
44 Reviews
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Hall Pass (2011)
Light, simple comedy which runs a bit longer than it should
7 June 2020
Call me simpleton but I enjoyed this movie. It got me laughing almost from the get go, and while at first I felt the actors were almost reading lines the whole thing got eventually better.

It is, overall, not a bad movie, but it does run a bit longer than it should. 20 minutes shorter would have made it not perfect, but somehow better.

Naturally this is comedy, it is not the real world, and sometimes the characters react to situations in a way I do not believe any man alive would. This, and the lack of utilization of the rest of the cast, with very capable comedians such as J.B. Smoove doing his "Curb your Enthusiasm" character, or Steve Merchant (The Ricky Gervais Show), made this move lose a better chance of success.

But it is entertaining, and there is some truth to it. So watch it on a slow Wednesday and you will enjoy it.
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Thoroughbreds (2017)
What a great thriller this movie could have been...
7 May 2019
Yet another prime example of a great idea, fantastic actors, excellent camerawork, wonderful plot...and then all goes flat. Did the writers lost steam towards the end? Did they face a tight deadline? Did they spend too much time and then found out they needed to finish it quickly no matter what? I honestly do not know, and I wish I knew, because they simply murdered what could otherwise be a truly great movie to remember.

And so I still give it 6 points because you get drawn to the characters from the get-go. Things don´t seem right from the beginning (a good thing in a mistery thriller), but you cannot quite put your finger on it. The plot unravels slowly and soon enough you realize that these characters do have several far, so good.

Then you learn about what they do and what they want to do. There are so many possibilities you really don´t know what is going to happen. And all while enjoying the nice soundtrack and great camera work (I love how the camera works on the "wine drinking" scene).

And then it hits you. A plot full of interesting and believable possibilities take us into the land of "suspend belief" and then some. You need to keep granting the gift of believing while watching obvious errors that simply would not fly in a real scenario. And yes, I know this is a movie, but not a sci/fi! Furthermore, it truly seemed like the writers did not know what to do with some subplots and simply cut them down...the end was horrible on a movie that could so easily end up so well.

I would still recommend it because you do have a great time before you arrive at the last 20 minutes. Then you may have more patience than me and enjoy the ending.
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Searching (III) (2018)
Decent technological thriller full of realism
17 December 2018
Searching tells the story of a guy looking for his missing daughter...all over the internet.

The movie is told inside screens. Computer screens, mostly, but also cell phones and even gps pointers. And coming in I was afraid that form was going to take over function and I would be left with a new cinematic experience without content.

Happily this was not the case. This IS a thriller. And a good one may I say. The story is credible, the pace is right, the actors are not bad at all. It reminded me of "Gone girl" in the sense of you building up an idea about who the characters are...and then they are something else.

So why only 7 stars? For starters you can tell the movie was made on a budget, which would not be a problem if the plot was more enclosed. And then, for a movie that was so realistic I had to suspend disbelief to go along with part of the plot. In this case, I am supposed to believe that a tech savvy guy (the dad) makes a beginners´error. I knew that this was necessary for the plot to go along, but you could have the exact same result by negotiating that twist a bit better.

Would I recommend that movie? ABSOLUTELY. Especially if you are a parent. It is a must watch and a great conversation starter for a serious talk with your loved ones.
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The Commuter (I) (2018)
A great premise that ends up derrailing in misbelief
8 April 2018
An tired old man going home in a trip done thousands of times before. A misterious woman with a curious offer. A mistery to be solved...and little time to do it. And a cast of very talented actors.

...what could go wrong? You will slowly, but surely, find the answer to that question.

Because this movie is a slow burner, but unfortunately it is the audience the one that goes on fire.

The first 20 minutes of the movie are great. Beautiful cinematics. Great acting. Everything is totally belieavable. Then you get to the main plot, and it is there where things start going awry, but in a way so subtle that only afterwards you realize what has really happened.

A totally belieavable beginning lead us to a mistery that already requests us to suspend misbeief, but just a little. So we do. We anticipate great things and are willing to pay the price of overlooking a bit of fantasy here and there.

