
4 Reviews
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3D ruined it from being better
20 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen the first two Harold & Kumar movies, you know that the humour comes from just how outrageously over the top they are. The same rules apply to this one, but it just doesn't work as well as the first two. Don't get me wrong, there are still some very moments in it but ultimately it falls into the shadow of the original two. I think the thing that ruined this slightly was the extremely stupid use of 3D. I like 3D, but when it's done right. Just making things fly straight at the camera ruins the moment for me and I think that was why I didn't enjoy this one as much. When they weren't doing the obvious 3D, I had a very enjoyable experience, but 3D did not work for me. Saying that, what did work for me, and work well, was the Harold & Kumar humour that I expected. Seeing a toddler high off a good mix of marijuana, coke and ecstasy wasn't something for everyone, but it works in this film. NPH as a twisted parody of himself was excellent, definitely the best scenes in the movie are when he's involved. Nice to see the cast from the old films back again. Overall, if you're a fan you'll still enjoy it, if you didn't like the first two you won't like this one.
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Seriously, WTF?
18 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I want to say this film deserves 0 out of 10. I've been a big Adam Sandler fan for a long time, and I was really looking forward to see his newest film when I first heard about it, but what a load of crap. I don't know even where to begin to describe the faults with this "movie". Sandler has managed to somehow kill everything that should have worked for this film. I mean, he has Al Pacino in it FFS, and he has managed to turn the Godfather into a whiny, boring weirdo. You get the impression from very early on that Al Pacino didn't want to be there, and the only reason he agreed to do it is because he either lost a bet or is in really bad need of a pay check. It's nice to see Sandler brought his usual crew with him, but they were all added as a side thought after he wrote a film that he could be on screen in for the entire 90 minutes that it dragged on for. Both characters he plays are awful to watch and a pain to listen to as he seems to think he has to be screaming to try and get a chuckle from the audience. The whole trailer can be seen in the first 15 minutes of the film, and that never bodes well for the rest of a movie. Katie Holmes seems to be the only actor who enjoyed being there and you never get to feel a connection with her as anytime she has a line either version of Sandler jumps in and kills the moment. The only characters that deserve a chuckle are the son and the bird, and even they only get a chuckle because of how awful everything else that's happening is. To sum up, if you want a laugh while watching Adam Sandler, watch ANY of his other films, because this one SUCKS!!!
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Skyline (2010)
Just awful
17 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Now, like most of you reading this I am a big movie fan and usually I can find something good about a movie. Unfortunately, skyline falls into the very small category of which there is no redeeming qualities. We start off with watching strange blue lights descending down upon L.A. and one of the main characters seemingly going all darkside. Then, we skip back 15 hours (for no apparent reason other than to to make it last a little longer) and watch drivel about how some of the characters know each other and a little bit of pointless back story which leads up to before the flashback. We soon find out that aliens have invaded and are abducting people for some unknown reason. Yawn! This has been done a lot in Hollywood with quite a bit of success, independence day being the best one that pops to mind. Now, this might sound like it should work quite well for the film, but thanks to a crap script and crap acting it falls drastically short of bring any where even near watchable, let alone enjoyable. Over the course of the 40 minutes we see some predictable ideas of escape, all of which fail miserably, and the typical army retaliation, which fails even worse, all leading up to the main character taking a chance and trying to escape via the roof. Why go up to where there is no cover from the flying aliens I have no idea when going down didn't work I couldn't see the logic, but hey, thats just me. Now, there was potential along the line, but the writers didn't take full advantage of it. The aliens seem to be after our brains to give life to more aliens, which on paper sounds good but it just didn't work. So, why when the main couple get took on the alien mothership along with 99% of the rest of L.A. and the male lead gets his brain removed is he the only human alive to still be himself and not another mindless, genocidal alien and protect his girlfriend I don't know, and why for being in a completely different body all together is he instantly able to fight off every other alien is beyond me. To sum up, good potential, terrible delivery. If you wanna waste an hour and a half of your life you'll never get back, by all means watch it. Personally, I think I should have just watched independence day again. The only reason I gave the film 1 star was because 0 stars wasn't an option.
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Sharktopus (2010 TV Movie)
12 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Now I love a good creature flick, but my god this film took the award as one of the most awful pieces of crap I've ever watched. The acting was awful, the stirrings was predictable, the continuity was a complete hash and the cgi must have been done by a blind child. The only good thing about the film was it didn't last longer. A word of advice to any one wishing to watch this would be to avoid it like the plague. **SPOILER** Here's a quick list of faults When it comes time for people to be eaten they stand in either the same spot flailing their arms like mental patients or else moving towards the sharktopus's mouth. None of the actors seemed to know where the CGI was going to be happening at. The camera work must have been done by a one armed epileptic. To sum up, an awful, awful, AWFUL movie!!
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