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Almost Perfect
22 July 2006
What hasn't been said about this movie in the last couple of weeks? Well, I think this is one of the best films I have seen in a very long time and to be honest, you have to watch it on the big screen. The special effects, the acting, the story are all excellent. The Direction is seamless and the CGI's are cleverly done. I'm not going to describe what's in the film, but the overall sensation of watching it is an uplifting one - you want to believe a man can fly and most certainly with the special effects in this film, you take it for granted that he can.

Brandon Routh is an excellent Superman, very reminiscent of Christopher Reeve, Kevin Spacey plays a genuinely unnerving Lex Luthor and Kate Bosworth gives a touching performance as Lois Lane. From the moment the film starts with a very definite nod to Donner's original and the rousing John Williams score, you know you're in for a good time. And boy do you get it! Simply put - go see this film. It's not perfect, it's not the best film of the last decade or any of that nonsense, it's just pure entertainment from start to finish. Thank you, Bryan Singer.
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A great film from a Master Director = not to be missed!
3 May 2006
A very strong and powerful film dealing with themes that are relevant to all of us. A History of Violence is without a doubt, Cronenberg's most mainstream effort but is still imbued with his stylistic touches and a sense of hyper-realism in a world of fantasy.

The film asks many questions and doesn't give as many answers, so as to make the audience work harder and to let the film linger just that but longer in the memory.

With today's notions of religion, compassion and caring - a film that dissects the very nature of man's wild/animalistic side - the violence and lust of the film, couldn't be better timed.

The violence in this movie is disturbing and the results are always unpleasantly gruesome, but never overstated. If anything, Cronenberg is holding back, deliberately, in certain scenes to maintain the truth of the violence as opposed to glorifying it. Make no mistake - there's plenty of blood in this film, but we are never drenched in it.

The two scenes to me that propel this film into adult-only territory are the sex scenes which are incredibly graphic but again, there for a purpose and cutting in between the violence.

In summary, this is a film you should watch. It's not horrifically violent or pornographic but does for the odd second here and there, flirt with both. For a purpose. "What else can you expect, with a history of violence?"
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Better than expected
23 July 2004
I went into this one feeling reasonably nonplussed, having seen the first one which got rave reviews from everywhere in the UK and yet I thought was good, but not great.

This, however, is not the same as Spiderman 2. Here we have a film that is far more mature than its predecessor, with much more action and a most intriguing storyline. There are no real twists as it's fairly apparent what's going to happen, but the acting was excellent throughout and there was a genuine care and loving attention to detail captured in this film, once again showing just what a great Director Sam Raimi can be and how good the cast and crew are that work with him on this franchise.

Well recommended, in my opinion far superior to the first film and far better paced, one more for the adults perhaps, but still good, clean pop-corn fun for all to enjoy. Hats off as well to 'Doc Ock' who seems a far more realistic and believable villain. In some ways, this film reminded me of Superman 2. When you watch it, you'll know exactly what I mean, but it stands on its own as a genuine crowd-pleaser and certainly deserves the praise and business it's receiving from the Box Office.

If this is the direction the Spiderman franchise is going, then roll on Spiderman 3, I await with much anticipation!
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Cabin Fever (2002)
Enjoyable, but could have been so much more
16 February 2004
I'd heard alot about this film before I finally had chance to sit down and watch it and to say my expectations were high would be an understatement.

I will say I enjoyed the film - it was well thought out and the SFX were very effective. It just didn't strike me as an 'Evil Dead' for the new generation - I don't mean to sound like a gorehound (though I suppose I am!), but there just simply wasn't enough gore in the film. The basic concept was wonderful and could have lead to much onscreen mayhem and gore, but it did feel rather restrained.

