
39 Reviews
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Could have been a wonderful movie...
25 December 2023
...but instead, the script fell of the creative shelf and straight into the quick money-making hamper.

The beginning is good (why I gave it a 4 star). It was strong and beautiful. When Jimmy (Anthony Hopkins) comes in, there's a strong feeling of something cooking and an involvement is created.

And then comes the first fighting scene where everything, and I mean EVERYTHING breaks into 1000 pieces of irregular, random pieces from every corner of the universe.

The choreography is just sad. Watching a lot of Korean movies, I'm used to well executed fights and action. In comparison, this was such an extremely disappointing experience that I had to look again who produced and directed it.

Cliché after cliché and stereotype after stereotype, the director fails completely to engaging me in the story. Loss didn't touched me. Death didn't move me. Environments didn't convinced me. And so on...

Such a shame.
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Interesting, but not enough
24 October 2022
The story is very interesting and the history behind is scary, but there's so much missing. I saw literally about 15 motorcycles in the whole movie. There was no character to follow even tho it begun with a monolog from someone you think would play a bigger roll in this.

There's also a lack of contrast between the two worlds. Everything feels very shallow and it never lets you inside of the reality this movie is based on.

Interviews are good, but again, not enough depth. No one asks the people responsible "Why?". No interviews with the police and their view on the situation.

A shame, really. I'd love to follow some of these guys and get a feeling of what's going on. Can't make a documentary by being afraid. Then you end up with something like this.
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Elvis (2022)
Clearly a misunderstanding by many
11 August 2022
First of all: 1. No. I did not find the movie to be a perfect description of Elvis or his music.

2. No. I didn't think they've gotten everything right.

3. No. I didn't think they've gotten everything important in there.

4. And no. I don't think Austin Butler looks anything like Elvis...

...but he became Elvis in this movie. He played relaxed and confident like if he really was Elvis.

People write things like "there isn't enough of his music" and "this was wrong" and "that was too little". I know quite a bit about the King and I didn't mind all the incorrect and missing things because I was taken by the story told.

Whether you like it or not, depends on what you want from a movie like this. It's NOT a documentary about Elvis life, but a presentation of what happened to him and why. It was very clear to me from the beginning what this movie was about and I followed the red thread with pleasure.

The old/modern musical and visual mixture worked very well and a bit of "Moulin Rouge!" in other clothes was driving me through Mr. Presley's memory lane.
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Better then the American one
11 July 2022
First of all, the feeling is completely different from the American version. This feels more real and closer to the heart.

Of course there are American influences, but very subtle and the French power of rap punches through hard.

I'm not French. Nor do I even speak French, but this was very entertaining.

Waiting for season 2.
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Halo (2022– )
Very good Sci-Fi... with a LOT of haters
31 May 2022
I don't understand why so many people hate this series. It holds up very nicely in my book.

Maybe people were looking for Sci-fi version of GOT. Maybe Mandolorian lovers wanted more. Maybe Star Wars lovers wanted less. Maybe Halo game lovers have a lot to say.

In any case, reading through some of the comments, it just feels like a witch-hunt and I'm ashamed of some comments posted. Hate. Pure hate. They say you can't hate something unless you've loved it. Well...

Anyway, as an independent viewer, I was satisfied. Action scenes are good, some of the choreography is very impressive. The story holds up well enough.

Those of my friends who have seen it, agrees with me. So, bypass all the hate and decide for yourself. I'm waiting for season 2.
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Needs to be rated for what it is. Fun movie.
1 April 2022
Yes. It's not a masterpiece. But it's not supposed to be, either. It's an action/adventure tale a'la Tarantino.

Based in old China with roots in old kung-fu movies. The story holds up OK and the actors made it even better. Russell Crowe, Lucy Lie, Dave Bautista and Jamie Chung did a great job making me welcome into this world of love, madness, greed and murder.

The only negative is a feeling it's been cut and edited in China and that's not a positive thing.

Anyway, it's worth a watch. And remember, it's entertainment. Not the Oscars.
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This is why only 5/10
26 March 2021
1.33:1. It's like watching a 16K movie on a 14" fat TV. If I want to see it in 1.33:1, i can. Every TV today has this option. Yet, a "hyped" guy force me to do so.

Good movie, but half the screen, half the points. Easy. Should be half price as well...
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The king saw a dollar bill...
5 March 2021
Eddie Murphy, the king of comedy, has been taking some more serious roles lately. As he's gotten older, he's become a really good actor and Mr. Church was just fantastic.

So what happened here? If I'm not mistaking, it's money talking louder then the crowd. "Coming 2 America" should not have been done and i doubt the "Beverly Hills Cop 4" will do any better.

Waiting for Mr. Church to return in a drama/comedy and warm my hearth again.
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1 star. Why? The hype...
10 January 2021
It's a new hype, to make movies this way. The first few always get some extra point and the rest will fade out, as always.

