
7 Reviews
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UFO Hunters (I) (2008–2009)
My review removed because... i was right? show canceled, guess so.
27 September 2013
I had nothing but bad, yet professional, things to say about this show. and my review somehow was removed. i find it very interesting as i was the harshest critic by far and yet didn't sweat or call names or anything.

love, hardcore believer who is disgusted with the way you make the phenomenon look.

my review doesn't not contain ten lines show is terrbile world better place without it there isn't much else to say. i put a lot of effort into my last review and it was removed. wouldn't be surprised if the show has the ability to remove posts from its page but who knows
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The producers dish out the same trendy anti-climactic terrible music and narration as the other trendy (and terrible) shows
27 September 2013
The producers dish out the same trendy anti-climactic terrible music and narration as the other trendy (and terrible) shows. Constant "scary" sounding drums when you can easily predict every little thing that will happen, of course they play a scene where a trooper screams... then loops it again.. and then goes to commercials.. then comes back and plays the exact loop a 3rd time, and then what happens? NOTHING> this happens about 3 times each and every episode. not to mention the comments they make are so retarded. they should have taken notes from cops and exactly how they set up the show if they wanted this to be 100% what it could have been. instead it follows the same predictable pathetic guidelines as TV shows like "UFO Hunters" who make out like before every commercial break they will be attacked by aliens and make world news.. only you know they wont, because there was no world news and i hardly think it'd break on a show like that, and of course only after you wait for commercials. Long live the troopers. Only saving grace to this show. You should get rid of the show the producers are making you look like a typical media side show.
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Played out stories and reenactments that mock the subject.
19 March 2013
Played out stories and reenactments that mock the subject. One story I happen to know was of a woman who saw a UFO on several nights outside her home. Only in the reenactment, as she's walking through her house and you're expecting some alien to jump out at her.... a vase mysteriously breaks at her feet and she jumps and screams. of course, this never happened. The lights on her back porch were flickering, which in the experience they really never were. On several occasions they show the UFO shining beams of lights on her, and chasing her around the yard. She's screaming and running and then they show clips of the interview saying "i felt paralyzed". its implied that the beam paralyzed her, however the beams never shown on her at all, so she was simply scared and felt like she couldn't move, as happens when people are really scared. then she said "i honestly don't know how long i was out there" as it showed the beam on her again. but again, this part never happened, and in the real story on documentaries that are NORMAL, she makes it clear she steps out on her back porch and watches a ufo near to her house each time. there was no missing time or suspicion of abduction whatsoever. in another episode a basketball mysteriously goes from sitting still to rolling off the back porch and the lady looks down and said "oh that was weird". of course, none of those things ever happened... all added in by the producers of the show. this isn't a movie people. you can't spend 1/2 the episode showing someone walking around, scared, and adding in fake crap that never happened to try to "spook" the watchers every minute, who then won't have a clue which parts are real and which parts are added in and totally made up, unless they're like me and know all the details of the cases beforehand. this is supposed to show real occurrences and yet you twist and mess everything up with your blue-screen nonsense giving people a very false idea of what should be accurate depictions. you make the show look like a joke and the subject look like a mockery to people who might otherwise be interested. its a shame these shows aren't what they used to be. with this, and the past few other shows I've seen that are also laughable (not this series but others) its just ... well like i said, not what they used to be. now they're a joke. and 1/2 of the reason is the kids with computers making crappy documentaries. stop selling out and adding garbage to try to get viewers because you're accomplishing the opposite.
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Destination Truth (2007–2012)
horrible. making a name for the phenomenon
19 September 2012
yet another stupid show, like fact or faked and one or two others i forget the names of, making a terrible name for the very real phenomenon of UFOs and ETs. please don't base your judgement of it on shows like this.

very bad.

yet another stupid show, like fact or faked and one or two others i forget the names of, making a terrible name for the very real phenomenon of UFOs and ETs. please don't base your judgement of it on shows like this.

stay away.
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could go on for hours on hour terrible this is
19 September 2012
yet another stupid show, like destination truth and one or two others i forget the names of, making a terrible name for the very real phenomenon of UFOs and ETs. please don't base your judgement of it on shows like this.

this show is so dumb.

stay away

yet another stupid show, like destination truth and one or two others i forget the names of, making a terrible name for the very real phenomenon of UFOs and ETs. please don't base your judgement of it on shows like this.
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Chasing UFOs (2012– )
another new lame series.
5 July 2012
this reminds me of ufo hunters. the "ufo chasers" go out and of course they hear sounds and see the stupidest excuses for UFOs. they see a white stationary light and "oh my gosh what's that?!"... scary music. commercials. show comes back on. oh, it's nothing. but you probably already knew that since it wasn't headline news before the show was even broadcasted huh? they act like they are solving the mystery for themselves and catching it on camera! yayyy!! i'm a believer in UFOs. i just think the past 10 years or so just keeps producing shows that make the whole thing look as dumb as the ghost hunter shows and all that other garbage.
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Ancient Aliens (2009– )
This series makes realistic optimistic believers look bad.
17 March 2012
This series makes realistic optimistic believers look bad. This is so absurd. Nearly every single episode will tell you about 30 outright lies, and say something like "IT IS CATEGORICALLY TRUE" (what? lol) outlandish lies and stretches of the truth. the worst of conspiracy and ridiculous ideas that you cant even listen to without yelling at the TV. the basic idea of most of these topics aren't horrible in themselves, but i have seen made decent points, with counter points (oh yeah, its 100% on sided) for the topic, making you think. this just makes you mad. also, i am a Christian but open to the idea of life in the universe, perhaps even visiting here. however, constant knocking on religious views of every religion will be here. and i know it comes with the territory, but they don't even try to make it at least watchable to someone who's faith wouldn't be shaken even if this became truth. im sorry for the rant. i have been watching and reading into the subject of life outside earth for nearly 20 years now, and i see a lot of garbage out there. this takes the cake.
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