
44 Reviews
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Too many fake reviews
31 July 2023
Was really debating whether or not to watch this. From the trailers and snippets, the agenda clearly is inclusitivity for those who identify as marginalised and their allies. The plot came across as rather stale and not at all funny even though the series identifies as a comedy. I decided not to be judgemental and came onto IMDB hoping for honest opinions of people who have watched this to sway my decision. The sheer amount of (fake) glowing 10/10 reviews from people involved in the production or promotion of this show was just too crass. I am thankfully not going to waste time on this one. If you are an overweight female, or a member/ally of the LGBTQ community this may be the show for you. I just wanted a watchable comedy/show and those fake reviews told me all I need to know.
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Lies, lies and more lies
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting documentary overall. No one except the defense lawyers comes out unscathed. Much as the producers try to make this program seem impartial, it is obviously driven by the insights of the accused who has an abuse narrative she wants to push and highlight. The police made mistakes due to bias for the retired police father. The media had already tried and convicted this case before it even went to court. The father George Anthony is an attention seeking serial liar who seemed to have an agenda to protect himself because I suspect he is the only one who knows what really happened? Both parents lavish in the fame and notoriety of this case, even if it is to the detriment of Casey. The brother has wisely kept a low profile and is only spoken of in third person.

Casey who is also a serial liar has inexcusable behaviour and actions in the 31 days when her daughter was missing. She has had extensive therapy and is able to justify some behaviours. What puzzled me the most is she says she did not trust her daughter Caylee to be alone with her incestuous father, would always make sure herself or her mother were home to babysit. Yet after "discovering" her daughter in the pool, suddenly she trusts her father to take care of Caylee for 31 days during which she believes she will see her daughter.

Overall an engaging and interesting docu-series worth watching for Casey's personal perspective, but the 3rd episode is very agenda driven. I found myself disagreeing, ridiculing and switching off. Definitely worthy of watching even if you think you know everything there is to know about this case.
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Conspiracy theory
14 July 2022
Should not even be called a documentary. At no point were any facts presented. Just a bunch of conspiracy theorists giving their opinion on who this person might be. Episode after episode, the same obsessed people spouting the same nonsense . In summary, it truly is pointless unless you are a fanatic of the myth of D B Cooper and want to feed your obsession about this person who hijacked a plane 50 years ago, claiming to have a bomb, got the plane to land, all passengers disembark, 200 grand get loaded then parachute off when the plane took off again .
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Only watching for Rose Leslie
16 June 2022
Ever ate a meal and still felt hungry? Read a book which just left you more confused. Watching each episode for me leaves an emptiness, like gulping down on mouthfuls of candy floss only to end up with specks of sugar grains. Really is nothing more than a time filler, nothing to reflect on or to look forward to. The silver lining is Rose Leslie who is such a captivating actress, she makes watching this seem worthwhile.
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Predictably predictable
13 June 2022
This is one of those films you watch because you doing something, don't want to listen to intrusive music but need background noise...First 5 minutes, thereafter your attention is secondary. Its a great alternative to music, if you need over an hour of the occasional alternative distraction.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Checking out
6 June 2022
Just watched Season 3, episode 7.....well I tried to but only made it halfway through before boredom got the better of me. Same thing happened the previous episode which I couldn't finish watching either. In fact season 3 has been a tired boring jumbled up repetitive mess. So sad because I watched it staunchly from day 1. When a show stops grabbing your attention, and starts putting you to sleep.......its time to check out. From what I watched so far this season ( most of which I don't even remember), It's definitely time to say goodbye to Barry!
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Extra Extra Extra
12 May 2022
I loved the first episode, thought it was great reality TV. 2 episodes later I am realising almost every character is so extra, they probably auditioned for their role rather than apply for the job. And some of the situations that arise seem to be scripted. It's still a breath of fresh air to all the reality shows out there. And it's entertaining! Definitely worth watching.
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Snowfall (2017–2023)
Downhill after Season 4
25 April 2022
I rated this show a solid 10 for the first 4 seasons. I struggled to get through season 5 and had resort to watching the episodes clusters but it's suddenly become so boring, repetitive and soap operishh.. The drama is gone, the suspense is gone...... Its just so predictable now.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
5 March 2022
Thank goodness, I had insomnia. The plot is frustrating, andvthe storyline does get lazy and lethargic. Every character is flawed so after a few episodes you stop rooting for anyone and just watch. If you got the time and a few hours to is okay! Not memorable but it is very watchable.
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Pretty actress
16 February 2022
The film is ridiculous. If it is based on a true story, then that is remarkable. Unnatural and unkind but still remarkable. The story itself was downright boring, particularly when Molly (lead actress) is talking to herself and the animals to verbalise her thoughts. I found myself watching it to the end though because Molly is so beautiful and captivating. My heart bleeds for those wild animals and all animals in captivity in zoos, animals sanctuaries and safaris. But by god, Molly is such a beautiful lady. I could watch her all day long!
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Too much padding
12 February 2022
This story should never ever ever have been 9 episodes long. Would have been told much more effectively and interestingly as a 3 parter or a longer documentary. Too much inane time filling, I don't even recall 95% of the episodes even though I just finished watching it. If you're thinking about watching this, watch the first, skip the next 6 then watch episode 8 and 9. You won't have missed much!
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Season 1 good, season 2 meh
31 January 2022
I found season 1 by accident. Mariana was a good story teller but the stories/scams more or less told themselves and the host was just a channel. It was quite engrossing and educational.

