
3 Reviews
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Junebug (2005)
Astoundingly free from clichés and types
13 August 2005
What struck me most about this (amazing)movie was the characters' well-roundedness. George's family and residents of NC are completely believable, fleshed-out, and never just types. Having lived in the piedmont of NC for 11 years (and now living in Chicago) I felt like I was transplanted back with George and Madeleine. The Southern characters' rural way of life was balanced with complexity and the capacity for reflection.

As for the urban characters, they were just as whole and did not fall into urban stereotypes of being hard or snooty. More importantly, Madeleine was not condescending, but as a very well-traveled person would, she understood that they were real people despite their differences.

The humanity of all the characters does not seem careful or imposed (which could have resulted in a bland, politically-correct love-fest); the characters have a great deal of energy between them as they encounter differences and deal with them.
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Worst. Movie. Ever.
8 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers

SPOILER : (sorry to spoil it, but this movie reeks)

I love love love cheesy remakes, low-budget/low-brow, and bad movies in general, but this falls in some no-man's land of neither good, nor bad enough to be cute.

First of all, this movie is set in present times, and begins with a voice-over that recaps the original TCM and suggests that we should expect new developments. But the movie is simply a remake of the original. And a damn poor one at that.

Poorly shot, so poorly acted that at first I thought I was watching a really good farce, completely without tension and completely unnecessary.

There is a poorly developed (undeveloped) element of the Family's being tied in with the government. This might have been interesting if it had been built upon, but it neither explained nor made to seem important. It just shows up near the end of the movie, really out of place and absurd. Leatherface is a transvestite who wants Renee Zelwegger's face-this has so much potential as comedy and an interesting story, but this feature is left to meander to its boring end along with the rest of this bumbling boring movie.
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Scary? Yes. If by 'scary' you mean 'dumb'-- 2 THUMBS WAY UP!
4 September 2003
If you are concerned with what this movie's significance is in regard to the genre of demonic films or if you are troubled by the fact that it rides The Excorcist's coattails, then you obviously don't care about camp value. So be forewarned: love of kitsch is the only reason to watch this movie. But within these parameters it is brilliant.

The character of Hippolita (Carla Gravina) is most fully actualized when Gravina's hand takes over the acting and floats around her room (a still frame of the room and Gravina's body) in a pointless bit of theatrics of some showboat demon. The hand eventually gets tired or lonely and rejoins Gravina's body for some more violent possession. SPOOOOKY!
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