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Had me from the start
23 April 2024
I'm a big horror fan and I hate to admit there's been nothing new out there for a while. That is, until this one came along.

Mostly the horror that's available these days is loaded with tons of gore and blood and the characters are shallow and basically no one cares what happens to them. But this one is different.

I was riveted to my seat the whole time. I wasn't expecting much, so it made the journey much better.

I may watch it again, but it may not have the same effect.

Again, as a big horror movie fan I've been let down most of the time, but this is worth seeing. I'm not giving anything away. Watch it cold with no expectations. Don't read any spoilers.

Hope you like it...
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The X-Files: Patience (2000)
Season 8, Episode 3
Really corny episode
17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This one is so stupid.

Never could understand why that guy didn't just shoot it with a shotgun. I know they put 5 bullets in it at the end, but I think a shotgun to the head would have finished it off. But that would be too easy, right?

And what really got me laughing was when it reached the point of having to explain this strange creature because of the belief in the evolution mythology. That's when I knew we were dealing with a comedy sketch.

So instead of a monkey evolving into a man, a bat decided to evolve into one? ROTFL

I don't think they intended for it to be so funny, but it was.

I know they've had similar creature features that were quite good, but this one is just plain nonsense.
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The X-Files: Signs & Wonders (2000)
Season 7, Episode 9
Distasteful in many ways
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a wild goose chase. As you can tell I didn't like it. This is by far the worst rating I've ever given an X-File episode.

In this episode - despite the "twist" - both sides were wrong. I guess it's popular to make people fear the Bible these days but that must be Chris Carter's way of showing us how the Devil works very well in people pretending to be worshiping God.

The "snake handlers" - the ones that supposedly followed the Bible too strictly - were not following God or the Bible at all. I never understood how anyone could think that handling snakes is something a Godly person would do. I'm pretty sure this is not practiced anymore except maybe in the far North Amish country areas of the USA.

The "progressive" preacher was wrong too in that he believed all religions and beliefs were valid. This is how Satan works - not taking a side was what made him the evil one in this case. So it wasn't really a twist after all. (I won't tell you how it ends though...)

It's easy to tell that Chris Carter had a hatred for religions of all kinds, except for the religion of evolution which was often quoted by Scully and Mulder when something unusual occurred (re: the intro to Sixth Extinction).

Sadly this episode took such a weird turn that it was not enjoyable at all.

I like the episodes that seem like modern Twilight Zones. People with strange powers is my favorite genre.

This one was more like a horror occult movie. I like those, but don't think they belong on the X-Files.
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Leave It to Beaver: The Big Fish Count (1961)
Season 4, Episode 21
Good one on how secrets get loose
16 February 2024
I always liked this episode.

The kids are real and it shows how a secret told to one person can spread like wildfire.

I won't give anything away, so watch it yourself.

The only think I didn't like was the last scene when Wally starts telling Beaver how a whale can drown because it's not a fish. He even quotes what he's been taught in school how after millions of years the whales' hands and feet turned into fins and flippers. It's funny cuz Beaver says he'll tell his mother he can't take baths for fear of losing his arms and legs.

But still, it's disturbing how even back then they were told these evolutionism lies. People are too smart today to fall for that nonsense. But it's still funny...

Other than that it was a great episode. Makes you wonder who decided on that last line.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver's Tonsils (1961)
Season 4, Episode 20
Very dated, but good nonetheless
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't one of my favorite episodes but it shows how you can be led to see the good side about a bad things that might happen.

Nice episode, but very dated. Back then people were taught to believe the evolution stuff about vestigial organs and as a result, many doctors were taught that some are not needed anymore.

We now know better.

Nevertheless, as the story goes, Beaver's doctor (who visits the house - they quit doing that a long time ago) tells him he may need his tonsils removed.

At first he's upset but when told about ice cream and pretty nurses he suddenly wants his operation.

So he's kind of upset when the infection goes away.

Kind of a psychological study episode, but Beaver's still at a cute age.

This series was funny because it showed life as seen through the eyes of children. Also it was meant to help parents better understand their children.

It's still one of my favorite sitcoms and I watch the reruns when they air.
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Pretty creepy and good CGI
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this no knowing what to expect, but most HP Lovecraft are pretty good most times.

The build up to the finale was well done. Just when you think you know what's going on it takes a strange turn.

The creepy dungeon with the malformed creatures was really good. I know it's far fetched to think a chemical formula could make things come to life but people believed in evolution back then and so anything was possible through "science" right? LOL

Really good CGI in the final scene and you're left wondering if there will be a sequel with the lady being pregnant and all.

