
12 Reviews
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Borgen (2010–2022)
5 August 2022
I just got through the whole latest season in one day. I just couldn't stop.

Might I add that I did not start from Season 1 but directly from Season 4. I've never done that before for any series. It was perfectly fine watching it that way.

I really like Scandinavian crime shows. So it was a stretch for me trying out this show on political intrigue. It's really well made and acted. Two thumbs up!
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Matir Agunot (2019– )
Intense, Deep, Thought Provoking
31 July 2021
This is one of the first times watching a series that it actually gets better as you get farther into it.

It's amazing. I'm getting so much enjoyment out of it. The acting is superb and the characters really draw you in. Particularly the couple who are the leads.

I hope there is another season. I will watch and recommend it to everyone I know.
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Pride (2021)
Well Done
23 May 2021
What an enjoyable series. So many different angles were covered. As a young N. Y. C. Club going guy in the late 80's and 90's it was so touching to see all of the Nelson Sullivan clips being used in such an effective way. They tell a story all by themselves when you watch them on you tube. But here they are interwoven so well to fit into the narrative.

I don't know who or where from these nasty low ratings are coming from. Did they actually even watch the series? Is it just holy rollers being spiteful?

Pride is the perfect example of how documentaries can be fun and interesting and actually teach without being dry or boring.
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Ibiza (2018)
Youthful Energy and throwing caution to the wind
30 August 2018
Though there is so much that could be considered cliche' about this film I found it completely enjoyable.

Light and uncomplicated with at it's core an almost dorky love story.

Considering the setting and the atmosphere this could easily have been a really insipid and annoying film. It really isn't at all and I would gladly recommend it, especially to someone who is feeling like the need a bit of a romantic comedy.

A plus is if you like EDM and current dance music you'll probably get something more out of this film then dos people.
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When We Rise (2017)
Watch out for Trolls
4 March 2017
As much as I enjoyed this mini-series I felt it was even more important for me to voice my dismay at the trolls. It is clear that there are homophobic people coming on here just to give this series a low rating when they clearly have not watched it.

If the content of this mini-series is not for you, no one is forcing you to watch it. There are plenty of sports related programs that bore me to tears. But would I ever imagine to sign on to a website to malign them? Would I complain that too many people spend precious time and money being obsessed with other people who are just playing a game? No because I believe it's their right. If sports are your bag well then fine you can keep getting a thrill from them while I change the channel.

This series is history. A history that doesn't get taught in schools. It's important. It's also a history that every one should know regardless of their sexuality, political affiliation or religion. These things happened around us. This is not a fantasy or made-up story.

There are many great performances and there are some scenes simply meant to tug on your heart- strings. But the fact is, it does make you feel something. Unlike so much of what's on t.v. that is made solely to make money and get a huge audience. ABC surely must have known that this was not going to be a ratings blockbuster. Kudos to them for giving it the green-light anyway.

A mini-series like this is even more important now under the political climate we are living in.
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Throwing Shade (2017– )
Understand Progressive Politics
15 February 2017
I've been listening to their podcasts for several years. It's always enjoyable and funny. Generally their political information doesn't break any new ground. It's usually stuff I've already heard somewhere else first. But in any case I think they are informative and can shed some insight on topics that sometimes get brushed over.

The Throwing Shade t.v. show features some skits that sometimes work and sometimes don't. But I appreciate them in any case. There really isn't very much of this type of comedy being done, particularly on television.

Don't trust the score. This program is clearly being trolled because it has a particular audience. As far as it being false news that couldn't be farther then the truth. There is enough going on out there in the news that there sure is no need to be faking the news. Particularly by this pair who've got a reputation to preserve. Yes they are comics but this isn't propaganda. It's mostly preaching to the choir.
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Gritty, Compelling and Harsh
31 December 2016
If you are a fan of Larry Clarks Kids then this is the film for you. It portrays a harsh reality that most people would rather not see. It's got that train wreck quality that won't let you turn away and at the same time has you horrified.

Sasha Lane as the protagonist Star gave a great performance. Her anger and sadness come to the surface even when she's silent. I've always liked Shia LaBeouf but I've usually felt like the films he's done don't interest me so I don't get to see his performances that much.

I realize that the film is long, but I think it's part of what makes this film special. It takes time to develop and meanders a bit in the process but again it's part of what makes the film seem so genuine. Though the premise of the story is a bit ridiculous in itself it's really just a vehicle to let us in on the behavior of these young people. What makes them tick. What kind of music they like. How they relate to each other.