And here we are, half way through the movie, knowing that the movie is about, and having to provide more and more concessions to fantasy in order to keep your viewing experience. How could the bad guys know this or that? Well...because of...reasons? You want to stay focus on the plot, and wish for a comeback of the great and realistic beginning of the movie. But that is nothing more than wishful thinking, because this train is already on its way to hell.

As we pass the first hour mark our old and tired hero is no longer. He has gone from a very believable character to a clown making unnecesary populist remarks to evil bankers to...darkman? Taken? How old is that guy again?

By the time to arrive at the last 30 minutes everything in the movie is out of control. The plot disintegrates as the characters nonsensically switch from love to hate acording to the movie requirements. Everything goes 80s sci-fi in front of your eyes, fire and explosions and you could not care less.

The last 10 minutes of the movie is an attempt to go back to the old times when everything used to make sense, but by then the audience knows how all will end. And sadly, the movie delivers. By the time it is all said and done you know you need to leave the theater, you don't even care for the credits, but yet you stay and are rewarded with an epilogue that is the cheesy culmination of all this mess. I cannot tell whether this is injury to the insult we witness during the second half of the movie, or the director really felt the need of closure. I have no idea.

So why 5 stars? Because the premise is good, and the first half is enjoyable. It is a movie that had the right people, the right money, the right plot, so it deserves those points. A big pity that this commuter could not make it to its destination.
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Gerald's Game (2017)
A great thriller only debilitated by boredom towards the end
2 February 2018
Read the plot and you will feel that the whole movie has been revealed. Then watch the movie and you will see how it is not.

I haven't read the book, as I have a love-hate relationship with Mr. King, but if this movie is a condensed version of the book, I guess I will have to give it a try.

So, how are you not going to fall asleep in a movie where the premise is to be retrained and alone?...because that is not the premise and that is definitely not what it happens! In fact, as the movie progresses different layers of depth are revealed, including several subplots that you could not begin imagining when you started watching the movie.

So why seven stars and not ten? That is because this movie has the opposite sin of other movies that I have watched. While other movies were too short for my liking, this one lingers too much on certain aspects that are unnecesary. If I could divide this movie into 5 acts, I would cut act 4 and end up with a far better movie...well and then we have the ending, but I am already getting used to endings that are not my type and let's leave it like that.

Overall a movie worth watching if you like minimalistic plots...scratch that, a movie worth watching if you are a fan of thrillers and want something without the usual scares.
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Creep 2 (2017)
Excellent sequel (but only if you enjoyed the original film)
2 February 2018
If you are reading this, you enjoyed the original Creep movie and want to find out whether you should take the chance to watch its sequel. If that is the case, I'd say "go for it!".

Creep 2 has a similar storyline, a similar plot, very similar twists, and even simialr locations. And yet if feels different because it is a different movie. And therein lies its beauty.

You can watch the original Creep all that day long, and even though you will recognize the scares on its sequel, you will still fall for those. In fact, in some aspects it has improved, such as (what I dearly) hope a final departure from the shaky cam fashion that engulfed us for so long already. And that is not to say that the movie is not filmed in the same style, but to say that the creators already know that we know that people can hold a cell phone without getting temporary Parkinson's disease.

Unfortunately, in trying to update the formula the creator has gone to a place reserved to Hollywood-style sequels. And that makes the movie predictable somehow. You will understand what I wrote when you watch the movie.

So I am giving this guy 8 stars, which is a great score for a sequel, minus two for the lack of originality towards the end.
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Split (IX) (2016)
Not bad, but it could have been so much more...
11 September 2017
Maybe I am getting picky, maybe I have been spoiled by better movies, maybe I kept going back to "Identity" but Split was not what I was expecting.

The movie is OK if you take it as an exercise in simplicity. Girls get abducted and then things happen. But you become sad when you realize all that this movie could have been and was left at the surface.

Each and every character could have been developed. The very predictable story could oh-so-easily become unpredictable. It is like you find a pot of gold coins but you pick a few because your are too lazy, or easily satisfied, or didn't have the time, to go and take it all.

