
2 Reviews
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
Just the facts
29 November 2002
MOVIE> Good, Okay, passible

FACTS> the reason the movie made so much money is simple. Most people going were there to see Sarah Michelle Gellar. Buffy fans had been excited about this movie for some time because it featured Sarah and her fiance. Other reason the movie made so much money: kids, gullible kids. Even scooby-doo fanatics were not all that excited by the movie although some caved in and saw it.


if you've waited this long then why not. Still wondering sure its not a horrible movie and for kids its hilarious (trust me I went 3 times with my little nephews, they loved it). And you are renting it so you arent wasting your 6, 7 bucks like you would at the movies. Just see it.

DVD Worth it?

Yes! Without at doubt. It has a few extra features that are worth it. Especially a full cast commentary through out the entire film which movies *RARELY* do. And for the kids there are games, hidden features, ect. The movie grows on you after you see it for a second time (or in my case for a 30th something time!)

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Harvard Man (2001)
Just the facts
29 November 2002
MOVIE RATING> Okay and with a definite 'skip it' ticket unless you see it on DVD (see reasons below).

FACTS> movie had in my opinion terrible casting. The only character that resonated through the screen was Sarah Michelle Gellars. The worst one was Gayhearts. Her FBI role should have gone to someone more suitable and more believable. The bisexual element added was ridiculous and can I please know who was turned on by that?

DVD Worth it?

Yes. Without a doubt this is one of the movies that you should never see without a guiding light. And who is this light? The director himself. I am a big fan of commentary but when a movie is misunderstood or not liked its often a good idea to check out the commentary. Hearing the directors vision made the storyline more believable. On my second time viewing the movie I found it *PLEASANT* and *INTERESTING*.

So for this one save the rental: BUY THE DVD. Worth it, especially in other countries where you get extra, extra features.

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