Overall, still enjoyable and as good an effort to get back to the glory days of 70's and early 80's horror as you would have seen in a very long time, but didn't quite hit the mark.
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Final Part actually surpasses the previous movies
2 January 2004
Simply put, this is about as good as it gets on the 'big screen'. Jackson is a true artist and blends a story so rich with characters and action that it's impossible not to get drawn into the film - the acting is excellent throughout and the battle scenes are just unbelievable. The only slight tarnish on this epic masterpiece is the ending which seems to drag a little; you keep expecting it to end and then another thing happens. Other than that, first class film-making.

Some have said this is the best of the three and the film of the year. I don't agree - for my money, this is the film of the decade.
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Dark City (1998)
Excellent - all sci-fi fans should see this film.
17 December 2003
Dark City is all about a man who has incredible powers but doesn't realise it. Everyone is under the control of mysterious 'strangers' who are injecting them with false memories/altering their reality. This one man who spends half the film finding out just who he is and what he can do eventually takes on these strangers and well.. watch the film!

Fantastic sci-fi and as you can see from the description above, it bares more than a passing resemblance to 'The Matrix', but was made before it - therefore as I'm watching this film, I'm beginning to realise that The Wachowskis must have watched it and probably before they started making their film. Not that I'm knocking 'The Matrix', which to me is one of the best sci-fi actioners of all time, but 'Dark City' is equally as entertaining with a very slightly different twist.

This film deserves far more recognition that it has received and is, quite frankly, one of the best sci-fi films I've ever seen. Utterly compelling, interesting and entertaining, if you're a sci-fi fan, you simply have to watch this.
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High Seas adventures - terrifically Entertaining!
8 December 2003
This is one fun movie and well, the typically excellent Johnny Depp is absolutely pitch perfect as 'Jack Sparrow', playing him with just the right sense of 'tongue in cheek' and sincerity rolled into one.

The premise is simple - there's a ship called 'The Black Pearl' which is rumoured to have a ghost crew, led by a captain 'so evil, hell spat him out'. Elizabeth Swann (a duly beautiful Keira Knightley) gets kidnapped by the crew and her childhood friend Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) sets out to save her, with the help of Jack Sparrow, the only pirate who knows how to get to the dreaded 'Black Pearl'.

Cue endless adventures, swordfights, mirth, comic twists and the hunt for buried treasure and you have one of the most solidly entertaining blockbusters of many years. It's aimed at all ages, but with a subtle humour and knowing for the adults.

Terrific fun - worth watching and far more entertaining than it perhaps deserves to be, you'd be a fool to miss this one.
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A Hymn to the Determination and Belief of Man
26 November 2003
A hymn to the determination and belief of man, 'Shawshank Redemption' truly deserves its place as the second best film made in the IMDB poll.

How on Earth we all missed this one when it was at the cinema is truly baffling; but it has now gained the worldwide recognition it so richly deserves.

Robbins is absolutely superb as Andy Dufresne and actually surpasses Freeman's performance (about the only actor to do this) as 'Red'. It's pointless describing the story, suffice to say that it stands head and shoulders above all other movies as a testament to the endurance and power of the human spirit, that almost no matter what situation we find ourselves in, we can endure and prevail.

Incredible, thought-provoking and a cornerstone of modern day storytelling.
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The Greatest Feel-Good Movie of them all!
26 November 2003
The greatest 'Feel-good' movie ever made and so much more beside. James Stewart gives the performance of his career in Capra's ode to the despair and triumph of humanity.

This film is actually prescribed by Doctors to treat depression in certain areas and with good reason too. Bailey's descent into despair is a perfect analogy of modern depression and well, when he finally triumphs, the rush we as the audience receive is almost too much to take.

I absolutely refuse anyone to sit and watch this without feeling emotionally overwhelmed by the end - not a dry eye in the house.

Don't just think of this as some soppy Christmas movie to flick on TV, treat it as it should be treated, a serious film, with serious and powerful messages. Really a must for everyone.
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Awesome and Engrossing
6 November 2003
Absolutely incredible film; finishes the trilogy off perfectly. The Wachowskis had us all asking so many questions after Reloaded, it was great to see they didn't go for that stupidly lame 'Matrix within a Matrix' idea, which would have felt like one big cheat (otherwise where does it end??).

