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NCIS: One Book, Two Covers (2017)
Season 14, Episode 21
Torres centric shows suck
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
5'2" and super undercover agent Nick based shows are ridiculous. He runs a marathon under three hours? He then battles Reeves in arm wrestling match. Like he would come close to beating the extra 80pounds of muscle. Now let's talk this show in particular. He somehow has an old motorcycle that is still used by a defunct gang of bank robbers. Terrible acting worse writing between Mark Harmon being imposing scary all knowing leader. Back to Torres he is a very unlikable unrealistic choice for an NCIS agent. Hard to pull off macho when you so small and clearly not tough. Not to mention scenes when he acts crazy tough still a joke.
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NCIS: Anonymous Was a Woman (2013)
Season 11, Episode 4
Come on!! The Gibbs Stare saves the shelter
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show will go down in history as one of the most successful shows ever. Year after year spin-offs and character changes this show endures. After 11 seasons I guess I should be used to the hero writing when it comes to the great Gibbs but this episode was painful to watch. The message was noble and nothing funny about what these Afghan women had to endure. But come on!! Gibbs staring down an Afghan mob that has anger and hatred towards the women in the shelter, armed and ready to attack. The only person that can save them is the great Gibbs. Ok let's be the attackers for a moment. As head henchmen I tell one of my guys to kill Gibbs! What does he do?? Drops his weapon and swings a wild punch that is easily blocked and Gibbs knocks him out one punch!!! Ok Ok no problem let's send next bad guy. Drop your gun pull your knife and kill Gibbs!!! Another wild swing Gibbs blocks and bamy pow! Down goes bad guy. Ron Harmon does not look like a tough Marine stop with the Superman comparisons!!
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It would have been 2 stars but I watched the whole thing!!!
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible acting directing writing lighting sound. Only good was the old Times Square signs. Brought back late 80's memories.

Not sure why anyone would give this movie more that 2 stars unless they were part of the filming process.

Don't get me started on the setting, Manhattan? Makes sense on a ship in the ocean abandon ship in bad storm then let's row the lifeboat in a random direction only to come ashore in NY a few minutes later. Fire, ax, bullets knives won't slow our antagonist down but toss a little fluid labeled "toxic waste" (always finding these buckets of toxic waste laying around). Wait he can't die from a splash of antifreeze to the eyes can he??? No way! But hold everything this sewer tunnel gets flushed with toxic waste every night at midnight. Now he's done for!! Now we can't end the franchise with a paltry 8 editions. I know he's dead but what's left is a young innocent boy that surely is the young fragile Jason. OK cut to young couple taking in the sights and sounds of Times Square circa 1989. Gratuatis carnage and blossoming young love all in less than 2 hours!! Folks it doesn't get any better than this. The real crazy stuff is someone got paid real money to "act" in this debacle. A director made (I'm assuming they paid him) cash money to waste yards of film stock. Some studio executives saw this and said hell ya!! Let's do this!!! Now here's the kicker, 34 years later I was flipping through channels and landed on the this gem and just like those studio execs....said hell ya!!!!

Now it's time to reevaluate all my life's decisions!!!!

Just say no to this.. this mistake!! Do something else donate a kidney adopt a cat do anything else but watch this garbage.

You're welcome.
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Mountain Men: Heart and Soul (2022)
Season 11, Episode 4
Starting to become ridiculous
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry to hear Tom has health issues.

Time to lose the hunting girls. Not sure if the producers are asking them manufacture the problems with their "Moose Buggy" getting tired of fake problems. The lost brakes going down a gentle decline was horrible. Her explanation of what caused the brake failure was equally awful. You can skip this episode and like the series more.

She has a leak at the caliper that looks man made when they first found it only a couple drops of brake fluid. When fixing it there is a large puddle you can only get if you are pushing down on the brake pedal. This was clearly done for our entertainment. I like Tom he should hang up his traps Jake has 5 puppies...there you are all caught up no need to waste your time watching the show.
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Strike Back: Retribution: Part 4 (2017)
Season 6, Episode 4
Pretty weak jumps to horribly stupid
8 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This whole season has been a letdown from previous Strike Back seasons But I kept holding out hope. This one is cause for finally writing this review.

