
30 Reviews
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Madame Web (2024)
Horrible campy acting not even Ms. Johnson could save
13 April 2024
I had a feeling starting it but with Dakota Johnson in it we figured we'd try it. It started out well enough but went down hill super quick.

It was bad and I mean REALLY Bad!

The acting was super cringe, flat, campy and just so cliche that I literally was asked wtf are we watching.

Im not sure if its the writers fault, the directors or the actors but you folks really missed with your own target audience.

You propose these 'bad ass super heros' without any of the hero journey. You want us to like characters you have to make them likeable, not inept, flat and two dimensional that can barely be called a person.

Its honestly a wonder how these corporations can even stay in business when they shell out for these hollow films and cancel the ones that fans actually liked.
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Deus (2022)
Horrible; Soylent Green in Space
5 February 2024
Its soylent green in space if it was a lower budget, thrown in with a couple of well known actors to carry this stinker. As much as I love claudia black I wouldn't of watched this if it wasn't for her at all and thats only because of Farscape and Stargate. The Entire first act is very low budget with nothing really to it. The 2nd 2/3 atleast has some minuscule action thats mostly just CGI with little to nothing else outside of a over done physical acting by Ms. Black in the "med bay" thats little more then a table with lights on it most of the set pieces are similar. Im honestly just not sure if the British can do Science Fiction.
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Reacher (2022– )
I dont Give 10 Stars
19 January 2024
Since ive been on IMDB I think of give two other 10 star ratings. Probably something from the late Robin Williams and something from Keanu Reeves. I dont give 10 stars for the simple reason that very few things hit hard enough to warrant it. There's always something keeping any given movie or show from it; be it Acting, writing, filmography, action, pacing what ever some thing always falls flat and it pulls you out of the 'escapism' like guys firing guns and never reloading or firing three rounds and then reloading for the 15th time. While I haven't read the books from what I can tell not only does it stay true to the source material at excels at it. Maybe hollywood will learn from this? Probably not. Like everything else this show will probably be cancelled within a few seasons for some bs made up reason even though the vast majority of people have favorable responses to it. If it wasn't for this show I probably would of cancelled my Prime membership a while ago.
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You might like it if your brain dead or have low IQ
25 August 2023
Unconnected plot points for an inconsistent creature feature film with all of maybe 10seconds of actual creature time. Add in a heavy doss of Extremely low emotional intelligence and child actors that are sobbing one second and then completely fine the next followed by a next scene where the movie just immediately picks up the pacing . You'd have to be an idiot to find this entertaining, I dont know what I expected but it wasn't this from the cool fkn poster it looked like it might be the next jaw's boy was I let down. This movie seems to be trying to piggy back on the "MEG" franchise by having roughly the same creature in but instead of having good action, an interesting story or any kind of character development it gets replaced with some hooky 2000year old maya religion crap that feels somehow both forced and out of place at the same time so Kudos to the Producer/Director for being able to do that.

Your not going to walk away from this dumpster fire travesty feeling anything at all. Its the same white guy savior bs cliche movie troop that been regurgitated over and over again for years.
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Radius (2017)
The Bad Guys Always loose
5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers

guy wakes up in a field without his memories. Blah blah blah. People that get within thirty feet or so of him just randomly drop dead. Then they seemingly throw out the entire premise of the movie only to stir in a plot twist her is the female lead who seemingly doesn't die. Some more blah blah blah turns out these two are "polar opposites" or if your a science oriented person he is giving off some kind of EM field that kills people and she when in close proximity cancels the field. Some more blah blah blah happens, turns out he seemingly saved her life from an attempted suicide by jumping off a bridge at the equivalent height of two or three stories or so. Some more blah blah blah. Basically it turns out they both got hit with a lightning strike and that some how gave them 'powers'? Which seems like just lazy writing so im going with EM field (electromagnetic field) because every living thing on earth actually has a very minor but measurable one. We then find out he is a serial killer and has been praying on the Missing Women of a town for awhile and Rose was to be his next victim but they got hit with that lightning strike instead causing both to loose their memories. A little more blah blah blah and she ends up getting shot by these idiots trying to kill him, he rushes her to the hospital and then shoots him self in the head.