The film does start off a little slowly, but then picks up pace and keeps going, including a battle scene at Zion that has to be seen to believed and a fight between Neo and Smith which is insane.

I suppose the old adage of 'you can't please all of the people all of the time' is true, but for the reviews that slated it, well we're all entitled to our opinions but I have to disagree - this was a really enjoyable, well-made piece of cinema. It was intelligent, subtle in places and had the right mix of action and drama. One of the classics of Sci-Fi Action no doubt and I'm sure time will prove this to true.

It's simple - go see it, make up your own mind - don't be swayed too much either way, but for my money, it doesn't get much better than this.
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15 September 2003
I saw the DVD of this movie in a local HMV store and on the cover it said that it outsold 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' in Hong Kong. I read the back and it sounded very interesting. The DVD contained 2 discs - the international version and the Director's cut. I opted for the Director's cut as I like to see films the way the Director intended.

So, I bought it, sat back and pressed play. I was absolutely amazed - the story was fascinating, steeped in Eastern mysticism, the acting was superb (especially Aaron Kowk as Cloud and Ekin Cheng as Wind, the two principal leads) and the special effects were mind blowing.

I won't give the story away and to be honest, the plot wouldn't do justice to the way the film's made and how entertaining it really is. Ideas are thrown in one after the other, Lau's direction is assured and there are set pieces which defy belief (for example, when Wind is fighting the fire dragon in the cave).

It's simple, if you have a chance to see this, then watch it. Watch the Director's version though - the International version is many minutes shorter and badly dubbed.
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The Eye (2002)
Excellent stuff
3 September 2003
The Eye is a genuinely creepy horror flick, which reminded of 'Ring' in the way it engulfs its audience with a sense of dread, slowly building to a compelling climax.

A young woman undergoes an operation which gives her sight, for the first time in years. Everyone is happy, but then she starts seeing shadows and ghosts. When she looks in the mirror, it isn't her reflection looking back.

I won't go into any more detail than that, but suffice to say that this is a very well made and sometimes frightening horror film. It makes me wonder just why our Asian cousins are so competent at making excellent horror movies, when Hollywood has little or no idea when it comes to understanding how to shock and scare an audience.

Highly recommended - don't be put off by the subtitles, you soon get used to them (very quickly actually) and then the film takes over. Excellent stuff!
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My Little Eye (2002)
Harrowing and disturbing
1 September 2003
My Little Eye takes the premise of 'Big Brother' and warps it. Five 'contestants' are invited to stay in a house for six months but if any of them leave, they all lose the $1million on offer.

Where this film really works is in its use of sound and sudden shocks - early on a raven in the dark provides some truly 'jump out of your skin' moments, the rear channels working over time to engulf the viewer in a feeling of dread.

The film gets darker and darker in its tone as we begin to realise that what the contestants signed up for what very different to what they thought they had. Feelings of dread and hopelessness pervade the screen as we, along with the contestants begin to learn the truth behind the game and its very dark secrets.

Many words have been used to describe this classic fright-fest and in the case it seems wholly appropriate to use both 'Harrowing' and 'Disturbing' in this context. I went in expecting a frightening and upsetting horror yarn and that's precisely what I got.

Full marks to all involved - this is no easy ride and for all you horror fans out there bored of the glossy popcorn fodder of Scream and its ilk, this will be a welcome breath of fresh air.

Watch it - just not alone!
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Super Strong and excellent
18 August 2003
This is a cracker-jack of a film. It deals with very sensitive issues head on and will leave you thinking for hours after the final credits.

Norton plays Derek Vinyard, a neo-nazi posterboy who sadistically kills two black men who are trying to steal his car. Furlong is his younger brother Danny, who looks up to Derek and is keen to follow in his footsteps.

During his time in Prison, Derek gradually begins to see the error of his ways and when he is released, decides to start life afresh and try to prevent his young brother from following him into prison.