Bad acting a terrible plot give way to ridiculous shoot outs 6ft away and 20 people miss their shots??

The end of this episode is a poorly written bad joke. The Romanians take the evil DR. We learn from a phone conversation sec 20 will get him back in 1 day. Do they follow the Romanian police back to town? Of course not! The half dozen soldiers get ambushed on a bridge and all killed within minutes by?

You guessed it! The show's antagonist Mary Lowry! Single handed she wipes out every highly trained Romanian soldier. The whole sequence of this episode was so poorly written, acted, and directed it drags down the fun level for the entire season!! Sad to say but I'll skip to the next season and hope for the best.
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The Commando (2022)
A couple of good actors caught in bad movie
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Almost lost me at opening scenes. A DEA raid that starts with a very unrealistic meth lab with a sniper kill a throat cut and a ridiculous shoot out. SPOILER ALERT!! Every part of this scene is a bad joke poorly acted and worse written.

Never mind the PTSD let's talk about the wrongful death of the 3 in the closet that caused this diagnosis.

How as a an actor could you read this script and think "Hell yes I'm in!!!"??

After 15 minutes into this painfully slow buildup I started to think about all the chores I could get done instead of watching this horrible mess. I mean after all it is Sunday there must be a football game between 2 teams I couldn't care less about playing. Cleaning the garage or some other fun things to do.

The director screen writer and anyone else responsible for this should be rethinking their lives.

I almost gave this a one star rating but thought what the hell it's new years let's be magnanimous!!
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Life Below Zero (2013– )
Location gets a 8 star rating the rest is close to fail
9 March 2022
Where to start? Well the most popular person seems to be Sue Aikin. Not sure I've seen a more annoying person as the subject of a tv show. She clearly has no skill and the producers tell her what to do. She acts like every step she takes in the morning may be her last. It's not that scary Sue! She will tell you 10x per show this is what make her tick. You can tell she has zero skills in all of her tasks they film her doing. She will constantly praise herself for achieving some made up success. Good example: One show she crossed a stream to get a bucket of coal (wasn't actually coal but that's a different story) they filmed her struggling to get back across the stream you can clearly see the bucket is empty next shot she's so proud of herself for accomplishing this worthless task!!

The made up scenarios are very repetitious and get boring quick. I get it it's cold out stuff freeze.

The Hailstones are an environmental disaster in the making. They harvest everything and are breeding like rabbits. They boast about how they've survived like this for thousands of years. The only problem is their ancestors didn't have planes to fly them all over to shoot their seals in the head with a high powered rifle.

I saw Sue win a law suit against the show for "making her go out in a storm" causing frostbite. Now that's a true frontiers woman.

You can always see the many takes like tracks in the snow that the film crew had the "stars" execute in this "reality"show.

Everyone one of them will stop look into the camera and share some deep piece of wisdom during the show. The only one that acts and speaks normal is Reiko DeWilde he seems to be the only one that knows it's just a show.

This show must really piss real Alaskans off.
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Why is this on HBO? And who cares?
8 April 2021
This is a weak attempt to highlight a couple of sides of a ridiculous made up conspiracy. The main characters couldn't be less likable. Why this was made into a documentary is a big question. A stupid reality show has better entertainment value. A huge cry to be relevant, someone please tell me I'm worth something should be the working title.

The biggest embarrassment is how stupid many of my fellow Americans look!

Edit After learning more and watching some again(almost at gun point) I have a deeper appreciation.