Case in point is that I could interchange a couple of the victims and the plot would still remain intact.

The only good thing that keeps this movie together is the great interpretation from James McAvoy. He has a pretty complicated character, or sets of characters, and he delivers them all with easy. "Identity" had a far superior plot but the actors had a much easier task, comparatively speaking. For his interpretation alone this movie is worth watching. But unfortunately, for not much more else.

So, if you come to see this movie with low expectations you will be satisfied. If you still remember "Identity", you will suffer with what this movie could have been. If you haven't watch "Identity", you may as well skip Split altogether.
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The almost perfect thriller
5 September 2017
Let's admit it. The great generation of great Spaniards actors died with Alfredo Landa. And yes, Javier Bardem can convince you at times, but here comes Penelope Cruz to trash the party. But what made Spaniard actors good was the fact that they knew what they were good act, which is to reflect the society where they grew up. Watch Antonio Banderas in an American action movie and then in an Spanish film and you will understand fully what I am talking about.

I would not say that thrillers are something that Spanish is famous for. And yes, I was amazed by "Los cronocrímenes", but I place that one on sci/fi, and yes, I loved "REC", but again falls under the sci/fi umbrella, and yes, there is a myriad of great Spanish-speaking thrillers ("El secreto de sus ojos")...but they are not "made in Spain". So when you heard about an Spanish thriller made by Spaniards and with Spanish actors...well, I raised my eyebrown but wanted to give it a try.

And boy was I glad I did it, and you will, too. I watched mine (as always) in original Spanish with English subtitles and love it. Most of the actors (I will come to that later) were just great, completely believable. The plot, that would made Hitchcock proud, is so open that only at the very end you really know what is going on. You have a story line, a few levels of complexity, and your final twist. What else could you wish for?

Well...there are some, minor things, that I could have wished for. I don't like when events on a movie are forced so the actors follow a certain path. Don't worry, I don't do spoilers period, but here I am going to take you to the edge of one to explain what I mean: You cannot go to any decent hotel and check into a room that has been booked by someone else, unless your name is somewhere around there. I know so because sometimes my name has been misspelled by the booking agent in my company and I almost could not use a room booked for me. So when this happens in a movie that does not require for me to suspend disbelief...well, it breaks the spell. And worst still, these are things that could been easily fixed.

Then is the actors. It seems that Jose Coronado is some sort of Spanish washed out and flushed Robert DeNiro that recently has been used to add weight to a movie. Coronado has been on great movies, but recently it seems to me he is a bit more than a token to get Spaniards to watch a movie. Same happens here. Mario Casas and Ana Wagener steal the show. The rest are good too, but I felt that Coronado could have done so much more with his role. I felt a missed opportunity there.

And the plot, while truly great, could have been even more. It gets predictable towards the end, and it didn't need to be. There were some lines that could have been expanded but didn't, and that would earn the full marks that the main actors so much deserved.

But still this is a fantastic movie and, if you love thrillers as much as I do, this one will not disappoint.
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Southbound (2015)
Solid movie for a couch night with popcorn
26 August 2017
I enjoyed this movie thoroughly, because I knew what I was in for. And you will, too, as long as you like horror classics, short stories, and some gore.

Everyone loved the one of the accident the most. I liked them all. But I will not spoil a thing.

I will tell you, though, that there is a bit of predictability if you are a hardcore fan, and that you are going to be scared no matter what type of fan you are.

Could it have been better? Well, I gave it an 8 for a reason. It is, by no means, a masterpiece. But then again, if we look at the budget and what this movie aims to achieve, I should have given it 11 points.

It is a good movie for a date night, or for any night that caught you in the mood for classic horror.
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End of Watch (2012)
It could be so much better
19 February 2017
I like Jake Gyllenhaal. Like many other great actors, I know that whenever I see his name I am in for a good time...

...then again, like many other actors, or many of us for that matter, one sometimes have a bad day at the "office".

I'd say this was a pretty terrible day for a couple of reasons, namely: - He was acting on this. - He was producing this.

Plus the fact that, at this point, he really didn't need to do either of the points above.

