
20 Reviews
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Beef (2023– )
Strange & Enjoyable
12 July 2023
I believe I tried to watch the first episode of this show before and just couldn't get into it. I'm glad I stuck it out this time around. The show gets a lot better as it goes. It's a very weird show, but it's also very exciting and interesting. I enjoyed the story and the characters and the ending as well. It all came together really well. At times, it was a little bit outlandish, but somehow it all worked well. There were many unpredictable moments throughout the show. Also, you don't see too many shows with not only Asian lead characters but also some Asian supporting characters as well. It felt like this show was actually showing non-white people and their interpersonal relationships in a more realistic way (i.e. Showing them actually interacting with some non-white friends and coworkers and spouses) and not just completely surrounded by nothing but white people. That was actually nice. It was also nice to see Asian characters portrayed as real people with issues and not just perfect nerds who never make mistakes. I did not love either of the two main characters and was not necessarily rooting for either of them to 'beat' the other in this little battle, but the show managed to still make me care about what happened to both of them,

Overall, I'm very glad I watched this show. I think ending it as a miniseries / one season show would be good, because I feel like the story is complete, but if there is a second season, I will definitely watch it.
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Our Kind of People: Reparations (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Solidly Okay
25 September 2021
This episode was solidly okay. It was nothing to write home about, but it was enough to get me to watch the second episode when it comes out. It sets up a nice mystery that I assume will continue for the rest of the season. It took a little longer to get to that mystery than it should have, in my opinion and a lot of the first episode felt like filler to me.

On a different note, I will say that I like what they did with the casting here. Having the main cast be all black, and especially darker skinned black people at that, is a rarity on network tv and it's something I appreciate. Also the people they cast, such as Morris Chestnut, are interesting actors who I generally enjoy watching.
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Survivor: Survivor: All-Stars - The Reunion (2004)
Season 8, Episode 17
This Season Had A Great Cast
16 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this season. It was a little bit of a steamroll after a certain point, but it was still fun to watch. These people had many chances to prevent Rob & Amber from making it to the final 2 and they chose not to act. Alicia was kind of frustrating for me to watch. I was rooting for her a little bit, but her inflexibility was her downfall. She straight up refused to listen to anything Shii Ann had to say and then she ended up getting voted out. Alicia, Tom, Shii Ann and Rupert could have teamed up and flipped things on Rob & Amber and it would have worked. Jenna L. was such a pain in the ass. I didn't think she even deserved to be on this season and I will hate her forever for betraying Rupert (although it was probably the right decision). I don't really think Amber deserved to win this season at all. She didn't really seem to do much except follow Rob around. She's a nice girl, but not very compelling as a Survivor player, outside of her relationship with Rob. Rob probably deserved to win, but he screwed too many people over. Jury management is a huge part of the game and he didn't do a good job with that. He only has himself to blame. There was also an issue involving inappropriate sexual contact this season. This is the second season of Survivor where I have seen this happen and it has been brushed aside and not taken seriously. I won't go into all the details, but I think it should have been handled differently. But despite everything, I enjoyed this season. I liked seeing everybody back (except Sue Hawk, Jenna L., Jenna M., & Kathy, who I didn't really care about).
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Survivor: Survivor: The Amazon - The Reunion (2003)
Season 6, Episode 15
Liked The Male vs. Female Twist
14 November 2020
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I liked the male vs. female twist at the beginning, but once again, like all Survivor twists, it was done away with way too quickly. I wish they had kept it around a bit longer. I was immediately rooting for the female tribe to demolish the male tribe just because of how overconfident the male tribe was. The men immediately became obsessed with the women and their looks. It kind of grossed me out a bit. The entire vibe surrounding the "hot women" this season was just weird to me. This is the season with the famous "hot girls take off their tops for peanut butter" scene. All of it just rubbed me the wrong way. I haven't seen another season of Survivor that was like this one in that way and I'm thankful for it. I found a lot of the men this season to be forgettable. I forgot Butch was even there after a while (but boy did he find a way to make me remember when he burned down the whole camp). I think it's telling that none of them, except Rob have ever come back and done another season of Survivor. The women, on the other hand, were a bit more memorable. JoAnna was beyond annoying with her incessant preaching. I liked Deena a little bit and was rooting for her. Christy (Survivor's first deaf contestant) was compelling to watch from the very beginning. At times, she was not the most pleasant person, but she provided entertainment nonetheless. Shawna was such a waste of a contestant. She wanted to quit and then basically got wrapped up in flirting with the boys. What an idiot. Neither Heidi nor Jenna were all that interesting. Just pretty faces with little substance. I don't think the winner of this season deserved to win, but I also don't think the runner-up would have deserved to win either. I feel like Deena or Rob or Christy should have won this season.
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Survivor: Survivor: The Reunion (2002)
Season 3, Episode 15
Worse Than Season 1
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't even interested in watching this reunion because the season was such a letdown.

