
3 Reviews
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Good soundtrack, empty movie
14 April 2020
This piece felt like it had half the tropes of every teen slasher movie thrown into it, mixed up in a bowl and splattered all over the place without a rhyme or reason. I was waiting for anything to be exaplained, anything at all, but got almost nothing. The acting is literally stupid, only somewhat developed characters being the redneck family, and when people talk about gore I don't see where they saw any. There's literally none even in the unrated version. Music and sound effects were the only thing holding this house of floppy cards somewhat together, especially with the retro vibe. In the end it's a shallow little piece in a shell that tries to be too ambitious. Recommended only for the soundtrack and if you're in the mood to go wtf?? and want to be utterly confused because of extreme stupidity of the characters or events every few seconds.
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not half as disappointing as I feared
15 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As a die-hard fan of sci-fi horror movies and even greater fan of the Alien and Predator series in particular, I found that the movie was not so bad after all.

Yes, it has it's downsides, it seems to be made for some stupid people who have not come to some conclusions watching the first movies. Yet it tells nothing new. Everything could be concluded from watching the other movies.

But it is still good, as it is an epic. Battle between two predators with men in between. With a choice of side and nature - to become predators themselves.

The fighting scenes are good, no Matrix-style camera angles and pace, but that made it even better. Everything moves fluidly to please the eye. In most movies with at least a bit of martial arts in them have it edgy, but here, where the huge predator is fighting perhaps the most agile creature in the universe, even predator's own agility can be seen.

It draws out well the different natures of the species - predators are trained hunters, ready for anything, aliens ruthless species that will do anything to survive and even human soldiers can be scared shitless.

Watch it, not for plot, not even nifty gadgets and great decisions, but the thrill of the hunt.
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Cradle of Fear (2001 Video)
Amateur horror movie by black metalists
3 February 2003
Of course there is no strong storyline in the movie as it is revenge-gore oriented, but that is not the point. This movie is for those who enjoy dark goth(metal) atmosphere with disgusting things happening around characters and a lots of blood and guts flowing. The actors are not strong by the guidelines of the movie industry, but the most memorable character is Dani Filth as a dark avenger in leather, sharp metal finger extensions and an evil grin on his face, walking, hands at side and fingers waiting for pray like claws.
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