
36 Reviews
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Skinamarink (2022)
I tried.
3 September 2023
Despite all of the negative reviews I decided to give this movie a shot. The movie Paranormal Activity got a lot of bad reviews too but I enjoyed it because rather than seeing it in a movie theater with an audience I watched it alone and late at night in an apartment that I had just moved into. I thought that maybe Skinamarink might benefit from a similar setting. It didn't. Watching it alone and in the dark simply resulted in my falling asleep about 30 minutes in. I tried watching the rest of the movie the next day in the afternoon and started nodding off again. Other reviews have already described the film's premise and the means by which the filmmaker goes about telling the story so I won't bother with all that here except to say that the constant jump cuts from one static shot to another never conveyed to me the impression that I was following two children wandering around a dark, creepy house trying to find their parents, unless the two kids were teleporting from room to room every several seconds and then just standing in one spot looking at random stuff. There was simply no narrative or visual flow. Nothing about this movie engaged me, even in a dark, late-night setting. It was just boring and irritating. Frankly it felt a bit like I was being punked or trolled. Big NO on this one.
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Losing interest in this.
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I signed up for AMC+ to watch "Interview With the Vampire" and I'm already regretting it. I knew going in that changes had been made to the story, most notably the race of some characters and also the time period, but I was still not prepared for THIS. The story of an ambitious and well-to-do gay black man in a relationship with a white man in the racist and segregated South could have been compelling enough in its own right. I see no good reason why it had to be shoehorned into Anne Rice's vampire tale. All of the racial aspects of the story, as told in this series, just draw things out and detract from the vampire story which itself feels almost extraneous at this point. I have to remind myself that I'm watching something based on Anne Rice's novel.

For those who are familiar with the book, I have watched up to the episode where we are introduced to Claudia. I was compelled to turn the show off at this point. The character of Claudia was only five years old in Rice's novel and a bit older in the original movie. In this series she looks to be a teenager but still behaves like a whiny, bratty child. It's quite jarring. And annoying. Not really feeling this show. Such a disappointment.
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Another one of THOSE horror movies.
17 October 2022
This franchise was already on its last legs but it was really sad to see it end like this. For years now I've noticed that there seems to be a certain kind of "horror" movie where the filmmaker's goal seems to be to see how FEW scary scenes they can put in and still call the thing a horror movie. The reboot of HELLRAISER is the latest movie I've seen that seems to be following this trend. I don't think I've ever seen a HALLOWEEN installment where Mike Myers shows up so late in the movie and for such a relatively short time. So much other unengaging teen drama nonsense taking up far too much screen time. Halloween Ends indeed. With a whimper.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
I give up.
5 October 2022
How on earth did people make it through six or seven episodes? I managed to struggle through the first two episodes, got through episode three only by fast-forwarding a couple times, and gave up after ten minutes of episode four. I'm hesitant to even write a review because the few episodes I watched were so boring that I barely remember what happened. I do remember lots of talk about an heir to the throne, some dodgy CGI dragons that appear too soon and too often, and some bits of violence that felt tacked on and even a bit gratuitous in a failed attempt to liven things up and provide a bit of grittiness. At one point my roommate said that the show felt low-budget and I knew what he meant. Despite the visuals, sets, and costumes the story seems to be limited to a small number of characters and is severely lacking in scope. I'm out.
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Not as complicated as people are making it out to be.
4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't understand this movie the first time I saw it although I liked the overall mood of it. But then I read an explanation of the movie somewhere (maybe here at IMDb) and it makes perfect sense. SPOILER AHEAD!!!!

After the opening credits with the swing dancers and up to the point where the guy in the cowboy hat says, "Hey pretty girl, time to wake up", you have been watching a DREAM that the main character is having. After she wakes up and the reality of her life is exposed we are shown--in a bit of a non-linear fashion--some of the recent events in her life (and the people involved) that served as material for the dream we have just watched. That's it.