The season was painfully boring. It's definitely old school Survivor. The challenges are mostly silent with very little commentary from Jeff Probst. There are little bits of strategy here and there, but not much, and most of the cast is forgettable. Clarence was mildly interesting, but was eliminated way too soon. Big John was occasionally funny. The only other memorable people were Lex & Ethan and Ethan was a bit of a disappointment as a winner, to be honest. I feel like Lex should have won this season. This was definitely a dud of a season.
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The Beginnings Of Modern Survivor
12 November 2020
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This season was definitely boosted by all of the great characters on it.Sandra & Rupert were great. Andrew Savage was great too and he definitely got voted out way too early. Johnny Fairplay was very entertaining, but also very annoying. I didn't really care for Lillian, the boy scout lady. She was just plain annoying to me. I didn't love or hate the "outcast tribe" twist, but I felt like if they were going to do a twist like that, they should have strung it out a bit longer. It was over too quickly. I think this is one of the first "early seasons" that I thoroughly enjoyed. The challenges were more like modern Survivor challenges and there was definite scheming and backstabbing. I definitely think the right person won this season. This season was right up there with Panama as far as being very engaging to watch. I really liked it.
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Better Than Season 1
11 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I would really give this season a 5.5./10 if I could, but IMDB only allows whole numbers, so 5 it is.