All in all worth watching. Perhaps a little dated, but I was impressed.
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Very Gripping
11 October 2023
I don't put reviews in much. Sometimes I do it to warn others, but in this case I want to defend the movie I saw because it looks like there are a lot of unfair ratings in here.

This movie had some moments of gore that were painful to watch, but the story was very well done.

I also think there was a great climax that left you on the edge of your seat.

I read the book many years ago and loved it with the way the characters were done. King's ability to make believable characters was always his strong suit. I used to read everything he wrote, but quit in the 2000 era when he got too political and his work suffered for that.

When the first Pet Sematary movie came out I was excited and wanted to see it but very disappointed that it didn't have the same feel. Followups haven't fared much better, but I think this version and back story really worked.

As someone else said, the bad reviews came from those not familiar with the book and I have to agree.

All in all a very visceral story that explains the history of the Indian Burial ground idea very well and confronts the real reasons why things were going so wrong for that town.

I think it's worth a watch if you like this kind of horror.
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Finally some truth...
20 September 2023
This is a very thorough documentary.

I've known most of these facts for a long time and I may have seen part or all of this documentary a while back, but it is still a great wake up call to all people.

The history and science all prove dinosaurs were around when man was here and with all the evidence of soft tissue found in fossils it should be common knowledge by now.

Unfortunately the mainstream media and the evolution zealots will not allow the truth to be told. Contrary to their wishes, I believe people are really waking up to all the lies they've been told all these years in the text books and movies etc.

As we gain in knowledge we start to throw away the evolution religion because we see it is all based on lies and story telling.

One review on here says the people are deluded and twist facts. That describes the evolution believers to a tee.

Watch this documentary if you dare to find the truth. As Mulder always said: The Truth Is Out There.
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Love, Death & Robots: Pop Squad (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
Great story
12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Awesome story. Great series, but some of the past episodes tend to lack real content.

Although most of the animation is superb and the different types of animation really show creativity, many lack a meaningful story line.

This one was almost a Pro-Life theme where life in the future become old and dreary as they did away with new life brought into the world.

Seeing a world that is broken down and decaying while the people seem to like living for a long time and never dying (unless shot, of course) is interesting.

One thing it says to me is that quality of life is more important than length. Living forever is no good if you can't enjoy it.

Good theme. Shows the real value of children and why most people don't like killing babies (even in the womb.)

Keep up the good stories and good animation.
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Let There Be Light (I) (2017)
Much better than expected
9 June 2023
This was a very moving and emotional film. I don't know why I'd never heard of it, but I guess this type of movie is not advertised on regular TV.

It came out 6 years ago, but I'm so glad I watched it today.

When I came across it recently and decided to watch it I assumed it was just another spiritual movie. Boy was I wrong.

It really hit a nerve. I've know many cases of Atheists who feel empty and alone and so they try to find things to fill that void. They don't all become alcoholics by any means, but the belief that nothing has any meaning and there is no higher power can be trying for anyone to understand.

As humans, it's good to feel like we have purpose and that there is something else beyond this mortal plane.

I think this movie did a great job of showing how confused people can get when they refuse to believe they were created for a purpose.

Sorbo did a great job of playing the part. I forgot how great an actor he really is. Hope to see more of his work in the future.

Anyway, I highly recommend this movie. Slight warning: if the Holy Spirit is in you it might bring you to tears a few times. Enjoy it.

Extra note: As a music fan, seeing Dionne Warwick and Travis Tritt was a special treat.
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65 (2023)
Will lower your IQ a lot.
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst science fiction movie ever.

Who writes this stuff? Grade schoolers?

I know it's hard to get people to believe the silly evolution stories anymore, but why come up with a new angle that's even dumber.

Do they really think we're this stupid?

I felt my IQ going down rapidly as I watched this garbage. Don't we have any intelligent writers in Hollywood or were they all fired?

I don't think I've given any spoilers away and it wouldn't really matter because anyone with an ounce of intelligence could figure out what's going to happen.

Don't waste any time trying to watch this crap.
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Der Fisch in uns (2014– )
Complete Garbage
16 March 2023
I watched this a while back and just laughed most of the way through.

Then I realized how it might be used to educate children on lies and deception and was worried that some may actually believe this trash of a movie.

Note that there is no science involved in this study and the "doctor" is sadly a complete madman. He thinks everyone looks like a fish because he's been indoctrinated into believing we evolved from fish.

