
16 Reviews
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I'm speechless...!
7 September 2019
This is quite possibly the worst movie ever made, and the 8/10 score it has received here is obviously fake, as nobody in their right mind would score this anything more than 1/10. If I could give it 0/10 I would. I've never seen such a disgrace of a movie.

I'm trying to think if there were any redeeming factors but there are none. It really is, without doubt, the worst movie I have seen in my entire life, and I'm 50 years old.and have watched a lot of movies.

Despite what it asserts, this quite obviously isn't a true story. It isn't anything. It's just someone talking nonsense for far too long. I'm still gobsmacked that someone had the audacity to not only make this movie, but to release it and pay people to give it a falsely high rating, because once they run out of money to pay for these votes, the rating is going to plummet. I'll be surprised if this doesn't drop to 2/10 within a few weeks.

Do yourself a favour and don't watch this, because you WILL regret it if you do. What is the world coming to when nonsense like this is even allowed on the screen, far less scoring 8/10 on here. The world had gone mad. The bar hasn't been lowered, it has been removed completely.
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Chappie (2015)
Fell Asleep Half-Way Through
18 May 2015
I really wanted to enjoy this movie, and I might have done, if I was 4 years old, with an IQ comparable to that of a gherkin!

I knew within the first 5 minutes that this was going to be one of the worst movies I'd ever seen, and I wasn't wrong. It was so bad that I fell asleep about half way through, and I have no intention of watching the remainder.

Is Hugh Jackman really so desperate for work that he sullied his name with this garbage?!?!

On another note, can somebody tell me where I sign up to get paid to write glowing reviews for crap movies?

Save your money and spend it on something worthwhile... like dehydrated water.
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Redirected (2014)
Another untrustworthy IMDb score
16 December 2014
I was really looking forward to this, especially after seeing the cracking score it had on IMDb... but terminal boredom set in after 20 minutes and I was wishing I'd watched something more interesting... like grass growing!

I try to like English films but this one was a total disaster!

I know I'm going to get a load of dislikes from paid reviewers but I wouldn't give this more than 4/10, and that's being generous!

Where do these scores come from, and how much do they cost to buy?

It's getting to the stage where I can no longer trust IMDb reviews and scores, as it's quite obvious that this score wasn't obtained in the normal manner (where people rate something based on how crap it isn't)

Do yourself a favour and watch something that isn't this.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
The Jackson Pollock Of Movies
27 June 2014
A word of advice... Ignore reviews from people who try to tell you this movie is a bit arty and special. These are the same people who try to dissect a Jackson Pollock painting and explain the splashes to lesser mortals. It's worth 2/10 for the visuals, which are spoiled by the rest of the movie, so 1/10 is generous.

This thing tries to be something it isn't. It's like a French film, with absolutely no plot, then just at the end when you're starting to get really bored and wondering why you bothered, nothing happens!

Take away Scarlett Johansson, and you're left with a bit of funky camera-work. Take away the camera-work and you're left with absolutely nothing.

Don't waste your time... unless you think Jackson Pollock's splashes are a bit special.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Talk about flogging a dead horse!
24 February 2014
I've seen shows milked for everything they're worth but this is an absolute joke!

Everything that has happened in series 4 (11 episodes as I write this) could have easily been condensed into one episode, and it wouldn't have been a very exciting episode.

This isn't a TV show, it's a soap opera, and an extremely dull one at that!

Surely this must be the final series, because it's getting well beyond a joke at this stage. I'm even getting bored typing about it but it seems I have to type a few more lines before I can submit this, so I'll add that the show's only saving grace is the CGI. You can't beat a bit of zombie head slicing, and it's the only reason I'm giving it 4/10, because IMHO, it doesn't even deserve that!
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All Is Lost (2013)
Dumbed down for the hard of thinking.
20 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
How did this guy make it into the middle of the Indian ocean on his own? The guy is so inept I'm surprised he manages to brush his own teeth without something going drastically wrong! I think 'Gravity' was the last movie I watched that assumed the audience had an IQ comparable to that of a gherkin, but this one has definitely lowered the bar and I actually feel insulted that someone would consider me so stupid as to find this even remotely entertaining or in any way believable! How hard could it possibly be to consult someone who actually had more than one brain cell and knew the basics... simple little things like... when water is spilling in through a 2 foot hole in the side of the boat, it's already too late to do anything about it! If the plot wasn't bad enough, the acting definitely finished the job. I've seen cardboard cut-outs with more depth than Robert Redford's character in this pitiful excuse for a movie! Definitely one for the hard of thinking!
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Gravity (2013)
Rent-A-Review strikes again!
10 December 2013
I wonder what percentage of the budget was spent on reviews? Going off the glowing reviews I see here, my guess is that Rent-A-Review have been working overtime again. In fact, I think this is the most blatant case of review fixing I think I have ever seen!

