
12 Reviews
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Snowed Under (1936)
So-so comedy, impressive cast
19 July 2023
I always enjoy seeing stars like George Brent, Genevieve Tobin, Glenda Farrell and Frank McHugh so this film seemed quite appealing. The story is so-so, not a laugh riot but kept my interest for the duration. I also like Patricia Ellis who starred in many 30's films. The real reason I wanted to write a review is because there's always been an error in the cast listing. The switchboard operator in the beginning is not Kay Hughes as listed in every reference but actress Carol Hughes who was popular during the 30s and 40s in many films. She was also married to actor Frank Faylen who is know as Ernie the cab driver in "It's a Wonderful Life". Aside from having the same last name I don't know how they were ever confused as they look completely different.
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Jean Harlow outshines everyone else.
16 June 2023
This is MGM doing what they did best with the massive talent they possessed during this era. Well scripted story with Gable and Loy in fine form. Jean Harlow looks gorgeous in every scene she appears in. She was really coming into her own and it's heartbreaking to think she'd be gone in a year. One can only imagine what she would have done in the next decade. Nice to see a young Jimmy Stewart as Harlow's boyfriend. Years later Stewart recounted how he purposely goofed up the kissing scene with Harlow so he could kiss her again. He said up until then he'd never been kissed like that. One of my personal favorites.
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Impressive lineup of Golden Hollywood's talent.
30 August 2021
This adaption should prove to people that adore the real Hollywood of the 30's and 40's that Hollywood of the last 40 years could never pull off a cast to match this version. A great mix of headliners and B-actors along with some famous character actors proves that the studio system produced the greatest amount of talent ever seen. I'd cringe if pathetic modern Hollywood tried to replicate this.
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When Hollywood had stars!
21 July 2021
I love this as much as Warner Bros. 1941 "Hollywood Steps Out". The only error I see in the listing of celebrities is the audience scene after 3:15 into the cartoon. In the front left, I'd swear that's Richard Dix and NOT Chester Morris as so many have claimed.
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Dance Flick (2009)
13 October 2020
Nothing to say except that every print should be destroyed!
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20 December 2019
Just saw "Out of the Past" and remembered that this was a sort of remake of that classic. I saw this in the theater when it came out and my main memory was watching a few people walk out before the end. Uninteresting with average acting and stupid confused plot. Jane Greer appearing in the movie was a nice touch and the song is great but this is one putrid film.
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Ninotchka (1939)
Melvyn Douglas vastly underrated!
13 May 2019
This is the reason I worship TCM. They show movies like this. Almost anything from the 30's and 40's is my thing and this movie doesn't disappoint. I find myself appreciating Melvyn Douglas the more I watch him. I really can't picture anyone else doing his role in this movie. It fits him like a glove. His role in "Mr. Blandings builds his Dream House" is equally impressive as lawyer friend Bill Cole. Not much else to add except that Garbo is fabulous and the supporting cast great. Hollywood during it's zenith.
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Match Game (2016–2021)
Garbage, a sign of the times.
12 May 2019
One of the worst piles of manure on TV. Typical of today's remakes and hosted by a horrible, unfunny, classless loser. A panel of no-names making unfunny, rude, vulgar, political and just low-brow jokes. This follows basically all other TV game show remakes of the modern era. A truly sad commentary on society, comedy and the culture today. Poor Gene Rayburn and his wonderful cast of comedians must be spinning in their graves.
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All About Eve (1950)
As perfect as it gets.
5 March 2017
Despite the numerous reviews for this movie, I felt I had to add my own after viewing it on a big screen earlier today. This was my second viewing of this movie and seeing it on the big screen apparently made me see and hear dialogue I had missed after watching it on TV. Oh my Goodness! What a spectacular film! I basically sat there for over two hours in awe. I just couldn't believe the incredible performances from everyone associated with this movie. The writing, the acting, the story just makes you long for a Hollywood that unfortunately no longer exists. To see a movie with a real story and with real movie stars is something that has been lacking for the last thirty years in my opinion. It may sound corny but I actually got goose bumps hearing some of those lines and seeing the performances given by Bette Davis and George Sanders. I'll just say that this is a must see for anyone that likes good writing and acting.
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Real Hollywood!
13 April 2016
As a huge fan of old Hollywood I always loved this cartoon. I find it amusing how younger folks have a difficult time understanding it due to the fact they probably don't watch enough old movies to know who these stars are. In the Wikipedia article on this cartoon, they mention the actor sitting with Claudette Colbert early on as Don Ameche. Upon repeated viewing I'm inclined to think it's the great George Brent. It looks too much like him and he was a much bigger star than Ameche ever became. Although brilliant I will agree it is dated in that all the references pertain to movies of that era. As a 55 year old, I grew up when these movies were staples on television and recognized almost all of the stars. All in all this is a great representation of when Hollywood was truly loaded with big movie stars. I'd cringe to think of what a modern version would look like. On a final note, there is nothing confusing about this cartoon and it doesn't matter if children don't get it. These cartoons were never meant for children as they were shown in movie theaters prior to the main events. I'd find it almost impossible to recreate this with today's version of Hollywood.
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Hope & Faith (2003–2006)
I Have actually warmed up to this show.
4 May 2010
I discovered this show in the last three months when I was channel surfing during the morning. I watched for a few minutes and actually laughed at some of the jokes. As I kept coming across this show I noticed I was beginning to like what I saw. I eventually started to watch the show and although there are some rough spots and weak writing at times, I realized that Kelly Ripa has very good comedic timing and great expressions. She and Faith Ford make a really funny team. I will admit that I normally wouldn't be into a show like this because I always considered shows like "The Dick Van Dyke Show" or "M*A*S*H" to be more of my liking with great writing and great acting. Again, with this show I'm attracted to the chemistry of the two leads and I sympathize with the husband who hates his sister-in-law. It's definitely not a great show and Kelly Ripa's character can be downright mean and not a very nice person but she pulls it off beautifully and there are some really funny lines. I really wish it had lasted more than three seasons. I'll give it a 7 out of 10 because of Kelly Ripa's acting, she should definitely do another sitcom.
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Beautifully filmed with characters you feel for.
21 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I remember this movie as a child when local channels used to show B/W movies during the day and at night. I never really understood it until I watched it as an adult and I fell in love with the whole idea of people that can see through others physical imperfections and see the true beauty that we can offer. Over time I also became a huge fan of Dorothy Mcguire. She was a natural beauty who always brought a unique warmth and realness to every role she ever played. As for Robert Young, I was surprised at how many good movies he made considering I first knew of him as Marcus Welby on TV. The Hollywood of old is full of great films that tell real stories such as this one does. I personally have a difficult time finding movies today that make me want to see them more than once. I think much of this has to do with the stars of the golden age. I'm not saying there aren't good actors today but the stars of yesteryear have such an appeal you find yourself watching these movies over and over. If you like Dorothy Mcguire, I highly recommend watching her in "I Want You" (1951), "Invitation" (1952) and of course "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" (1945). I think she was highly underrated and excelled in every role she played.
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