never guess from this film that this man is the son of God and that there was any deep spiritual dimension to the story.

Mind you this is not a bad film. It's just that it is not a great one either. There is a list of unique touches and interesting aspects that make it interesting to watch which I will not mention here to keep this review short and not equal to the 3 hours it takes to watch this cinematic epic from the early 60's. It is best to stick with 'The Miracle Maker', 'The Passion of the Christ', or the 1927 'King of Kings' version by 'Ten Commandments' director Cecil B DeMille for a more authentic and entertaining version of the life of Christ or 'Ben Hur' and 'The Robe' for tales of Roman oppression with action and adventure. Kings of Kings ends up tripping over its robes and hits it's face on its celluloid thrown while still managing to look good.
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Courageous (I) (2011)
Encouragement to be Couragous
4 March 2012
A cars salesman. Football Players. Fireman and Marriage. And now Policeman and Fatherhood. 'Courageous' is the fourth cinematic courageous outing from Sherwood Baptist Church in which it chronicles the lives of several policeman who strive to become as good of fathers as they are policemen.

As Christian cinema goes it never gets too preachy and the acting is as good as the characters they portray. There is some real suspense and some genuine laughs mixed with some moments that made my wife cry. I love movies where my wife cries as it reveals how sensitive her heart is. I also laugh at her for being a typical woman. I also love to hear her laugh as she does so with more mirth then anyone I know. It fills me with joy. A movie where my wife laughs and cries is a good criteria of how to judge the worth of a film.

A movie that encourages men to be courageous in their responsibilities to their families when there are so many fatherless children is an important message that gets underplayed in a culture that does not value the foundation of the family with its glorification of non-committal relationships. I happen to be a blessed man by having a father who was there for me and taught me how to be a decent person. I hope that when my wife and I finally do get children I will be a courageous father who sacrifices for his children.

This film will appeal mostly to faith filled Christians. But because it is not just a sappy art deprived piece of Christian film-making, I think it could appeal beyond its target demographic, to all people who enjoy a well told story with an important message.
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V (2009–2011)
Watching V the re imaging is like opening your Christmas Presents at Thanksgiving
8 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I believe that one reason people keep flocking in week after week to watch shows like 24, Heroes and Lost, is a sense of mystery. You want to find out what happens next. There is some itch in the back of your imagination that needs to be scratched. After 7 or so episodes one part of a mystery is revealed and it's exciting. This is what was done in the first V. You experienced the sense of discovery and mystery.

Imagine if you found out in the first episode of Lost that there were 'The Others' on the island and you found out the whole time travel sub-plot. Or in the first season of Heroes what Syler looked like in the first episode. Or who the current mole was on whatever season of 24 is being shown.

Mystery builds excitement.

The remake of V crams plot revelations in one episode negating mystery and any sense of suspense. It's more like a quick back story to whatever is to come.

There is some great story ideas, interesting philosophy and plot ideas that are all explained without the viewer having to suffer through several episodes to await the revelations.

I must say that the Vistor make up actually seems improved this time around. The special effects look a little better but not much greater then the original. It's good to see a Catholic priest look positive on the TV for a change. These are a few of the pluses of the show and why it didn't totally stink.

I could be wrong but I believe that the lack of suspense and mystery in the pilot will not suddenly appear in the next several episodes probably killing off the Vistors faster then the Resistance can wipe them off the earth with some anti-lizard virus.
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This movie is Gnome Fun
2 December 2008
The disappointing thing about the Gnome-Mobile is that it has up until the last 15 minutes of the movie, there are only two gnomes. And even they are not in it as much as you would like. Usually this would make the film suck like a lemon. But the wonderful cast make up for the disappointing lack of Gnomes. It is an environmentalist film, made before the extremists took over.

The lack of gnomes is atoned for in the end when the lone Gnome male bachelor is chased by several single and beautiful gnomes around the woods. They dip him in magic bubbles so he won't be so easy to catch. It's a fun romp around the woods. I will most likely never have a group of screaming girls running after me. Probably won't have any Gnomes chasing after me either.

There is also a great and wonderful car chase which in the end has the same result as a demolition derby. The movie is based on a 1936 book by Upton Sinclair entitled of all things, The Gnomobile. I may have to read it at some point.
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Yo Ho Ho and a Disney Bottle of Fun
2 December 2008
'The Ends Justify the Means', is the great moralistic virtue that this Disney tale weaves. The means of this Disney film is to justify plot elements to create opportunities for wacky moments. Such as when Disney Veteran Dean Jones is cornered by some bad goons, he points his finger into gun and says 'Bang'. And the goons start to fall over. They then try to knock his fingers out of the gun position. Of course when Dean fires his imaginary gun, it is Blackbeard's ghost who is knocking the bad guys over.

