
12 Reviews
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Boundin' (2003)
9 February 2006
What a lovely little extra to find with my Incredibles DVD! This is a great little animated rhyme about a Sheep and a Jackalope. The sheep with his glossy coat dances for his friends and they dance too. One day he is shorn and he gets unhappy till a Jackalope comes and rescues him with a new move- the bound! - "you'll find that your up in whats called a bound." "I must say that they found his dancing enhancing for they'd also join in the play." Proof if it was needed that looks aren't everything and that even without his trademark coat he can still be happy and make his friends happy too. When he would bound so would they and they all liked it!
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What the hell were they playing at?
1 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen this film I was impressed with everything about it. The special effects, acting, music, locations etc were brilliant. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend anyone who hasn't seen it to do so. However, what annoyed me was the omission of certain bits from the film. Understandably, due to time constraints- keeping the film a manageable length, they could not include everything. I saw the stadium scenes in the trailer, and with these looking so spectacular, was hoping for a little more of that. However they barely focused on the Quiddich match at all, leaving out little details here and there such as the house elf Winky and her wrongful punishment for crimes she had not committed. We don't see her at all. In the book she comes with Barty Crouch JR hidden so he can watch. However he becomes free of his fathers constraints and it is he who conjures the dark mark hoping to scare both muggles, witches, wizards and especially those Death Eaters present who did not suffer in Askaban for Vodemort, like he did. He remains at large due to everyones belief that he died in Askaban some years previously and the fact that Winky was caught with the wand that did the spell. She covered up for him by removing the wand as he lay stunned and hidden from view. At Hogwarts, there is great speculation about the triwizard tournament and the contestants. Nosing around for store is one Rita Skeeter, journalist, busybody and gossip for the Daily Prophet. Inexplicably she is able to get great stories from inside the school despite being banned by Dumbledore. How does she do this? It is never mentioned. She sees harry collapse in Divination and declares him unfit for even attending school let alone the tournament. She catches Hermione with Krum and proclaims them to be an item, noting Hemione's taste for Quiddich players- him and Harry. We see, in the film, Hagrid and Madame Maxine talking about themselves but this scene remains unfinished. In the book we see Harry and Ron stuck outside listening to them, make a horrible discovery, that Hagrid is a half giant and so must she be. She denies it of course knowing that giants are fearsome, mean and violent and she'll get a reputation as being that to, or at least people will hate her or withdraw their children from her care. However, Harry and Ron are not the only ones listening in and the next day the front page of the Prophet has a full page article about Hagrid and his half giant status. How did she find out thinks Hemione who soon discovers the answer- she is an Animagus- that is, she can turn herself into a beetle and fly around picking up juicy tid bits about Hogwarts. Anyway. Go see the film and enjoy.
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Wow! Class film says I.
18 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a class film about life in N Ireland. Yes, if you are unfamiliar with N Ireland you may struggle with the stuff about "The Troubles" and the Catholic/Protestant divide as well as the odd word like cat, meaning terrible. Also, but not used in the film is cat melodium meaning catastrophic. Therefor the situation was bad but not that bad. The mad toupee seller played by Billy Connoley is brought to a mental institute having scalped 4 customers. Two hairdressers working there decide to take over his monopoly over all Northern Ireland. However they must sell the most wigs to get the monopoly because another company is in competition with them and is better organised and well established. Thus the film is about their trials, tribulations and trouble with the law as they attempt to sell wigs to anyone and every one including the IRA. Funny, well written and full of life this film made me laugh and smile, as I come from Northern Ireland myself. I liked the double personalities of some characters e.g the milkman during the day IRA member in his spare time. I guess thats what it's like for some people in NI. I like the detail about where the hair for the wigs came from. The Protestants would not like to wear the nun's hair because nuns are Catholic, I think. I noticed also how the two characters had to avoid or got worried when they confessed one was a Catholic and one a Protestant.
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The Exorcist (1973)
You decide.
2 September 2004
Well, where to begin? This is the scariest film ever made, if that kind of thing affects you. For me I don't find this kind of thing scary but I enjoy it a lot. Basicly the book and film can be divided into sections. The intro, the beginning of the happenings, the doctors visits,tests and medication, calling Father Karras in and then the exorcism and finishing up. The book, one of my most read, compares favourably with the film for accuracy and I really think that you should give both a try unless you are particularly squemish. Some say the book/film are only scary if you actually believe in the things they talk about- exorcism, daemons and spirits. Make up your own mind- watch the film NOW!
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The Village (2004)
What a freaky film.
1 September 2004
Personally when I watched this film, I thourougly enjoyed every bit of it.Especially the twists and turns along the way. My heart was pounding as Ivy almost fell into the deep pit and it took me by surprise when the Joquin Phonix character got stabbed as the trailers had led me to believe he was the one to go to the village. I now see that for him to go it would have been a mistake as he would have seen the outside world and all that is there. Ivy however, being blind was able to get the help they needed without breaking up the village. The very thing they went there to get away from came back to haunt them and that is why they let her go. Other people who have commented on this film obviously weren't concentrating as their comments are about things that are simple and easily answered by watching the film. Overall I found this film to be fascinating, exciting and intriguing and would recommend that you go to see it.
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Shrek 2 (2004)
Amazing, must see film, packed with laughs.