But let's talk about the movie.

It is meant to be a documentary or sorts, but in fact is a movie. Actually, it is neither. Too movie-like to be a documentary, and too slow and predictable to be a movie.

When I watch a movie about policemen, I expect action. When I watch a movie about policemen in LA, I expect tons of action. When I watch a movie that was made after the year 2000, I expect better than the same old from the 80s.

Suffice to say that none of my expectations were met.

And this is not to say that the movie is bad. It entertains if you are on a low Wednesday. But it is just boring and predictable. I knew after the first 20 minutes what was going to happen, and while the film did have a couple of twists, it was not good enough to save it.

So 5 points out of generosity. Watch it if you have nothing better to do.
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The hangover before the hangover
22 October 2016
You know my reviews are all about setting the right points for the right contents. You know that this is a cheesy fun movie from the 80s, so with that baseline I operate.

I am going to watch a silly movie for laughs, and boy do this movie delivers! It is classic laughs. It has boobs, and while Tom Hanks is not missing a red shoe (wink wink) his performance is funny enough. If you want to laugh, look no further. And of course, since we have stated that this is going to be a silly movie, do not expect anything serious on it.

So why the 7 points? Well, the biggest problem is the music. It is everywhere and it serves almost no purpose. Then is the shouts. The guys are shouting almost all the time. Hey! I lived thru the 80s myself, and I did some weird things and being on parties not that dissimilar than the one portrayed, but the amount of shouts is just excessive, both for a movie and for a real life event. Finally, there are some plot holes here and there, some parts that need not to be there, and some parts that could have been further developed.

So, my verdict is to go watch it if you are on a lower Wednesday night and need to raise your spirit. You will laugh for sure, but get ready for the shouting and annoying music.
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Pretty decent movie with hilarious negative reviews
20 August 2016
Let me start by saying that this was a very decent movie. Michael Douglas at his best doing the roles he does best. And not only him but the rest of the crew as well.

To me, the best part of this movie is actually the very believable plot. This is a situation that could happen to anyone, and to a different extent has happened to people I know. Furthermore, both the script and all the actors make the movie all the more believable. It is true that the movie deflates itself towards the end, but overall it is a great movie, and even a warning movie for the ones attempting to do what is done there.

The movie gets 8 points on my list because of the less-believable ending, and also because Glenn Close, while doing a perfect part in the acting, should take the part of the wife, and the wife (Anne Archer) should take the part of Glenn Close. This said, even as it is the movie should not be unbelievable. I have seen worse, and you will know what I mean when you actually watch the movie yourself.

One thing that cracked me up were the negative comments on this website. It seems that they were mostly written by women with chip in their shoulders. They do not criticize the movie, but the "fatal attraction". They criticize the fact that men would do this or that, or that a man would prefer X over Y...basically making quite clear that something touched them at a personal level and they did not like it. I guess truth hurts.

If you haven't watch this movie, do it. It is well written, incredibly well acted, and as much as you will have to forgive the last 5 minutes, it is overall a great movie.
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The Nice Guys (2016)
It blew on my face after 30 minutes
25 July 2016
Have you ever started a dish, found that you don't like it, and eat it all? It seems that, with movies, we are to watch the whole thing until the end, no matter how bad it is. Thankfully, more and more people began leaving the theaters when bored, and this is exactly what I did with this movie.

I watched some 30 minutes before deciding that enough was enough and left. It is not that the movie was awful, or the acting terrible, but for the life of me I could not get hooked on the story no matter how hard I tried.

The movie began in a very promising way, with very funny parts...and then, nothing. In retrospect I feel that the movie was more like a collection of funny gigs without a plot. Once the plot came, the movie went out of the window.

Ryan Gosling is very good. Funny and fresh. Not the same can be said about Russell Crowe who seems tired which would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that he is supposed to be an action type of guy. The rest gets lost to me.

By the time Kim Bassinger showed up I was ready to leave and left. I have no idea how the movie ended, so my 3 points are based on the initial performance of Russell and Gossling.

