
21 Reviews
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The Witcher (2019– )
A Worthy Addition to the Fantasy Genre
20 December 2019
I'm very glad they decided to make this... It's a pretty good TV series... The acting, writing and direction are all very good... Excellent production values as well... Beautiful landscapes and an excellent music score to boost... It might seem a bit rushed at the start but it does start coming into its own around the 3rd episode and becomes pretty epic... Stick around and you shouldn't be disappointed...

Initially, I was a bit disappointed with Henry Cavill's selection... I had the idea of a witcher in my head and it was someone more along the lines of Mads Mikkelsen... But keep watching and you'll see Henry Cavill does an excellent job and really does make the character his own...

And don't be deceived by critics that compare this to Game of Thrones... That's like saying you don't like chicken because it doesn't taste like beef... Judge things on their own merits, rather than on your preconceived notions of what you would like them to be...

Here's hoping there are many more seasons to come... :)
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Beautiful Ending - In Terms of Events for Main Characters
23 May 2019
A score of 9 would have been more accurate i'd say, but i think overly emotional people have unfairly brought the score down to a 4...

This was a perfect ending for the main characters...

The ending for some of the side characters was fairly idiotic...

I'd say it was perfect in the sense of what GRRM was trying to do and trying to show... It was lousy where D&D took their liberties... It's easy to spot the difference if you've read the books...

Could've of course used more character development coming into the episode, but given where we were at the end of episode 5, this was pretty close to perfection...

Should have been season 9 episode 10... Unfortunate that D & D didn't want to take the time to do the characters justice...

But it was an amazing series, beautiful sets and designs, arguably the best musical score ever in a TV series and the acting was really great... The writing left much to be desired... Primarily because it felt rushed... Otherwise an amazing show and a beautiful journey...
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
A Singular Phenomenon
25 April 2019
This is a very special show... It isn't perfect, it has its flaws, especially when one compares it with the books, but it is nonetheless a very special show... A singular phenomenon... Singular in terms of its combination of popularity across the globe, the quality of acting, sets, music, direction, writing and production value... I'm fairly certain there hasn't been anything quite like it in human history and i'm quite certain there won't be another in our lifetime...

Do watch it... And try to watch behind the scenes stuff so you can appreciate the details, effort and love that goes into every scene... Check out the history and lore stuff as well that they release with the DVD every year... It'll give you some insight into history that gets left out from the books...

And if you'd like to read possibly the greatest novel series ever written, do check it out... His style of narration with ambiguity, uncertainty and varying perspectives creates a world that is enchanting...
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
Excellent show if you're into the post-apocalyptic genre and enjoy fun shows
20 April 2019
This is a very nice show... Probably deserves a rating of somewhere between 7 and 8, which is why i'm giving it a 10 to bring up the average...

I don't think comparing it to walking dead would be right... I think it's more like taking a grindhouse version of the A-Team or The Expendables, and having them roam around a post apocalyptic world doing cool stuff... It's fun, sometimes funny, usually entertaining, doesn't take itself seriously at all, gratuitous and sometimes silly... It's quite good...
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Excellent Sci-Fi Collection
17 March 2019
This is truly a masterpiece, if i have ever seen one...

All episodes tell a complete story, the episodes are perfect in length, there is no "filler" content, everything is just right.... The casting, the voices, the plot, the script, the execution, it's a very commendable effort....

This is a must-see if you're a fan of the science fiction genre...
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Surprisingly Good
3 February 2019
I didn't really want to watch this show, because i thought it was just Netflix ripping off Groundhog Day, but owing to praise by some critics, i figured i'd give it a shot, and i was really pleasantly surprised... It's actually a surprisingly good TV show... The writing is decent, the acting is pretty good, the plot and the underlying themes were pretty good... Surprisingly thoughtful...
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Appaloosa (2008)
An Amazing, Thoughtful Western...
3 December 2018
I'm not sure if everyone will appreciate this movie, and i don't think everyone did, what with the 6.7 rating and all...

But I think the people who reviewed it were looking for something else... This is an amazing movie that depicts some very interesting aspects of human beings, and life during the western era, from the aspect of women and law men...

I really liked the acting, particularly by Renee Zellweger, and I really liked the writing...