I thought that this was another "Lost Highway", a movie that I have never been able to make sense of, but "Mulholland Drive" turns out to be a lot more straightforward and accessible than it initially seems to be. Once I understood what I was watching I really enjoyed the movie and also appreciated the fact that it tells a very sad story. Don't give up on this movie.
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The Outsider (2020)
A Long, Slow Crash and Burn After the First Couple of Episodes
25 August 2020
I was completely taken in by the first two episodes even though the series was reminding me a bit of True Detective and Twin Peaks but things got worse the longer this show played out. By the time you get to the last few episodes you will be subjected to countless interminable talky scenes where characters are trying to wrap their minds around the fact that they might be dealing with something supernatural. I fast-forwarded through at least three of them and I don't feel as though I missed a thing. Sooooo much filler. This series could have been about four episodes. I see that Imdb is calling this "Season 1" but there is no way on earth I would sit through a Season 2.
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Could only endure 17 minutes of this
5 April 2020
I just tried watching this on Netflix and I couldn't get past the persistent and annoying music that played through EVERY scene. I fast forwarded to see if the music was present in later scenes and IT WAS. Maybe I will give it another shot some other time but I'm not looking forward to it. That music is still stuck in my head.
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The Courier (2019)
Most of the movie takes place in a parking garage.
31 January 2020
That is really all you need to know. It's the kind of movie that makes me wonder if some of the big-name actors in it, like Oldman and Mulroney, are in need of cash after losing money in a Ponzi scheme or something. Quite depressing.
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I have always liked this installment.
31 January 2020
I appreciate this sequel even more after watching the last three Terminator sequels which were all awful and forgettable, especially Dark Fate. I wasn't expecting much from Terminator 3 since most sequels go downhill fast and the second sequel usually scrapes the bottom of the barrel but the chase scene near the beginning was a truly bracing experience that made me sit up and take notice.

I liked the fact that the Terminator was a female in this one. I have always liked seeing woman in action flicks doing things that we are used to seeing men do. Also, having a female Terminator followed the logic of Terminator 2 where subsequent Terminators were more streamlined and elegant and yet more powerful than the big and bulky Terminator of the first movie.

I am probably one of the few people, if not the only one, who likes T3 more than T2. I appreciate that in T3 the Terminator's mimicking abilities were not taken to the almost comical extent that they were in T2 where in one scene the T1000 liquefied and morphed into a black and white checkerboard floor. That was a bit much for me. I also liked that they began to flesh out the story to explain how the machines ended up taking over. In all, I think this was the LAST decent Terminator movie.
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3 from Hell (2019)
Skip it
24 October 2019
Annoying rehash of Devil's Rejects, right down to the Terry Reid song playing over the closing credits. On a side note, I was simultaneously pleased and a bit saddened to see the great actress Dee Wallace in this nonsense.
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The fight scenes were a bit dodgy.
13 September 2019
I liked the first two John Wick movies and I didn't hate this one but a lot of the fight scenes looked badly staged. Too many of the bad guys looked at though they just sort of stood there waiting for JW to hit, kick, shoot, or cut them. I noticed it right away with the fight scene in the library at the beginning of the film. Looked as though the Russian guy just stopped fighting back at some point. I was hoping that maybe it was just that one scene but I noticed the problem throughout most of the film. Needed a better story and fewer (but better staged) fight scenes.
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Glass (2019)
Boring and anticlimactic.
13 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie kept hinting at a climax that would take place at or near the grand opening of a new, tallest-in-the-city skyscraper in Center City Philadelphia only to have the big showdown with the three "superheroes" take place in a parking lot about a mile or so from downtown. The whole thing was ridiculous. And boring.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Just finished watching this on DVD
30 January 2019
I just finished watching this and I have no idea what I just watched. The only thing I can say with any certainly at all is that with numerous poorly integrated story lines, some extremely ugly choreography, and a running time of nearly two and a half hours they forgot to make the damned thing scary.
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The Meg (2018)
A Remarkable Feat.
19 August 2018
There are lots of things that a movie about a giant, man-eating shark could be but I never imagined that BORING would be one of them. I closed my eyes to doze at least three times during this film. It was filled with long, talky scenes where nothing much was happening and where you could tell that nothing much was going to happen for quite some time. The appearance of the shark barely made a dent in the movie's overall flat, boring tone. If I were involved in any way with the making of this movie I'd leave it off of my resume.
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Lathe of Heaven (2002 TV Movie)
Nothing but a series of costume changes.
11 August 2004
I've read "The Lathe of Heaven" twice and seen the 1980 version once. I loved the book but wasn't thrilled with the first film version. I'd thought that with all the new technology available to filmmakers that this latest version would be a huge improvement. WRONGO!!! This latest film version seems to go out of its way to strip away everything, EVERYTHING that was interesting about the book and the original film version. Here, George Orr seems to be nothing but some kind of paranormal fashion designer and interior decorator. He wakes up from his dream to find that everyone has better clothes and a more upscale decor. In fact, it seems that all imagination and budget went into costume and set design, both of which are quite good. Unfortunately, that is the ONLY good thing I can say about this movie. Read the book.
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Gave it a shot.
9 February 2004
I wasn't particularly interested in seeing this movie because the reviews made it sound like exactly the type of movie it turned out to be (for once). But it was in at my local video store so I gave it a chance since I've enjoyed Hope Davis in everything else I've seen her in. But frankly, this movie just wasn't that engaging. In fact, I'd sum the whole thing up like this:

1.)Husband suspects wife is having an affair. 2.)Tension ensues. 3.)Entire household gets the flu. 4.)Denouement 5.)The End
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Intimacy (2001)
The usual French navel-gazing, but in English.
20 January 2004
I wanted to like this movie because I like the two main actors but it got to a point where I realized that this was just another movie by a French director complete with neurotic, obsessive, dissolute characters humping and eventually yelling at each other about God knows what (think "The Piano Teacher"). In fact, there was a lot of yelling (and humping) in this movie but it all might as well have been badly translated and subtitled for all the sense I could make of it. More French angst delivered to us in the Trojan horse of an English-language film. Very sneaky.
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28 Days Later (2002)
different reactions
11 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***WEE SPOILERS***Can the people who like this movie please stop assuming that those of us who didn't like it were disappointed because it wasn't a "Dawn of the Dead" or standard slasher type flick. I knew going in that it was going to be no such thing. I stated in an earlier post that it is NOT a zombie movie. And I might add that I WASN'T disappointed that it was not a zombie movie. I found the premise of a virus that reduces people to pure rage far more disturbing than any run of the mill zombie. Also, please stop assuming that we didn't like it because we went in with our brains turned off, ready to be spoon-fed typical horror movie cliches and crap. Finally, stop assuming that we didn't like it because it was shot on digital video and had a "gritty, grainy" look to it rather than the standard Hollywood gloss. I have no problem with that type of "raw" looking photography.

I didn't like this movie because I just didn't like it. I don't think it made the most of its premise; it was poorly paced (which is not to say that I wanted it to be paced like a "Terminator" flick); there were HUGE plot holes, some of which I mention in my earlier post; the characters did things that made no sense (and didn't do things that would have made perfect sense); and the movies central theme about man's capacity for violence and cruelty is not especially earth-shattering. Hasn't anyone ever read or seen "Lord of the Flies"? Finally, beneath the "grit and grain" of the digital video photography there IS a typical Hollywood flick lurking--just a slower paced on. Near the end when Jim finds Selena after his wet, shirtless Rambo-like adventure around the estate they end up embracing and kissing, finally acknowledging their attraction--how cute and romantic and Hollywood. I love the fact that he lunges at her without first reassuring her that he was not infected--this, despite the fact that she is holding a machete and he has previously seen her in action with it.

If you liked this movie that's fine. I would never begrudge anyone something that provided them with enjoyment and food for thought. But we folks who DIDN'T like it weren't necessarily sitting in the theater in a brain-dead stupor waiting for a British version of a Jerry Bruckheimer or Wes Craven movie--which seems to be the prevailing assumption. You are wrong. An actively engaged brain can decide that it likes something or that it doesn't. I, along with others, did not like this movie. That doesn't make me (or them) dolts.
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28 Days Later (2002)
Stop it with the "thinking man's horror movie" nonsense.
8 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***POSSIBLE SPOILERS*** Some of us plebes munching on popcorn were able to determine that this movie didn't make a lick of sense and that is was not the "horror movie" that the reviews and commercials had promised us. "Scary as hell"??? Huh? "Thinking man's horror movie"??? Puh-leez. First of all, STOP calling it a "zombie movie". There isn't a single zombie in the entire flick. A zombie is a reanimated corpse. The infected victims in this movie don't die and then come back to life; they are simply consumed by an uncontrollable rage. Other "thinking" critics describe the infected as being "zombie cannibals" or "flesh-eating zombies" when it is never established that the infected actually ate human flesh--or ate anything for that matter. They may very well BITE in the same way that a raging dog will but do they even think to eat? Or are they so utterly consumed with rage that they don't notice or recognize hunger? An early scene in which two of the infected are set afire while chasing the protaganist and yet don't waver in their pursuit pretty much establishes that their instinct for self-preservation is gone.

And why don't they attack each other? They seemed to "hunt" in packs which is something that a social animal would do and yet these monsters are infected with a very antisocial rage; a rage so intense that swarms of rats flee the infecteds' approach. Yet the infected operate almost like a gang. People who need people...

