
3 Reviews
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Born a Country Girl, Died A Country Girl!
31 October 2003
Just received this video today in the mail after ordering it from timelife. It was an awesome excellent movie I read one review on here that said it was a waste of talent. Well they didn't make the movie you mr. whoever you are that didn't like the movie. It was very very good. Didn't even know the movie was for sale until I found this website and the found the movie.
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Saw movie on Starz Back in 1998 when it was a promo
22 October 2003
The comment I read above, disturbed me. Julia Sweeney is a genuine comic she not only took my emotions through laughter but through sadness and then picked me back up with laughter again. Julia was not whining. I cannot get enough of this stand up comic. I had known of Julia from "Pat" and "Saturday Night Live" and actually I liked her and when I saw this movie on Starz I laughed so hard and then felt the sadness that she intended to project to her audience. I then was shopping one day and I came across the movie...I screamed when I saw it and it was the only copy...this older man was holding and looking at it but I think I frightened him when I screamed. He asked me "have you seen this movie?" I said "yea" and he asked "is it any good?" now at that moment I thought I should have recommended the movie to him but there was only one copy so I lied and said "oh no it was terrible she lost a lot of money making that movie" I felt bad but when he set the movie down and walked away I picked it up and rushed to the checkout and bought it. I went home right away and washed it. I think you have to have a good sense of humor to understand the humor in what she says.....I love the impressions she does of her mother.....and the scandalous thoughts she had at the most worst time for anyone. It is sad about her brother.......I went out and got a cd by the "Crash Test Dummies" after I saw the movie and they are a good band. After seeing this movie I had a greater respect for Julia Sweeney. I wish I could meet her and tell her how much I love her and her movie "God Said "Ha"." I recommend that you pick up the movie and watch it
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Wheels of Terror (1990 TV Movie)
Wheels Of Terror and in between movie for me
22 October 2003
I loved "Wheels Of Terror" I saw it back in 1990 on television and then recently saw it for sale on ebay and bought a copy......I liked it but I think some of the movie is wasted on slow motion scenes...I would recommend this movie to anyone. Joanna Cassidy is awesome.....the drama and the plot seemed kinda corny before I watched it ya know how could the bus keep up with that fast dodge charger...everything is explained...I am writing a scrip for "Wheels Of Terror II Burn Rubber" which is my own creation I am going to try my hardest to make that movie a reality and maybe it would bring "Wheels Of Terror" back to television or even put it in theaters but I doubt it. I left a message for the sequel I am putting together on the message board.....please give me in put on it. Wheels Of Terror on a scale on 1-10...1 is bad 10 is good......I would give it a 7 it is a favorite of mine.
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