If you like character studies or thoughtful movies, this movie is probably for you...
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The Kominsky Method (2018–2021)
Excellent Comedy About an Uncovered Subject-Life As We Get Old
21 November 2018
This is a really good comedy... I was surprised at how good it is... I initially thought it would be filled with bad writing and sloppy acting reliant on a stellar cast and great guests but thankfully, I was wrong... It does have a stellar cast and an excellent guest list, but the writers do their part... The writing, the acting and storylines, everything is really good... And the topic is very nice... It's a topic comdies don't generally explore... What happens when we get old.... It can still be quite funny... I'm glad Netflix made this and I hope they keep exploring new stuff...
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The Kominsky Method (2018–2021)
Nice Funny TV Show.... It's a pretty good addition to the lineup...
21 November 2018
It's a really good comedy... I thought it might be poor writing and reliant only on the stellar cast and the guests, but evidently, the cast didn't sign up before they read the script... It's quite funny, well-written, well-acted, and funny... I'm glad i gave it a chance...
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Origin (2018)
Nice Sci-Fi Series... Hope it has a lot of seasons... :)
19 November 2018
I don't think it should have been 10 episodes long, otherwise it was quite good... The main idea was great, the acting was really good, i think they just stretched things out a bit... But I think the series has great potential and if the writers don't try to keep stretching it, it can turn out to be an awesome show... :)

I hope there will be at least 2 more seasons of this... :)
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Explained (2018–2021)
Fun, Entertaining, Informative, Factual and Concise
17 September 2018
This is one of my favorite series on Netflix... I'm really glad they decided to produce this and i hope they stick with this...

Essentially, each episode is like a 20-minute factual dive into a topic of interest and in some cases, some intricacy... The content tends to be fun, informative, factual and concise....

I was surprised to see the low rating for such an awesome show... Then I saw what the problem was for the people... Most people were giving it a low rating owing to a perceived bias...

To this, I would like to quote a comedian who once said, "Reality has a well-known liberal bias"....

It's factual, so check it out for yourself... And in case you happen to be a fan of informative content, like the stuff produced by Neil Shubin, Carl Sagan or Neil deGrasse Tyson, I'm fairly certain you'll enjoy this...
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Extinction (2018)
Excellent Sci-Fi Thriller
27 July 2018
Excellent movie... Well-written, good acting, a nice idea and decent special effects... It was a nice addition to the genre of sci-fi movies and i hope they turn this into a bit of a franchise...
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How It Ends (2018)
Pretty Good Post-Apocalytpic Thriller
24 July 2018
It's a pretty good post-apocalyptic thriller... It doesn't deserve a 10, but for some reason, people seem to have down-voted it a bit more than it deserves... I would have estimated a rating somewhere around 7...

It's a nice post-apocalyptic entertainer, i don't think you'll find anything new, but it's a nice way to pass your time in case you like the genre...

No great character study, nothing deep, just a series of events and people reacting to it...

Regarding the comments that a lot of people have made regarding the idea that it's missing an ending, don't buy into it... i think they're just projecting...
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Great Series - If You're A Fan of Cyber Punk
16 March 2018
Pretty cool cyber punk series... In case you're a fan of stuff like shadowrun, blade runner, strange days etc, I'm pretty sure you're doing to enjoy this...

Nice visuals, cool music, decent writing and action sequences make this an entertaining watch... A joke here and there but not aimed to be funny...

I do hope they make a second season...
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Excellent Horror Movie - Don't Watch the Trailer
9 March 2018
I usually try to avoid horror movies, most of them tend to be brainless and gratuitous, made mostly for the entertainment of demented people...

But this one was awesome... It's very well-written, very well-acted and quite great... Not for the brain dead though...

Though one thing, try to avoid trailers... I don't know who creates them, and why they make them so, they give away like half the movie with it...

The writer/director is really great... Check out his Key and Peele show if you haven't already...
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A Piece of Cinematic Magic
23 July 2016
Unfortunately, there is this limit of 10 which I don't think can capture how exception this series truly is... It isn't excellent, I'd say it's exceptional... Extraordinary... I have watched a lot of movies and TV series from 1920's to date, and it's very rare to come across something that is so wonderful... Think Treasure of Sierra Madre... It's that exceptional...