As for the film's "man's inhumanity to man" subtext or its exploration of our darker nature and instincts,blah,blah, what? Haven't you people ever seen a war movie--particularly a Vietnam war movie. These are not new themes and they are not handled with any real panache or originality in this movie. And why do the people in this movie assume that the virus has gone global and that there is "no future". It would be next to impossible for a virus that manifests itself quite vividly within seconds to jump from an island nation like Great Britain to "Paris and New York". Only one character in the entire movie questions the possibility of this and he is a minor character who is chained to a radiator, ignored, and eventually killed. The predicament of the two female characters, who are surrounded by men, hinges on this perception of "no future". It is a perception that the movie failed to acutely convey, in my opinion and I couldn't understand why the characters seemed to have a last-people-on-earth mentality. It seemed inevitable that some "uninfected" country would eventually come to the rescue--as they in fact do. In the meantime, the "infected" become almost peripheral to the numbing story that is being told and I can't figure out for the life of me what people found so scary about this movie. Spare us the sequel.
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Wag the Dog (1997)
Watered down Robert Altman
1 July 2003
I wanted to like this movie but about 30 minutes in I just gave up. I had to suspend too much disbelief to buy the phony war scam the characters were pulling off. I don't know what a phony, computer generated war would look like but it would have to be more compelling that the image of Kirsten Dunst clutching a kitty. Part of my problem with this movie was casting; just too many actors that I find annoying. Robert DeNiro is just Robert DeNiro--the same Robert DeNiro he's been in his last half dozen or so movies. Dustin Hoffman is simply a chore to look at and listen to and then there's Anne "I'm a lesbian, oh wait, no I'm not" Heche. They even throw in the grating Dennis Leary for good measure. And why was Willie Nelson in this movie? It was around the time that Nelson was having the jam session with the black musician that I realized that this was simply Levinson doing a watered down Altman schtick. Silly and unengaging. Rent "Bob Roberts" instead.
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They (2002)
16 June 2003
According to the TRIVIA link on IMDb it is estimated that up to 10 people worked on the script for this travesty of a movie; a fact that certainly answers the question of how many script writers it takes to screw in a lightbulb. Apparently 1 to hold the bulb and 9 to pass out from sheer boredom. Nothing will prepare you for how long, slow and ponderous this film is. Actually, I'm not sure that it is long but it felt that way. After a somewhat promising opening scene this movie proceeds to go out of its way to NOT be scary. And things weren't helped along by making us endure one of the most annoying main characters in recent film history. SHE will annoy you to death and THEY will bore you to tears. Avoid.
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Wrong Turn (I) (2003)
Ignore the critics
13 June 2003
This was one of the better horror flicks I've scene in a long time--and I've been waiting A LONG TIME. A straightforward, tidy, efficient little gem that doesn't waste time on silly plot twists, budding romance subplots, or characters cracking wise when they should be scared to death. It's not the most original horror flick. It borrows heavily from the Peacock Brothers episode of the "X-Files", as well as from "Friday the 13th", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", and the better parts of "Jeepers Creepers". However, it pulls together different elements of those films to form an effective and satisfying whole.
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Carrie (1976)
My all-time favorite movie
5 June 2003
This is my favorite movie of all time. I would go see this movie the way some people would go see The Rocky Horror Picture Show. If it was playing somewhere I'd go see it. Great acting. Great camera work. Check out the scene where Norma (P.J. Soles) is collecting ballets at the prom and the camera starts at Carrie's and Tommy's table, works its way across the gym, up the stage backdrop, and out over the stage where the bucket of blood sits. This scene was done in ONE take. "Carrie" should have at least been nominated for Best Picture in 1976. It was one of the last great horror films of that decade. A definite classic. Avoid the TV remake at all cost.
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watered down Atom Egoyan
14 February 2003
Overrated Atom Egoyan imitation with Annette Bening phoning in her performance from what seems to be a completely different movie. If this movie hadn't ended with violence it would have disappeared from filmgoers' radar almost immediately. Rent "The Adjuster" or "Exotica" instead.
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Signs (2002)
27 January 2003
It's official. I am not a fan of M.Night Shyamalan and his lame Spielberg-lite nonsense. And would someone please tell Mel Gibson that he doesn't do "emotional" very well or rather he overdoes it all too well. The films other flaws have been pretty well covered in other post but let me add just one more observation. I didn't really get the sense that there was a massive global invasion going on despite all the news coverage that the family watched. I just didn't feel it and that "news" scene where someone got a shot of an alien during a child's birthday party was incredibly anticlimactic despite the news anchor telling us that the footage we were about to see was "very disturbing". Oh please. The "alien" looked just like the guy in that old photo of Bigfoot that turned out to be a hoax.

This is definitely the last Shyamalan I will ever bother to see.
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