It's shocking stuff with some outstanding acting on display (especially Norton whose impressive physique in the film only adds to the realism of the character) and some great set pieces. The ending comes as a total surprise and doesn't let the film down in any way.

Compelling, exciting and thought-provoking, this is a film everyone should see.
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Combat Shock (1984)
Shocking and depressing
15 August 2003
The film opens to a flashback of the Vietnam war and in particular, one soldier's plights of that war - it is a horrible intense sequence. As the movie progresses, we get to see what has happened to that solider. He is now living with a nagging wife and deformed baby son on the extreme poverty line in New York City. They haven't eaten for days and he wanders the streets, trying to look for work with no luck at all.

He suffers flashbacks and hallucinations throughout the film, where he is being tortured in 'Nam and then his supposed recovery in a hospital after. He is cut off from the world and desperate for money. We then meet one of his friends, a drug addict who is in equal dire straits. At one point, the addict uses a coat hanger to open his vein and pour in the drug whilst he bleeds - a truly horrifying moment.

This is very strong stuff. It has no budget but that somehow suits the story - it's totally gritty and real, no gloss whatsoever. It's probably the bleakest, most depressing film I've ever seen and all I can say is, if you're having a bad day or work or a bad day in general, just see what happens to this guy!

I got the excellent Troma DVD release which features the full uncut Director's version - the only one really worth seeing.

I don't know if I'd exactly recommend this; it's so hard going that it sure ain't entertainment, but it does have an appeal and is worth watching. However, if you're not used to zero-budget horror, avoid at all costs.
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Lawn Dogs (1997)
12 August 2003
Sam Rockwell plays Trent, a white-trash guy who lives in a trailer and mows the lawns of the rich people nearby. He befriends a 12 year-old girl, the daughter of one of the families living in the wealthy estate and wisely tries to keep their friendship secret. He faces daily prejudice from these people and only the young girl sees him for who he is, rather than what he is.

A touching, well made film with outstanding performances from Rockwell and Barton (who plays the 12-year old). One of the film's many highlights is seeing Angie Harmon (naked!) in her first film role.

Recommended and worth watching.
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Good Advice (2001)
Very Amusing
11 August 2003
I'm not a massive fan of romantic comedies, but am a big fan of Angie Harmon, so decided to take the plunge and see this movie anyway.

What a pleasant surprise! I find myself really enjoying the film, with some excellent performances, from Angie as a tough but fair Newspaper editor to Charlie Sheen as an ex-stockbroker womaniser who is forced to face his sensitive side in order that he keeps writing a newspaper column.

I won't give much away, but this is definitely one to check out - very amusing, well made and a perfect antidote to the usual horror and action that I watch.
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Office Space (1999)
11 August 2003
One of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time - Office Space is all about the life of workers at a technology company. Ron Livingston plays Peter Gibbons, a guy who hates his job; 'Ever since I started working, every day since has been the worst day of my life'.

He works in a cubicle and reports to 8 bosses! Without doubt one of the highlights of the film is Bill Lumbergh, Assistant VP of the company, played well by Gary Cole 'Um yeah.. you can just go ahead.. yeah.. and get that done.'

Endless quotes, very funny characters and based almost too close to reality for comfort, I defy any office worker to not find this funny.

Watch it now.
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Doctor Who (1963–1989)
11 August 2003
This is perhaps one of the finest sci-fi series ever made. The idea is simple; a timelord who travels through time and space in a TARDIS (in the shape of an old Police Box)with various companions to fight the forces of evil in the Universe.

The budget was never large, but the ideas and effort were outstanding. It started going downhill after Peter Davison finished his turn as the Doctor, mainly due to poor stories and weaker scripts, but with the right budget and some seasoned writers, this show could be very great again.