Dean Jones makes any movie he is in, a lot of fun. For some reason the DVD copy I had, had a bad transfer. Maybe it was the TV. Overall despite the negatives, it was a fairly fun film. It was not as good as some Disney films, but better then others. If your into Disney films, it may be worth checking out.
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Don Knots goofiness
2 December 2008
Despite the unrealistic final act that results from a pretty ordinary wacky sitcom premise, RA is able to deliver the out of orbit laughs it deserves due to comic legend and extraordinary nerdy actor, Don Knots. Leslie Nelson co-stars as a straight non-wacky non-funny man. It's interesting to see him play it straight after watching him in so many satirical and parody-type films.

It may not be the smartest comedy ever to hit the screen, but it's fun and you could stick it in your DVD player and not have to worry about what lasting effect it would leave on your young ones. It may be somewhat unrealistic but it works and is still smarter and more intelligent then a lot of kid themed flicks that are made today. You can even pick out the logical inconsistencies with your kids and make it into a educational film, while still having a fun time.
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A Western Comedy: Disney Style
2 December 2008
For some reason I don't have a lot to say about this film other then the fact that I liked it. That is a very boring and uninteresting review. But because my goal is to actually write reviews of movies that I see and not just become a bland passive movie watcher, I summit this review for others to look upon.

Don Knots and Tim Conway are a perfect comedy due. Their both nerds in this film but Don Knots is the chief nerd in charge. They provide many wacky and comical moments to the film. But it really isn't a wacky slapstick film. It is a family comedy with a serious storyline. It is filled with touching and tender moments and has the classic storyline of a harden man who doesn't like kids and thinks only of himself only to have his heart turn gooey to the kids he's inherited by the end of the film. If that insight spoils the film for you, you haven't seen that many Disney films.

If you want a fun time in the old west with touching comedic moments, that try the 'The Apple Dumpling Gang'
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I confess, I liked this movie
2 December 2008
Me and one other guy were the only adults in the theater without any kids. The other guy had his girlfriend. I had myself. I wonder if they thought I was some stalker out to get some kidnap some little teeny bopper.

What can I say, it is a fun film. I can picture myself in some room with a bunch of other people encircled around me, where I stand up and say, "Hi My name is Mark". " Hi Mark". " I am a fan of…. High School Musical".

It is a guilty pleasure. It shares many of the same elements as a good fantasy film. Although my High School experience was a good one, free of any major problems, most of what happens in HSM could only happen in the magical world of musicals. It would be interesting if people in real life just brook out in song. If that happen most people probably couldn't sing or dance. Would their be a accompanying soundtrack in the background? That would be freaky, cause you would want to know where it came from, unless you just passively passed it off.

Anyhow, If you liked the first two HSM, you probably will enjoy this one. It wraps up the story and ends the trilogy. I don't know how many more times you can milk out the storyline and not have it start to get sour. Of course they due this with horror movies, Sylvester Stallone 80's films, and the Mummy films.
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A Kids Fantasy Film without any Kids
2 December 2008
Here is a rare film indeed. A kid oriented fantasy movie without any kids in it. How often due you see that? It is a fun movie for many reasons.

1. It takes place in Ireland. 2. It has witty and interesting dialog. It is interesting and fun to watch old-man Darby match wits with the King of the Leprechauns. They each continue to try and outwit the other. 3. It has a pre-bond Sean Connery. 4. It has really good extras on the DVD. It has a 'World of Disney' episode with some added adventures of Darby and the Leprechaun king. Walt Disney is searching for the Leprechaun so he can star in his movie. You learn some more of the myth of the Leprechaun which is Christian in origin. 5. It's a good and fun fantasy film.

The only drawback is the on screen depiction of the banshee. Its some lights and vapors. Not really convincing. But this little wisp of pre-computer effects doesn't dampen the great special effects that bring the Leprechaun's to life.

This magical movie deserves a place in your video library next to Disney's 'The Gnome Mobile.' Maybe you can pick up the book published by Sophia Press and add it to you library and read it to your kids or to yourself. You can then go and search for Leprechauns on your own. I plan on doing that so I can pay off my student loans.
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Lets Get Together (and watch the Parent Trap) Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
17 September 2008
Part of the joy of Christmas is all the surprises that come with it. What neat things will I find in my stocking as I sneak downstairs to look in it? What will be in the next present that I open? Will I or won't I glimpse Santa sneaking around my living room? The greatest surprise of all is realizing that the little babe born in the manger is really the creator of the cosmos and of the very manger he is sleeping in.

