
10 Reviews
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Feardotcom (2002)
16 January 2003
Another run of the mill horror movie, but this one was actually tolerable. It has an overall dark and mean spirited feeling to it. Fear, torture, sadism, death, not bad now that i think about it. Stephen Doriff, whose career has disappeared quicker than a David Copperfield stunt, does a nice job as a detective looking for a sadistic killer who goes by the name The Doctor, played by Stephen Rea. Natascha Mcelhone does a so-so acting job, but i think they could have found a more convincing actress, but hey, you can only do so much on that budget. If you have nothing better to do than to sit at home on a friday or saturday night, rent this movie, you won't be disappointed.
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16 January 2003
I will admit that this cold war submarine movie is not a revelation and that it has been done in the past much better (see Das Boot, Hunt For Red October), however i will also admit that this is alot better than the rest of the crap floating around out there right now. This movie tells the story of the torture, pain, and grief a submarine crew had to...yes i said had to endure for the good of their country. The most horrifying thing about this whole movie is that it is a true story. A Russian nuclear submarine which can't even pass inspection is sent out to sea to test a missle. Once out at sea and submerged, a seal on the nuclear reactor aboard the sub breaks leaking radiation throughout the entire submarine. With the temperture rising and the chance of a Chernobyl-like nuclear disaster, Captain Alexi Vostrikov must decide whether to try and fix the reactor or give the submarine up to the americans. With no intentions of giving the submarine up, many crew members are lined up like lambs to a slaughter. They are informed of the gravity of the situation and told they will go in groups of two for no longer than 3 minutes at a time to try and reseal the reactor. When the first group of two come back out after three minutes of working on the reactor, only then do the rest of the men see first hand the disasterous effects of radiation poisoning. As time is running out and the entire crew is becoming infected by radiation, history changing decisions must be made...whew. Alexi Vostrikov is played by Harrison Ford and Mikhail Polenin is played by Liam Neeson. Talk about emotion, it was a pleasure watching these two screen greats battle each other. The russian accents were not as pleasurable. However do not let that deter you from viewing this taut, and tightly directed movie by Kathryn Bigelow. The acting as a whole was very good and convincing. I came away from this movie knowing two things....i never want to have to endure radiation poisoning, and it scares me to think just how far people will go for their country...whether its right or wrong.
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16 January 2003
Was this a half-ass attempt at cashing in on From Dusk Till Dawn ? mmm let me see, the stars end up in a bar full of vampires...Geena, played by Kimberly liebe is nothing more than an overweight Salma Hayek. Olaf Ittenbach should be ashamed of himself. What am i saying, i should be ashamed of myself for renting this crap. Listen you first time directors...if you want to make a low budget horror movie, be original, and if you are still wondering what i mean, check out Sam Ramis Evil Dead. Now i will say that if you must see this movie, DO NOT RENT THE VIDEO. The dvd is a whopping 5 mins. longer, including alot more gore. Olaf..i think you can do better, therefore i am saving you from my wrath until your next outing...GOOD LUCK !
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15 January 2003
After viewing this movie, i was drained...from laughing so much. Their parody on such movies as Shaft and Foxy Brown were as Undercover Brother would put it...solid. Everything from the opening credits to the clothes they wore throughout the movie were perfect. The sound track was booming with classic funk songs which just added even more to the whole groovy experience. Eddie Griffin was really funny as Undercover Brother,as was Chis kattan as a sleazy sidekick to the man. Dave Chappelle, who is always funny did not disappoint here. Denise Richards, who has made a career out of playing bitchy women, does so again with expertise. And of course, how cool would a parody on 70's action movies really be without Billy Dee Williams, who i might add still looks great for his age. All characters involved from smart brother, sister..oh wait i mean sista girl, and even the head boss of the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D. were great. Do yourself a favor...don't rent this movie...BUY IT!!!!