Another movie I really wanted to like and didn't make it. Pity.
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The Tourist (I) (2010)
Hollywood law: Big stars must make really bad movies when they are on the top of their careers
1 May 2016
I can imagine this conversation between Angelina Jolie (AJ) and the producers of the film (PF): AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - Yes, but you get to wear 12 wonderful dresses. AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - We are going to pay you a gazillion dollars. AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - You don't have to act. Just read the lines. AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - You get to wear ALL the make-up. Minimum 2 kilos per shot we promise. AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - All the men in the movie, we mean ALL, will look at you like you are the prettiest girl ever despite the fact that...well, we all know your glory days are already behind you. AJ - ...ooook....I am listening...anything else you want to throw to the bargain table? PF - Free trip to Venice? AJ - Deal.

I mean, seriously, why oh why all big name actors, on top of their careers, must make such horrible movies. Remember "Runaway bride"? It's not like they need the movie, or more fame. It's not like they just started and must get whatever role is thrown at why do they do it? Angelina would have 100 guys that will take her to Venice and cater to her every need, so why does she need to do such thing?

And don't get me started with Johnny "Dead" (because this is how he looks through the entire movie).

The movie is bad no matter how you look at it. The plot is predictable, the acting is horrendous (in fact, the supporting actors are better than the lead characters), the story is bad, the romance is forced...nothing, and I mean nothing, is good in this movie...except that you get to see nice parts of Venice, but I won't even give points to that because the movie is just this bad.

I don't recall giving such bad reviews, but this "jewel" takes the cake. Don't watch it. And remember, if you say "the tourist" tree times in front of a mirror Angelina Jolie will put 2 tons of make-up on your face!

FUN FACT: Why does everybody talks to their cuffs?
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Force Majeure (2014)
Human nature
24 April 2016
What would happens when a family faces the fact that one of the members is not really who they think this member is? And what if that one member has never been the person the rest of the family thought this member was? This is a movie about human nature. About how naked our heart is when faced with an extreme situation. This movie explores the aftermath of the realization that your expectations from someone don't quite match reality, to say the least. But then again, if we care to stop projecting ourselves into the other person and pause to see who they really are, we will soon realize that the personality was there all along but we didn't really wanted to see it. We simply believe our own lies and make heroes out of the most normal of humans.

The plot is excellent and the acting is perfect. The pace is so that you don't feel bored or tired. However, instead of leaving the actions to their last consequences, for some unnecessary reason that I guess only the director knows, the movie devolves into a result that simply does not match the story and forces us to smile when we shouldn't. And this is why I cannot give full marks.

Other than that, this is a great movie to watch.
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Experimenter (2015)
A bit boring at times, but worth watching if you are interested in how your mind works
23 April 2016
I saw thing movie before I ever watched it, because I am very familiar with the work of Dr. Stanley Milgram. The actors were well chosen and some of the dialogs during the experiments are basically verbatim to what happened in real life. So kudos on that regard.

But then there is that part that I completely missed and the movie brought it to life, and is the struggle or Dr. Milgram to perform his experiments and defend them in a society were we prefer to believe that we are the heroes in our own movies playing in our heads and the heads of the ones we socialize with. Dr. Milgram opened a window into who we really are and how easily we are wiling to cancel our better judgement. This is where this movie shines and this is why this movie is worth watching. And, if you have never heard of Dr. Milgram, then you will really enjoy this movie for his incredibly interesting experiments.

Unfortunately, this movie runs a bit longer that it needed be. As this is not an action movie and there is little romance in it, and specially if you are familiar with Dr. Milgram's experiments, you will feel that the movie is boring. I felt that at times, and I wished for the movie to be some 20 minutes shorter.

Still, it is a great movie, both for people familiar and unfamiliar with Dr. Milgram and his experiments. Note of caution, though: You may find there something about yourself that you may not like.
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Buzzard (2014)
7/10 a good way, but too long at times
27 February 2016
This is not a bad movie if you like this sort of movies.

And what sort of movie this is? Well, think the original "office" series (the British version, not the American one) and you will be in the ballpark. But make no mistake because this movies is not a least, not all of it.

