
19 Reviews
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Midsommar (2019)
3 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The message I got from this movie: White people are crazy! Okay, some cultures have their beliefs, rituals, laws, superstitions, etc. But all this movie does is show how stupid people are who fall into this cult crap. Okay so the main girl has PTSD and found a place "she can call home." I didn't find it "artsy" like some reviewers. I had to keep hitting the 10 seconds ahead button on some scenes that were too drawn out. It was mostly disturbing that the characters found it acceptable what they were doing. Actually, I was surprised they didn't eat the other people. And, no, Will Poulter, referring to "trivia", this movie was not better than Hereditary. At least IMO.
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Certain Women (2016)
What a waste
3 March 2020
How do you spell b-o-r-i-n-g. Did Michelle Williams owe this director a favor? She was the reason I watched this movie. It would've been better following just one of these women's stories with a little more added to it. I didn't see the connection, at all, of these women. I was stunned at the end, thinking, "this can't be the end." I don't recommend this movie at all.
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Everfall (2017)
MAJOR SNOREFEST, watch something else
19 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Recorded this on D V R in case I had to fast-forward some parts. Jeez, I actually dozed off a few times so I actually had to rewind. With the exception Colm Feore, this story was just too out there. Not compelling, not scary, no emotional connections, whatsoever, just bad. The main girl was just a wreck of a character; what was with the killing of the kids? So, I kept waiting for some big moment. None came, and at the end when you finally find out the back story, I immediately hit "erase" on my clicker.
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David Makes Man: David's Sky (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Beautifully filmed
18 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
***Some spoilers.........The pilot opens up the story, you learn a lot about the main character and his struggle. I totally guessed that the man he speaks to was a subconscious figure, maybe his father? But he seems to carry much guilt for such a young man. Can't wait for the next episode.
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Hereditary (2018)
Pretty creepy
6 January 2019
I love Toni Collette, and I love horror, so was excited when I saw it included free in Prime. All of the actors were excellent and convincing, some of the scenes were a little slow (thank you fast forward), and some were shocking, sad, and pretty creepy. But I wouldn't have understood the plot if I hadn't read the trivia. Kind've like Killing of a Sacred Deer, strange characters, creepy events, watch til the disappointing end, and still bewildered. A lot unexplained in Hereditary. Think I'll watch it again without fast forward, maybe I missed something?
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Love Liza (2002)
Best line in the movie
27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
...was Kathy Bates, "You had it all!" Otherwise, painstakingly sat through this just to see what the letter said. Depressing story of a man on a downward spiral. Highly unlikely there would be no mishaps while sucking gas fumes. Only if you love PSH should you watch this movie.
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Lore: Unboxed (2017)
Season 1, Episode 6
Glad I watched this one first
10 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This story must be the basis of every "lonely kid needs a friend" spooky story ever! Although Twilight Zone had a pretty good one with Talky Tina. Especially interesting were the stories told in between, like Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy with a little Candace Bergen thrown in. Oh, and the guy who stole corpses and dressed them up and lived with them. I've never been big on dolls, not even as a child, not even Barbie, and for good reason.
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Savageland (2015)
Well done!
9 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Cruising through my Fire TV; thought I'd give this one a try. Whoa! Kept my interests, no fast forwarding needed due to lengthy dialogue. All of the actors did great jobs, especially the survivor. Law enforcement portrayals were funny, though rang true in some places. Photos were creepy, especially the one with the little girl. Appreciate that there was no conclusion as to what really happened. The survivor ended up being a folk hero at the end. Recommending to my sister, another horror lover!
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Thought it would be better
6 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While I'm a fan of Michael Fassbender, I was too caught up in the fact the two leads were dating and now married, so I couldn't get emotional, even though the story was pretty sad. I understand he loved her so much to take the fall after they were found out, but after reading the girl from her arms, it just made it worse for her, AND being without her husband. The movie was beautifully shot, I love the sights and sounds of the ocean's crashing waves. It would've made more sense if the Rachel Weisz character knew that Isabel miscarried twice, although she was very sympathetic to not sending them both to jail for a long time.
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God's Pocket (2014)
Not what I expected
6 January 2018
The movie description on Showtime reads "a small town man tries to hide the fact that he's responsible for the death of his stepson in a construction accident" . That's not at all the story!!!! I went ahead and watched because of the excellent actors, PSHoffman, Richard Jenkins, John Turturro, Eddie Marsan, and a few others. What a bunch of unexpected events! There was some drama, some comedy, and an all out strange ending. I enjoyed this movie and would recommend to others to check it out.
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Shot Caller (2017)
Good drama, but not believable
18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoiler: I only watched because of Nicolaj starring. Story telling kept your attention, showing how he ended up in prison. Since he was a Wall Street banker of some sort, he would've had a better lawyer in real life. Some of the prison scenes were brutal, though, no problem with believability. Death scenes were raw, especially Shane's, I mean, Shotgun. You would think he would want to alter his appearance just a tad after being paroled! I guess the whole idea of him wanting to give up his family and freedom for prison life, I don't buy it. But I would recommend this movie to others that want to see Jamie Lannister in a different light. I agree with one other reviewer, good movie, bad title.
