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Delightful comedy..terrific fun
8 March 2012
I saw this film in 1976...I lived in the North of Scotland,and TV was truly awful..I switched on this film which was in German with subtitles,the only reason was, I was learning German...what a delight..the humour is dark but comes fast and funny,no one I know has ever seen this film,and as a previous reviewer has said,it hasn't been shown again,on TV, but I was feeling down and I watched it because it was German, I laughed and laughed,the story is one of two hardly master criminals, who disable each other "doing a job" from there on the laughs come thick and fast .whoever said the Germans have no sense of humour has never seen this film. I hope it comes on TV again,and I pray its not a case of 'distance lending enchantment 'on my part.....I thought in 1976 it was brilliant,and I'd love to see it again.
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Norbit (2007)
Eddie at his best
30 September 2011
well Norbitt came out to awful reviews in this country..anti women..anti fat women...anti everything women...I like Eddie Murphy..if he has gone where eagles don't the guy is incredible...Norbitt is so funny from the first second to the last....the story is ..boy meets girl..boy loses girl...boy regains girl, but oh boy the action is thick and fast..Norbitts wife deserves an Oscar...but you have to keep telling yourself thats Murphy....and who ever delivered the line "God bless America" or"Officer down " with more of a belly laugh...The Man is so funny I cant think of anyone giving me more laughs The nutty Professor was funny but this film I've watched it ten times,and I don't tire of it..if your a fat feminist ..dont watch...but for the rest of you ..enjoy
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Unforgiven (1992)
Deserves got nothing to do with it
30 September 2011
well Clint has come out with many great lines..from "i KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING, to A MANS GOT KNOW HIS LIMITATIONS, and he doesn't disappoint in Unforgiven...his line DESERVE HAS GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, sure shows the old boy can cut it.But I digress..this film is an offbeat western,with possibly more truth in it than many others....Clint is a past by date horrible killer trying to raise two kids, not too successfully..when a young buck arrives and tells him of a reward for getting two cowboys for molesting a prostitute,he thinks once and then goes...the old boys rusty...but not that rusty...he calls to collect Morgan Freeman...and the stage is set.however in Little whiskey is the old tough sheriff...and the boys find getting their reward a touch tougher than they thought...but in a finale suitable for Clint films, he we knew he would...a good film...well acted...not overdone...well worth watching
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Fallen (1998)
Unusual cop story, complete with demon.
26 September 2011
Well if anyone has ever read any of my reviews they will know I just think Denzil is great..I first saw this film years ago,and I now have it on DVD..cost me one BP.a bargain.This film is I suppose a semi horror come thriller,the plot is about a serial killer who Denzil has caught and witnesses his execution, what he doesn't know is the man is possessed by a demon who can jump from body to body.So when the killings continue after the execution with the same modus operandi, Hobbs(Denzil) has to investigate, it soon becomes apparent that the demon(Azazel) wants to destroy Hobbs...and the battle commences.Its got a well balanced cast,and suspense is maintained throughout the film..and the ending is pretty cool too...I said that it is only a semi horror film...and I have watched many films with more gore,and many more scares, but for me personally this film gets to me,it might not you, but it does me.All in all worth watching,with an unusual story and a twist to finish.
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Cat Ballou (1965)
Great film...great casting...a classic
24 September 2011
Not a film that gets any airing these days,which is a shame,because in its way it was a masterpiece..Lee Marvin was one of my favourites,and in Cat Ballou he showed his comic versatility, before i first saw it..I can't say I was too keen on Lee being comical,but what a success, add in Jane Fonda at the height of her beauty, and the great Nat King Cole, and the ingredients are there for a feast of spoof western.The plot is simple there is a dangerous killer to be dealt with.( Lee Marvin ) so they send for a dangerous gunman to sort him (also Lee Marvin ) unfortunately he's a hopeless drunk..add in Jane Fonda as the notorious gang leader Cat Ballou and the whole picture is extremely enjoyable...when you see this film its not dated, you will see just how beautiful Jane Fonda was, although at the time she wasn't very popular in the USA..But most of all Lee Marvins twin performances make you see what a great actor he was..super film.
