
6 Reviews
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Faces (I) (2014)
Awesome Flick!
10 April 2017
This is an awesome flick! I highly recommend it! Props to Tom Ryan and all who were involved! The camera work was great, the creepy music was awesome, and the performances were top of the line. I especially liked seeing Joe Parascand who I'm familiar with from his work from Ryan Scott Weber's films.
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I really liked this film!
22 October 2016
I was skeptical when I first heard about this film. The original Ghostbusters is one of my favorite films and I even had the pleasure of working with Ernie Hudson on a film a few years ago. Still, the videos I saw of this film prior to it's release made me curious enough to go see it. I particularly liked that Kate McKinnon's character (Holtzman) slightly resembled the cartoon-version of Egon Spangler.

The laughs are there though the comedy might not be everyone's cup of tea. I thought all four of the leading ladies were wonderfully cast and did great at being four separate personalities that make one great team. I was never a Melissa McCarthy fan but I thought her performance was just wonderful and fun to watch.

I also enjoyed every single nod they made to the original film. I liked that the film was about four weird/geeky women who were absolutely not sexualized characters. That's a breath of fresh air! If people want to throw the term "sexist" around than this film isn't anymore sexist towards men then the original was towards women.

I feel like I gained another Ghostbusters movie! I don't feel like people should take it seriously. You weren't supposed to take the original seriously either! It's a movie that you can sit down, eat some popcorn to, and just have fun watching!
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The Crossing (I) (2012)
Great zombie short!
17 July 2013
I see a lot of low-budget independent horror movies and the bulk of them are usually zombie films. I hate how everyone is doing a zombie film but let me tell you, I liked "The Crossing" a lot. The idea was simple yet unpredictable. For me it was unpredictable. I thought I knew what was going on and then there's that moment of clarity at the end where I was taken by surprise. I also really respect the attention to detail on the production end of this film. This film is beautiful shot and colored. The sound is top quality also. The music was very well placed. I would highly recommend this film to horror lovers and fans of the zombie sub-genre.
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Doomsday Book (2012)
Great Film!
15 June 2013
I really enjoyed Doomsday Book. Three short films in a feature length format. Each story more interesting than the next. There's a zombie film at the front, a religious robot story in the middle, and the finale is about a little girl who purchases the end of the world online. I never quite saw anything like this before. All were very well shot and entertaining. My favorite was the second story about the Buddhist Robot. I would recommend Doomsday Book to anyone who likes horror and science fiction. I saw this on Netflix Instant but I'm looking to buy it on DVD. I didn't even want to watch it when my husband put it on but it sucked me in immediately!
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I always loved this film. Give a chance.
28 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a long-time fan of this film but I won't go off and say that I don't understand why people trash it. Like any film, The Crow: City of Angels isn't for everyone. Believe it or not, the first Crow film wasn't for everyone either. I will say that I did not like this film the first time I saw it. I am a major fan of the first and it's hard to enter the sequel with an open mind and clear perception. The second time I saw this film is when I fell in love with it and was able to by viewing it as it's own film. If you're going to sit there and compare it to the original, chances are you will never be happy with it. If you compared many movies to the first crow film you would never be happy with them either. I love this film completely separate from it's original counterpart. Though Miramax tried to make this a mirror image of the first film do not expect to see what you saw in the first film. This is a different place, a different man, and a different story. In my opinion it is the best of the sequels. Now, the third and forth crow films... whether I compare them to the first or not I just don't like them. They did not interest me in the slightest and I'm sorry I ever watched them.

First off, there are throwbacks to the original film. Sarah is grown up and living as a goth tattoo artist in a grungy, post-apocalyptic Los Angeles. Sarah still wears Shelly's ring and has taken care of their cat Gabriel. She is also a painter. She's working on a painting of Eric and Shelly in which it's imagery comes full circle at the end of the movie. However, unlike the original crow film and its other sequels we're not watching the same story. This is what pisses me off about Salvation and Wicked Prayer: They recycle the man and his girlfriend gets killed scenario. Eric Draven already did that. There's no need for multiple, watered down versions of this story. In The Crow: City of Angels, Ashe Corven (Vincent Perez) and his young son Danny are killed by a drug cartel when they witness something they shouldn't have. Killing anyone is crossing the line but killing a child crosses multiple. For anyone who has been a parent this story will evoke your fear of losing a child. That story in it's own right is very terrifying.

The bad guys are an interesting bunch. We have a Pre-punisher Thomas Jane as the perverted Nemo, the energetic and comical bad guy, Spider-monkey, Iggy Pop as Curve, along with Thuy Trang who was the original Yellow Ranger in the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. We also have Richard Brooks as the guy in charge, Judah. He's no Top Dollar but let me tell you, Brooks prevails in making you hate him throughout this film. This band of criminals aren't quite as interesting as T-bird's gang was in the original movie. That's okay. I don't want them to be because they're the bad guys and I'm supposed to hate them. In this film, you don't explore their personalities until they are about to die but we do spend a significant amount of time with Curve (Iggy Pop). Iggy brought just the right amount of energy into the film because the rest of the villains are overly calm and collected.

I understand Vincent Perez's performance throws some people off. I happen to love and admire Vincent Perez as an actor mainly because of this film and his role in Queen of the Damned. I even admire the fact that he used subtle crow-like movements throughout the film. My perception is that we're supposed to believe the crow and the man are one entity divided. I truly felt that in Perez's performance. There's even a scene in the original cut of the film where the crow morphs into Ashe viewed from a shadow on the wall. You can actually still find it in the original trailer. That along with other things was left to die on the editing room floor, I guess. Perez did a great job in securing all the different emotions of the character. He's killing his killers but even when he does he's not becoming them.

What I love most about this film is that on the technical end it was executed almost flawlessly from cinematography, lighting, coloration, production design and wardrobe. This film had everything I wanted to see in a movie. It had all the elements that Hollywood blockbusters are supposed to have. Highly stylized, strikingly visual, and mesmerizing.

My last statement is that it bothers me that some people act like Brandon Lee is going to put a curse on them if they show any interest in the sequel. It is not disrespectful to Brandon Lee that this film was made. Them trying to remake the original? I find that much more disrespectful than anything. It's like they are trying to erase the original and Brandon Lee's performance in it whereas the sequels were more about trying to capitalize on it. This entire review is my personal opinion. Like I said, The Crow City of Angels wasn't for everyone. Take it or leave it as you please but I'm not afraid to say this has always been one of my favorite films.
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The Afflicted (2011)
Move over Mommie Dearest!
10 January 2013
I really liked this film! Don't get me wrong... it's not enjoyable or an easy film to watch but I highly respect how disturbing and depressing this film was. I originally wanted to watch it on Netflix because I saw Leslie Easterbrook is in it (I'm a big fan) and what I found was a riveting, well-performed thriller. Some elements of the film were a bit hard to believe but all in all I wasn't disappointed. If anyone gives this movie a lousy rating just for being disturbing than they don't understand that it was supposed to be disturbing. This isn't a happy family film. In fact, it's a hopeless film all the way through. There's no playing with emotions here. This is a heartless story about a human monster.
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