Season 2 I was waiting for, but it's been such a disappointment. These stories now seem contrived and unauthentic. The scenes are too edited, the danger is now "Hollywood", the sources are questionable and every episode is too Mariana driven. Even her questioning is now patronising and has taken a woke influence. I hope she moves on to a new project because a S3 will truly be dire otherwise.
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The Rookie: Heart Beat (2022)
Season 4, Episode 10
Ridiculous episode . Losing reality
3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can take the plane crash... How did it in not explode? How did it leave a clearly preserved fingerprint on the window? Or the unscathed bag of gold? Why are the police taking fingerprints now? How do police go direct into a prisoners cell room for an interview? Then have a speakerphone conversation in earshot of said prisoner? So much more I could mention. This show is losing reality for the sake of a plot. I hope they get that grip back. Absolutely ridiculous episode!
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Stay Close (2021)
Too many twists
1 January 2022
By the end of episode 3, my interest was practically zero. Every episode doesn't have to end with a major twist. After a while none of the plot is believable. Did watch to the end because had nothing else to do. I SO WISH I STOPPED AFTER 3.
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Less of the documentary maker please !
15 December 2021
Compelling documentary which should really have benefited from less information about the documentary maker. Should have been half as long too, as a result there is a lot of repitition. Clear wrongful conviction, manufactured and biased evidence. Understandably limited footage but it does drag on. Better editing would have improved the documentary.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Soap opera
1 December 2021
I gave it a go. I gave it 4 episodes before reviewing. Dexter has morphed into a soap opera or telenovela without the suspense. Don't you dare call it a thriller. Even Debra's narratives are becoming so whiny and annoying. Hope they gain enough new fans to make up for the old ones they're losing! I'm waiting till week 10 to watch the rest of it in one go......for ol' times sake.
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No No No
29 October 2021
This was bad. I had all the free time, the whole season downloaded ready to binge watch. And then my worst nightmare. I couldn't finish watching a single episode. Kept fastforwarding. The stories were flat, felt contrived and that woman with the grating fake English accent. This was a bad bad trip down memory/ nostalgia lane. I hope Dexter will not be the same.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
LGBTQ I sympathise
26 October 2021
Dave was not nasty...he was truthful but he went that community. I so understand too...they're behind the cancel community. He was honest..He was truthful! They cancelled my review in sympathy from me. We need to stop allowing any people to cancel.
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Dopesick (2021)
Slow and predictable
14 October 2021
I found this show rather slow and too predictable. The changing timelines didn't help, build any intrigue or suspense. Perhaps if you're personally affected, the show might appeal. As a neutral viewer, the first 2 episodes was all I could stomach. Maybe the fact I just watched the last series of Goliath which tackled the same subject matter from a legal perspective and managed to build suspense. I found this boring and all I could manage was the first 2 episodes.
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Our Kind of People (2021–2022)
I am so shallow
4 October 2021
The plot moves too fast, so many moving parts. Average acting. I almost gave up after watching first time! Watched it again due to boredom, and noticed how sensational Yaya's body is. Now I am invested because everytime Yaya is on screen I am watching to glimpse her amazing booty.... Yes, I am shallow!
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American Rust (2021–2024)
Super slow drama
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am 4 episodes deep into this slow slow slow drama, and it's finally reveals what happened during the killing. Even though authorities are persueing the wrong suspect, for the heart of me I do not have the willpower to stick around for 5 more episodes. Lord knows it's been hard enough concentrating for the 4 I watched so far. Maybe I come back to them in 5 weeks time, if I really have nothing better to do!
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The Rookie: Life and Death (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Who complained??
28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They took my review off because I observed that with officer West now killed off, no representation for the LGBTQ guys are so sensitive. I still don't want Chen on your side...Now cancel me!!
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Thank God it's cancelled (no pun intended)
11 September 2021
Having fervently followed this show since the beginning, I am actually glad it's finally over. It was becoming torturous to watch. Having watch each and every episode, I couldn't get through the last 8 of season 6. (Season 5 was terrible too) Complete and utter drivel. God, the devil, heaven, hell, angels marrying/ having earth babies. This is not how I want to remember Lucifer.

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Terrible unless you like country music
18 August 2021
Downloaded the whole series, expecting a good or at least decent sitcom. Within 15 minutes of watching the first episode I deleted everything. Awful, cheesy and awful!
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Great great start
18 August 2021
Intrigue, humour, drama.... It's like a discovery voyage into the lives of the 9 strangers and the staff. Layers being peeled each time. 3 episodes deep and there's still so many questions. It's going suck now having an episode a week. I might wait till week 7 then watch the remaining 6 episodes at once!
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