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Sure Zombies can be a hoot.
24 September 2011
One my favourite films, I first watched it by accident,because I don't like Zombie films..but this is something else again...It is so funny,whilst pretending to be serious. Clu Gulager was a great actor, and his repertoire was vast .,in this film the cast go together beautifully, and the humour comes fast and furious.The plot is simple, two simple guys work in a factory and downstairs they have an undelivered army experiment in a 45 gallon drum,which contains a zombie...they release it,and the rest of the film is devoted to getting rid of it, and their fight for survival as the plague spreads....this is not like George Romeros films though the writer was once involved with Romero. All in all this film is a great spoof on Zombie films,and although is funny, its as believable as any of the other Zombie films...very enjoyable.
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The Killers (1964)
A great cast,super acting, and Lee Marvin, a must watch movie.
23 September 2011
I have seen this film many times,and I have never tired of it..considering it was made for TV, somehow the film got into the movies,the cast is top class.It was not even called the Killers in the USA.Lee Marvin and Clu Gulager are contract killers...who get curious about one of their hits,they are breaking the hitmans code ,but smell a big payoff...the cast is classy with the beautiful Angie Dickenson at the height of her powers, throw in Ronald Reagan as the top crook with the superb John Cassavetes as the fall guy and the sparks fly.Clu Gulager was a great actor and in this film plays a very believable second string to Lee Marvins relentless and merciless killer.Throw in some great car scenes,and a cool ending,and you have a very enjoyable movie,with sub themes of greed, betrayal,and unrequited love.All in all a classic,very watchable,and you cant say that about many 1960s made for TV movies ..Super film.
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The Shining (1980)
A super film..worth seeing for Jack Nicholsons performance
22 September 2011
I have seen 'The Shining'many times...its a fairly long film and speaks volumes for the actors performances to hold it all together, Jack is as usual superb and portrays his character very well.Its a film that is worth seeing more than once because the first time it will probably scare you, then the second time you see gems that you didn't see first time,sometimes Jack Nicholson makes his character half way between a vision of nastiness, mania, and even comedy, the plot is straight forward, jack,his wife and stepson have to look after a deserted Midwest hotel,in winter where for six months it is snowed in,with the only contact to the outside world being a two way radio. All in all a classic movie, and unlike many of its era it doesn't seem dated, and has one of the most famous lines in the history of cinema.Its not really a horror story, but see it first time, and it will make you jump.
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Man on Fire (2004)
tony Scotts masterpiece
15 June 2011
well i have this film on DVD it came on film 4 so i recorded it...I've watched this film so much i know the dialouge poor sad me...but somehow this film is one that you can watch over and over...Denzil Washington plays the part of a sad touchable maniac in a way that hurts my heartstrings...and little Dakota was the most wonderful child actress ..i cry every time i see this film....hang on a im a 230 pound truck driver...but Tony Scott got this film ,music,actors, perfecto...the film is now getting old...Tony is dead...Denzil is paunchy ..dakota is grown up.....but the magic is there....i will play it....i will cry.....wonderful film....its in my DVD girlfriend wont watch it with me,,,,,wonderful film..
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Hitman (I) (2007)
i have hit-man a very good film
15 June 2011
I've watched it 30 times a great film the only funny is in the early scene where she has a tattoo on both sides of her face..and i have the DVD with different endings which i didn't like cos the girl got killed ..but a super film..i never watch films more than twice so hit-man a very good movie i thought the acting was super the main characters great and the locations were also very believable . the two main characters were just wonderful with interplay between timothy and Olga really believable , the film is quite brutal, but not as bad as some others, in a way it has a soft touch because of the growing strange relationship between the two main are never sure what it is ..but it must be love of some sort.its a very touching film but in a very strange way ..i love it well I've read the horrid moanings about this film but taste is a funny thing and of course i woulld never hurt any persons feelings but the film is great..olga is oh a great film no question I've tried to criticize this film cos my clever friends tell me..but no way, this is a great film
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