17 July 2004
Where do I begin? What am amazing, well made animation with an excellent choice of new characters and old favourites from the first one. I enjoyed every minute of it, especially Shrek and Fiona on honeymoon and the donkey and puss song at the end. They're quite good a singing really and what a funky combo. Prince Charming was such a smarmy git, wasn't he though? Obsessed with looking good, and making everything into some big rigmarole e.g. I've suffered across ice, snow and scorching desert to get her and then I find a gender confused wolf in her bed. One of the fun things with this film was spotting all the references to other things- brands, logos, films and famous people, especially when altered to fit the film e.g. Far Far Away in the style of the Hollywood Logo on the hills. Basically I recommend seeing this straight away. You won't regret it.
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What a fun film.
16 July 2004
Basic story: Dewey-Jack Black is in desperate need of cash so when his substitute teacher friend is offered some work at a prestigious school, he pretends to be him to get some money. Unsurprisingly he has no idea of what to do with the children, used to a top class education. On day two as their teacher he makes up a project to do with them called, ROCK BAND! This is where the fun begins as we see them learning rocking Music all day. He has them convinced it is a top project when really he wants to win £20,000 at battle of the bands. They perform a rockin' show at battle of the bands thus earning the respect of the audience and their stuffy parents who were insisting on a classical music upbringing. I liked this film very much, enjoying watching the children's progress as he helps them rock out, and earns their respect. I thought the children made better rockers than classical players especially when dressed and styled by that boy with the suspiciously high voice. The character Tamika had an amazing voice, just made for soulful singing. Basically, what a film. A must see for any rock fans, featuring classic rock tunes and rockin' kids. See it now!
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Big Fish (2003)
What a film.
17 June 2004
Seeing this film at the cinema, I thoroughly enjoyed it. One of my favorite films of 2003, it is full of quirky interesting characters who make it come alive. I loved all the characters but it was Karl, the giant who stood out for me, with his lopsided head and gentle nature. The story is that of a man who feels he hardly knows his father. His fathers tales of his life, seem so unbelievable and unreal that the son refuses to believe him and seeks to find the real man. However the evidence points to his dad telling the truth. Evedince in his shead proves that he did indeed fight in the war and was presumed dead, that he did try to sell hands with utensils on and that specter was a real place for which he had property deeds. The flashback scenes showing the circus and the fathers life were particularly enjoyable especially when time is frozen so he can get closer to the girl of his dreams. To his annoyance time then speeds up and she is gone before he can touch her. What he would have done with her if this state continued, I don't know because she would have been frozen like that for however long. Getting all the circus people to freeze must have been a challenge though because, thats how it was done. They simply froze stiffly and diddn't move whilst he walked carefully amonge them. I liked the caravan scene. You are ment to think the circus guy is in with a lady doing you know what but then he bursts out as a werewolf It makes me wonder how much of it could really happen in real life. Could someone really stumble upon an idyllic little village like spectre where they don't need shoes to get around or any of the other things? Comparisons to the book. The book was small and a Quick easy read, with not enough interesting bits whereas the film had expanded on the book and joined it smoothly together to make a wonderful film. OVERALL My favourite bit was the birth of the baby who comes ouy cleanly and shoots across the floor into the arms of a nurse. How come the umbilical cord was already detached? It reminded me of an ad on TV where a baby boy is born and he shoots through the air growing into a man as he goes.

Basically SEE THIS FILM!! I did.
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What a film.
24 May 2004
If you like death, anime, blood gushing, swordplay, black and white scenes, some grim bits, badass fight scenes, great quotes and great music watch this film. Story- bride Uma wants to leave the group Deadly Viper but Bill it's leader likes her too much and kills the weeding party. She lives and 4 years later gets out of a coma Cue all of the above happening including limbs being cut off and up to 100 people dying so she can get to KILL BILL. Everyone who like these things should view this movie and the sequal Kill Bill 2. If you like BLOOD i also recomend 28 days later wich has grim and bloody bits too. However this might be a bit grim for some. Basically if you havn't seen Kill Bill, what are you playing at? Eh? See it NOW!!!!
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Groovy film.
18 May 2004
I loved the book and the film but thought the film could have included more of the books exploits such as him starting on his dad by ripping him off at the petrol place. The petrol place gave him money for things such as tyres, kept the items to sell and put the bill on the dads card. Thus he got money to spend on the ladies and his dad got a hefty bill. I thought Leonardo was an excellent choice to play the young conman seeming to fit the part. He just worked as frank. I thought people could have been more suspicious of the stewardesses and what he was doing with so many new stews but i guess they jusy thought lucky him. Basically i liked both the film and book a lot and would recommend both.
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28 Days Later (2002)
What a film!!!!!!!!!
11 May 2004
If you have not seen this you are missing out and this gives away a little of what the films about. It is funny, gorey and grim (eye scene) but excellent story with great actors. Strange how they end up fearing other survivors more than the undead types roaming about. I liked the way it was done. The male survivor whose name i forget told a great bit about his fight to survive which was very visual and you could imagine it happening. God forbid anything like that ever happened to the real world for the majority of us would be dead e.g. 99.99%. I liked the strong female prescence and her change througout the movie from hard ass fight to survive to a more mellow person who realised what she had to live for other than simply existing.
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6 May 2004
Might spoil it a bit for you so don;t read if you want to know what she does and who she really is. Loved this film just as much as the first. Still had death and some blood. Loved how she delt with elle and bill. Pity she couldn't kill budd. WOW! Ending was a bit dogy though. She kills bill, the father figure of her daughter and the little girl is fine- watches cartoons happily. Mum, Betrix kiddo, must have told one hell of a story e.g. daddy is asleep like I was and will be there for a while. Go see and if possible see both back to back. Great stuff!!!!!!
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