
2 Reviews
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The Lair (2022)
Could have been his next DS or Descent
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can I say! Was really looking forward to this one. Neil Marshall is one of my favourite directors so when I heard he was doing a new creature feature I was stoked! Both Dog Soldiers and the descent are two of my fav movies and I this is gonna be a no brainer it will rock. Sadly although I did enjoy this one I felt like it was just a bit uneven overall. The comedy fell flat the action scenes were just a bit all over the place it seemed almost like a lightweight imitation of his previous movies and the scares weren't there. One of the big things in his other two creature features were the cast. The cast worked so well together in DS and Descent they really worked as a group there was depth to the relationships in those movies whereas here it smacks you in the face that the cast here were strangers to each other. While the acting is fine despite a few dodgy accents you don't feel a bond between the soldiers and having sinclair be a newbie to this group made the dynamics between her and the rest seemed cheesy at times. Had the makings of being right up there with DG and the descent but misses the mark for me. That said it is still a decent creature feature that will pass the time and despite what others say about it being a one time watch I'll happily stick this on to pass an hour and a half.
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Prey (2016)
Awesome OTT creature feature
7 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Adding spoiler alert just incase. I love this movie! It is pure and simple funny gory fun. The creature effects are pretty damn good for the budget I really enjoyed the mix of practical and cgi. I have only ever watched the dubbed version so can't really comment on the actors but the dubbing is spot on hilarious. It doesn't take itself too seriously has some great set pieces for the kills I would have preferred it to be a bit more gory but it doesn't detract from the enjoyment. One great set piece on the tram which makes no sense and I think could have been pushed a bit further and extended to be longer bur was still really cool. It has a weird sense of humour throughout but made me laugh loads plus the suspense is great in parts with one great jump scare which I totally fell for! This is a genuine treat to watch with a few beers and some mates or just as a creature feature movie night on your own. Riffs on quite a few movies but isn't ripping off more like a little love letter to other movies clearly influencing this one. Switch on your fun goggles sit back and have a roaring great time!
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