
5 Reviews
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Bird Box (2018)
Overrated guff
27 December 2018
The hype going into this was ridiculous. It was shambling, unsatisfying and badly acted aside from Sandra Bullock who was good, but not great.
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No character arc, no plot, no point
2 September 2018
As a fan of the original John Wick, I was extremely disappointed with chapter 2. The first half of the film is extremely grating with boring dialogue, a vague and thoughtless plot and and barely any of the exciting action scenes that made the first film endearing. The second half is made up of most of the action you expect, however there's nothing groundbreaking at all. I wouldn't waste your time with this and go play Xbox or someththimg if you want some hi-octane shootouts as they're far more exciting.
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Knowing (2009)
Why should I be embarrassed that I loved this?
10 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A good sci-fi movie should have a few things. Firstly, a possible, yet not always plausible, vision of the future. Secondly, an intriguing story and finally impressive design. I found that all of this was there. The solar flare ending of the world is not as far-fetched as most of us would like to believe and the abundance of earth candidate planets cannot be denied. Although why we would be saved as a species, I am not clear with! The film is a fast-paced action filled, dare I say, great movie. I found myself overlooking the fact that Nicholas Cage's acting skills are almost as wooden as the crucifix that wishes it was in this movie, because I had fun watching it. I was desperately waiting to see what disasters would befall our race. I enjoyed that Alex Proyas refused to bow to the modern-day action/violence cliché where people are killed remarkably quickly without suffering or gore in order to keep that much loved 12A cert, and instead showed some quite harrowing and realistic disaster scenes. The film kept you wondering to a certain extent, enough to keep me enjoying the film so I don't see why there was so much hate for it. Now, I know the ending has splintered people into groups and here's my outlook on this.

*************ENDING SPOILERS*************

After the kids are taken up to the ship and Nicholas Cage farts out his last cruddy moan, my partner turned to me and said, as I expected 100% "we better still see everyone else die!". I completely understand that this is how audiences work. They came to see the film after watching a trailer filled with exciting death and destruction scenes so they're going to want to see the world burn. I get it! I too wanted to see Nick Cage screaming for his life with his skin falling off and his hair on fire, sadly this did not come to pass; he did snuff it however, so all is good. You know they can't end the film there as you need to be shown that the kiddies were not taken to planet Boobieblam and chopped into cosmic pie, cue the 'Adam & Eve' scene. Look, you can't please everyone, but you did please me so 6/10
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Lost Signal (2006)
I wan't that time back
28 December 2008
Simply put, this is ridiculously bad. The film's first 15 minutes or so caused me to divide myself. Half of me was moaning "Boo! I've seen the slasher movies all before. Well, maybe this time it'll actually be scary" and the other half is screaming "Bring on the gore!" Neither is correct. Instead, I was treated to an unbelievably terrible movie that wanted to be something it most certainly is not. It's the psychological thriller version of a when a TV show tries to recreate a Hollywood disaster ... OK, I know that barely makes any sense but neither does the movie ... or the acting ... or the fact I wasted £3 on it. Maybe I should spend longer explaining my previous statement but that would mean giving the movie more of my time and I've wasted enough buying it, watching it and now trying in vain to make sure none of you decide to make the same mistake. You have been warned!
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
Very Pleasant Surprise
9 April 2006
OK, I'll be honest. When my pal said, "I've brought a good movie for a laugh." The first thing that went through my head, looking at the cover, was 'another boring chick flick'. BOY was I wrong. I swear at some points in this movie I did almost wet myself a little bit. Now, I am not the type of person who sees a film that makes me giggle a bit and then decide that because i laughed a lot, its a great movie. I'm not. I just love the fact that the situations are so real. Everyone can relate to the topic and the humour comes from genuine original slapstick, the likes of which I haven't seen done this well since "meet the parents", and of course 100% certified fresh young comedians of today.

Characters: Ryan Reynolds is fantastic in everything he does. Although I imagine he's a "love him or hate him" kind of actor (very similar to Jim Carrey, although I have never laughed as hard at Jim Carrey as I do with Ryan). His completely inimitable way of delivering these comic lines combined with raw physical performances that would put Jim Carrey to shame just gets me in the funny bone every time.

Anna Farris I have always been wary of. It's a big gamble starting your mainstream career in "Scary Movie" which is an obvious typecast. However, Anna's performance is excellent. She really takes that role and just when you think she can't shock you any more, she does.

Amy Smart doesn't really have a comedic role to play in this movie, which is a shame because as a comedic actress she really is quite something and pleasantly surprised me with her performance as the insane helicopter pilot in "Rat Race". Amy is the normality check in the movie when the other characters are getting a bit too crazy (I often find that insanity ruins good comedy).

Chris Marquette plays Ryan's brother. Somebody give this guy a medal. The play fighting that goes on between Chris and Ryan is the greatest on screen chemistry I have seen in a long time. You do really link to and believe the brotherly bond.

Chris Klein. Chris used to bore me. I though he was your standard pretty boy actor that could get away with an unchallenging side role in a comedy (American Pie), but this movie changed all that for me. I'm actually smiling here just remembering some of the faces he pulls during this movie.

…to wrap up. If you're a Ryan Reynolds fan or like a feel good movie or just plain want to see something funny, then don't miss this film. It guarantees a giggle or 2 and really leaves you feeling great. I loved it.
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