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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Scientifically illiterate 50 shades of fantasy
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show fails to understand the social dynamics of the so called patriarchy, the women who would be fertile under such conditions would become the new nobility, even under the guardianship of their fathers they would command the highest bride price imaginable. Far from being oppressed these few women would need the men to protect them from other women who would become resentful and jealous of their massively disproportionate power on the mating market.

The broken premise of the story fits the indoctrination against reality of so many today, while revealing deeper psychological evolutionary drives which are rather inconvenient. The plain Jane so desirable to powerful men, forceful fantasies, bondage and illicit desire, the tragedy is this content is taken seriously enough by the misinformed to constantly attempt use as parable in real world politics. The real story is why this is so popular with a set who will face no such danger, quite the opposite and will as currently projected become the most alone we have ever seen in recent history.
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An interesting look into a cultural figures life, but suffers from a lack of skepticism.
17 February 2021
Film mostly covers the issue from the perspective of the protesters, the family chooses not to talk to the press, which is wise in this day and age. So its weird when they try to cast the media of the past as being misogynistic when its motives were no different than they are today, voyeuristic vultures feigning concern.

It annoyed me they had to resort to the gender war narrative, as if she broke the glass ceiling of boy bands as if popular music hadn't been a thing for decades at that point. As if coverage of her was especially bad because she was a woman when just a look at Michael Jackson completely undermines that claim.

It seems Britney has become is another enigma figure embraced by the gays as a symbol of their struggle much like Marilyn Monroe, another tragic figure, another sweet simple girl over whelmed by fame and the loose values held up by those that claimed to cherish them.

The problem is many of the types supporting this have been very trusting of the media, the courts and "experts" in recent times, so what leg do they have to stand on? As stated by the father, they could just be conspiracy theorists.

I'll give you one possibility, bipolar diagnosis keeps the judge from changing their decision, but again, this is based on the assumption that psychology is science, when it is not, and the very same people who would be against in this case were very happy to push their agendas in the ever more fashionable "consensus" based changes to the DSM V. Plenty of questionable credibility to go around, this is from the New York Times after all.
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Tenet (2020)
Going through the motions of Time inception
4 December 2020
Christopher Nolan is usually one of my favorite film directors, but his films tend to rely on a high concept gimmick, and the characters are secondary, poorly fleshed out, but it doesn't matter if the concept is well done enough of an idea to keep you intrigued. This time "inception" idea is harder to convey than dreams within a dream, so It was mostly confusing most of the time, cause and effect of a reverse time line break all intuitive sense when you have cross interaction between them.

On top of this you have the problem of very bland characters who seem like fill ins, stereotypical cartoon russian villian, a treacherous damsel, straight man simp protagonist, and so you really have no investment in this side winning at all, it would almost be more interesting if they lost, and based on the story, it maybe necessary for them to eventually lose to save humanity. So the film fails in giving you a reason to care, and is more riddle than story.
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Biodome in space but without Pauly Shore, not funny, not entertaining, and half as smart.
3 December 2020
This isn't sci-fi, it is child like eco nonsense. The technology in the world undermines its own premise. Its like with dyson spheres, a civilization with the power to build a giant shell around their sun doesn't need it in the first place. That they have such resource and energy abundance that they can build a space forest means they would never have to, at least not for the reasons in the story. Spaceships let alone long term space ships are biospheres after all, it means they have solved the problem of sustainability in something as harsh as a vacuum. The thin story is padded with long sequences of nothing, mundane filler chores, and even in action sequences overly long and repetitive sequences which add very little, padded further by reaction shots. All the characters are too dumb to be in the positions they are in, and everything looks cheap and tacky. Robots clearly suited up midgets are just cringy, I don't know how this film gets such high reviews when its just an insulting boring waste of time. None of the ideas or the world are fleshed out as its just a sermon to the already converted, topped off with the saccharin song at the end
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The Undoing (2020)
High production quality cartoon ended with lazy writing
2 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It looks the part but there is no depth there.

Men bad, psychos, strong woman can't trust.