The majority of the movie leans towards a comedy, but then you start realizing that the message on this movie is that there are actually guys like the main character, which may make you feel a bit umconfortable.

In fact, I am willing to bet that most of us know someone like him, or may have been him a while ago. It is a phase that we all have. A phase where life is a bit like a game, and it is hard to discern between fantasy and real world, between good and evil, between what is legal and what is not.

But while we are all supposed to end that phase as we enter adulthood, some people stay there permanently. That is hardly an spoiler as the main character makes that fact clear from the get go...

...then again this movie has a couple of tricks down its sleeve that you will not want to miss.

My complain about the movie is that some scenes are far too long, and while it works in some cases (one of them its really hilarious) in others you just wish the movie to be over already. Cutting this scenes to the necessary length, and perhaps expanding a bit more the end, would have a much better effect in my humble opinion.

Still its a movie worth watching if you are into "the office".
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Crap Max: Fury on the spectator
30 December 2015
Understand first where I come from. I am a die hard fan of the Terminator saga, and particularly loved T2. I watched all previous Mad Max movies and I did like them. And I have seen pretty much every post-apocalyptic movie and TV show there is, because this is how I roll.

So when I come to see Mad Max 4 I know what to expect. I know it's going to be pretty much action everywhere, a bit of background story, and some character development to keep it all somehow together. I do not expect more, but I also don't expect less because that is what the Mad Max franchise has been giving us.

Then, before I get to see this movie, I read all sorts of great reviews from everywhere. I do not read spoilers, and I do not watch trailers, but I can feel from all these reviews that this Mad Max movie seems to have something going for it. It even ranked number 1 of 2015 in IMDb, the very site where I do all my movie reviews, so I decided to give it a go.

Unfortunately, this is what I've found: A Benny Hill-esque type of movie but without trying to be fun. Also without any character development, background story, or pretty much anything other than action that gets boring after the first five minutes of it.

And it's not like the story didn't have a change to fill those gaps: The main characters give us a hint, even sometimes a mysterious indication, of things that happened to them and things that they wanted. What happened to character X's past that are so present in the movie? What sort of accident happened to character Y? Why character Z became the big boss of that one tribe? Unfortunately there seem to be no time to answer any of these questions, or any question for that matter, nor time for any development or attachment whatsoever.

Speaking of time, you may argue that there was none for all the questions I had. Well, Mad Max 4 is a good 2 hours, so I tend to disagree with that. The movie could easily do without 20 minutes of meaningless vehicle chase and put that time for the audience to learn the bare minimum about the characters so we did not feel we where the audience of some sort of monster truck show.

To make matters worse, the movie don't even have the minimum respect to fundamental physics. And nope, I am not splitting hairs here. I am not going to tell you that a vehicle cannot fly that high or anything like that. I am going to stick to the basis: Humans cannot run as fast as moving vehicles at high speed. Humans cannot run for miles without panting for at least a couple of minutes. Pregnant humans on their nine month of pregnancy cannot run as fast as non-pregnant humans. And of course, if going in a hurry from point A to point B takes X hours, going back in the exact same route with the same hurry should take more or less the same time. But not in the world of Mad Max 4. Here everything goes because, apparently, the audience will love the franchise so much that it will justify every single of the many errors of this movie.

The funny thing is that for a while it seemed to work. I went to watch it with someone not familiar with the franchise, and for a while I tried to forgive and explain the movie, as in "well, maybe the vehicle looked like in a hurry but in reality was making 2 miles an hour" but at the end my companion and I decided to laugh it off even though the laugh was on us because the investors of these movie were the ones pocketing our cash.

So my advice to you is the following: Do not bother. Wait until it goes for free on your TV, or you have a long flight and it's on. Or skip it all together. Watch again one of the old Mad Max movies and be done with it.
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A mandatory view for anyone contemplating having a child
24 December 2015
I hate movies involving kids and animals. I avoid them like the plague because they strike the most sensitive cord in my heart which is the care for the ones who cannot care for themselves.