This second season of Survivor was a bit more interesting than the first simply because there was more drama in the beginning. Jerri added a lot of entertainment value. I was rooting for her to win it all. I enjoyed seeing the origins of Amber Mariano (she was kind of forgettable this season), Elizabeth (who went on to host the View and who fought pretty hard to win the game of Survivor), Colby (who is considered a hero, but who I didn't like all that much), Tina, and Kimmi (known for being a vegetarian). Mike Skupin (from the Kucha tribe) struck me as a bit of a psychopath. He enjoyed murdering a pig way more than a normal person should. The castaways on this season endured a lot of hard times caused by mother nature (fires and floods), but they stayed strong. I felt like the winner of this season was definitely deserving. So overall, I enjoyed this season more than the first one, but less than a lot of the modern seasons.
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Survivor: The Reunion (2002)
Season 4, Episode 15
The Birth Of Boston Rob
9 November 2020
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I decided to watch this season because I really wanted to see the origin story of Boston Rob. I was absolutely shocked to see how early he got voted out. He was definitely entertaining during the time he was on the show, but watching this season, it's shocking that he was brought back for All-Stars. The season was a lot less interesting for me once Rob left. After Rob left, the most interesting characters were Sean & Paschal. The winner of this season wasn't all that memorable either. Rosie was kind of an awkward host for this reunion show. Her referring to Sean as a teacher "from the hood" just came out sounding awkward. I am glad Jeff started hosting the reunions after this. Overall, I felt this season was just alright.
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Survivor: Survivor: Fiji - The Reunion (2007)
Season 14, Episode 15
The Introduction Of Yau Man
8 November 2020
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This season started out really boring with one side just dominating the other side because they had all of the comforts and food, while the other tribe was starving with nothing. So, the big "twist" of the season (Haves & Have Nots) was definitely a complete flop. But, after the merge, everything really picked up and things got very interesting. There were a lot of players who didn't have a solid alliance and could have flipped either way, so it was fun to watch. This season had a few very interesting people, such as Dreamz & Yau Man and it also had some likable characters, like Earl & Cassandra. It also had some supremely unlikable people, like Stacey and Lisi. The way Stacey & Lisi treated Dreamz & Cassandra in the beginning was infuriating to me. I loved the little partnership between Yau Man & Earl. Dreamz broke my heart so much by reneging on his deal with Yau Man. But that just goes to show how invested in these people I became over the course of the season. I liked that this season was very racially diverse. I feel like that makes for a much more interesting game than a mostly white cast. I'm tired of seeing so many seasons with the same old archetypes of the super athletic white guy and the hot young white girls who are totally forgettable and bring nothing to the show. Seeing 3 POC in the final 3 for 2 seasons in a row (Cook Islands & Fiji) was truly something cool to see. And the POC were all very different from each other and most were very interesting people. I wish Survivor had continued on with seasons that were just as diverse as this one and Cook Islands, but sadly they did not.
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Survivor: Survivor: Cook Islands - The Reunion (2006)
Season 13, Episode 16
My First Season
7 November 2020
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This was the first season of Survivor I ever watched as a kid. I remember that it was divided by "ethnicity" and that was a big controversy at the time. The controversy over it was what made me want to start watching the show. I think if a season of Survivor with this concept was to happen again today, we would hopefully see more racial diversity on the Hispanic tribe. I mean, Hispanics can be any race. I also would have liked to see some south Asians on the show (Indians, Sri Lankans, Pakistanis). Really the only tribes with a strong shared ethnicity were the White Americans and the Black Americans. I also felt like they abandoned the racial divisions way too soon. If you're going to do a twist like that, at least keep it going for long enough to be meaningful. Otherwise it's just an unnecessary gimmick and not a true social experiment. Controversy aside, many great Survivor characters were born during this season, including Parvati, Yul, Penner, Ozzy, and Candice. I have never been a big fan of Ozzy, but it was hard NOT to root for the "Aitu 4" after the mutiny by Penner and Candice. Seeing 1 tribe with just 4 people, while the other tribe had 8 was disheartening. The final 2 of Ozzy & Yul were both very deserving. Becky didn't really do anything memorable, so I didn't think she deserved to sit in the final.
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Survivor: Survivor: The Reunion (2000)
Season 1, Episode 14
This Is Where It All Began
7 November 2020
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This is the original season, so it will always be worth watching, but you can definitely tell that the show was very different in the beginning from what it is now. There was a lot less editing for sure and there is also a lot less scheming by the contestants. The challenges are a lot less fun to watch because of how they are edited. A lot of the twists & scheming that make Survivor really fun to watch are not present in this season. The season definitely drags on at certain points and is not incredibly interesting. Some of the contestants are funny, such as Rudy, but a lot of them are also forgettable.
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Survivor: Survivor: China - The Reunion (2007)
Season 15, Episode 15
James Was The Highlight
7 November 2020
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This season was good, but not as good as Panama (Exile Island). I immediately disliked the Christian lady, Leslie. She is exactly the type of preachy Christian that I find annoying. She was told it wasn't a worship ceremony and still chose to disrespect the Chinese culture by leaving the ceremony early. The other contestants on the show were a very interesting mix. I like seasons like this where there is a very mixed set of contestants. I also liked that a very mixed set of contestants made it very far in the game. James was definitely the highlight of this season. I adore him. He made it far in the game, but also left way before he should have.
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Interesting Mix Of Characters
7 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I would say my review is more so for the season as a whole and not just this one episode.