The Parent Trap is like Christmas. It brings smiles, joys and surprises. Imagine going away to summer camp when you discover someone who looks exactly like you standing in the lunch line. Who are they? And why do they have your face? You mean we have the same birthday? You mean we have the same parents? WERE SIBLINGS!!! What would you do in a situation like this? Why switch places with your newly discovered sibling of course.

This film has as much intrigue as a James Bond film and as much mystery as an Agatha Christie novel, as the twins plot to get their divorced parents back together. It's great to have a film so blatantly say 'Divorce Really Sucks (the life out of families) And the Sixth Sense style surprises continue to show up throughout the film as the parents and those in the households on each side of the continent realize that the person they thought was one twin really was the other one.

Sometimes when the revelation is revealed in a story, the interest level seems to flatten in the storyline, but not in this film. It maintains a high level of interest throughout the film. It's also interesting to note that in that the high quality special effects that were used in the picture were done in an age before computers were as sophisticated as they are today. It is really convincing that there are two Hayley Mills on the screen at the same time. I once did shot the same person on tape using two different hair styles and made it look like she was talking to herself as a different person. It's way cool to do if you know how to do that sort of thing. I also shot myself doing the 'Who's on First' routine.

The movie has few flaws if any. At times I had trouble telling the two characters apart but that may be me and is not enough to mention as a real flaw. Some of the characters smoke cigarettes in plain view of children. I mean the horror of it. Overall I think cigarettes stink and are bad for children but I am not a smoking Nazi who would sponge all cigarettes from older films. There are some who would actually do this.

Another neat little thing is how they talk about sexuality without actually talking about it. The innocence of a family friendly film is still intact with the reality of the meaning of sexuality and martial love weaved into the seams of the film. All of the actors are a delight to spend two hours with especially Hayley and the guy who played the minister. You also get to witness Hayley kicking the crap out of herself. It's rare you see a good girl fight on film. It's sexist that only men kick the crap out of each other and never women.

Part of the reason I loved this film as much as I did in my reviewing of it, is because I was impressed and pleased that Disney could produce such a high quality, mature looking film. This film is not just good for Disney, its' a good film in general. Any Disney slapstick happens as a result of the story and not as a result to just get laughs.

This is not worth a rental, it's worth buying and keeping and sharing with loved ones. Rent it by all means if you don't have the money to buy it. This film is Pure Movie Magic. Disney Gold: A warning: Don't be tempted to watch the sequel that is on the same DVD disc, it's bad as the original is good. If the original is Charismas, the sequel is Tax Day eve.
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The Parent Trap II (1986 TV Movie)
It would be a neat for Hayley to reprise her role in the Parent Trap wouldn't it?
17 September 2008
There are several reason to make a sequel to a popular film.

1. The story is so big that 1 film can't contain it, like 'Lord of the Rings' 'Star Wars' and 'Rocky'.

2. The popularity of the film warrant's another adventure of the protagonist like 'Indiana Jones' 'James Bond' and 'Godzilla'. 3. A very good reason I thought of before writing this review, but I have since forgotten what it was.

4. The movie was a horror movie in which it is impossible not to make a sequel, like 'Friday the 13th', 'Scream', or 'Air Bud'.

5. The film was so popular that it would be way cool to make a sequel with the same crew and cast like 'Ghostbusters', 'Pirates of the Caribbean', or 'The Parent Trap'.

The 5th category usually suffers artistic merit due to the fact that the producers or director don't give a Cockily-doodily-doo about the script as long as they can make a film with the previous film' title in it. There may have been a time when Disney cared about the quality of their scripts and even made their TV movies as high quality as their feature length features. Pixar cares about this aspect of film making and so far has not released any schlock because of this.

The idea of a sequel to 1961's 'The Parent Trap', seems like a good idea on paper. At the end of the first film I wondered what became of the twins and what happen to their lives after the film ended. Someone else thought of this and got Hayley Mills to sign on to reprise her role as twins Susan and Sharon. Parent Trap 3 and 4 were also green lighted.

Was it worth the effort? Lets compare the two films.

