
5 Reviews
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Really? An average 6.4 rating?
21 January 2011
I'll start off by saying that this movie is fantastic. It's one of the best PG rated films out there. Anyone of any age could really enjoy this movie.

The story is wonderful and touching, and leaves you wondering what it really means to be human. The score is fantastic as well, along with the acting. Just about every aspect of this film was great and couldn't have been better.

Honestly, a 6.4 average rating doesn't do this film justice. This film is truly marvelous and I'm surprised that some people don't just see it that way.
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Ink (I) (2009)
Different, but in a good way
6 January 2011
For about the first thirty minutes of this movie, I was a bit confused with what was going on and not extremely interested with what was happening in the movie. At that point, I could have just stopped the movie and gone on to do something else. But, I heard that the movie was good, so I also could have decided to give it another chance and watch the rest of it. I'm very glad that I went with the second choice. As the film continued on, it just kept getting better and better. Things in the story became clearer to me and near the end all of the pieces of the story fit together perfectly, revealing that the scenes in the beginning weren't just thrown into the movie for the heck of it, but were used to reveal the full story of the movie. I just hadn't realized it since the scenes where not put exactly in chronological order. Things happened that I wasn't expecting, and the movie proved to be terrific. There were bizarre moments in the movie, but those moments just made the film unique, allowing it to stand out from other movies. And sure, maybe some lines weren't delivered just quite right, but the incredible story and outstanding music score easily made up for that. The story is very complex and can be hard to understand, which is why I think some people thought that the story was full of gibberish and meaningless things. If they could have just paid closer attention to the film and tried harder to understand the story, they might have realized how fantastic the story really was. I ended up really enjoying this film, and if you can handle a complex, well thought out story, then you should really enjoy this movie and truly appreciate the film's uniqueness.
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Tangled (2010)
Couldn't Have Been Better
5 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by simply saying that this movie is excellent. No, the word excellent doesn't even describe this movie well enough, because it is better than excellent. I could not take my eyes away movie for the hour and a half of the film. Even if the movie was seven hours long my eyes would still be glued to the screen for the whole time. Along with Up, this has to be the best animated movie ever made.

The animation was outstanding, and I was amazed at all of the little details in all of the characters, objects, and backgrounds in every frame of every scene. The film is full of breathtaking and amazing images. The scene with all of the floating lanterns was one of the most beautiful things I have seen in a movie. Nothing could have been done to improve the amazing visuals and animation used.

Before first seeing the movie, I hadn't realized that it was a musical, so that was a pleasant surprise for me. I have heard people say that the movie was great while the music was only average or not that good. I, on the other hand, thought that the music was wonderful and fit perfectly with what was happening, whether it be the action and fighting scenes or the calmer scenes like the lantern scene.

Also, this movie actually made me laugh, and I don't laugh much during most animated movies. Personally, I thought that the dialogue was great and all of the characters worked well together. I especially loved the relationship with Rapunzel and Flynn, because it could be comical at one point and then touching at the next. And not only was the dialogue be used for comedy, but it also was used to create beautiful and touching scenes. Even thinking about the line were Flynn told Rapunzel she was his new dream and when she told him that he was hers gives me chills.

I really hope that this movie gets an Oscar. True, Toy Story 3 and How to Train Your Dragon were both outstanding movies, but I think Tangled is the most deserving in the animated film category. Every aspect of the film was perfect. The animation, the story, and the score all were excellent and when combined they made a movie that couldn't have been better.

Congratulations Disney, you've got me tangled. I wish I could see it again, but unfortunately I think I'll just have to wait until it comes out onto DVD. I hope to see more movies like this in the future.

Oh, and by the way, I'm a guy. A teenage guy. So really this movie should appeal to all audiences. If you love a good movie that is charming, funny, beautiful, and touching, then go see the movie Tangled. You won't be disappointed.
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Not What I Was Expecting
5 January 2011
Knowing that this was a Dreamworks films, I was expecting a movie similar to Shrek or other Dreamworks movies, which in my opinion have only average story lines. But what I got was far greater than what I had expected.

The animation was terrific, the music was great, and I loved the interactions between the main character and his dragon. This film has easily become my favorite Dreamworks animated movie. It is one of the best animated films that i have ever seen.

After seeing this movie, I look forward to what else Dreamworks will give us and will have better expectations for future movies.
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Not great, but not awful either
5 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Before seeing this film, I wasn't expecting it to be as good as any of the other Indiana Jones movies. It turns out that I was right. Although it was great to see Dr. Jones back in action once again, the storyline wasn't really all that great.

Indiana Jones has always been able to perform stunts that could not be survived by anyone in real life in all four movies, but to many viewers what he does seems logical and possible. However, when he survived unharmed from the explosion during the bomb test just taking shelter a fridge made out of steel, I found that to be a too unbelievable. After being thrown in the air while still in the fridge, he was able to just walk out of it without a scratch as if nothing even happened.

Overall, I'm not saying that this is a horrible movie that should never be watched, but just don't expect to get much when watching this movie.
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