
7 Reviews
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Amelie on crack.
30 March 2004
After watching this movie my father asked me what it was like. I simply replied - "imagine Amelia on crack and you got the jist of it". This was by far the craziest, most drugged out movie I have ever seen and I loved every minute of it. Ron Perlman was superb as the strongman and the little girl as Miette was adorable. The sets were incredible as well (I think Terry Gilliam would have found himself right at home in them). In fact, the sets were so convincing I almost felt as if I was truly watching a dream.

I think the main reason I was reminded of Amelie as I was watching this film was not because it was French, but because it had the same dark, quirky humor. If you're a fan of movies like 12 monkey's or Brazil then this is the right movie for you. ***1/2 out of ****
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An epic tale of the likes of Ben-Hur or The Lord of the Rings....
30 March 2004
Syke - this movie was a complete and utter joke. The only reason I mentioned Ben-Hur and LOTR in my summary line is because this movie felt about as long as the two combined - IT WAS THAT BAD!! The acting was horrible even for a cheesy B-movie like this. The story was lame, the sets were lame, etc. etc. Some of the scenes were so utterly ridiculous that I felt the strong urge to stick syringes in my eye. Here is an example: The pathetically lame killer is in the house going on his rampage. Two girls from across the street go in the house to investigate and find the killer slaughtering one of the girls. Instead of running outside the two girls run into the basement and lock the door. Does the killer come after the two girls like anyone with common sense would - NO!!! Instead he lies down in the middle of the floor, puts a blanket over his face and starts to take a nap. Wait, it gets even better. A moment later the girl's softball coach comes over to the house, enters when no one answers her knocks and calls out "Hey girls, It's me coach Jan. Just wanted to tell you practice is canceled tommorow", then she just turns and leaves. That's it. I don't know about you guys but I've never had a coach come over to my house, walk in, yell practice is canceled and then just leave. Well I'm going to stop now because writing this is giving me a killer migraine. My rating - Negative 1billion out of ten stars.
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This was definetly not a remake....
24 March 2004
I don't care what anybody says, this movie was not a remake. The only thing the new Dawn has in common with the original is the fact that it is a zombie movie that is set in a shopping mall at one point. Romero, however, used the shopping mall as a means of creating a social satire while Snyder on the other hand seemed to use the shopping mall location simply so he could stamp the name "Dawn of the Dead" on his piece of celluoid to increase fan base and profits.

Now despite my gripe with it being labeled a remake, I still found the film to be fairly enjoyable. It was a very slick blood and guts horror movie but tastefully done. I was a little dissapointed with the character development though. In the original Dawn, we are introduced to the four primary characters within the first fifteen minutes and find ourselves spending personal, intimate moments with them as they struggle with themselves and the elements for the next two hours. In the remake there were just too many characters for me to become attached to any particular one and consequently, I found myself not caring whether many of them lived or died.

One advantage the "remake" had over the original was the fantastic special effects. The zombies in the "remake" were very believable and terrifying while in original they were simply people with blue face paint on. This brings me to my next point - the running zombies. All I can say to that is - not cool Snyder, not cool.
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Zombie 3 (1988)
Utter garabage...
6 March 2004
I can't even began to write a review on this movie as my i.q. has dropped so sharply after watching it. Everything about it, from the atrocious acting to the recycled theme played throughout spoke of utter garbage. It's a miracle we made it all the way through the movie. Weapons are randomly placed throughout the town such as a crate of machine guns in the basement of a motel or a grenade under a jeep that had the blast radius of an atomic bomb. Don't even get me started on the dialog. It was garbage, garbage, garbage!!! For some reason the characters felt they had to spell out everything for us. Like when their car would break down they would say "Looks like our car broke down. I'm going to go to that abandoned gas station right over there and see if i can find some water" - this brings me to my next point - the director's obsession with water. At least three times the characters would wander off alone in search of water as if it was a miracle cure for the zombie disease. It's killing me to write this so i have to stop now. A warning for all those planning to see this movie: don't. You will walk away a mindless, babbling zombie yourself.
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Really unique film...
3 October 2003
I just saw the movie Lost in Translation today and found myself incessantly thinking about it for the rest of the day. It was one of those movies you leave not really knowing whether you liked it or not, but the more you think about it the more you lean towards the former.

The movie had a lot of good things going for it. First, Bill Murray was at his finest confirming my belief that it is impossible for him to give a bad performance. Second, it had the entrancing Scarlet Johanssen for whom my hopes were so high after seeing her great performance in Ghost World. She is only eighteen years old, but exudes this great mature and sexy aura that makes us believe she is much older. Third, the masterful direction of Sofia Coppola, in only her sophomore effort, helps guide the movie along beautifully. I loved the cinematography which showed Tokyo as some beautiful, neon lit city where sleep is non-existent. Overall a very enjoyable movie, definitely worth seeing and buying when it comes out on DVD.
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Future Force (1989)
9 May 2003
This is by the far the worst movie I have ever seen. It should be classified under comedy, because everything about it is a joke. Through the whole movie, we are supposed to believe that fat david carradine is the best cop of the future....give me a break. The whole time he's moving in slow motion and talks like John Wayne. He has some stupid electric glove that looks like that old nintendo glove. At one point he used a remote control to operate it that only had one big red button. Everytime he pushed that same big red button the glove would do something else like open the car door, punch, send out waves of energy and even give the old thumbs up. WOW!!!!

Besides the horrible acting, the cinematography was absolute garbage. Whoever edited this movie should never work in film again. Some of the scenes were just added in to take up time. I remember one scene where the chief of police was in his office just drinking a can of soda. THEY SHOWED HIM DRINKING THAT SODA FOR LIKE FIVE MINUTES!!! The car chases looked like they were looped to show the same scene over and over. Every once in a while they would throw in random cuts of David Carradine just walking around or aimlessly driving around town.

I don't have to tell you how ridiculous the story was. The whole time I was watching the movie me and my friend were laughing hysterically at how ridiculous everything in this movie was. I swear you could have given me ten bucks and a video camera and i could have made a better movie in my backyard.

I recommend every film teacher show this movie to their students to demonstrate to them how NOT to make a movie.
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An excellent character study...
29 March 2003
The first time I saw this movie I was blown away. Then I saw the extended directors cut and I was hooked. Everything was perfect, the music, setting, and of course the cast. Jean Reno was the perfect choice as the cleaner. I couldn't imagine anyone else taking the role. Gary Oldman was in good form as always (to really see him in a crazy role see True Romance). I give it a 10/10.
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