Roll credits. Its not quite a waste of an hour and a half of your life but your not coming away from the movie feeling anything profound. Basically its a movie trope in cinema that bad guys always loose, because they dont always loose in real life.
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Die Hart (2023)
Strange, Bizare, Violent and yet
19 April 2023
Stupid ... just so stupid! Seriously stupid to a point where I am dumbfounded about my self for having sat through it almost entirely. I probably skipped a good 5-10minutes; Dont get me wrong I love Nathalie and Jean but this was like watching a god damn Segal movie post 1990 like after Under Siege when he started thinking hes an actual martial artist.

I fully believe Kevin Hart could be a leading (point man) action star if he would literally take ANY of his roles seriously and not as a joke. Hell look at Keanu doing John Wick. If you want to lead then train like like and make a serious flick.
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Vendetta (I) (2022)
Tailor movie for stupid children
29 August 2022
If your not a kid under 18, male, or if you actually have a brain then your not going to like this one. Bruce couldn't even carry this horrible pos.

#1 There's no such thing as a Retired or "Use To Be a Marine" unless you were a cook, or a clerk or a Chaplin then stop using the "Marine" tag line like it means something only to be the worst fighter in hand to hand easily gets his ass kicked! And has no muzzle control with a firearm.

#2 it would take less then 10seconds for a Marine to kill anyone especially when your talking about some punk kid, in 1v1 hand to hand close quarter combat. Think John WIck expect Faster! What we get in this movie isn't a marine its more like an Army Radio Specialist its honestly more then a little disrespectful that people think this kind of portrayal of one of the worlds most trained and most lethal combat branches is looked at or written about like a weakling. Especially one that looks in such good shape.

Worst of all most of the dialog is Laughable at how utterly bad it is, I mean most of it really is just cliche I was half way expecting some to say "Im always ready" just so I can without a doubt confirm its not going to get any better and just turn it off.
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Voyagers (2021)
Lord of the Flies with a twist
22 April 2021
The Twist is its in Space and just gets stupid after that.

These "Characters" are bad joke, everything about this wreaks of bad writing and is utterly taboo. I was hoping the entire time of an actual alien or atleast a simulation hell I would have settled for a fake ship inside a NASA Vacuum Tube in a study to test the human mind when exposed to deep space and isolation.

Instead its stupidity followed by even dumber dialog! Not to mention that somehow we were able to travel to another star system that isn't Proxima Centauri in 86years

Skip this save your brain cells.
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This is rated too high
15 April 2021
While the animation is decent at best "Sgt Rico" wouldn't be commanding a squad full of cowards! It wasn't even 5minutes in and the feminist sexism was already glaring at you daring you not to notice it while its slapping you in the face. With its bold statements like "Marines are apparently all cowards" except Rico which I take personal offense to and "Marines will stand there in shock while their team gets killed right in front of their eyes" then lastly only women are somehow immune to this with a bug seemingly barking at her like a dog instead of taking that same exact time to rip her apart. Im sorry but this is bulls***.

The first two movies were an allegory for the military indoctrination of youth and the military complex at large. If you were quick you caught what the writer and director were saying. We are the bugs, we move from place to place consume the resources and move to the next area and do it again while we destroy everything in the path even if its the planet its self.

This animation did not land close to the tree that spawned it. The viewer might enjoy this if your IQ is low or your below a 12th grade reading level.
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Doors (I) (2021)
Skip this or say "okay what?"
13 April 2021
This is our reality, we live in it with these movie concepts that are great as a concept but instead of anything deep, meaningful or syfy we are instead given little more then a plot device. It gives the immediate distinction that it is here to "Archive" meaning catalog, index and store Humanity and then "Refreshes" the world by ending it.

The doors them self resemble trillions of nano bots, the technology proposed indicates that it can bend, warp, meld, transform, create and destroy matter as well as Space and Time. What ever these "Doors" are is not benevolent entity. Little else can be gleaned other then its a multi-dimensional nature means its more powerful then god and its actions make it far less kind.
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Campy, lame, cheap jump scares and campy af
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Typical nick cage trash, this time its "demonic possessed robots" if it wasn't obvious at first glance.
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DId you watch the trailer? Congrats you've seen the whole movie then
1 April 2021
There's a better Thor on NetFlix the show was called Ragnorok honestly its by far a better Thor story. This one though eh it wouldn't be so bad if it had a better presence This one has no depth, soul, passion or edge. "If its going to be mellow its gotta have something or it better mean something!" -Wes Borlan.
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No Continutity: a movie about teens to afraid to do anything
17 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jeez this movie took comic book superhero's and turned them into children afraid of their own shadows to a point where they would rather give up or run away instead of use their powers and fight only to Finally make them fight 20minutes later.