Well worth watching for the ideas alone - especially some of those in the Tom Baker era, this has a massive worldwide following and deservedly so.
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Almost Brilliant
7 August 2003
A Beautiful Mind is a movie about the life of John Nash, a brilliant Mathematician who lectured at M.I.T. in between developing mind-bending theories. There was an awful lot of scope for the film to take in, a genius who virtually corrupted his own mind in pursuit of theorems that most of us will never understand. The film itself doesn't quite deliver in the way it could or should, but that's wholly understandable.

It doesn't really touch on the elegance of mathematics at all but focuses more on Nash as a person as his increasingly schizophrenic condition. In this part, the film succeeds. Crowe gives an outstanding performance as Nash and Jennifer Connelly is excellent as his wife. It's a very emotive film and closer to the truth of the condition than most realise – for anyone who has suffered with mental ill health, one can appreciate some of the torment and turmoil that Nash goes through.

Overall, a decent film, competently directed by Ron Howard, but as with virtually all of his films, it could have been so much more. It's one of those movies that almost achieves greatness, but falls short. It is an emotional saga and will no doubt illicit the odd tear from the audience, but as a story about one of the greatest mathematicians of last century it doesn't quite add up (pun intended).
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Formula 51 (2001)
7 August 2003
The script was allegedly written over four years, by a guy working in an off-licence who would write when he had the time.

This movie feels like that is the case. It's dreadfully formulaic and whilst featuring some great actors (especially Samuel L Jackson), it's far too bog-standard and knowing for its own good.

Watch it if you've got some time to kill, but don't expect anything ingenius or new. In conclusion, fairly likable but total nonsense.
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Falling Down (1993)
7 August 2003
Without a doubt one of my most favourite films. We've all felt frustrated at one point or another and wanted to take it out on ‘the system'. In this movie, Michael Douglas does precisely that. There's much more to the story, but to explain too much would be to ruin it. Let's just say it starts off on what appears to be the hottest day of the year, Douglas is sitting in a heavy traffic jam, kids screaming around him, people hooting their horns, a fly buzzing around his head and he suddenly has enough. He gets out of his car, just leaves it in the middle of the road where it is, and starts walking home. Unfortunately he's got to cross gangland territory to do this and all he has is his shirt, tie and a briefcase. Classic Stuff!

It's simple – see this movie..
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Night-Flowers (1979)
7 August 2003
I saw this film years ago and can vaguely remember it - one thing that does stick in my mind is the appalling rape scene. Two guys who live in a seedy apartment put an advert in a window for a 'female flatmate'. A girl comes along and when she meets the two guys and sees the state of the flat she quickly tries to leave, but is stopped, forced to the floor and raped before being killed.

This is an unpleasant film about a disturbed Vietnam vet and his buddy and the whole movie is steeped in oppression - you'll want to take a valium and a shower after watching this.

That said, it's a shame it's not out on video or DVD as I wouldn't mind seeing it again to see if its quite the same film as I recall and also to see Linda Hamilton in her first ever movie role!
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Not Horrific
6 August 2003
What is going on with Hollywood these days? They seem to be lacking inspiration when it comes to making a really good horror film (or re-making Eastern classics, such as Ringu).

Don't get me wrong – Ghost Ship isn't a bad film; it's quite enjoyable, but it just isn't horrific. The idea behind it is (which I won't spoil if you haven't seen it yet) frightening and well thought out, but it just doesn't come across well in the film.

The movie starts off very promisingly – with a downright nasty death scene involving a party of people on a cruise-liner, but then quickly nose-dives into yet another formulaic Hollywood ‘by the numbers' Horror/Thriller.

It's worth a watch – but come on Hollywood, you can do a lot better than this – where have all the genuine scares gone?
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Dog Soldiers (2002)
Awesome Werewolf Film
6 August 2003
We follow a troop of soldiers on the tracks of a Special Forces team in the Scottish highlands. When they find all but one massacred they begin to realise that there's another threat out there in the forest, other than them.

A very well made film which successfully blends suspense with violence, creating one awesome werewolf movie which ends in a cottage, where everything becomes very claustrophobic.

It is quite strong in terms of its violence and gore, but well handled and definitely worth your time checking out!
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