For a movie to be interesting, funny, touching, thrilling, or anything else, there must be a solid ground. If actors, directing and script are good, the movie will stand. With or without style.
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Tenet (2020)
Unbearable mess pushed upon us
6 December 2020
If you read the review under this title, you will quickly learn that the score of 7.7 is an imaginative number. I fell asleep during this movie and i'm a moviephile.

The camera work, the plot, actors... pretty much everything feels thrown together by a production company to make a quick buck due to the Covid losses.

I can take a lot, but this was below my limit in almost every way. When John David Washington tries to play a smart and sophisticated spy but walks and moves like a simple hood, not even a child would believe him.

Worst movie experience in a long time.
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The Irishman (2019)
Old men trying to lift their legs
15 November 2020
Why choosing 100 year old actors for a movie like this? DeNiro can't even lift his legs properly and look like a joke. It got me so confused, i had to check if i was watching the actual movie or a sketch. Pesci is the only one keeping his pride here. Pacino and DeNiro are trying hard to be something they're not. Young.

Let's call this movie "The Last Scorsese" which both we and the once great director and crew could easily live without.
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I'm not a Christian Bale fan
30 January 2020
I'm not a Christian Bale fan. Probably because of all the off-screen cocktails he's been blending, but i must say, I really liked his character. He played so good, i forgot i dislike him. Probably his best performance EVER as an actor.

This movie is well made into the last piece of paper on a shelf in an unimportant area of the screen. It feels like a solid ride through a well-written world of car history.

I'm not a big engine-man. For me, it was perfect.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
It's not a great movie, but it's a good ride
30 January 2020
I'll just write the pros and cons because it feels like that's why i gave it 6/10

  • Too many elements and stories in one single movie. It was like looking at a photo with several different focal points.
  • Unfinished stories. Several character related stories just disappeared into nothingness. It felt like you begin to eat and good meal and suddenly a waiter takes your plate away and gives you new one.
  • Finished stories. There were couple of stories that build up this movie, but finished earlier then expected. A house with four legs suddenly has only three.

  • It's well made. Feels like most of the production was well planed and executed.
  • Well played. Actors did a good job. Kyliegh Curran was pretty perfect for the role.
  • Connections. The story's "roots" are well entangled. Both the shiny parts and the predator parts.

Conclusion: I really like this movie, but the script(storytelling made it hard. They could have skipped some of those minor (yet very prominent) stories and made it about a half hour shorter. Still, well done and worth a watch.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
It's not bad, but i liked PUSHER better
30 January 2020
When you create something this demanding, you need to have a very good plan. I begun to watch this and thought to myself; "nope, this will not work". But it kinda did. Not as well as it could, but...

Pusher (1996), was the first movie (at least for me) with this kind of headache developing pace in a chaotic cloud of misfortune. I guess it's difficult to come up to that kind of level when you're not first.

Anyways, it's worth a watch if you're into cinema. If you like money-making-movies like Avengers and Spiderman, then you can probably skip this one.
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It's a disgrace. What happened to IMDB?
29 September 2019
Black Panther meets James Bond, meets Transformers, meets stupidity. And i'm feeling sick.

This is getting pretty annoying. You see something you know/recognize. You go see it. You come out like a new man, because what you saw was not how you remembered it.

Using Fast & Furious to sell a complete mashed potato is a disgrace. Why not using a different name? Because it's crap in a shiny box.
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For shallow people seeking for nostalgia
12 September 2019
QT begun his carrier with a punch, but he finish it with a fart. The only thing worth mentioning in this movie is the attention to details and Brad Pitt. Both as Brad Pitt and Cliff Booth. Maybe, this movie should be about Cliff instead. Other then that, it's just like going to a supermarket on a Sunday afternoon, expecting nothing to happen.

The few laughs and the very few meaningful scenes are far, far away anything remotely close to a good movie. It's like a professional collage project.

My friend, who brought this movie to my attention and even payed for the tickets to make me go with him, actually fell asleep. My other friend went to the toilette in the middle of it. Something a movie fanatic would never do.

4/10 for couple laughs, some of the mood and Brad/Cliff
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Wu Assassins (2019)
I could complain about many things, but i won't
11 August 2019
Yes, not all actors are good. Yes, the VFX are sometimes pretty cheap. Yes, some parts of the script feel childish and unpolished, but...

...the whole thing works for me. It's all driven by Iko Uwais and a very nice underlying feeling. It all feels kinda like an action version of Gremlins, in a good way. A series with this feeling is most welcome.

Finally, watching it on Netflix in 4K and HDRI really makes it "bigger". Give it a go. It's not GOT, but it's entertaining and that's what series are for.
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Stan & Ollie (2018)
Steve & John
17 March 2019
This is a story about Stan and Ollie's last days in business which i found to be quite depressing in a less dramatic way. The main theme here is friendship. A strong bond between two of the greatest comedians of their time. But i wish some of their greatness was included to contrast the somewhat miserable fall. Most of it feels small in comparison to what they were. You won't be taken by the music. You won't be swallowed by the cinematography or beauty. But...