There is no twist, they just take the laziest way out at the end when they left openings everywhere to mislead, why was the mistress thanking the wife, the father could have been trying to pay her off to get rid of trouble or as a second sugar daddy, who knows, but they chose the most cartoonish path instead. The husband is either a psychopath which would have led to them making far fewer mistakes or they were just dumb and everything built around the character was a red herring, but really it just wasn't fully thought out.

and really, the overly mature kid writing is always off putting in these things.
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The Third Day (2020)
Tiresome thin "vague danger" scripts need to end
18 November 2020
6 hours of filler, lack of communication for the sake of extending the plot, vague insinuated danger, basically confusion as content. "What's going on here" isn't substance when the reveal is so thread bare. This is the blaire-witchification of culture, stories have become nothing more than a long con.
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Greenland (2020)
dime a dozen apocalypse porn of vague boring
18 November 2020
Its a factory of this type of content these days, thin plot is filled with screaming, "where's my family", and vague disaster scenario barely fleshed out. So you watch a guy go from place to place as if you should care, a barren framework for some superficial scenes of societal breakdown and disaster fx. Its been done better before, and the nth time you've been on this ride, it just becomes transparently boring, forced attempts at emotion and tension with screaming and loud music, no real exploration of deeper themes, just a spectacle of boring.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Fashionably thin fiction fails to explore the human condition
29 July 2020
The original film was already rather contrived, failing to build a coherent world to explore the ideas they feigned as exploring. The train being too small, the contrast of luxury and deprivation and the extreme conditions for survival was too unbelievable, and none of this has been fixed in the TV adaptation. The social agendas of Hollywood are shoe horned onto a situation of dire survival where the conclusions of what system would best run such a society would be something Hollywood types couldn't acknowledge. And so nothing rings true, you have a luxury class who spends their days eating lunch, a train that must be automated to a level which renders the tail passengers redundant(not that they are shown working much anyways) and even if there were a need children they can keep people in suspended animation. The first attempt at using this thin frame to explore class conflict failed, there was never a chance for this fundamentally broken narrative a second time around. The changes necessary would be too subversive to imagine let alone make real for the types who allowed in Hollywood now.
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Frontline (1983– )
Slickly made but transparently shameless propaganda
15 July 2020
This show came from a time when people mostly got their information from TV, there were few alternatives other than print media after all, and so on subjects the viewer wasn't familiar with, they were easily persuaded by its authoritative tone. Almost no one before the age of google had the ability to easily fact check this show, and so it carries a legacy it doesn't deserve. Now since the 2016 election its become ever more clear what it is, and I question what else I grew up watching on this show wasn't actually as portrayed.

The show is a demonstration of the techniques of effective propaganda. Voice of god narration by an actor who sounds like some kind of government authority backed by ominous music to set the tone, and then you are fed narratives by chosen talking heads who launder lies, these are after all not the words of the producers, just third parties, its how its done on all such media. On the "Policing the police" episode a talking head states that she knows the police are biased just against black people because of all the white arrests she sees on cops, when the reality is the producer of Cops admitted on tape that their show was deliberately skewing things to show disproportionately more white arrests to be politically correct. This is easily fact checked, but its the kind of thing that never is as it fits their chosen narrative. So as politics becomes ever more radicalized, manipulative shows like this have proven they can no longer be trusted, and frankly they never should have been.
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Greyhound (2020)
The usual cut cost WW2 dreck we are fed now
15 July 2020
Hazy CG battle scenes and now U-boats built like tanks as if if this was a battle of civil war iron clads, no the reality was U-boats were extremely fragile. Instead of taking the opportunity to demonstrate the drama of cat and mouse tactics, what we see is a cartoon. The 50 million budget must have gone towards the usual Hollywood accounting.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
Another cartoon from the young adult fiction era of films
17 June 2020
This is the cursed result of tween fiction hunger games era of films which were made as cut cost blockbusters. Nothing subtle, world isn't made believable, as nothing was thought through. From divergent to the maze runner, these cost cut movies all feel the same. This film is made to a slightly higher standard, but the world is still filled with holes, the train as shown cannot support life, let alone an expendable army of soldiers, the vast infrastructure to supply everything for a population for years would be vast, not even aircraft carriers are self sustaining for those items, they need constant resupply of food even with their nuclear engines which are basically the equivalent where they are able to almost endlessly sail around the world. From what they show, the train has a crew capacity equivalent to the international space station, about 6 people. I only went back to look at this movie since they saw fit to remake it into a tv show which I have little hope for now as this is little more than harry potter grade social commentary which has been a plague upon this world. Simply look at the way the elite classes are portrayed in so many of these films, they are cartoons because the Hollywood class won't portray the reality of disconnect elites because its the one that they favor, for it to ring true they would have to cast themselves as the villains.
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Boring film assumes the value of the subject
7 June 2020
At least with "¨Exit Through the Gift Shop¨" it was a story of intrigue questioning who was trolling who, this one is just platitudes about the value of street art which is questionable by default. A picture is shredded at the end of an auction, how shocking, is it really? Farce participating in farce, which goes along with the lie that most of this is art, if graffiti were as great as the people touting it, they would invite the spray painters to tag their houses.
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7500 (2019)
Boring hijack movie with a thin plot
7 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Everything is drawn out at the start like its a dramatization of a real event, mundane boring, and then its hijack and then there's not much more because the main character is stupid for the sake of the plot. Like a horror flick where they let a monster live and run away so it can catch them again the captain doesn't just stomp the threat when he has the chance. He doesn't rock the plane around to disrupt, just straight and level to make things easy for his threats, and it only ends because one flips on the others, not much of a story, just a few sequences of violence and stupidity.
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Becky (II) (2020)
Contrived home alone with becky
7 June 2020
I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because Kevin James does play the part of a thug well.

