
6 Reviews
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Not the best Madea movie.
20 October 2016
First of all, I would like to announce I'm a HUGE Madea fan ever since I watched the first one and have watched all of them.

There were certainly good elements in this Madea but the movie lost my attention at times. Some scenes were way too long - first thing you learn as a screenwriter is not to write a scene that's over 3 minutes, especially not at the beginning, or you may lose your viewers. Some parts of the dialogue were redundant.

Some of the Actors are not actual actors but Youtube sensations. Their acting was not the most convincing. It's hard to be over-the-top character-style (like Tyler Perry does with Madea) but still be believable. It also take talent to be natural and not over-the-top when needed. Acting is an Art and takes lots of training. Some may believe the number of followers is more important to the success of a project than actual talent, I would have to disagree on that one.

This Madea is not one of the Madea's I would watch again. In the end, it could have been better.

I still love Madea and will keep going and being a big fan. And I can't wait for the next one.

PS. Bloopers after credits come up are funny. If you go, make sure you stay until the end.
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Some Girl(s) (2013)
Sleeping pill effect - recommended for insomniac
9 August 2014
Oh my... I fell on it on TV mid way and... I am bored to death!!!!!! HELP!!!!!! How did this screenplay get those good Lead Actors? I like Adam Brody a lot. The Leads are all good in the film but the screenplay... What is that? What happened to the rules of screen writing? What happened to the under 3 minutes scene rule? Scenes are between 5 and 15minutes!!!!! It might be a low budget film, which I respect a lot, but please invest in the story and the writing more than in A lister actors. The end is good but kind of predictable due to the main character's personality. No need to be a genius to notice he is a jerk, and it is clearly mentioned in the synopsis: He is a womanizer, and that cannot change. Anyway, I've had a great day so far but now I'm ready to sleep! This film has a sleeping pill effect but without all the chemicals, so I might recommend to treat insomnia. I gave it a 2, for the Actors, otherwise it would have been a 1 for a few seconds of nice imaging during the movie.
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Worst movie in the History of my Sunday mornings
15 June 2014
Unfortunately, spending writing a 1,000 critic about this film is as time wasting as this movie was. This is Sunday morning time I will never get back. The storyline is not credible. The characters are not credible. The relationship between the characters are not credible. And the screenwriter uses the same level of language and expressions for all the characters. This is not deep research and development of characters and storyline. The acting was OK but not outstanding. The end was expectable. The movie all in all was extremely boring. Do yourself a favor and take this one off your list and never look back. You will thank me later.
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Worth your time
2 July 2013
It was one of these movies where you are not sure whether the trailer is the only good elements the movie has. I must say, the movie was entertaining. It is simple and easy to watch. Good for those moments where you do not want to think too much, nor feel too many extreme emotions, and just want to laugh and relax. Some scenes or lines are extremely funny - even as a personal reuse or quote! In regards to the actors, I must say great cast. All of the actors did a great job. The end was definitely worth it! I did not stop laughing and even had to rewind to watch again. Again, if you want to relax and laugh, go for it! I do recommend it.
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"masterpiece" has never fitted a piece of art so well !!
14 April 2011
I have no idea where to start.

The plot: The movie follows the rules of screenplay writing so well that it makes the plot flawless and our attention on the run during the entire movie (That's how a movie should be but after watching "The Black Swan" or "Somewhere" by S.Coppola all awards nominated or winning, I was wondering what was going on in the Film Industry). Some scenes may be mentally harsh but it is done in such a subtle and artistic way that they are almost necessary!

The cast: The actors make any Hollywood actor look like a miserable joke. The actors look physically real, some pretty, some not, nothing plastic, nothing fake, it is simply not needed! All the actors were technically so right! Each and every one of them was full of natural, feelings and life. The chemistry between them all was sparkling and real. This is art! It is without a doubt the most perfect movie I have ever had the chance to watch. A real pleasure for the eyes, the mind, and the heart.

I am very critical towards movies, acting and screenplay writing myself, but there is absolutely nothing to criticize. The movie is smart, artistic and beautiful! It deserves all the respect and the awards in the world!
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Somewhere (2010)
Sofia WHO??? Poor dad...
11 April 2011
First of all, i don't need to check the "contains spoiler" box because there is simply NO plot! One of the worst movies i (and my cineaste friends) have ever watched by such a big name in the cinema.

The movie does not follow any of the screenplay writing rules... oh wait, there is NO screenplay actually. The over all script must have been 4 pages long (and i'm being quite nice)... And as you guys may know, 4 pages = 4 minutes. Everybody can have a bad day... Yes A bad day. Because writing the screenplay must have taken about 30 minutes max. Did they lose the original script and had a deadline? Possibly... At least, that's how it looks. So you would say genius? No, not really... Master piece wannabe, but failed miserably.

An 8 million budget? Sounds like money laundry...

If you like shallowness, i would suggest "Keeping Up with the Kardashians". Other option, I can shoot my see-through window curtains during 90 minutes, I am quite certain there will at least be some interesting moments. However, if you would like to learn how to actually make Art out of shallowness, i would suggest "The Limits of Control" by Jim Jarmusch. Do you know that feeling when you are trying to super-glue a hanger on your door and have to hold it strong during the longest 60 seconds of your life, well extend this moment 90 times.

What is the message of the movie? No matter how successful and famous you are, you can be miserable if your life is empty? Woooowwwww...

The most exciting part of the movie was actually writing this review to release the anger i am feeling after having wasted 90 minutes of my life while i could have actually super-glued 90 hangers on my window to which i am planning to dedicate 90 minutes of my first own movie.
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