He's insane, and it worried me that he is (or was) head of the anatomy department at some university. That's scary. A man this deranged should not be allowed to teach anything more than fairy tales he's made up.

Note that there are no scientific "facts" about evolution in this movie. Just fantastic imaginations and suppositions. Not scientific analysis at all.

He even used Haeckels' embryos as evidence when that man was proven a fraud hundreds of years ago. Talk about out of touch.

So watch this if you want a good laugh. It's pretty funny that someone actually believes the way he does.

Evolution must be his religion.
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Started great...
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was anticipating this series for weeks and then was not disappointed with the first 3 episodes. They were killer stories!! And action packed.

But then came the clunker #4 that made no sense and may have meant to be a comedy.

<spoiler?> Why did she have to kill her husband anyway? He was the only one who really loved her for who she was.

But I continued on hoping that was the only bad one, but they really never got much better.

I hope they can come up with some better stories for the next season it they haven't already run out of ideas.

Maybe I had my sights set too high, and maybe I kinda expected them all to be really good. Who knows. It's hard to find genuine horror these days.
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should have ended with the 3rd season
18 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is sad.

They went from a unique story line with likeable characters to this mess slammed together and borrowing from old horror movies like Hellraiser and then adding zombies because they are so "in" theses days.

The character relationships all changed. They don't even make sense and they're not even likeable anymore.

It was fun when El had powers. She may get them back, but making her into a thug because of kids picking on her doesn't make sense.

I wish I hadn't bothered to watch the 4th season. The whole thing is now ruined for me.

The ending of the 3rd would have made it a good all round story, but I guess they got greedy and had to create something different.

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A Haunting: Return to Bergen House (2022)
Season 11, Episode 6
Frightening but left you hanging
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved these true ghost stories for years, but this season seems to be letting me down some.

The last few episodes have no real resolution, and this one - although quite scary in parts - ended with the experts saying "good luck with it" and leaving the owner to deal with this mess.

I liked the early ones that had resolutions and the issues were solved either by telling the good ghosts to go to the light and/or banishing the demons.

I'll keep watching, and hope they get better.
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Lamb (2021)
Didn't realize it was a Comedy movie
4 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I better use a spoiler alert from now on.

******* possible spoiler alert**********

After the first 40 minutes, we were rolling in the aisles laughing.

This was the stupidest movie I've seen in decades. The reason I gave it a 1 was because of all the 10's it got for being "the best movie of the year." Are these people on drugs?

I imagine it was Noomi's fan club that did those. I always liked her, but she must be in lots of trouble financially to take on such a moronic movie as this. I hope she got a lot of money cuz she may not get another gig after this turkey.

It might have been good as a cartoon with sheep heads on all the people, but who ever wrote this doesn't even have a high school education on genetics and science. Do Darwiniacs believe this crap is possible? I know they believe a lot of fairy tales, but this one is so far beyond belief.

I know, I know... it's just a fantasy movie that's supposed to make you cry in the end, but it even failed as that.

And the ending really got us cracking up. I couldn't stop laughing.

Can't wait for Lamb 2 : the Revenge ha ha ha.
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Lisey's Story: The Good Brother (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
King has gone to bool
27 June 2021
I used to read Stephen King books as fast as they came out, but somewhere about 10 years ago the books seemed so trite and nonsensical.

I thought I'd give this a chance, but it's total drivel. I guess he still makes a ton of money off this kind of garbage and that's sad.
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12 May 2021
I wasn't going to bother with a review of such a terribly inane move, but there were so many high rated reviews that I felt people needed to know they were being lied to.

This movie was made obviously for low information horror fans who are the only ones who could possibly buy this premise.

Filled with bad acting and stupid scenarios, it's an absolute insult to our intelligence.

They used that guy from Candy Man to give it credence I guess, but don't waste you time on this one. Even he can't save it.

It's not scary - it's just plain stupid and full of nonsense.

The odd thing is that there are a dozen 8 to 10 reviews for this but the average is below 4, telling us that most people just didn't bother to tell us how bad it really was. And it's likely that the high reviews are from people involved in the production, because anyone who really gave it an honest review would not give it more than a 4.

I gave it lower because it was exploitative to an ignorant number of viewers.
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Death of Me (2020)
Better than its rating
17 November 2020
I thought this was a well done horror movie, so don't go by the imdb rating.

Admittedly, it borrows ideas from other horror tales, but I feel it was very unique in its approach. The acting was good and the story was well done, as well as the filming. There was a definite feeling of dread throughout that kept me on my toes wondering what was going to happen next.

