
4 Reviews
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Power Rangers (2017)
Enjoyable, Nostalgic ... just don't listen to the cringy dialogue and dumb dick jokes
27 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was, generally, very good and enjoyable. It was definitely fun to go back down memory lane. The biggest problem I had with it was the dialogue and character progression. It seems like I'm the only person who wasn't impressed with RJ Cyler ... most of his lines basically consisted of "Hey guys" or "Ummm guys". While I thought it was good to show ASD, I didn't really buy his performance of it, it only seemed to be shown as a plot device. The relationship between the teenagers was also progressed waaaay to fast. It went from I just met you to- sharing deepest darkest secrets(except Kimberly, who only shared with Jason)in what felt like a matter of minutes. Finally, just a bunch of bad dick jokes ... like a putty getting hit in the genitals, except it doesn't have any. Or the "milking the cow" part. Just no. I loved the soundtrack, and Alpha was fantastic, and a really cool redesign. The zords looked really cool and I really liked their redesign as well. The megazord was kind of eh though.
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High Lane (2009)
French movie that had something tries to be American C rate slasher
21 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started off excellent. The shots of the mountains and the beauty of nature shown through that first half of the film was just amazing and breath taking !! This movie has one of my favorite French actors Johan Libereau (Loic- or Luke)and the movie started out exciting, fresh, full of adventure, and was thrilling keeping me wanting more. When the leader (Fred) got caught in a bear trap I was tense with excitement, and wondered what they would do next. Then it went down hill right after that, and it just plummeted. I quite caring about the movie about 2 minutes after Fred got dragged away. It went from a great cinematic French experience (despite the terrible English dubbing) to a terrible wannabe-American-terrible C rate horror film. Loic became really annoying and whinny, ruining the talents of Johan (Les Temoins,Douches Froides,Q,and Un Coeur Simple). The flashbacks of Chloe and Im assuming her brother or former patient didn't match with the storyline in my opinion. Did I mention that the version I watched had terrible English dubbing ? The killer wasn't scary or intimidating, and the deaths the cast experience are ridiculous, especially Loic's and Karines. This movie goes from epic to worthless in a 3 minute span, I would suggest only watching the first half and not disappointing yourself with the rest.
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Hanna (2011)
Only thing good was the music !!
20 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was like two sides of a coin. On one side was the part where you hear the awesome soundtrack blare and know a good fight is about to happen.The fights were enjoyable, maybe unrealistic, such as when Eric Bana's character fights I think 5 agents ? He somehow manages to annihilate them, despite receiving just as hard of punches as he was throwing from two or more agents. The scenery of Morocco and the eerie playground in Berlin were great ! However, on the other side was a plot with huge gaps ! Nothing is really explained well, and what happened to the family she hitched a ride with ? The whole Spanish scene was unimportant and didn't really add anything in my opinion, except she may have had strong feelings for her friend and the friends brother was in love with her. All in all the scenery and soundtrack are the only things really worth paying for.
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Meet Bill (2007)
Really good, except underdeveloped characters
17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie, but some things needed to be improved. Aaron Eckhart was really good as Bill. However, I felt that except for Bill, Paul, Mr.Jacoby, Jacoby Jr., Chip, and Jess the rest of the characters were underdeveloped. The Kid (Logan Lerman) did not have a back story, which I was especially disappointed with. I really enjoyed the fact that it was the mentored mentoring the mentor ... but a kid who knows it all and has it all is rather boring. I was waiting for him to have family issues or something, seeing as he seemed to always be with Bill, and I don't think many parents would let their kid be with an adult that long. I could be wrong I guess. I really liked the character of Jess and thought Elizabeth Banks did an excellent job. Finally, I am a bit confused by the ending. I could not interpret the kids reaction to the fireworks exploding from his locker. He seemed mad, but I thought it was supposed to amuse him ?
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