Interesting Characters, but somewhat of a steamroll. Terry kept things interesting by being an outsider who constantly won challenges, which forced the majority alliance to turn on themselves frequently. Plus, the majority alliance kind of hated each other anyway, which produced some very entertaining moments (fights) between them. I enjoy any season that features Cirie and seeing Cirie's husband experience life at the Casaya camp was pretty entertaining. So, overall, I would say that this was a good season of Survivor.
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Lovecraft Country: Sundown (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Interesting Show
17 August 2020
I just finished watching this episode and thought it was great. The characters introduced in this episode were interesting enough to make me want to know where their stories will go. The episode started out a bit slow and I didn't really know where it was going (having never heard of Lovecraft Country before and knowing nothing about the story). It picked up steam in the last 2/3 of the episode and kept it going right until the very end. It did what the first episode of a series should do, which is make the viewer excited to watch the second episode. I am really looking forward to the next episode because I am really curious what will happen next.
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Good Premise. Bad Movie
8 September 2019
It had an interesting plot setup, but the actual film was kind of boring. At its core, it's a movie about cheating spouses getting what they deserve, but the whole thing is very convoluted. The story had a lot of potential to be great, but they didn't really flesh out the characters enough for me to truly care about their fates. The ending was extremely mediocre. There was a lot of stuff that was unexplained. Overall, it was just a complete miss.
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Pretty much a waste of 15 minutes
13 March 2018
A nothing film with no real plot and no real point. If you're going to make a short film, you have to be able to really tell a story in a short amount of time. This movie doesn't do that at all. I was intrigued to know more about this story, but the film itself didn't really accomplish anything.
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Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
Good Enough To Watch The First Season
26 November 2017
This was an interesting series and I think it is worth watching. I think it started out amazingly and then lost a little bit of steam. The opening scene of the show is just phenomenal and that is what gripped me and made me want to watch the rest of it. Whoever created the opening scene did a fantastic job. After that, the rest of the show wasn't as good, but it was good enough that I watched until the end and wanted to know what was going to happen. I think the show could have been a little bit better if the main character, Hodges, was a bit more likable. Obviously, they were going for a brash, alcoholic, rude, sort of vibe, which can sometimes make a character kind of lovable, but I don't think it worked here. I just couldn't connect with Hodges at all. The killer was an interesting character, but I felt like they should have given us the chance to get to know him a little bit better. Certain things form his past are kind of just revealed in a nonchalant way and then we don't hear much about it again. I found it weird. If there was a second season of this show, I probably wouldn't watch it. If the season was longer than 10 episodes, I probably wouldn't have kept watching all the way to the end. The series is okay most of the time and is actually riveting from time to time, but it's not great overall.
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Sicko (2007)
Very good documentary
14 November 2016
This documentary was very good. It focuses on the health care system in the United States and basically compares our health care system to health care systems around the world. The differences are startling and absolutely infuriating if you're an American. Michael Moore does a good job of exposing some of the lies and misconceptions surrounding universal health care in other countries and he also explores how the government and insurance companies play a big role in blocking change to the health care system. I would definitely say that this movie is worth watching if you're an American. If you are not an American, it is still worth watching, but it may not be as interesting to you as it is to Americans.
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Child of God (2013)
It's pointless
12 November 2016
The movie is not entirely terrible but it did feel entirely pointless. It mostly centers around a man who does disturbing things and that's basically it. The sheriff knows that he is up to something and tries to catch him. There didn't really seem to be any real story behind it. I didn't find myself caring about any of the characters in the movie at all. If you are seeing the movie because of James Franco, I would not bother because he is barely in the movie. I have no idea why he is listed as a star of the movie. His is a bit part at best. There were a couple of interesting points in the movie, but for the most part, it is definitely not a movie worth seeing at all. Definitely skip this one and see something else.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
One of my favorites
10 November 2016
This is one of my favorite movies of all time.

One reason why I love this movie is because there are many layers to it. On the surface, it is just a movie about a guy who gets into the porn industry, but underneath that, it is really about the people involved in the story and their lives outside of porn and because of porn. The characters are what make it come alive. t's kind of like Pulp Fiction. The story itself isn't really all that fascinating, but the characters in the movie are just very interesting. That's what makes the movie so good.

I was fascinated by the character played by Philip Seymour Hoffman. I was fascinated by Amber Waves and her relationship with Dirk and her relationship with her own real life son. Every character had their own personality and there was a part of me that cared about all of them (even if only a little).
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