
6 Reviews
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The Lyon's Den (2003–2004)
Unfortunately, it tried to be so many things...
21 September 2004
It's a shame this series was cancelled. It screams that it was a show that was being pulled in so many directions, with high network hopes, that it couldn't help but fail because it wasn't that kind of show. In a way, this show needs a second series because the final episode is an incredibly successful cliffhanger. The question they raised, almost of the duality of man, mid-season is taken a step further but Rob Lowe probably wouldn't work cheap enough to have a show that could go straight into worldwide syndication. A far more interesting character was born from the end of this series. I know they did it just to create an "outlandish" ending but I'm gagging for more.

In a way, they didn't know what they had until it was too late.
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Heartwarming and intensely likable
9 June 2004
Arguably *the* World Cup story of all-time. The unknown team from Communist North Korea play in the 1966 World Cup, win the hearts of the English working class and are only sunk by a virtuoso performance from one of the best players in the world. This is their story.

From the opening moments of the film, to the archive footage and the interviews with the passionate team, this film struck a chord with me and was more than just about football but the North Korean spirit. We remember the fluke result against Italy but this shows the other victories that can be achieved through passion and hard-work. They came to win the cup but they won British hearts in the process. The slant on the documentary isn't really political but the passion with which the Koreans speak of Kim Il Sung, they convey what he means to them in one of the most touching moments of the film. They wanted to win for their people, their leader and their country but nobody can call them losers.

A joy to watch and I give it the highest recommendation.
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Love Actually (2003)
Doesn't really work
24 November 2003
I had a very hard time with this film. See, when a film has it's heart truly in the right place, I often find myself loathed to criticise. The film does have some very funny moments throughout the first half but then it starts to deaden out.

For me, the problem is that there are too many characters so it becomes hard to feel for those characters when they conclude their stories. This film needed to be cut down at the script stage because the film is not long enough to do the job properly and is too long to appeal to the correct audience. While I've enjoyed their previous work (and it would have robbed us of an enjoyable wedding scene), Keira Knightley and Andrew Lincoln are unnecessary and Laura Linney's character didn't add to the film at all. It's hard to decide what they were setting out to do here. In amongst this sprawling mess, there is a good film waiting to get out. Scrap that - there are two good films waiting to get out of this film. Laura Linney's tale of a woman who puts duty to her family and work before finding happiness intrigued me and could easily have been a feature on its own. The Thompson/Rickman tale of a married man who is tempted by another and the wife who knows and tries not to say for fear of breaking up her family. However, in reading those ideas again, none of these are original and that brings me onto my next point.

What we have is a diluted film, held together by an unoriginal, "It all ties together" plot that is not to dissimilar to that of "Playing By Heart" and Bill Nighy played a similar, burnt-out rocker in "Still Crazy". On the whole, this film is horribly unoriginal, mildly saved by half-decent comedy writing and laughs. There's an enjoyable film in there, if only they could filter out what doesn't work.
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Dream Team (1997–2007)
Sometimes enthralling but it's seen better days
13 November 2003
It's a show that sharply divides opinion. A show that, is undoubtedly, utter rubbish. However, that is the appeal of the show - it's so ridiculous and overblown that it makes it an enthralling watch.

The show has seemed to have run out of ideas in recent years and the whole "fan wins the lottery and buys club" thing took it a little to far away from the good silliness and over to storylines that were trying to be more football-based. Who cares about the newer storylines of dodgy transfer dealings when you've had storylines where the chairman hired somebody to shoot his star player, who was carrying on with his wife? It also went to the well too many times with the "crash wipes out half the team" concept. Very few players die while playing for a club, maybe one every three to four years and that's spread across the whole of Britain.

I think the series has definitely seen better days; better storylines, better actors and better production values. However, to borrow a phrase from original Harchester manager Ron Atkinson, "in it's pomp" it was a very enjoyable series. If they ever repeat series three and four, warm up the video.
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40 (2003)
Good piece of TV
11 April 2003
I found `40' to be a very interesting piece of television. Maybe a tad too deliberately calculating in the way it was written, it kept me hooked all the way along. Excitingly directed, well photographed and brilliantly acted. Superb all round.
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10 January 2003
Personally, I found this film to be dull and annoying. While it paints an excellent picture of a Cold War where the Space Race has gone into overdrive and is excellent with its understated futurology, the film doesn't go anywhere. Calling it the best film of all-time is a crime, especially as the sequel is far superior as a piece of storytelling and as a sci-fi film.
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