I could possibly understand people being impressed by the CGI and maybe giving it a 5/10 based on that but anything more than 5/10 is ridiculous and an insult to anyone with an IQ greater than that of a gherkin!

I was contemplating giving the movie just 1/10 but the effects were quite good. I had even considered giving it 3 or maybe 4 out of 10 (based on the effects) but special effects don't make a movie, at least not for me, and all the special effects in the world won't change the fact that this movie is crap!

I recently watched a time-lapse video of the earth, taken from the International Space Station, and I can categorically state, hand on heart, that the video from the ISS was far more entertaining than this pathetic offering.

It's a sad day when this sorry excuse for a movie ranks higher than Blade Runner, which is arguably the best sci-fi movie of all time! Maybe it's time that IMDb took a long, hard look at their voting/review system, because based on what I've seen here, it just isn't working!
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The Dirties (2013)
I don't know what to say...
8 October 2013
For the first time in my life, I watched a movie for a second time, immediately after watching it the first time. Not because the movie was in any way great, because it wasn't, it was crap... I felt compelled to watch it a second time because I was wondering what I'd missed that some reviewers obviously hadn't, and after watching it a second time, I realised I hadn't, in fact, missed anything, and the movie was at least as bad the second time around.

I'm going to give it a solid 3/10, because there was some fairly decent acting in it but realistically, as a movie, it probably deserves a maximum of 2/10 but I'm feeling generous.

I do love reading lengthy reviews from contributors who never reviewed anything before but felt it was their moral duty to write a glowing review for crap movie, although it does bring out the Sherlock in me and makes me wonder how legitimate some of these reviews are.

Anyhow, I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion... my opinion is that this movie was pure crap but hey, don't take my word for it, watch it for yourself and decide.
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Paul (2011)
24 April 2013
... If You're A Window licker, then this may be very good but I've waited for over a year to download this, and I thought it was going to be something special but it turned out to be special needs!!! How this gets such a high score is beyond me!! OK, if I was a blind, retarded window licker, then I might have shown a little interest but I'm not a window licker, so the movie did little more than annoy me!!! If someone can please point to the part that's worthy of more that 1/10... please, do so but I honestly can't see how this is worthy of anything more than 2/10! Why do people feel the need to score something highly, simply because it was 'OK'?

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The Clandestine (2012– )
Coronation Street for Harley Riders - Utter Garbage!
14 February 2013
I'm suffering from hemorrhoids at the moment, the grapes of wrath. It's a terrible affliction but I'd rather put up with piles than put up with another minute of this garbage! It was looking promising for the first 2 minutes but then I realised I'd pressed play on the wrong video and I was actually watching a Cheech and Chong movie. It's good to see some home-grown stuff, and 'Grabbers' was a good example but for everything good, there's something equally bad and this is that bad. I wish I could say something good about it but the best I can manage is "It's probably not much worse than Sons of Anarchy", and if you're a SoA fan, you might enjoy this garbage too.
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Kill for Me (2013 Video)
Another piece of my life I'll never get back.
12 February 2013
Armed with a solid 9.2 rating (that's what it was at when I watched the movie!), what could possibly go wrong?? Well, as per usual, the cast and crew and all of their families and friends voted for this movie on its day of release, and as a result, it had a score of 9.2/10 when I watched it... THAT'S what went wrong! If you check the ratings, you will see that over 1/4 of the people who subsequently voted for this movie, gave it a score of 1/10, and there's a very good reason for that... can you guess what it is? I strongly suggest you ignore those who voted 10/10, unless you trust ratings from those involved in the making of the movie, and don't believe reviews from anyone who tells you this movie is suspenseful or full of twists and turns or gripping or thrilling or anything of the sort! This movie is absolute garbage and I'd take any review to the contrary with an extremely large pinch of salt! Do yourself a favor... sit in your garden with some popcorn and watch the grass grow. Trust me, it would be far more exciting than this movie!
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The Liability (2012)
Definitely Worth Watching
27 January 2013
Totally unbelievable... but humorous! I still can't decide if it's supposed to be a comedy, a thriller or a gangster movie, or all of the above... Or whether it was just a bit of tongue-in-cheek fun for the writer.