The only characters that get any character development are the girls and the guys are throw away characters.

This movie has no pacing, the action scenes are limp with people screaming and crying or flailing around in the case of the only other "Bad Ass" female.

Either the dialog is flat or these people lack the ability to act or posses any kind of physically prowess to make an action sequence look good.

I found my self saying "Fight", "Get Up!" "Stop Crying", "Stop Screaming" "You can teleport! just teleport out of the bubble!" and "What are you waiting for Draw Your Damn Sword and Teleport" repeatedly throughout the entire second half of this cheese fest, eye rolling, cringe, groan worthy piece of junk.

Can we just have a decent movie with a strong female lead thats actually good.
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Sweet Home (2020– )
Think Resident Evil only waayyyy worse!
26 February 2021
Im sure it looses something in translation, but the acting in this is horrible.
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Average Joe (2021)
I cant give this lower then a 1.
25 February 2021
If I could give this a negative score I would -10, as in you would have to pay me to watch this.

This might be a good movie if I didn't care about things like acting, story, plot, dialog, action, drama or really anything that makes a movie watchable.

If you watched the trailer you've seen the entire movie. Seriously. Save your brain cells.
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Edhy and cliche
9 February 2021
Its kind of bad, its not the worst thing on netflix thats for sure with this drought of content either from the pandemic or netflix just being inept.

The whole movie just has edgy plastered all over it, since I am not Korean and am unable to appreciate the film un-dubbed I am sure it looses something there cause the voice acting in dubbed was horrible, extremely campy and cliche. It fails to make any kind of emotional connection or instill any empathy for its main characters or its plot device.

it might be better entertainment if I didn't have a brain.
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SteroTypical pre-teen immature annoying anime
24 January 2021
Its annoying more then it is entertaining with all the cliche anime tropes thrown in to keep the immature fan boys happy. I doubt you'll enjoy it unless thats your thing.
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Peppermint (2018)
Decent but poorly writen sends the wrong message
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
-Warning contains spoilers-

Its hard to review this title without spoiling it. So lets dive into this trash.

While I love Garner I dont think this is on her, but the opening scene alone doesn't make sense as does much of this movie. We open up with three gang bangers tatted up like its 1980 Santa Monica who open fire on a Family on a fair ground while driving a crown vic in a parking lot. That alone isn't whats screwy whats off is Apparently the Husband is or rather was involved with this gang somehow and the wifey somehow already knows about this. The amount of cringe taboo is just putting my eyes in the back of my skull. Queue sappy heart felt dramatic music with a silent scream and action. There was no attempt by the gang banger father after hearing the first shot to even seek cover or shield the child. Has my eyes roll further into the back of my head shaking in dumbfounded to this bs. So its already a story of a weak cowardly guy type with the "strong female" wow ground breaking work here. Its John Wick without the dog. Its Diehard 2 and not 1. If you want to make a movie like this it has to be believable and this hot trash isn't; Thats just the first 25minutes it gets worse, as a Wife and mother who just got home from the hospital after receiving a gun shot to the Head! by the way there's no exposition there at all was it a grazing shot? Next thing we know shes got short hair for no apparent reason other then to signify a mental decline. With no other friends or family at the house shes just putting things into boxes like la-de-da and in walks some unknown man doors not even locked lets himself right in. Again this is 30minutes in and im not sure If I can stomach this hot trash any further. The worst part is its not the acting its just a Tone Deaf piece of drama trying to be an action movie and it missed. It misses all the marks where it counts and matters.
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The Assignment (I) (2016)
Near miss
18 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Near miss as in Miss this one, Not to throw shade on any of the actresses or actors in this flix. But making a movie just to appease a social offset or the lbqtg community 8s not how good movies are made. I honestly dont understand what is happening in our world where they have to hide such a talented and beautiful actress like Michelle Rodriguez in cgi guy makeup to try and make it believable and then make that cgi dick, so Miss Rodriguez is a shower and not a grower I'm straight but that's just a little disappointing
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Confusing afffffff
15 January 2020
Watching this was like being forced to listen to someone tell a story and you just don't care. Confusing with scene transitions and a complete lack of exposition being shown half way decent cgi without any explanation on what's being shown while scenes are overly dark or saturated without lighting. Again there is basically no explanation on what these things are where they come from or how they ended up here.

