
3 Reviews
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What a disappointment.
26 September 2004
After waiting for what felt like forever for this film to be finished and shown somewhere that I could see it, it finally happened. The premier was last night at the Sidewalk Motion Picture festival in Birmingham, Alabama.

I, being a GIGANTIC Alice in Wonderland fanatic, was as close to first in line as one can be when showing up 3 hours before a film starts. I used this time to view the amazing film before A.M.I.W., Dandelion.

Now perhaps the AMTW wasn't was bad as I think it was, but the fact that it followed such a great movie and a pretty funny short (Dysenchanted), I left the movie feeling very let down and a little confused as to why I didn't like it. Then the answer came... the people who were there that were laughing a lot were the cast and creators of the film. I feel fairly comfortable saying that 60%+ of the cast and crew were at the screening.

The Movie itself was like a long and painful inside joke for the cast and crew. The humor in the film was dated, about two years too old and was incessantly beat to death. And I do mean BEAT TO DEATH. The Duchess rap was comical for the first 30 seconds, but after that it was just tiresome and generally uncomfortable to watch. The Cheshire Cat/Gay Best Friend was a genius idea that again was beat to death for about 7-9 minutes. The (drag)Queen was funny and original also, but way too played out were her/his voice, mannerisms and time on screen. These are but a few of the things that bothered me and left me going, "wow, I sure am glad that I got to see Dandelion before this, so that tonight isn't a total bust".

I'm sorry to all of my friends who are in this movie and sorry for all the people I told to go watch this movie under the impression that it was going to be the next best thing. I'm also sorry that I didn't like it, for I wanted to so badly.

I want to support independent movies and especially independent films in Alabama, but I think I would rather watch re-runs of my least favorite television shows than see this atrocity of a film again. I don't want my money back, I want my time back. Better luck next time.
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Dandelion (2004)
I'm Still floored. Yeah, Still.
26 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I was at a film festival securing my seat for the movie that followed Dandelion, and so in turn had to watch it. When I read the write-up for it in the program all I could think was, "Jeez, I have to sit through this really bad and boring movie to watch the movie I want to see" *sigh*.

Boy was I wrong. The opening scene alone had me hooked. For all of those who have yet to see this, the movie opens with a very teary Vincent Kartheiser placing a .357 in his mouth and pulling the trigger. I was so amazed that I sat completely still waiting to see what would happen next.

I'm not typically a drama-movie guy. I like action, explosions, nudity, horror and just plain disgusting things in movies. This movie has very little if any of the afore mentioned things. What this movie does have though is amazing sense of compassion and real life circumstances that draw the viewer (this viewer at least) into this hypnotic trance where you just can't take your eyes off of the screen.

It makes me think of other movies that I was blown away by, American History X, The War Zone (Tim Roth's) and Niagara Niagara. Dandelion included, I am amazed by how films can touch a part of you and make you realize certain things about yourself that relate so well to the characters in the film.

Let me also say that every character in this film is played fully and believably by the actors portraying them. The scenery from upper Washington and Idaho where it was shot adds so much to the film itself that I find it impossible to imagine this film being as believable and prolific if it were set anywhere else.

We had a Q&A session after the film with producer, Molly and actor, Vincent.

Two of the coolest people whom I have heard from in quite a while. They were both very candid and very happy about how well the film was received. As they both should be.

If you have any time or any ability to see this film either at a festival or in a theater or at home on DVD, please do yourself a favor and watch it. This is coming from a guy who have never seen it except by accident who is now a devoted fan.
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Holy Crap! Alabama, no way.
23 September 2004
Went to the local film festival earlier tonight, or at least the kick-off for the local film festival. The venue couldn't have been worse, but it did aid in the general essence of the movie, Hide and Creep. The show was at Sloss Furnace in a concrete pit normally used for rock concerts and had small folding chairs for seating with a plethora of smoking and drinking. So what I am getting at is, it was a fun and unique experience!

Now, as a preface I want to tell you that I am a huge fan of the horror genre. I like it all, shock-horror (naked blood), gore-horror (dead alive), classic-horror (night of the living dead), sci-fi-horror (event horizon), suspense-horror (in the mouth of madness), standard-horror (hell raiser), modern-horror (ginger snaps) and many others that I could go on listing forever. I like these movies for many different reasons and that is a whole other topic altogether, perhaps in the forums...

This movie starts out quite amusingly with Chuck (writer/director/producer/actor) in his movie rental shop in rural Alabama, chastising a person on the phone about ZOMBIE films. Brilliant beginning. After reluctantly killing a ZOMBIE and finding out that the sheriff AND deputy are unavailable he does what any other good southerner would do and drops the dispatched ZOMBIE at the cop-shop and explains to a girl at the restaurant across the street where his breakfast is to be the obvious difference between Coke and Pepsi (the impostor cola).

That is all I will ruin for you. If you are a casual fan of ZOMBIE films and like the new trend of horror films not taking themselves too seriously, then I can offer no better movie in that style than this.

Camp, fun, charm and style, this flick has it all. I have no idea about the national release of this film, but I recommend it to just about anyone with a sense of humor and looking for a horrific-ZOMBIEfied time!

To answer questions, yeah, there is nudity, yeah they have to be shot in the head, yeah, there are a lot of inside jokes for Alabamaians that won't all be lost on everyone else, and yeah, Coke is better than Pepsi!
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