The movie contains a complete mishmash of actors. It's like Laurel and Hardy meets Reservoir Dogs and everything about it is just so wrong but somehow it works! I think Tim Roth is the reason this movie worked so well. The guy is an excellent actor. Jack O'Connell played a fairly good part, too, and even though the movie was quite predictable, it was well worth the watch.

Definitely worth 7/10
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From Beneath (2012)
I fall for it every time!
12 January 2013
6.9/10 - That's the score this... thing had when I watched it. It is now at 3.2/10 and I have no doubt that it will fall to one of the lowest scoring movies of all time!

I've seen some bad movies in my time but this one really has lowered the bar. It is, without doubt, the worst movie I have EVER had the misfortune of watching!

I somehow managed to make it to 25 minutes before the desire to rip my eyes out of their sockets took over. Fortunately, the movie was so bad that the feeling of bewilderment counteracted this overwhelming desire, so I'm now in a position to warn any potential viewers... Do not watch this movie... you will regret it!

Words cannot describe how bad this is!
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Hijacked (2012)
Bad... in the worst sense of the word!
12 July 2012
Without doubt, one of the worst movies I've ever had the misfortune of subjecting myself to! The movie starts bad, with Vinnie Jones playing a part that's completely out of character, and from there, it just gets worse... much worse!

I won't talk about the glass bowls and decanters, etc, placed on the tables of a plane that's about to take off, instead, I'll talk about the worst plot, worst acting, and worst movie I've probably ever had the misfortune of watching! Actually, I'm lost for words... I'm trying to think of a few fitting, critical remarks about the movie, but it was so bad, that I'm struggling to comment, without adding spoilers and resorting to profanities! All I can say is, if you feel the need to watch this movie, but have a couple of spare needles in the house, I'd strongly suggest holding the needles over a flame, then inserting them into your eyes, because with hindsight, I would rather stick red hot needles in my eyes than watch this movie!

One of, if not the worst movie I have ever watched, and giving it a score of 1 out of 10, doesn't even start to describe how bad it is! Do yourself a favour and buy some needles... or you'll wish you had!
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Freerunner (2011)
Underwhelming to the extreme!
3 October 2011
When I saw that Danny Dyer played a main character in this movie, I was worried that it was going to be just another of his mediocre flicks, but I was actually quite surprised. I was surprised at the fact that this was his most underwhelming role to date!

Danny Dyer has played acceptable roles as the underling to hard men in some of his previous movies, but it seems that in a few of his recent movies, he's been elevated to 'boss-man' status, and his acting inabilities are now shining through.

When I read the plot, I thought the movie had a little potential, but terminal disappointment set in after 15 minutes, and all I could do was wait impatiently for the monotonously predictable ending.

I have nothing against Danny Dyer per se, but giving him a lead role in any movie is a recipe for serious face palming.

I'm feeling generous, so I'll give it 3/10
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Setup (I) (2011)
10 September 2011
Desperately bad acting, paralleled only by the plot (or lack thereof).

The movie was totally disjointed, and was completely devoid of anything that would grab the attention of any audience with an IQ greater the date of the month on which they were unfortunate enough to be subjected to this, for want of a better or more appropriate phrase, B-Movie.

I rarely comment on movies, but this is possibly the worst movie I've ever had the misfortune of sharing the same room as, far less, watching.

As much as I'd like to blame the writer, it's impossible to lay the blame at the door of any single person. As far as I can see, everyone involved in the making of this movie is equally to blame, and as a foot-note, it's sad to see that Bruce Willis never matured into a decent actor...
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