The rest was just dumb, people are kept alive for the sake of the plot by killers who have established they have no compunction about killing anything in their way, all to enable a revenge fantasy where all the people are so unsympathetic you don't care if any of them live.
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Trial by Media (2020– )
Blinded by the usual biases, and so provides little innovative thought or insight.
25 May 2020
Its the usual narratives and talking heads, third parties allowed to spin the narratives as "experts" to give credibility to what the film maker won't directly say themselves. Just the example of the Big Dans episode, over and over they state rape is about power, but this is projection because for women sex is indeed about power, and so feminist analysis creates a distorted view of the world. Low class immigrant communities, likely lower than average iq's creates behavior that is inexplicable to the college educated elites who run media and make such documentaries, and so they misinterpret based on their own projections, making the same mistake as the feminists who view men as just miseducated women. So you have the obvious ignored or excused, a single mother at 21, no mind is paid to the bad decision making that implies. Just as you see today with the same types who now pretend it is normal for "joggers" to charge at men with shotguns. The deliberate failure to understand human nature undermines the value of these documentaries. It just becomes a platform for their chosen figures and pundits to repeat well worn narratives with no further exploration.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020– )
This isn't science fiction, this isn't Star Trek
1 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is an insulting cartoon that ignores science and lore to come up with a hamfisted story to push a deranged political narrative. The basis of the story doesn't make sense, the Romulan star empire is by default not reliant on a single solar system, in fact the lore is that they have around a hundred planets and solar systems under their control. They wouldn't need help escaping a star's extremely slow process of going nova, they are a light speed capable civilization. There are no shortage of home worlds, the milky way alone has 100-400 billion stars and 100 billion planets, "m class" planets are everywhere so the forced "refugee/migrant" narrative being forced into Star Trek is simply a non starter.

Add to this the rather ridiculous human robot, reminiscent of the recent botched terminator movie and its clear the show has been ruined by the woke. This just isn't star trek, it isn't star fleet, and its just kind of boring as it just assumes we are supposed to care because it waves around bits of faded nostalgia.
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Queen & Slim (2019)
classic woke inversion of reality poisons plausibility
26 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From the get go its off on the wrong foot with the "good boi" narrative, a lone cop at night wouldn't go out of their way to take risks, this is the cartoon woke narrative of reality. They couldn't even set up a believable premise because they couldn't' make the protagonist even slightly dirty.

And so they run, from hide out to bars its just boring. Chemistry between characters is unearned in a cross country trip to no where. Ending in a woke fantasy death, they couldn't even make that plausible, at least in Thelma and Louise they took their fate in their own hands, in this film they just embrace the victimhood narrative. As always with Hollywood, the woke makes the writing really really dumb. Overly long and just boring, the film is dated by the myth of "hands up don't shoot" propaganda when the statistics say different, not even the Trayvon narrative holds up anymore in 2020 where they went further than harboring a fugitive, they put the wrong person on the stand, this feels like something they'd try a few years ago, now its just become tiresome.
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Indulgent hippies of boring.
26 January 2020
A few stories of people who have the luxury of living outside normal circumstances, able to indulge in the virtue signalling while still being supported by the trappings of modern civilization, there is nothing sustainable about it, it doesn't scale, its a life style affectation. Watching people recycle is just boring, but it gets upvotes based on kudos, not on anything substantive, and that kind of is the problem all around this issue.
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An interesting look at the other side even if I don't quite agree with either.
23 January 2020
Media coverage has always cherry picked or simply omitted the side of the story they find inconvenient, which is why Kinsey's bad science has stood for so long, anything convenient to the narrative has always been excused. From Margaret Mead to Jared Diamond, excuse and license narratives have been given the veneer of science to the lefts social agenda, but it has never stood up to scrutiny.