I still dislike most of the characters and can't believe we as a country can allow this and other social media platforms use us and divide us. Worth learning about but don't look to feel good afterwards.
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we get it, winter gets cold you need food and death is all around you Reality TV at its most boring
27 March 2021
Do we need another Life Below Zero? NO! Are we that sheltered that watching people live in the bush is worth the time? Not everyone in the lower 48 works in an office and would starve to death without their local Kroger. I've spent many years in northern Minnesota and the mountains of Colorado, hunting fishing camping and living a simple life. I never felt like death was close The original LBZ was bad enough with the fake dangers around every corner. Now we get to see another generation live like people have lived for 10's of thousands of years except they have modern equipment and modern weapons. Realty TV started out horrible and is getting worse.
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Airplane Repo (2010– )
I love aviation if not this is a -1 star rating
18 December 2020
This is clearly one of the most staged fake "reality" TV shows ever made. Being a big fan of general aviation and expensive toys (not that I can afford them) This show is a joke, the drama that the producers create is so far fetched even a B-rated movie has more credibility. This goes beyond entertainment, the actors are horrible. Could be a joke that the audience hasn't been made aware of. Not worth the replay!!
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Alaskan Bush People (2014– )
fake "reality TV" at its worst
16 August 2020
This couldn't be more poorly scripted TV if they tried. A family of fake hardships and ridiculous scenarios. How people can watch this garbage is beyond me. I actually saw a few episodes one really stood out. The "inventor" of the family I believe Noah? Was "creating some worthless gadget that a true Bushman wouldn't need. While creating this he compared himself to Da Vinci? Are you kidding me? The only comparison to Da Vinci I can see is the both had hair. Let's not mention the Extreme Idiot that acts and talks like a 5 year old. There is little reality in this TV. The really scary part of this show is the fact that they are starting to re-produce!!
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great cast compelling story
2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Most anyone familiar with this movie knows the story behind it. A very close friend was Ranger sniper covering the troops from the air , the movie was fairly accurate, a small number of scenes made up for extra drama, like Hoot (Eric Bana) taking out the recoilless rifle that was destroying the trapped soldiers. The action is pretty much non-stop the acting very solid overall very good war movie. The violence is realistic the personal stories from the actual soldiers make this a movie that feels very real and true. Not just shooting and death there are a number of stories showing the real men(and boys) that fought this battle. The only reason I didn't rate higher was near the end when, after the rescuers ran out of room in their armored vehicles, refusing to ride on top, a dozen or so soldiers run back to the safe zone. Called the Mogadishu Mile, they were running and fighting multiple technicals (vehicles with mounted heavy machine guns) In these scenes the technicals should have and would have just chopped them up. Instead they just drove back and forth not really shooting just for effect I guess. One other scene near the end has Hoot gearing up to co back out by himself, this most likely didn't happen. Once the rescue was completed there were no more engagements, only negotiations. Still very good movie!
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Setup (I) (2011)
Horrible dialog weak acting even worse direction no real plot ?
18 April 2020
This is a great cast with a horrible dialog Weak acting even worse direction. Not sure why this Movie wasted the film stock I can only imagine the main reason it was produced by Curtis Jackson aka 50 cent, and the actors owed this project from some form of guilt. Bottom line this will go down as the biggest regret of most if not all of the cast members.(most may not admit it) On a side note im sure the film wouldn't have been shot in Michigan had the state not offered incentives to film here. Please dont look at the cast and think "this must be me it isn't!!
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Great is all that needs be said. An unusual look at recent American history.
29 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best movies with one of the best actors of all time. Great writing great acting and a screen play that will surely stir emotions. I can't imagine why anyone would give this movie 1 star. The digital effects alone would be 6 stars(fairly advanced for 1994) Spoiler alert! I guess if all can't live happily ever after you lower your rating. Still an amazing movie after seeing multiple times and 16 years later still a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours
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Interstellar (2014)
Great movie creative
24 August 2019
Well written well acted very creative, this could actually be our future. Not sure how it was nominated for musical score Oscar?? Many scenes have an annoying soundtrack that caused me anxiety the second time I watch this movie. Very interesting concept.
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Mountain Monsters: The Black Wolf (2017)
Season 5, Episode 4
11 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
4 complete hillbillies run around the woods looking for Bigfoot.OK I just gave you 5 seasons of filming. Of course they don't find anything, most likely because what they've looking for doesn't exist! The leader Hillbilly 1 is about 450lbs of pure stupid ( jokes on me i just watched 2 shows, makes me stupid) Horrible acting and a worse script lead you to conclusion that there must be some very simple people watching this channel. Looking for the Black Wolf is what you expect based upon the title. The whole show is based upon 4 idiots chasing 3 idiots through the woods at night. How in the world did this show ever make it to TV?? More amazing is how it made it to season 5!!!! I fear for humanity if shows like this succeed
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Mountain Monsters: Enter the Dark Forest (2017)
Season 5, Episode 3
this has gone on for 6 years??
11 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Can you give a minus 10? This is the biggest joke on TV. I ran across this gem when bored stupid. After 15 minutes I became legitimately stupid. This is an absolute insult to the human race. painfully acted,(spoiler alert) yes they are acting. No monsters in the woods just hillbillies looking for odd noises.
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The Core (2003)
Physics and logic out the window-Turn brain off for 2 h 15 min
20 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Where do we start? how about the premise? The earths core is stopped by an EMP? We lose our protective magnetic shield. Stop here we're all dead!! Not so fast we need time to assemble a group of scientist build a super vehicle that can bore its way through to the core of the earth. Are you with me so far? All seems doable..