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La La Land (2016)
Not Best Movie caliber
24 October 2017
While I like Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone in other movies, I didn't think this one was all that it was hyped up to be. I love musicals, but this one didn't move me at all. Best Supporting Actress? C'mon! Best Movie nominee? Don't think so. Even the dance sequences were cheesy. Not a repeater.
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American Horror Story: Election Night (2017)
Season 7, Episode 1
Did we really have to re-live the horror?
8 September 2017
Millions of us felt similar that night, did we have to be reminded? Not sure where the plot is headed, CULT must refer to believing as the character KAI does, and the little "pinky swear" must be the acceptance into the CULT. But the hysterics of Sarah Paulson's character was a little over the top, her wife doesn't seem very sympathetic, and we'll be annoyed at how no one will believe their little boy. Loved the return of Twisty; pretty gruesome stabbing, ugh. And Chaz Bono fits right in. I'm hoping for some "twist" to the storyline away from politics. I'm more interested in REAL corruption going on in the White House; the REAL stuff is a horror in itself. I hope the show gets better.
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Not bad
24 August 2017
Not a bad sequel. Some parts were predictable and have the "yeah, right" moment, but lots of action. Tom Cruise showed he's aging like the rest of us, Cobie was pretty bad ass! Could've done without the "daughter" aspect, but I guess they needed another target for the bad guys. Please don't ruin it by doing another!
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Game of Thrones: Dragonstone (2017)
Season 7, Episode 1
Pick up the pace
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Creepy scene with the Whitewalkers and Wights. Now why wouldn't Jon order the burning of the dead giants so they couldn't be turned? Doesn't make sense. I understand this is only the first ep. of the season, but pace seems a bit slow, too much screen time with Sam and too long of a walk up to Dragonstone for Dragon Queen and crew. And really? Ed Sheeran? Though it helped he didn't have much dialogue. Brienne needs to keep an eye on sneaky Pete(yr) and be kinder to Ginger King Wildling. Want more action in eps to come, they promised things would move fast!
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Maleficent (2014)
What took me so long!
22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoiler......Review by Caron Hernandez: I was obsessed with Sleeping Beauty as a child, now I love this account of Malificent's story. I don't know what made me hesitant to watch this, Angelina Jolie did a fantastic job as Malificent, as did all of the actors/actresses. The portrayal of Aurora's father was a turn as far as a villain. He only had himself to blame. The "true love's kiss" was also unexpected. Some of the reviewers compare this to the original animated story, big mistake. You also read too much into the story. If you analyze this fairy tale in such a manner that you find it offensive, how do you enjoy movies at all? Lighten up! And remember, this isn't a remake or the story of Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty, the movie is called "Malificent". All in all, I would recommend this movie to friends and family.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Sticking with the show
26 March 2017
Okay, some of you are disappointed with the show. It's gonna happen. There's gotta be some episodes where you learn the depths of the characters or you won't understand their motives. If this happened in real life, there wouldn't be excitement every single day, right? There's gonna some down days. If you've followed the show from S1, we've joined our teams and stay loyal, until they're killed. This season started off very dark, but then we knew what was going to happen. I think we just need to be patient, or just go read the comics so you can disappoint yourself when things don't happen the same. For binge watchers, those who didn't start watching 7 years ago, you're experiencing TWD over kill, you didn't go through the long wait between seasons or mid-seasons, so disappointment is eminent. The show is basically about survival of the fittest. I have often wondered, like many, if this show were to end, how would it end? Cure? That would be the biggest disappointment.
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Suicide Dolls (2010)
didn't know what to expect
28 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Decent acting by leads. Pretty easy to follow, though, some people might have a problem with time-line. I just paid attention to what they were wearing. SPOILER ALERT! (Somewhat) Story line a little unbelievable, Jade didn't even try to communicate with loving dad. Amber could've run away like a lot of teens do or commit crimes for attention. Good message. I didn't expect a PSA. Not suitable for teen viewing, IMO. Movie is worth a look at. I was really just looking to see what Steven Baur was up to and saw this title in his filmography. He was the only actor, along with the woman who played Jade's mom, that I knew from other movies.
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Gigot (1962)
brings back memories
23 July 2012
I saw this movie when I was around 10 or 12 years old. I'm now in m 50's and still remember how this movie made me feel. You fall in love with Jackie Gleason at the start, you feel all of his emotions, without ever saying a word, and that was his specialty, and you're so happy at the end of the movie! It makes you laugh, smile, cry like a baby, even root for Gigot when he steals the money from the bakery! You only wish he would end up with a family. This movie should NEVER be re-made; leave it alone with all it's simplicity. That's what makes it such a classic. I just wish it would come out on TV or DVD. Or even on TCM or AMC, one of those channels that shows old movie classics. Heck, even Amazon!
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