It was very creepy to me and unpredictable. I've watched hundreds of horror movies and I think this one we definitely better than average.
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The Deep Ones (2020)
Remake of Dagon but not as creepy
13 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, this is a creepy movie, but the original Dagon was far spookier in most respects.

I liked this version, but it you get a chance, check out the movie Dagon from 2001.

Someone mentioned that this version seemed more like Rosemary's Baby and I understand that, but I recognized this for what it really was. But not a bad comparison.
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Equals (2015)
Sadness of a Socialist Society
28 June 2020
This is a very emotional movie where emotions are banned to make people more in line with the biddings of the state run society. That's not a spoiler since that's the synopsis given.

Oddly enough, watching it now in 2020, it hits home in the way that we are being forced to follow the state's bidding by wearing masks and keeping away from each other and not being in large groups together. Going against the will of the state is now punishable. So much for freedom.

The movie really hits home in that respect. Hopefully our future is not going to be that way, but you can see the trending. Especially troubling is how many young people would support a socialist society yet would hate where it will end up. Read or watch Orwell's 1984 for an in depth approach.

Not a bad movie. I felt the characters didn't really gel, but maybe that was part of the feel of the movie - very sterile and bland. Everyone wearing white was almost comical, but in this new world order I guess that makes sense.
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Bad ripoff of Twilight Zone episode
30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was very surprised at the number of 10 ratings this movie got, until I realized it provided fodder for people who don't believe in real history or science. Anyone with an ounce of history knowledge wouldn't give it more than a 5. I gave it a very low rating because it insulted my intelligence.

Sad that in this day and age a movie can be written that is so offensive to those who seek truth and knowledge and yet pleases the ignorant masses. Sometimes I feel we are living in the dark ages.

The story is of a man who says he's thousands of years old, yet he doesn't seem to recall any wives or children over all this time and his account of history is so totally distorted that it's laughable.

He admits at the end that he lied, but we're left to wonder when he implies he's one of the men's grandfather. That could have been believable in a Twilight Zone type of mentality, but the rest is such nonsense.

I won't go into the Biblical inaccuracies, but none of his recollection of that era is accurate with Roman records or any other historical books on the subject.

I was intrigued at first because it seemed like an updated copy of a Twilight Zone episode "Long Live Walter Jameson." Sadly it pales in comparison. At least the writers for that show made the character believable. This movie puts the idea to shame.

As I said, I was intrigued at first, but later on it got so silly that I could barely contain my laughter. It's science fiction comedy in essence and badly performed as well. The characters are so sappy that they don't even ask good questions when they doubt him.

Sorry to be so negative on this, but it seemed like a good idea but turned out to be a waste of time and a poor excuse for a movie.
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The Gift (2019–2021)
Started Great, but...
11 April 2020
I was very intrigued with the trailer, so I started watching the series.

As is true of most Netflix shows, it starts off great but gets bogged down with idiocy very quickly. What is with these writers?

I watched all 8 of the first season, but I won't bother if there's another season because it went from good to sappy to stupid at a very fast pace.

I liked Atiye, but most of the other characters where very shallow and the acting was sub par as well. Sadly, I was looking forward to seeing this but ultimately was disappointed. I don't really care what happens next.
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Made no real sense at all
26 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love the unusual films, but this one is so slow and when you finally figure out what's going on it makes little sense.

First of all, if this woman wants to keep her girls so pure, why invite this boy to stay anyway? (apparently reading the Bible all day makes these girls so horny they jump the guy the first chance they get. LOL)

If you ever wonder why Christians are being slaughtered all over the world, look at how they are portrayed in movies. They read the Bible and commit horrible crimes. Makes no sense at all.

The ending made even less sense. I waited (as I always do) to see if there is any logic there, but sadly there was none.

Could have been a good movie if they had left out the holy stuff and made the characters more realistic.
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Bad, even for a student film
8 April 2019
I couldn't watch much of this. I ended up fast forwarding after about the first half hour. And that much was torture.

First of all it didn't make sense and second of all, the characters - and I mean all of them - were not one bit likeable. It's impossible to like a movie that has no likeable characters. No story either.

It had the feel of a badly done student film with the class mates in the cast. No one had any idea how to act and there was nothing even slightly funny about anything they said.

Don't waste even a minute with this one. Don't know how it got a 6 rating unless the whole class voted a 10 for it to boost the ratings.
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