Its amusing that the counter argument frames the alphabet agenda as a religion, accidental honesty there for you.

Both sides tend to distort science, the creationist denies evolution while the alphabet agenda denies biology and its inconvenient conclusions which frankly are damning as aberrant spiteful mutants not only undermine the health of themselves but of the groups they influence. Fertility rates spell out the dysfunction of their agenda and lifestyle.

What was said about the myth of the civil war was correct. More americans died in that war as a proportion than did in world war 2. In fact scaled for population, 6 times more americans died during the civil war than did in world war 2, most americans don't understand this, its been quietly hidden in favor of the endless fixation on ww2. This level of death left and indelible scar on society, which has effects to this very day, but since the union won, we are made to believe this myth of a moral war, when the reality is it didn't need to be that way.

In recent years we've been made to understand that tolerance isn't enough, the demand is now unreserved celebration of their lifestyles or face ostracization. The atheist skeptics laughed about slippery slopes, but the slippery slopes have been proven true.

So really the religious undermine themselves by arguing against evolution as religion itself co-evolved with humans because it enhanced the fitness of the groups which adopted it. All attempts to escape from that reality have been self deception. The protesters don't understand that they are merely a mutation of what they claim to fight against, their behavior is just group reaffirmation of faith. The difference being that their faith has not been validated by evolution over thousands of years, very far from it.

The book burning level censorship pushed by the modern left is dangerous to an accurate understanding of the world, so currently I have to stand with the people who will be a thorn in their side. The modern left fears speech and debate because at the end of the day, they have no confidence in their ideas, their ideology has become a mountain of fragile contradictions.
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The Outsider (2020)
Starts off strong, but if you are looking for true detective, don't come here
23 January 2020
Seemed like a gritty detective story at first, having no prior knowledge of the book I didn't like the direction it was going by the third episode, once things become supernatural I just got bored. The first two episodes were an excellent set up, but I can tell its not going to go anywhere in the end, dragging out a thin mystery wasting hours of time no doubt.
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2050 (II) (2018)
Too afraid of the subject to say anything interesting about it.
21 January 2020
The film takes an interesting premise and plays it inoffensively as possible, and drags the thin plot over far too long of a run time. If this was a short youtube scifi short it might have been bearable, but at full length its just wasted potential.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Looks like a high budget tv movie, but boring, and without charm
6 January 2020
Opens by sniping a target in a far off speeding train, and it doesn't get any better from that point on. Will Smith lacks his usual charm in this role, serious and boring, acting made awkward by the fact that the film looks like it was shot on a phone, and everything just looks fake. There is much praise about the digital de-aged double, but it looks like a very nice video game character, you can still tell something is off, especially because the high frame rate clarity does nothing to hide the flaws. The old dog isn't teaching the young pup new tricks, the young pup was just stupid from the get go. The world building isn't there, the character motivations aren't there, just arbitrary action and plot armor. This was a botch job of a film, it fails to even be dumb fun.
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Knives Out (2019)
Decent mystery ruined by Rian's usual agenda
5 January 2020
Its an old fashioned whodunit mystery with Mr Bond putting on his best Kevin Spacey accent, and its likeability rides on de Arma's adorability as always. The problem is the rest of the cartoon is a bit heavy handed, the "white" family are all terrible people, caricatures to the point where they even mention the kid is alt-right. The good people are of course illegals, but the film spoils its own message that people given everything are ruined with hypocrisy, it is after all an ideology built on inherent contradiction.
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Groupers (2019)
A confused mediocre movie
29 December 2019
Based on the fallacy of "if you don't like it you are it" the movie started on the wrong foot, but its not that certain that its even woke as every character is unlikable in every way, it doesn't work as satire either. Once the main premise starts wearing thin a cartoon squatter squad is thrown in to bring on a conclusion, Its just bizarre and boring, how did this ever get funded.
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Nothing makes sense in a land of zombie quirk
28 December 2019
Maybe its been too long since the original, but it no longer feels like its earned the quirky rules of its world, where nothing really makes sense, you just endlessly ask "why", but there are no answers, just comic book "zaniness", "look at this quirky character", they just throw absurdity at the screen hoping it will work. It kind of says it all when the dumb blonde is the least annoying character of the bunch in the end. It feels like cosplay, there is no danger, the characters don't behave like they believe the very situation they are in, the world doesn't feel like it was ever lived in, it feels like a set. The film is itself a zombie franchise.
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