
5 Reviews
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Luther (2010–2019)
Luther Ex Machina
31 December 2016
Let me say first and foremost, the acting in this series is phenomenal. I don't think they chose a single actor that didn't do their job supremely well. That said, I found this series to be a bit exhausting, with a convoluted plot that moves at lightning speed. I eventually started to call this show Luther Ex Machina, because he is the answer to EVERY problem. It's impressive just how much he can accomplish. I also found it strange how quickly the characters could heal from various wounds. One minute they've been shot in the leg, or they have been in a situation that should land them in the hospital for quite a while, the next they are loping along as if nothing ever happened. Furthermore, I'm still trying to figure out how the plot twist in the first episode was possible.

In summation: this show can be enjoyable to watch, but the events are highly unlikely. The cast ultimately makes the show. I would watch again just for them.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
Enjoyable Addition to the MCU
30 March 2015
Being a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), I put off "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" for ridiculously long time before checking it out. The show was already several episodes into Season 2 when I started watching on Blu-Ray. That said, I had reservations when I began watching. Luckily, I found myself enjoying the show, and finished the entire first season in one sitting.

The think that they did a good job casting, and the characters themselves are likable (at least the ones that are *meant* to be likable, that is). The plot is decent, though the twists are rarely surprising, and the tone fits the rest of the MCU. I was able to connect with show and became emotionally involved, which is one of the main things I look for in a series.

I do have two complaints with the series up to this point:

1. Plot holes. Tons of them. I won't list them, as I like to be spoiler-free, but there are a *lot* of them.

2. Nearly every single plot converges. You would think that Coulson's team would occasionally deal with something that doesn't directly feed into the overarching storyline... but, no.

As with most individual MCU pieces, there are always times where you can't help but wonder "Why didn't they call Iron Man / Bruce Banner / Black Widow?" I know that the actors are expensive, but it's hard not to notice.

Otherwise, "Agents" fits into the MCU fairly well and is fun to watch. I will admit that I enjoyed Season 1 more than I'm liking Season 2, but that is likely due to personal preference and not a reflection on the overall quality.

Definitely check the show out if you like Marvels' other productions. It really helps to flesh things out, and introduces concepts and ideas that I believe will be important to upcoming films (Civil War, for example). I think that the show should be accessible to people who aren't as familiar with the MCU, but that enjoy shows about people interacting with the paranormal such as "Torchwood," "Fringe," and "Warehouse 13."
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The Last Man on Earth (2015–2018)
Don't even bother
29 March 2015
I actually enjoyed the pilot, and I had high hopes that it would avoid predictable plot "twists"and remain watchable. In short? It didn't. Instead, it did exactly what you would expect it to do in the first five episodes. In fact, the show continually follows the most obvious path. The humor relies on the characters being as annoying, crazy, or pathetic as possible. This makes the show physically uncomfortable to watch. Of course, I guess I shouldn't have expected much from characters that decide to settle in Tucson when they can choose LITERALLY anywhere in all of North America.

The protagonist, Phill Miller (Will Forte), isn't evenly vaguely likable following the first episode, and almost everything he does or says is cringe-worthy that I'm embarrassed just watching him. Carol Pilbasian (Kristen Schaal) acts in a completely nonsensical manner that I kept trying to write off as "Well, she's been all alone for two years now..." Eventually I stopped making excuses for her. Melissa Shart (January Jones) is your standard pretty / nice girl, but there doesn't seem to be much more to her than that. And Todd (Mel Rodriguez) is "fat guy who was picked on as a kid."

With all of the actually good (or even decent) shows that Fox has cancelled, I really hope that 'The Last Man Alive' doesn't make it to a season two.
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iZombie (2015–2019)
Quirky plot, charming actors.
29 March 2015
Let me preface this review by stating that I am not a fan of zombie-themed entertainment. While I am a horror-lover, I do not find zombies - or vampires, for that matter - to be particularly frightening. Plus, they've been done to death (haha). Particularly recently.

That said, when I saw the pilot featured on Hulu I didn't have high hopes. Still, I had some time to kill, so I gave it a try, and I'm really glad that I did. As of today (3/30/15) there are only two episodes out, but I thoroughly enjoyed both of them. I found the show to be quirky and the actors likable. The show follows a fairly standard "solve a murder an episode" format, couched in an overarching "figure out Zombism" / "are there others? and, if so, how many?" plot.

For some reason, the vibe I get from iZombie is similar to 'Pushing Daisies,' which I count as a major plus. The first two episodes definitely left me wanting more, though it's more for the charm and entertainment value than any real curiosity of the major storyline's advancement.

I am definitely suggesting that my friends watch this show, and I have high hopes that it will continue to be enjoyable. I do have some reservations that it may start to focus too heavily on convoluted romantic hijinks, but I am hoping that I will be pleasantly surprised.
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Heartless (I) (2009)
A dark surprise
5 May 2011
This movie wasn't what I expected. I am a huge horror fan, which is the genre Netflix tucked this gem under. Normally I'm annoyed when I'm watching something and it doesn't totally suit the genre I was after, but this movie was a pleasant surprise.

The beginning genuinely had my nerves jangling due to the creepy-vibe, which is extremely difficult to do anymore. The saying 'less is more' really applies here: the growing horror is ominous, skulking, slow at first, and then slaps the viewer in the face with the true aberration of the first real act of on-screen violence.

After this, the tone and motivation of the movie seems to change entirely. Though I prefer the more horror genre-appropriate beginning, the middle and end of the movie truly compliment the transformation of Jamie - our 'protagonist' - and create an interesting and enjoyable arc.

I know that some viewers have not enjoyed the conclusion with its twist-ending, but I believe that it suits. There are hints throughout the entire movie, and watching it a second time I found that they were extremely clear, but not so obvious as to slap the viewer in the face and ruin the epiphany moment. This movie is extremely subtle in many ways, and to me that makes it all the more enjoyable.

Finally, the music... is absolutely amazing and compliments the movie extremely well. I noticed the soundtrack on the first watch-through, and now know that it was composed specifically for the film... This is (again) subtly obvious by the way it mirrors the actions and tone of the movie so very well.

I would recommend this movie for horror fans that don't mind a bit of a twist on the genre, as well as fans of suspense, mental thrillers, and of unique movies. As long as you don't mind the dark tone and violence, this is an excellent watch.
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