They "drive" a ship, Virgil, through to the earths core .With millions of pounds per square inch and they get out of Virgil to cut a diamond. That they picked up inside the mantle when they drop through a massive empty space?

Horrible dialog, poorly directed, too many errors to list and not one once of real world possibility! You must completely shut down your brain to enjoy this one. Two hours of bad dialog horrible acting and a director that must have been on heavy meds to let that much film-stock be wasted.The final minutes of this ridiculous frolic into.. what?? did they just say?? Scratch 4 HEROES during this mission. Cut to success!! We did it!! But how do our 2 heroes make it home?

The 2 survivors come out near Hawaii and are rescued by the General and Rat on a aircraft carrier that would have taken weeks to get to them. The scene on the carrier ..they use sonar, that an aircraft carrier wouldn't have, they hear whales,(not actually they are Orca) give up the search, somehow Rat, who is now on the carrier deck 1000's of feet from last scene starts to scream " It's whales! it's whales they're singing to them!! And just like that the heroes are rescued by divers equipped to go maybe 60' deep. Thankfully our divers bring enough cable and equipment to perform a massive rescue in 800' of water. Of course we can't end the movie here. We must get the word out!! Rat successfully hacks every communication satellite in the world simultaneously to leak this world saving operation.

Well if you detest logic, despise physics, enjoy crappy dialog, a fan of poor acting, you will LOVE this!! I sacrificed the 2 hours so you don't have to!!
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Hanna (2019–2021)
The movie was average and this doesn't do it justice
3 April 2019
Takes too many weak turns to explain the original movie Not sure how this is going to make it past season one

If you have only Prime service this is a O K use of your viewing time however if you have multiple options this is sub standard use of your time. Too bad, I really liked the movie, this had potential

I didn't make it through season one no chance I'll make through season two. Not trying to be obnoxious just not for me, and in my opinion not close to the quality of current programs aired today
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Well done action v. Conviction
31 March 2018
The action was true to form as a Mel Gibson directed film. From the research I have done looks like a fairly accurate representation of what happened. The usual Hollywood exaggeration aside many true to life stories. There are a large number of 10 star ratings and a number of 1 star reviews. This always amazes me that you can have that disparity. Then I realized the10 star ratings were those who were truly moved by the movie.while the 1 star ratings were those that thought the movie should somehow be a documentary with real footage exclusively. One genius self proclaimed vet of multiple wars had a problem with the cargo net used to ascend the ridge being in his view as not at all plausible. Well turns out there are photos of the real Doss on the ridge with, wait for it,,,,, a cargo net, albeit not near as high as the movie cliff.