This would probably be the only TV series for which I can honestly say, it feels like someone's heart really went into this... You can feel that this is a product of love...

It's probably one of the best pieces of television I have ever seen and I am looking forward to seeing the sources of Louis CK's inspiration... Because the things that inspired him must have been truly awesome to yield such an amazing result...

The writing is great, the acting is exceptional, this could be used in how one defines "a stellar cast", exceptional performances by all involved...

What really gets me is how heartfelt it was... I don't think I've ever seen any television series before this one which managed to capture certain aspects of life... This series is an excellent portrayal of those aspects of life... It's comedic, tragic, realistic and a lot more...

I can't quite find the words that I would like to describe what it portrays but I can say this, in case you enjoyed some of the more introspective moments of Breaking Bad where you got to certain aspects of life, you will almost certainly fall in love with this TV series...

I would recommend this to anyone who is capable of recognizing and appreciating something truly wonderful and beautiful when he/she sees it...
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A worthy successor to a slightly tarnished legacy...
14 May 2015
I was a huge fan of The Road Warrior. It was one of the best action/adventure movies set against the backdrop a dystopia/post- apocalyptic civilisation... The series was tarnished somewhat by the Peter Pan-esque Beyond Thunderdome.. Considering how some of the recent re-hashes were (Total Recall, Robocop), I wasn't sure if this one was going to be any better... However, once Tom Hardy joined the project, I was certain it was going to be epic... And I was not disappointed... It was far better than what I had imagined by looking at the trailer... An edge-of-the-seat thriller that keeps you entertained and mesmerized... Doesn't waste any time in setting up the pace and somehow manages to keep the tempo up... Excellent work from George Miller... Looking forward to the trilogy... :)
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Possibly the only Sci Fi TV series that achieved perfection
26 August 2012
There are quite a few great sci fi franchises out there, like star wars, star trek and firefly... However, the former 2 were dragged out too long to merit the perfection status...

Battlestar galactica is a deeply profound TV series which is also a fascinating character study... It is dark, profound, epic, presents moral dilemmas that anyone can relate to... In short, it is my favorite sci fi TV series... It never drags, it is extremely engrossing and it is hugely entertaining...

If you are a fan of the character study genre (the treasure of sierra madre, flight of the phoenix, mist etc), the sci fi genre (star trek, firefly etc) and the dystopian genre, then this is definitely a TV series for you... cheers...
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Serenity (2005)
Leaves you yearning for more...
26 August 2012
It's the only franchise that leaves you yearning for more while leaving you with this void making you wonder "what if..."... what if those idiots hadn't cancelled the TV series... it was an awesome TV series, an excellent movie and possibly the best sci fi franchise... right up there with battlestar galactica in my book... the script, the setting, the theme, the plot, everything is so fantastic that the whole franchise transcends to another level...

if you're a fan of the sci fi/western/dystopian genre, you shouldn't miss out on this movie or the series...

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Firefly (2002–2003)
Leaves you yearning for more...
26 August 2012
It's the only franchise that leaves you yearning for more while leaving you with this void making you wonder "what if..."... what if those idiots hadn't cancelled the TV series... it was an awesome TV series, an excellent movie and possibly the best sci fi franchise... right up there with battlestar galactica in my book... the script, the setting, the theme, the plot, everything is so fantastic that the whole franchise transcends to another level...

if you're a fan of the sci fi/western/dystopian genre, you shouldn't miss out on this movie or the series...

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Awesome comedy, great script and good songs
17 November 2010
I don't get why this movie was panned by critics. Anyone with a sense of humor can appreciate how funny this movie is. It has a very good script, supported by great acting by Akshay Kumar and a good performance by Aishwarya Rai. The songs were really good, i especially loved the song dedicated to the couple and the sing-off.

Akshay Kumar has come a long was as an actor. His comic timing matches the very best and he can make you laugh with pretty much any dialog. The combination of his comic timing and the great script makes this film hilarious.

All in all, i'd say this was the most entertaining movie to come out this year. A definite must-watch for anyone looking for a light and absurd comedy.
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