Clearly this film isn't for everyone. You should have an idea what it is about before you partake in the investment of watching it. But if you are like me and enjoy the sociological aspect of feeling like you are eavesdropping on the life of these young people then it's a great film.

I'm not familiar with this director but now I'd like to see her other films. Hopefully her hand is on the pulse of a lot of different subsets of culture.
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Exhibition (2013)
Even the Masturbating is boring
21 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love art films don't get me wrong but this is just a plain bore.

Even the female leads two attempts at masturbation don't titillate. Furthermore they don't add anything to the story either. Though, I do enjoy the scene where she plays with the blinds nude. That at least had something visually striking to it.

Honestly I'd be surprised if this filmmaker will get financing to ever make a film again.

The neighborhood is clearly the most attractive thing about the film. The house and it's furnishings are obviously posh and eye-catching so in effect they are the most important thing about this film. But these two aspects a film doesn't make.
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Another Period (2013–2018)
I never laugh out loud
8 September 2015
Most comedy simply doesn't make me laugh. But there hasn't been an episode yet that didn't get a deep chuckle out of me. Not just a smile a nod but one of those deeply satisfying laughs that can change your day.

The fact that Another Period has done this for me over and over again makes it a classic for me. Not since Strangers with Candy have I had such a fun time with a comedy.

Not for the square this show is extremely sexual, at times homophobic, definitely not politically correct and even racist. But that's part of it's charm. It leaves you wondering how far they will push the envelope this time.

I'm thrilled that it's been renewed. I'd give it an 8.5 if we could give half points.
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Short Term 12 (2013)
I have a heart
11 February 2014
I can't believe that there are so many people on this forum ripping this film to shreds. Don't they have a heart or feel empathy?

This film is incredibly moving. It feels like a documentary. It moves slowly but at the same time nothing feels forced. I totally feel for the main characters and even cried once. If anything the emotions are sort of downplayed and not forced on us.

I hardly noticed the shaky cam, it definitely did not reduce my enjoyment of the film. It sort of amplified the low budget feel of the film. Actually much of the cinematography is quite lovely. It gives you that fly on the wall feeling where you are observing but not really judging.

I suspect that some of the people that ripped the film apart are effected by the subject matter. They may have feelings of abandonment or not feeling loved growing up that they haven't dealt with. Being part of the foster care system must be very painful in itself. As must be having been sexually abused or feeling suicidal and not ever getting to deal with it. Short Term 12 is an important film. It brings up a lot of issues that cause us pain in our youth as well as when we grow into adults. The stories of the residents were more interesting to me then the counselors however. I would have preferred more about the kids and less about the counselors.
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RED 2 (2013)
Better then the first one
10 September 2013
I don't usually enjoy action films that much. But this film had something more. There was humor, and there were stars. Big stars! John Malkovich though very much aging is still a consummate professional. Anthony Hopkins, wow, what a great idea casting him, he didn't disappoint. Neal McDonough has the most piercing eyes I've ever seen in film, a bit wooden as an actor but he had a fun part and played it to the hilt. Helen Mirren was great, always a favorite of mine. Catherine Zeta Jones was fun and sexy. Lot of great outfits on her! Bruce Willis was the same as ever but he seemed to get some real joy out of this role. He was a pleasure to watch. But I'd have to say Mary Louise Parker stole the show. She was brilliant and a fun love interest for Bruce Willis. Byung-hun Lee was great in every scene where he got to fight. A real Bruce Lee in the making.

I'm very glad I saw this film. It gave me exactly what I needed, a couple of hours outside myself. I didn't ever start thinking about what was going on outside the film. That usually happens to me in adventure films. At some point I get bored and my mind wanders. This film kept me drawn in straight through. I might even say my heart was racing at times.

Of course a lot of the film isn't plausible, but why does it have to be? It was like a comic book. You care about the characters too so you want them to get out of each and every bind.

I guess a film like this doesn't do better then films based on super heroes because it is a film for adults. But I'd much rather an action packed, star studded film then any movie based on a comic book or a fantastical film.
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30 August 2013
This film perfectly depicted the confusion and desire of two teenage lesbians. The way it begins and flows is so real and subtle. The acting, particularly of the two young girls is really well done. I enjoyed this film and am very glad I stumbled upon it.

With all the talk in political circles about immigration it was very pleasant to see a portrayal of some very good solid loving Mexican families. Films like this are important to expand peoples at times stereotypical views.

The use of music is very effective and pleasurable throughout the film.

It was also not a typical portrayal of young lesbian love. The girls seem to not really understand what is happening to them and the film does a lovely job at keeping their characters devoted friends and not just objects of lust. In fact it keeps you wondering if this love will remain unrequited?
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