This leaves me wondering if any of this was covered in the first movie
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Blackbear (I) (2019)
Just bad don't waste your time
9 January 2020
Not going to lie or sugar coat this, this "movie" is really bad. Not sure I'd it's the script or the acting bit it never lets up. from heartless performances soulless dialog and a repetitive cascade of scenes that leave you wondering what is happening what is going on or where that came from which wouldn't be complete with out these very obvious set and scene transitions. The good news it's on netflix so if you have the run time to kill and you don't feel like watching paint drying or literally doing anything else with your life you can slug through this one.
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The Worst Movie of 2019
29 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What to say about this movie ... Weak acting, I mean its so bad its funny!

These "UAC MARINES" are more like children running around with paintball guns rather then actually showing combat tactics, weapon control, or even simple formations.

The only reason I can see why they would spit in the face of the fans is to appease the feminist, like these girls screaming as they gun down a zombie or insert dramatic pauses after they punch a male counter part which dialogue leaves you thinking "what!?" this movie is barley coherent. The Men are all portrayed as weak, feeble, scared cowards these are supposed to be Marines! and any man that shows any strength is immediately killed off and the rest run away from a fight! A man can dump an entire magazine into one of the movies bad guys and it just keeps going but a female and do 3 bursts of 3round for a total of 9shots and it dies!

Another movie with people walking around with 3-4 bullets in a magazine and arnt capable of reloading because their male.

I cannot rip on this movie enough not even a full 20minutes into the movie these so called marines are in a wide open room were talking 30x30 and yet somehow some way these bad guys are able to sneak right up on them!? What is this movie!?
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Brilliant, well excucted nonstop immersive thrill ride
19 May 2019
Just saw this movie and Im almost speechless. The fight scenes were amazing and very well done with one caveat that is the fight scene with the Shinobi which may have been intentional because well their frickin Ninja's! Yes this movie has Frickin Ninja's In it! ohhhh Just Sooooo Good. Basically this movie doesn't fail to keep you on the edge of your seat you never know if John Wick is actually going to make it or not. Every fight feels like it good be the last. The 5minute knife room fight was definitly on of them every knife throw you cant help but think why arnt these knife hurting anyone and then a split second later some guy gets hit with four or five of them. Everything about this movie and the John Wick series so far has just been such an amazing thrill ride I for one Love these movies with such a massive amount of characters, actors and actresses that pulled this movie all together. Easily one of The Best Action Movies I Have Ever Seen and I go back to the 80s where Schwarzenegger, Van Dam and Norris were house holds names. The best part of the movie might have been the Matrix reference I balled laughing, Watching Halle Berry kick some major ass as a definite second.

I Seriously and very truly hope they continue to make John Wick movies. As a Fan of the action genre in general there's been a very noticeable gap of good movies that fill that void and who better to fill it then the amazing Keanu Reeves.

Cheers man!

And Kudos.
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Great Flick, Fun and Heart Warming.
14 May 2019
I am a wrestling fan this movie surprisingly hit a little close to home, I grew up watching Andre the GIant, Hulk Hogan, The Big Show, The Rock, Stone Cold and Sooo many countless others. I can honestly say I never knew Paige's story and this was a great way to tell it. Wrestling really is like a soap opera with tights, and just like this movie it can take you on a bit of an emotional roller coaster.
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Occupation (2018)
Honest Review
4 March 2019
Was this ever in a movie theater? I'm unsure if this was a direct to Netflix flick but here's the gritty review.

This isn't an Action Syfy, its a Drama with a metric Ton of exposition and no Science or Science-Fiction and limited Action. This reminds me of a Red Dawn remake with Aliens and way more CGI.

As far as the Science goes; Any Alien Race or Culture significantly advanced enough to traverse 65,000Ly or more would wipe out our world with little to No effort having never broken a sweat. Furthermore crossing that distance for a single planet is absurd as it would be far easier to take one of the millions of other Class-M (Earth Like World) in our galaxy that would have been closer to this supposed races Home world.

Lastly I lost interest in this movie after maybe 10minutes and found my self fast forwarding skipping to find good bits of actual Science or any small bit of Syfy.

On a side note note Not having some kind of massive Armed Forces of Entire World and all the Nations of Earth uniting and rising up to meet this extra terrestrial threat is just a complete wash and discount of Ronald Ragand showing the budget for this movie. Highlighting the lack of exposition and reasoning behind why they are actually here relying solely on dramatic tones and acting to fill almost two full hours of other wise nothing. Perhaps I fast forwarded through the bits of why these "Aliens" came here to begin with, but I doubt it.
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