...Coogan and Reilly are amazing. Their chemistry really shines through the movie and feels very realistic. They both do a great job playing out all the small characteristics of Stan and Ollie. Like their walks, their postures, their facial expressions. The whole movie is pulled by the amazing duo.

Well done.
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Not nearly as good as I expected
3 March 2019
This is a good "Pretty Woman" story, gone sideways. Everything feels too simplified, too stressed. There was never enough time to put such an extensive tale into such a short time. I think this would have played better as a 4 hour silver journey or a mini-series.

I read something about great musical scores, But the music in this movie isn't great. I didn't noticed anything more then what you can hear on over-bribed radio stations these days. Probably less.

Hollywood... The artistic part is gone. Young people feed on events inspired by tragic soap opera moments and topics snatched from old classics. It's like McDonald's. You eat, but you'll never get full...
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I have no idea what happened
22 February 2018
I have no idea what happened. For me, it was like watching a sketch with maybe will be produced for TV some day. The leaks in the script are so big that i found myself thinking if I really was watching the movie i was suppose to watch.

I think Vaughn did a pretty decent job even tho his fight scenes are like watching a snail fight and the snail has taken some Valium. Jennifer Carpenter...oh man, where do i begin. Maybe some acting school would help. Like she was reading the lines for the first time in her life on a big white board behind the camera. Don Johnson and Udo Kier plays well, but their performance get washed away by the cheap scenery and sometimes pretty ridiculous dialogs.

I gave it a 4 because... I'm kind?
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The Gambler (III) (2014)
so most people didn't get all
29 May 2015
I saw this movie because i read the comments here on IMDb. I love to decide by myself about "uneven" matters and so I did. Surprised but the depth, I'm writing this review.

No, this movie is NOT about a self-destructive man. It's not at all about a gambling problem either. I really don't understand how people can pick up the shallow side dish and translate it into a main course. Those people will probably don't understand what I'm writing here either. If you're blind, will it help if I give you a pair of very strong glasses?

You'll need to look past the gambling to see the true meaning. This movie is deeper then it first seems but do give it a chance to present the feeling of importance, the importance of values, the value of freedom, the freedom of feeling and of course a very well put "fuck you".

I gave it an 8/10 because of some lacking elements and a bit of bitter Hollywood mark (you'll know when it comes). Good job. Nice surprise.
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...and there i was, laughing
3 April 2014
I didn't know anything about this movie when i watched it. I thought it was a horror movie so my expectations pointed toward the genre.

The beginning seemed like a B horror movie and i felt disappointed since i was in a different mood. Also acting was bellow average. I've been disappointing before and i have learned to have patience when it comes to movies. So i kept watching.

I'm happy i did. After a while i understood where this movie was taking me and after it revealed it's true nature both i and my girlfriend were turning from laughter. Not all the time but enough to keep us watching.

Keep in mind this is a Thai movie and if you're not used to Asian movies, it will be harder to lose yourself properly.

Give it a chance. I'm glad i did.
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Dredd (2012)
22 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let me begin by writing this; this film is a straight ripoff. "The Raid: Redemption" came out 2011 and was a punchy success with a fantastic new taste. Apparently too good to be left alone...

So it's clear to me all the budget money went to special effects. The characters are weak, the story is a bad ripoff with big holes and missing valid points and there are no surprises whatsoever.

It might be entertaining for some but as i already mentioned, it's nothing for those who watched "The Raid: Redemption".

Shame, i was hoping for some crazy action and nasty twists. Maybe Dredd 2 will deliver better...
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Cosmopolis (2012)
Indeed for the ones owning an imagination
19 October 2012
Yes, i can assure you this movie isn't for everyone. It's not a "give-it-all-away- in-the-first-scene-and-follow-the- hero-for-the-rest-of-the-movie-until-an-obvious-resolution". This is more of a "read-me-while-looking" movie. In other words you'll have to use your imagination to get ANYWHERE in this one. Being a totally uninformed viewer i was extremely disappointed after the first 10 minutes but i decided to give it a second chance since...well, yeah, it's a Cronenberg movie and that says a lot in my book of "intelligence-beyond-the-obvious". So down to rundown and point of view. Let it take your mind on a journey or let your mind take this journey away from you. It's up to you really. Fasten your seat-belt....for either.

Thank you DC for one of this years best adventures....IMHO
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Untraceable (2008)
A glance at the stupidity of human kind
4 March 2009
This is not just another hi-tech film.

This film is at the same level as the original "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951) and should have been rated pretty much the same. Once again we are warned, once again we are shown the results of our stupidity and once again the warnings will flash before our eyes only to be forgotten shortly after.

My opinion doesn't matter. What matters is what people take with them after seeing this film. After reading the forums i shook my head and looked towards the heaven thinking "human kind can NOT be that ignorant". I wonder how much more is needed to open our eyes. How much more will our fellowmen suffer before we understand that single individuals create hordes of firing actions.

Even tho my mind tells me this comment won't change a thing, my heart is hoping that at least one reader will think further next time.
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