
2 Reviews
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Alien 3 (1992)
A dark masterpiece
31 May 2012
Alien 3 does what all good final installments should do: it keeps us guessing while building upon the franchise. One could argue that Alien 3 DIDN'T build upon the franchise, in which I would argue that in a reductive way it certainly builds upon Aliens. It takes us to the next level, connecting in tone with the original, yet taking us even further down into the depths of darkness. It was very fitting for an Alien film, complete with surprises, grimness, acid and blood. The Alien franchise didn't begin upbeat, so why should it end upbeat?

Directed with the same uncomfortable close-ups, fast-edits and colour-tints Fincher-fans would be familiar with from Fight Club, Alien 3 is packed full of interesting characters, symbolism and highly engaging sets. The atmosphere of the shaved convicts preaching faith while chasing the 'dragon' with fire is so fitting yet unpredictable for this franchise, that I encourage people to watch it with an open mind. Forget Fincher's qualms with this film, forget your emotional attachment to Aliens and watch Alien 3 for what it is: a film with balls. More films should be like this, and unless we want nothing but predictable sequels for the rest of our days, I suggest you rate this movie highly so we can get the score UP and writers into their next project with the encouragement to get creative.
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Amazing. (Slight spoilers)
25 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like The South Park kids in the South Park movie when they all rush out immediately to tell everyone just how great the Terrance and Phillip movie was. Of course this is Evangelion and comparing it to the fictional 'Asses of Fire' will probably upset many people on this board. Let me cut to the chase. I've always been a die hard Eva fan. By always I mean since about 1999 when Australia first got it's run of the show. Now I live in Tokyo and speak a hefty amount of Japanese so I was fortunate enough to see and understand this movie (since I believe a subtitled version wasn't released in Japan). It never actually dawned on me how suitable Eva is for film rather than as a series. Think of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or any epic saga that will remain in classic film history forever as opposed to (the slightly annoying) 26 chopped up bits of story, (and don't get me wrong I love the series and hate LOTR) but this movie (and the ones to come) are just so perfect. Leaving the theater I immediately wanted to rush out and buy the entire subbed box set but I guess I'll have to wait a few years for that purchase to exist. Now, moving on to the actual film. The main concern I had (and probably a lot of you have) is if the story would be butchered (if you calculate the entire series into three movies you can imagine a lot of the story would be gone) but rest assured it was brilliantly paced, timed, characterized and everything. The first half hour brings you into the story at the exact same pace the first episode did, leaving out nothing, which I thought was necessary. As the story continues (to tell the attacks of the next two angel) a lot of character and plot progression is made and it's only the unnecessary gags or repeated dialogue that's gone from the original series. Overall very well done. Maybe it's just the Japanese version but Shinji and Rei were slightly different to the American dub. Shinji was stronger, more rebellious, more lost, more "Kakkoii" and Rei's voice acting was almost cute. Also, the animation was excellent. The scene depicting Tokyo 3 merging underground was breathtaking. Music (classical mixed with J-Pop) was also excellent. All in all nothing is lost and a true classic is born. Ladies and gentlemen I hope you all have the chance of owning the entire film's box set in a few years time. Also (slight spoiler) Kaoru makes in appearance in literally the last minute of the film, just to give the audience a slight tease. Oh! And after the credits (which were scored with Utada Hikaru's Beautiful World) a trailer of the SECOND Evangelion film is shown in which THE NEW CHARACTER, a girl with glasses as well as Kaoru, Asuka and Kaji are all shown. If anyone has any questions about the film or how it may be different to the series, please ask. I rarely give a film 10 out of 10 (Requiem for a dream, Donnie Darko, Paprika and Fight Club being the only others on that list) but this film deserves it.
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