This was a great movie for those of the Christian faith and a very good movie for those that like action and heroism in a war setting. The acting was very strong, directing, pace and back stories were also good. I try and use reviews and trailers to pick what I watch. It is becoming more difficult to do when you have reviewers that either had no clue what movie they were about to see or believe they somehow have their own story that is so much better. Hard to believe that a winner of 2 Oscars is a 1 star movie.(not my rating ..others)
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Detention (2003)
Good news lots of action! bad news it's ALL HORRIBLE!!!
3 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First fight scene the bad guy sprays the school cafeteria MP5A3 (9mil compact machine gun) The bullets can't penetrate the napkin holder 50 rounds later and Dolph is playing peek a boo from 20ft away, First half of the movie like a terrible adult version of Home Alone. The poor students can't catch a break, between their bad acting and ridiculous dialog they are doomed, SPOILER ALERT! This movie starts out bad and falls downhill from there,I was just ready to change the channel when I looked up to see the student in a motorized wheelchair was spotted by the bad guys, turns out driving your wheelchair down the middle of the main hall with 4 armed bad guys looking for you, isn't a great idea. Don't worry he ends up out running the bad guy on a motorcycle and the 20 or so bullets. Yes that's right, scene goes from all 4 spotting the kid 20' away to, wheelchair popping wheelies and being chased by a motorcycle. If the screenwriter and director found work after this masterpiece I'd be shocked! The bad guys were completely out gunned. Their bullets couldn't penetrate a garbage can somehow the kids arrow sends a 200# man 5 ft back and stuck to the bleachers.All looks hopeless until the leader of the bad guys decided enough is enough and calls the hero's fiancee, cleverly posing as a detective tells her she must come to the school.(that's not fair) How he knew Dolph was engaged, her name and her number is a mystery. To be fair they may have explained it during one of the many times I looked away laughing, don't waste your time
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Splice (2009)
weak at best
3 June 2012
good cast at their very worst I waited for this film to become entertainment, it didn't make it. the love/sex scene was the poorest in recent history. Adrian Brody nailed his part if his part was that of an idiot. Oh and lets don't forget they're scientist, what a joke.Why would anyone agree to this trash. I feel that 2 hours of my life were truly wasted (I don't toss that out lightly)

Save your time and energy take a walk read a comic book just don't watch this POS.

Not enough action to be a B rated action flick I saw the cast Sarah Polly Adrian Brody and expected more. Not sure who is to blame, much to go around.

I'm looking for a classification for this movie,horrible waste of time was a previous submission....nailed it.

Next time Adrian Brody and Sarah Polly get an offer from this weak ass casting agent they might want to turn it down.

They will both took a hit on this one. This must be why Brody is in a ghetto alcohol commercial last I've seen him. Loser
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Mad Dog Time (1996)
2 hours of my life I will never get back
24 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I read a few of the reviews that tossed this film "under the bus" Decided I would give it a try anyway. After all I like most of the players that graced the stage in this unbelievable waste of film.

The plot starts a bit thin and never gets any deeper. A crime boss that commits himself then decides he's OK(or does he?) must get his town in order and re-connect with the only woman that can touch his jaded,bipolar,sociopathic heart.(that old chestnut)

Two hours of horrible dialog and even worse acting comes to a climax with predictable stupidity. The over cool good guys and wise cracking bad guy face off in a scenario that was meant to be exciting and unpredictable.I must say this actually hurt me to watch. Any time you have to have two of the main characters spend three or more minutes explaining what just happened, there is a good chance it was too ridiculous for the average person connect the dots. Then when the dots are connected you realize it wasn't worth connecting after all. And did I mention terrible acting? Ellen Barkin did an OK job the rest,especially Dreyfuss,were horrendous.

Do yourself a favor and avoid this disaster. Your time would be better spent watching infomercials or pulling your fingernails off.
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2 hours 15 minutes I will never get back
26 January 2009
This is lord of the rings without the ring or the Lord for that matter.

I must admit I am baffled by the ratings. Half loved it(9or 10) half hated it. You can see by my rating my stance. The best part of the movie,the filming locations (BC Cananda)

I kept watching hoping that the movie would suddenly transform into something worthwhile. No such luck.I have noticed that many blame the director. The acting, poor storyline lack of substance and obvious ripoff of the ring make this an "I can't believe I watched this train wreck" experience. If it were a choice between watching this or volunteering to clean the filter at your local waste treatment plant, break out the rubber gloves.
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