Then again, I cannot turn a blind eye to the ugly reality around me, so I went ahead a watched a movie that I knew would make me hate certain parents. This movie made me feel so, because despite that we may live in a different city or have a different social status, kids are kids whatever the circumstances.

I want to start by congratulating every single actor for their incredibly credible performances, and if Julianne Moore or Steve Coogan ever read this review I want to also add a ton of love for the difficult roles they had to play. Onata Aprile (Maisie) was of course incredible.

Now I want to start from what I did not like about this movie, which unfortunately I wish it could happen in real life. There are some minor exaggerations and parts where, while probably true in some cases, I can hardly believe it would happen in every separation with kids involved, but what prevented this movie for getting my full marks were the happiest parts. It's like watching a miracle; by definition this is not meant to happen. These parts took me away from the feeling of watching real lives and made me remember that, after all, this is a movie, and what is going to happen is whatever the screenwriters and directors say that is going to happen.

And what did happen? Marginal reality, because god forgive that we, the audience, are presented with the 100% true facts of what really goes on in the lives of the children. The movie got it almost right, 90% of the time, and for that I am thankful. And for that I recommend every future parent to watch this movie not thinking themselves as the 10%, as the exception, but as the most likely rule.

If you do not have kids but wants them remember to ask yourself if you have enough time, enough patience, and the right partner to conceive a human life that needs these three ingredients. A human life is far too important to leave it to chance, and sometimes just because you happen to have functioning reproductive organs does not mean you should be a parent. Sometimes it is better to deny yourself of that gratification so you can do the right thing, the mature thing.
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The Den (2013)
Internet with the best and worst of us
20 December 2015
Internet has freed our minds for it has created an space where rules and laws can be bend, and even broken. This feature film show us a dark side that, if only by common sense, we know it must exist. And the best part of it is that it has done so without going "hollywood" about it.

By "hollywood" I mean that you can clean your mind about preconceived ideas about what this movie is about, or what you think its going to happen. And I am not saying that this movie is not about a girl who witness something very wrong, or that at the end good will triumph over evil, and I am also not saying otherwise. All that I am saying is that this movie is going to be far more difficult to guess that the trailer or synopsis suggests, and that is a good thing.

Enjoy the introductory part of the movie. Enjoy the first few minutes of peace and quiet, because the rest of the movie will keep you at the edge of your seat or screaming. And again, that is a good thing because that is what you paid for.

If you, like me, are a fan of horror, my advice is obviously to go for this movie, but also to forget about guessing and focus on "enjoying" (if there is such thing) this movie. By the way, I can perfectly see this happening to any of us, so use this movie as a cautionary tale as well and an educational piece to discuss with your loved ones about how you use the internet.
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Creep (I) (2014)
Weird, scary, fun...what is not to like?
19 December 2015
Let me start by saying that I am sick and tired of these "lost footage" genre where everyone who gets a video recording device seem to develop instant Parkinson's disease so viewers are well aware that the film is not shot professionally. I mean, really, we are almost in 2016 and image stabilization is embedded on your toaster, so movie directors everywhere get the friggin grip already! Thankfully, this time we are only going to be bothered by it for a short few minutes at the beginning and here and there during the rest of the movie. So, if you are like me and hate shaky video just endure the first minutes because you are in for a great ride.

The movie has two main characters, and that's all that is needed to make it work. And you already know from the synopsis that something fishy is going on. I don't usually do spoilers and I won't this time, but from the first minute you start watching this feature you are waiting for something to happen. Good enough, because what matters on this movie is not what happens but the ride to arrive to that expected destination.

And what a ride that is! You will be scared (cliche way and otherwise, you'll see), you will feel that someone is weird, and you will smile and maybe laugh. You will get feelings for the characters, and you will arrive at the expected destination enjoying the ride.

I fully recommend this movie for what it is: Good simple entertainment.
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Kidnapped (2010)
A powerful, realistic movie, that will make you think twice about home safety
23 November 2015
To fully understand how realistic this movie is one would have to understand the radical change of home assaults in Spain during recent years.

Ex-combatants from Eastern Europe and beyond have recently found themselves out of job and out of borders in the EU, so many of them have recycled themselves into well-trained, ruthless, and well organized criminals, the type that Europe is not truly prepared for.

