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High School U.S.A. (1983 TV Movie)
Nice bit o' nostalgia.
7 November 2003
My friend had gotten this dvd as a "present" from her aunt and she made me watch it. While it was funny enough seeing Anthony Edwards as a popular prom king type and Micheal J. Fox was great, there was one teeny tiny presence that makes this movie memorable, a young geeky over-all wearing Crispin Glover. What makes it even better is that I had no idea he was in it. My sister and I were watching and when he popped into the scene I involuntarily leaned forward and was like, "Crispin? Woohoo!!" Oh anyways, the movie is not the most original thing but it was entertaining, the part where they wreck Archie's dad's car and make his dad think he did it was surprisingly very humorous. Plus, even if you don't mean to, you'll be finding yourself quoting this movie. Hope you enjoy it as much as me.
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Waist of a good idea, money, time and brain cells.
26 August 2003
I hate this movie and I entirely loathe everyone who said this was such a hilarious movie. Hey, I love silly spoofs and what not but this was not funny. It was so awful, I'm at a loss for words about this one. They ruined such a good idea with the same non-funny jokes over and over again, the story attached to the new dialogue was weak and the script stayed on one thought for way too long. The inserts of other home movie type sequences took away from it and they seemed to be a sad attempt at being "artistic". It's just a big mess and I wish I could have a refund.

Oh and to all those who think this even holds a birthday cake candle to Kung Pow, that is such an insult! Kung Pow takes the heel of its giant boot and smashes this flick into the ground!!!
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This was just bad, as in seriously not good.
22 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I am a GIGANTIC Jet Li fan, I have seen many of his films and own a few. I am loyal but not THAT loyal. In fact I am writing this now because I've just now seen it, I had been avoiding it for four years but my friend made me watch it saying it "wasn't that bad." Like Hell it's not that bad. It's awful, I refer to it as "The movie that won't be named" whenever I talk about it. But with all that aside let me get to the actual flick. ****SPOILERS AHEAD****

Some scenes were good like in the Chinese prison. And the fighting wasn't too weak, I like the zip cord weapons-very resourceful. But the acting was bad bad bad, even for me and I love mindless action films. Also the wire work was a little extensive. I didn't see the magic of Aaliyah. And don't get me started on Anthony Anderson! Although I could've watched DMX get shot over and over again, if you can't tell, I don't like him in movies. And I was furious when Anthony Anderson didn't die. Come on, he fell out of a high window onto a car with Jet Li on him!! Why didn't he die!!?? I was so sure I would at least be rewarded for watching this by getting his characters death but no he lives. And I don't care what people say about his acting, Jet Li was the best actor in this movie! And come on, he did very well when he had to be dramatic with his father at the end when he starts getting all teary-eyed. He has not once disappointed me with his acting, his role choices are anther story.
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