Parent Trap (Original) Parent Trap (sequel) Has a Compelling YES NOOOO Story to be told Good Moral Message YES Not Really Charm YES NO Original YES NO ,NO, NO Funny YES Forced Wit YES NO WAY Disney MAGIC HECK YEAH Tinker Bell was Shot Smiles BIG Frowns

The only reason to own or rent this film is because it is on the same disc as the Original Movie. Perhaps it is better that Disney has not released PT 3 and 4 on Disc or VHS because it shows someone somewhere still cares about artistic merit or quality. That person is working on a killer script where Hayley reprises her role as Pollyanna.
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Davy Crocett is a man of few words. Davy Crocett is not a man of few roundhouse kicks to the face.
16 September 2008
Davy Crockett counted to infinity - twice.

If you found 'Davy Crocket: King of the Wild Frontier' a fun film, you probably liked it. 'Davy Crocket and the River Pirates' continues the fun and increases it as it flows more smoothly story wise then it's predecessor. It flows smoothly perhaps because there is a river in it, because rivers usually flow well if not roughly at times. Davy goes up against the King of the River Mink Fink in a race down the Ohio. I currently live near the Ohio river in Steubenville Ohio. It doesn't look as clean as it did back then, as everything looked cleaner back then if you take 50's films seriously.

After beating the tar out of each other, they take on the river pirates giving the Indians a bad name and beat the tar out of them. The action is more intense then the last time around, because it ignores the moral Mr. Smith dialogues in congress in favor of fists flying through the air. And the fight scenes believe you me, looks just as real as if Davy Crockett was fighting outside your local bar.

Davy Crocket is so suave and cool, basically because he just is and quite frankly he is humble about it which makes him more suave and cool. He doesn't brag or come up with wise cracks like some modern action heroes, he just goes and kicks butt wherever it is needed. Kinda of like Chuck Norris. But Davy has his own theme song, which they take time for in this production to sing as their going down the river. Mink Finch has his boys sing a song about him, but it never caught on in record sales.

The River Pirates deserves a place on your video library shelf, right next to the other Davy flick. Chances are they'll be on the same DVD, so you may have no choice in the matter.

What is the quickest way to mans heart? Davy Crockett's fist.
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Davy Crocett living on the clean frontier
16 September 2008
I would rather be beaten and be a man than to be elected and be a little puppy dog. I have always supported measures and principles and not men. I have acted fearless and independent and I never will regret my course. I would rather be politically buried than to be hypocritically immortalized.

In a letter following his defeat in the 1830 elections, as quoted in David Crockett: The Man and the Legend (1994) by James Atkins Shackford, p. 133

Made in the Studios at Disney, Wowed the Audience in the 50's. Showed in the Cinemas, Showed on TV It's just as fun watching it on DVD Davy, Davy Crockett, Having fun on the clean frontier.

In watching 'The Far Pavilions' ( a film chronicling the journey of Lewis and Clark with the Absent Minded Professor and Moses )with my mother , she noted that everything looked so clean. The pioneers were clean, the Indians were clean and even the trees were clean. Film makers of the 50's researched and portrayed very accurately how clean the frontier really was. There was some supper strength cleaner they brought with them that eliminated all dirt and grim. I believe it was called a production assistant.

The same research was used and portrayed in Davy Crocket. At some point in my life I saw 'Davy Crocket: King of the Wild Fronteer'. The only scene I remembered was Davy letting his best buddy George Russel kiss his beautiful wife, just because he saved his life. I don't know any friend of mine who would let me kiss their beautiful wife.

The film may not be historically accurate or maybe it is. It is however a film full of fun and high adventure. Davy is a likable fella. Someone you would have a beer with if he drank beer. He is funny, smart, adventures, humble; bear wrestler, has a cool coon cap, a good congressman (seriously) and a good Christian. The film is a tad bit choppy in parts due to the film being put together from 3 episodes of the Disney TV series. The action is very Disney Esq, for the audience of the time period but still dishes that adventure out rousingly.

The other cool thing is that instead of straight narration, a group of singers sings the glories of Davy Crockett as a map is shown of his travels. Indiana Jones may have a cool orchestra theme, but doesn't have a Ballad about his exploits with his name. Take that Dr. Jones. Davy Crockett deserves a place among the other movies in your book shelf. It's fun and gives you a brief glimpse into an American legend. It also reminds you how dirty the world has gotten since the 1800's.

Pop, pop, pop! Bom, bom, bom! throughout the day. No time for memorandums now. Go ahead! Liberty and Independence forever. Last entry in his diary, (5 March 1836)
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