If someone enters into someone's home in the US, chances are the intruder may be received with a legally owned gun and the right to shoot and kill that person. Unfortunately for Europeans, gun ownership is generally not that easily allowed, and confronting a criminal may cost the victim in court if you happen to hurt the "poor" criminal.

To make matters even worst, Europeans are used to quiet thefts, the ones that steal your stuff when you are not home. You may cry for your stolen TV, but not for your personal safety.

So when military-trained criminals, used to brutality and violence, come to one's house, there is little one can do...

...or isn't there?

Here is where we find this excellent movie, if by excellent we mean "plausible". Do not expect dramatic performances nor John Wayne coming in his horse via the living room. However, expect human emotions and human actions.

I do not give 10 points because I have notice a certain inconsistency in the criminal side of the plot that makes the movie less believable without any reason other than trying to stick to what almost every single movie on this genre does. Worse still, it does not affect the outcome of the movie, so I do not understand why it was necessary to attempt to modify the realistic formula that works so well in the rest of the movie.

However, if you are willing to forgive that slip, you will be rewarded with an incredibly realistic portrait of the drama that many Spanish families suffered and are still suffering today.

One tip: If you are going to watch this movie, get your reading glasses and opt for the original Spanish version with English subtitles (which, by the way, is something that you should do whenever you watch any movie at all).
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Love Crime (2010)
Love crime. A perfect thriller that will outguess you at every turn
22 November 2015
I very seldom give a 10 out of 10 in a movie, but this one fully deserves it.

First at all, let's remember that this is a thriller, and thrillers are meant to have a plot full of surprises. Recently though, we have been witnesses to washed down versions of other washed down versions to the point that now almost everything that has a slightly out of the ordinary story and a murder or two becomes a "thriller".

Not this one. This baby has lots of hard work and inventive. The actors are very believable and one thing I loved is the fact that the ones that are executives speak languages fluently. Seeing an actor in a non-comedy movie pretending to speak another language, and doing it poorly, simply kills the mood for the rest of the movie. But when the actor actually knows what he or she is doing, then it enhances the movie. One great example that comes to my mind is the opening sequence of Inglorious Basterds (sic). The other is this movie, where both costars are meant to be executives, and do both their French and English lines flawlessly.

But the great work goes beyond that, because this is the type of movie that makes you think you had it all figured it out until it slaps you in the face with a better story. Of course, you will guess some stuff if you are not brain damaged, but you will also end up convinced of something just to see your little guessing work being thrown down the pipes. And that is a good thing because that is what a good thriller is meant to be.

So, take these two advices I am giving you. First, it you like thrillers, watch this movie. And second, when you do watch it, either watch it alone or shut up so you don't look too silly in front of the rest of the spectators.
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Dead End (I) (2003)
The great things you can do with low budget and big ideas
15 November 2015
This is an excellent scary movie, with twists, scares, and fun. What else can you wish for? Well, there are some parts that are weak to me. Things that anyone of us, presented with the same situation, would do differently. Things that simply "don't fly". And that's why this movie gets my 8 out of 10.

However, if you are willing to get past these few "errors", you are in for a sweet ride, and by sweet I mean jumping out of your chair, laughing, and trying to figure out where the twist is while being surprised all the time.

The characters are great, and all of them necessary in the plot. Because this movie is all about character development, and boy do they develop! As the movie progresses you will find that almost each character has a life of its own, and that only adds to the fun of watching this movie.

If you love scary movies, you should be already watching this classic.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
The gift...that keeps on giving
7 November 2015
What can I say...I loved this movie but it gets a bit long at times. Other than that, superb film...

...and what is not to like? This is a thriller as thrillers should be. You think you know what's going on, then you don't. Then again you think you do, then you don't. And by the time you think everything is said and done, there are still more surprises to come.

I cannot recommend this movie enough, saved for the fact that it seems slow at times. Then again, we are not watching an action show.

I personally loved the twists even though they should be expected...if you were paying attention.

Watch this movie. You will love it.
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