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Barbershop (2002)
14 January 2003
Lets start by saying..."Hey Ice Cube..there are white actors out there to!". This movie about wrestling with the guilt of having just sold his babershop which was handed down to him by his father to a loan shark was more boring than anything else. The only reason this movie got any press was because of the hype caused by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. To begin with, the hype was not justified which makes me wonder if Ice Cube paid them for their comments. All the commotion was caused by comments made during the movie by Eddie played by Cedric The Entertainer. Hey Jesse and Al.... O.J. DID DO IT!! There were just three bright spots in this boring movie. The loan shark, played by the great actor Keith David, who was funny as hell in Something about Mary, and the two robbers bumbling their way throughout the movie with a stolen atm machine. I have a feeling that if a so called white movie was made which featured no African Americans, the race card would be played. Hey Jesse and Al...maybe you should complain about that. All in all, this movie was boring and not worth the rental fee.
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14 January 2003
Lets start by saying that as far as action movies go, K 19 "The widow maker" is not a revelation, however it does stand out from alot of the crap thats out there at this time. This movie tells the story of the unfortunate, and unnessasary torture, misery, and grief that a submarine crew had to endure for their communist country, and worst of's a true story. I have never or ever had to wonder what radiation poisoning would be like, but i have to say after veiwing this film, i would never want to have to find out. Thats right, i said have to, for these poor men who have been taught to do anything and everything for their country, had no choice. While aboard Russias first nuclear submarine that cannot pass inspection, two commanders and their crew go out to sea to test a missle. Once at sea and submerged, a seal on the nuclear reactor breaks, leaking radiation into the sub. Crewmen are then lined up like lambs to a slaughter and told to go in groups of two and try to reseal the reactor, not staying in the reactor room for more than three minutes at a time. The reactor they are told must be resealed before it gets to hot and explodes. After the first two members go in, the other crew members begin getting ready for their turn. When the first group of two come back out after three minutes, only then do the other crew members see first hand the horrors of radiation poisoning. The acting by all involved is strong throughout the entire movie. Harrison Ford and Liamm Neeson give great performances, and its fun to watch these two great actors battle each other. However, the russian accents were dreadful. This type of movie has been done much better...(see Das Boot ), but this is still a worthwhile effort by all involved. Kathryn Bigelow keeps the action taut and tight. Do yourself a favor, rent this movie and see for yourself just how far people will go for their country, whether it's right or wrong.
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14 January 2003
I have seen both the video version of this movie and the dvd version. Don't waste your time with the video version. The dvd version is a whopping 5 minutes longer. It has alot more gore which this movies needs to make it tolerable. I think this director has potential and therefore will spare him my wrath until his next outing. Remeber... WATCH THE DVD!!!!
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9 January 2003
Let me start by saying that even after veiwing this movie, i am still a big fan of Steve Irwin and the Crocodile Hunter tv series. Not only was it a stretch for Steve Irwin and the movie marketing people to think they could make this tv show into a movie, but it was also a stretch for me to believe that it would be good. I have to say that Steve Irwin was his usual funny and manic self, and his wife was funny as well. However, the writers should have had Steve and his wife deal with stuff not seen on his tv show. What i paid to rent, i could have watched for free on his series. One of the best things on the video was the making of the movie. Steve Irwin will always be Steve Irwin...and thats fine with me..i like him.
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Wendigo (2001)
Wendigo home
8 January 2003
The saddest thing about this whole movie is, the director actually has potential. The camera work is very nice and refreshing and there are a few creepy moments. However this movie could have and should have been much better. The acting in whole was above average..but the deer monster was flat out stupid and very unscary. My sister looks scarier when she wakes up in the morning. Come on mr. director, you can do much better than this. Don't waste the actors abilities or the publics time and money. Oh..and throw away that deer costume....hahahahaha
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Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002 Video)
OH...HELL NO!!!!
8 January 2003
I watched this movie as a Hellraiser fan.I must admit i have been losing intrest in the series since Hellraiser 2, and this boring movie did nothing to bring me back.On the HBO series OZ...Dean Winters is an excellent actor, and does a nice job here as a man losing his mind. Ashley Lawrence as Kristy is a nice try at bringing the real fans like me back...but it didnt work..sorry.For god sakes..Hellraiser is about Pinhead. This lame sequel gives very brief encounters with Pinhead..and where the hell is his gang.Listen..if your going to make Hellraiser sequels...try using Pinhead as the selling point, he's your franchise.As Pinhead would say.."If you watch this movie..the pain you feel for renting it will be legendary even in hell!"
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