
8 Reviews
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Moana (I) (2016)
Good, but not Great
24 November 2016
Moana, the successor to the mega hit, Frozen; this may be where the problem lies. However, as an adult viewer, I also have my own personal expectations for a film. This film created a beautiful world for us to live in for a short time. The work put into the film really shows in the visuals. The sea looked inviting and the village seemed joyful and welcoming as well. The story was told well with playful stabs at Disney's track record of formulas.

While I didn't have a problem with Moana, I was not challenged. This film was very safe and didn't feel like it wanted to take risks. I like a movie to make me think and have a dialog about something. Frozen, while I believe is far over-hyped, did challenge itself and made a narrative in a new shape and style. This film, while avoiding typical love interests, did not make me walk away from the film with anything to discuss. It happened. It was good. I had fun, but that was it. Great movies do not end there. Great movies have something to say that pesters you on the way out of the theater. This movie makes you dig for something to force a conversation about. If you are going to see this with younger kids, they will love it, but you will probably not have the same reaction.
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Best Film of the Year so far.
15 October 2016
This film connected with me on so many levels. It delivered in ways I was not expecting. I was laughing, cheering, crying, and ultimately walked out of that theater feeling more than satisfied. I want to go see it again. Something that is great about this film is that there are things you will pick up on more clearly through a second viewing, but it is not required to fully enjoy the film. Like I said in my title, I can say without a shadow of doubt that this film is better than any other film released this year. However, I will follow that by saying I have yet to see "Hell or High Water". So it's more like 99.9% sure. We will see how it holds up against the remaining anticipated releases. I do honestly believe it should be nominated come award season. This film is phenomenal and if you do not see this film before you die, you are doing yourself a disservice.
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Silver Lining Playbook: Recipes for Success
30 December 2012
I won't beat around the bush and I will get right to the point. This movie is probably the best movie of the year by far. Every single actor in this movie played their parts perfectly and I couldn't ask for a better cast. Every performance blew me away. The directing and writing done by David O. Russell is great. I found absolutely nothing wrong with this. Well, there was this one thing. It made me nearly bite off my thumb nails in suspense near the end. Actually that's not really a bad thing, but whatever. I strongly recommend seeing this film. If you are torn between this film and Les Miserables, look at what you want to see in a movie today. Do you want to be involved in a journey through France and the craziness of that great musical or would you rather stay right here in America. You'll laugh. You'll cry. Most of all, you will find a deeper understanding in your own life. Think about it.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
The fisherman has got me hooked
23 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When first seeing the trailers for this show one might think of it simply as some sort of dumb, cheesy show. He might watch the pilot if he is not busy. Upon watching the pilot, however, my presumptions of this show were shattered and in it's place came a hope for a fantastic new series. There were so many elements to this show that I never expected. As a soon to be English major I like to analyze books and play more closely, but I never thought it possible to do it to a show. most television series are great, but not too rich in literature. This show, however is different. There are so many symbols and themes that I am "geeking out". The one flaw I have with the show is this one kid named Henry. He seems to know too much for a kid and it ruins the realistic side to the show a bit. Also the main character, Emma Swan, has a driving fail which was a little dumb. She was about to hit a wolf in the road and instead of doing what all drivers are taught to do, she swerves out of the way. Other than those minor set backs the show is, as the media business say, a hit!
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Terra Nova (I) (2011)
The hottest new show on television!!!
14 October 2011
To all those who wanted that Jurassic Park 4 should stop your moping and turn to Terra Nova. Now this show isn't like Jurassic Park in the sense of the setting, but the action, suspense, excitement is all there. Every episode is involving and adventurous. Each episode has multiple story lines, but only one story line is completely focused on throughout the episode. I have no big complaints about this show whatsoever. It isn't completely flawless, however, nothing is perfect. This show is a definite must see. It's like a movie on TV. You won't want to miss out on the greatness of Terra Nova. It will blow your mind away.
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Last Man Standing (2011–2021)
A Good Surprise
14 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Funny but offensive. Genuine but dumb. This show is a wondrous combination of contradictions. It gives a negative view toward the gay community, but then it makes you laugh at the over-the-top characters. Almost all the characters in this show are very blunt and say what they mean. It just so happens to be hilarious. I must say this show got me on a hook and overall i enjoyed it very much. Yes the show has topics and issues brought up that are up for debate so the likability of some characters changes as each episode progresses. Like I said, overall this show is pretty decent and deserves a little attention. So if you have nothing better to do, give it a chance.
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Life in a Day (2011)
In a nutshell it was fantastic.
21 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is incredible beyond belief. There's not much for me to criticize at all. The flow of clips got ever so slightly off beat...meaning it got a bit boring. Also I don't remember there being subtitles. I kind of want to know what they are all saying.I do understand that there were a lot of different languages and they probably didn't have the budget to translate so much for the release at Sundance. I hope they subtitle it when it hits theaters in June. I loved this movie with all my heart and when it hits theaters, I am going. Also when it goes to DVD I'm getting my copy. There isn't a good reason not to like this film. It is happy, funny, heart-wrenching and overall one of the greatest movies I have seen.
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It Sucked!!!!!
1 July 2010
OK. So last night I went to the midnight showing of The Last Airbender. Where do I begin.Spoiler Alert...well a lot of this review is a spoiler alert. So read on with caution. So the story was as I thought it would be for awhile and all was well with the storyline. But then I started to notice something odd. The pronunciations of their names were changed. Aang was now Ang, Sokka was now Sokea, and Iroh was changed to Eeroh. It's minor but to someone who was devoted to the shows, it kind of annoys them. So the story continued on like it should have with changes made. These subtle changes were fine though.I guess I should say SOILER ALERT again. The first Earth Kingdom city they went to was Kyoshi…Island? Yea, as far as I knew, it was Kyoshi Village. At first you think it is the village where Haru lived but in this movie they are one in the same. O and ladies, don't get your hopes about the actor for Haru…not many 10 year old boys are sexy….Well except for Justin Beiber.

I'm probably boring the heck out of you. O wait, that's what this movie did. And to think I waited two years for it and spent 20 bucks to see it. I mean what were the writers doing for the past like few years. When they were supposed to be writing a storyline they probably went golfing or something. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, I didn't really explain the failure of this film. I'll make this short, sweet and to the point. It Sucked!!!!! I think when the director went to write the storyline he took the original stories we all loved so dearly and burned it. Then he decided to make the worst movie ever made. (starts to cry) I've been waiting so long for this movie and that's what I get. He only used like 5 episodes from the series and eliminated all the drama, love, and comedy.There was practically no relationships built and most of the characters were dead. The only relationship there was was Yue and Sokka. They didn't really emphasize it at all. I have to admit, this film almost had me crying. Not for any good they did in the film. But for how my dream of seeing the greatest show on earth on the big screen and done right being crushed. When I went to bed I finally let the tears go. Though, out of all the terribleness of this film there was one good thing. The actor for Iroh was amazing. He was like born for that role. He actually acted and was the character of Iroh. To bad his fellow colleges sucked. Although the Zuko actor wasn't half bad. Well that's all I have to say. I think I going to go cry in a corner now.
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